4665 Business Center Dr. Fairfield, CA 94534 Template A Quality Improvement Program Operations Measures Reporting Template: Third Next Available Appointment (3NA) Submit quarterly data either using this template via email at QIP@partnershiphp.org or fax at (707) 8634316 Measurement Period Quarter 1: July 1, 2014-September 30, 2014 Quarter 2: October 1, 2014- December 31, 2014 Quarter 3: January 1, 2015- March 31, 2015 Quarter 4: April 1, 2015- June 30, 2015 Provider Site: Name of Staff: Due Date October 31, 2014 January 31, 2015 April 30, 2015 July 31, 2015 Date of Submission: Please describe how this data is used internally at your site: Provider 1 name: Provider 2 name: Provider 3 name: Date of Day Zero (the date of the first clinic): Date and time of third open appointment: Third Next Available Appointment (Days): Date of Day Zero (the date of the first clinic): Date and time of third open appointment: Third Next Available Appointment (Days): Date of Day Zero (the date of the first clinic): Date and time of third open appointment: Third Next Available Appointment (Days): Add additional rows as necessary. Average 3NA: 4665 Business Center Dr. Fairfield, CA 94534 Template B Quality Improvement Program Operations Measures Reporting Template: Days from Scheduling to Check In Provider Site:_ Name of Staff: Date of Submission: Please describe how this data is used internally at your site: Rendering Provider Average Date Scheduled Provider 1 name: Provider 2 name: Provider 3 name: Provider 4 name: Add additional rows as necessary. Average Date of Check In Average Days between Scheduling and Check In 4665 Business Center Dr. Fairfield, CA 94534 Template C Quality Improvement Program Operations Measures Reporting Template: Provider/Team Continuity Provider Site: Name of Staff: Date of Submission: Please describe how this data is used internally at your site: Name of Provider/Care Team 1: Denominator (Total number of pre-scheduled appointments for a provider visit within the last full month of the reporting quarter. Exclude walk-ins; same day appointments DO NOT count as a walk-in and can be included in your denominator): Numerator (Of the total number of visits in the denominator, the number of these visits where their patients’ visits saw them or a member of their care team): Percent of visits to assigned provider/care team (Num/Denom*100): Name of Provider/Care Team 2: Denominator: Numerator: Percent of visits to assigned provider/care team: Add additional rows as necessary. 4665 Business Center Dr. Fairfield, CA 94534 Template D Quality Improvement Program Operations Measures Reporting Template: No Show Rate Provider Site: Name of Staff: Date of Submission: Please describe how this data is used internally at your site: Denominator (Total number of pre-scheduled appointments for a provider visit within the last full month of the reporting quarter. Exclude walk-ins; same day appointments DO NOT count as a walk-in and can be included in your denominator): Numerator (Total number of appointments that were not kept by patients in the last month of the reporting quarter): No Show Rate (Num/Denom*100): 4665 Business Center Dr. Fairfield, CA 94534 Template E Quality Improvement Program Operations Measures Reporting Template: Call Abandonment Rate Provider Site: Name of Staff: Date of Submission: Please describe how this data is used internally at your site: Denominator (Total number of incoming phone calls during business hours, as measured by phone management system. Measured for all incoming phone calls that occur during a week of the reporting quarter): Numerator (Number of incoming phone calls that did not stay on hold long enough for their call to be answered by a clinic staff person: Call Abandonment Rate (Num/Denom*100):