Delivered in Fulfillment of SLIN 0002AH
Contract Number: VA116-13-C-0008
August 19, 2013
Revision History
Version Description
Draft Initial Template
OSEHRA Gold Disk 2 Certification Determination
Background and Introduction ............................................................ 4
Increment Content .............................................................................. 4
Certification Determination ................................................................ 5
OSEHRA Gold Disk 3 Certification Determination
VA Enterprise VistA is the standard version adopted by the Department of Veterans
Affairs for executable Class 1 code at all 133 VA Medical Center (VAMC) VistA instances. After redaction to remove VA sensitive information, the Enterprise version is released publicly via the Freedom of Information Act, and is thus also known as the
“FOIA Release” of VistA. It can be accessed via the OSEHRA website using the pulldown menu choice for the “VA Enterprise VistA Repository.”
The VA is currently inspecting, remediating as necessary, and certifying all VAMC VistA instances to the VA Enterprise Standard. The VA is completing this process incrementally, certifying approximately 20 VistA packages in each increment. The process also includes certification by OSEHRA. These designated packages were formerly called Gold Disk packages, but are now called VA Enterprise Certification
As each designated set of Enterprise Certification Packages is received, an increment certification schedule is delivered to VA. 21 days after receipt of the packages, a document is due that notifies VA of the certification status of the packages. The title
Notice of Gold Disk Certification Determination has been retained to match the contract deliverable definition.
OSEHRA received notification that the following thirty nine packages had been selected for the next iteration of the VA Enterprise Certification Packages. These packages have been split into three phases:
Phase 1:
Registration (DG)
Clinical Reminders (PXRM)
Problem List (GMPL)
Text Integration Utilities (TIU)
Lexicon Utility (LEX/GMPT)
PCE Patient Care Encounter (PX)
VistAWeb (WEBV)
DRG Grouper (ICD)
VA FileMan (DI)
Master Patient Index VistA (MPIF)
OSEHRA Gold Disk 4 Certification Determination
List Manager (VALM)
MailMan (XM)
Adverse Reaction Tracking (GMRA)
Health Summary (GMTS)
Phase 2:
Order Entry/Results Reporting (OR)
CPRS Plugins (ORRJ)
Consult Request Tracking (GMRC)
Lab Service (LR)
Automated Lab Instruments (LA)
Enrollment Application System (EAS)
Event Capture (EC)
Hospital Inquiry (HINQ)
Health Level Seven (HL)
Kernel (XU)
Toolkit (XT)
Authorization Subscription (USR)
Pharmacy Prescription Practices (PPP)
Pharmacy Benefits Management (PSU)
Phase 3:
Auto Replenishment Ward Stock (PSGW)
Barcode Medication Administration (PSB)
Consolidated Mail Outpatient Pharmacy (PSX)
Controlled Substances (PSD)
Drug Accountability (PSA)
Inpatient Medications (PSJ)
National Drug File (PSN)
Outpatient Pharmacy (PSO)
Pharmacy Data Management (PSS)
This section provides the notice of certification determination on the packages received and designated as part of Phase 2. If the package has received certification, the level will indicate the OSEHRA certification level awarded (1 thru 4). If the package cannot be certified, the Cert Level column will contain “FAIL”. Comments are mandatory for failed packages. In some cases, the only obstacle to certification will be minor errors that may be waived by VA (e.g., certain XINDEX errors). If the package could be
OSEHRA Gold Disk 5 Certification Determination
certified through the waiver process, the required waiver items will be specified on an accompanying OSEHRA Form TP-01A, Certification Waiver Request and the comments field will reference the attached form. Otherwise, the reason for the failure will be summarized in the comments field.
If a Certification Waiver Request is provided with this notice, and subsequently signed and returned to OSEHRA, an updated version of this document will be sent to VA within five business days.
Package Name
Level Comments
Order Entry/Results
Reporting (OR)
Fail Please see waiver request.
CPRS Plugins
Consult Request
Tracking (GMRC)
Please see waiver request.
Lab Service (LR) Fail Please see waiver request.
Automated Lab
Instruments (LA)
Application System
Fail Please see waiver request.
Fail Please see waiver request.
Event Capture (EC) 1
Hospital Inquiry
Health Level Seven
Fail Please see waiver request.
Kernel (XU)
Toolkit (XT)
Subscription (USR)
Fail Please see waiver request.
Fail Please see waiver request.
1 None.
1 None.
OSEHRA Gold Disk 6 Certification Determination
Package Name
Practices (PPP)
Pharmacy Benefits
Management (PSU)
1 None.
***End of Document***
OSEHRA Gold Disk 7 Certification Determination