Public Health Wales Quality and Delivery Framework Performance Report – Q2 2014/15 Quality and Delivery Framework Performance Report Quarter 2 2014/15 Author: Public Health Wales Date: 10 November 2014 Version: 1 Distribution: Public Health Wales Board Welsh Government Public Health Wales Intranet and Internet Purpose and Summary of Document: The purpose of this performance report is to provide the Public Health Wales Board and the Welsh Government with an update on performance, using the Public Health Wales’ Quality and Delivery Framework. For 2014/15, this framework has been expanded to include: all performance indicators contained in the Public Health Wales Operational Plan 2014/15 a summary of progress in the completion of the tasks specified in the Public Health Wales Operational Plan 2014/15 Date: 10/11/14 Version: 1 Page: 1 of 47 Public Health Wales 1 Quality and Delivery Framework Performance Report – Q2 2014/15 Performance indicators This section presents numerical performance indicators relating to existing Public Health Wales programmes and services and to some of our key internal enablers. Most indicators are reported against targets. In these cases, the performance achieved is also colour coded using the following traffic light system: Green Performance meets target Amber Performance is within 10% of target value Red Date: 10/11/14 Performance is more that 10% below target Version: 1 Page: 2 of 47 Public Health Wales Quality and Delivery Framework Performance Report – Q2 2014/15 Overall performance of all NHS Wales smoking cessation services (Tier 1 targets) Target Actual Q1 14/15 (See Operational Plan p34) Smokers treated by all smoking cessation services (of which Stop Smoking Wales aims to provide service for 2.8%) >=5% 2.14% Carbon monoxide (CO) validated quit rate at four weeks >=40% 33.84% Stop Smoking Wales performance Target Actual (See Operational Plan pp34-35) Q1 14/15 Note- Data presented below is for Q1. Q2 data will not be available until 25 November 2014. Latest monthly data is presented on the next page. Number of smokers treated 1506 (Q1) 1483 Self reported quit rate at four weeks >=50% 51.7% CO validated quit rate at four weeks >=40% 37.7% 52 week success rate (of four week quitters) >=15% 28.2% Client satisfaction rate (% of responses) >=80% 96.1% Date: 10/11/14 Version: 1 Page: 3 of 47 Public Health Wales Quality and Delivery Framework Performance Report – Q2 2014/15 Performance of Stop Smoking Wales- September 2014 (Monthly data provided as Q2 data not available) (In 2014/15 SSW was allocated a target of 2.8% as part of overall Tier 1 5% target) Health Board /Trust Clients that became a treated smokers in this month Oct-14 % of clients that were CO validated as quit in this month Year to date Target Actual Target Actual 1391* 616 5675 Abertawe Bro Morgannwg 257 184 Aneurin Bevan 268 Betsi Cadwaladr SSW capacity of appointments available in this month Oct-14 Oct-14 Target Oct-14 Target Actual 3649 47.3% 2960 2748 12077 16677 1034 924 38.3% 547 531 2200 2716 97 1123 602 58.4% 570 495 2391 2651 290 109 1250 800 48.3% 617 437 2660 2881 Cardiff and Vale 189 79 642 403 45.8% 402 397 1365 2827 Cwm Taf 164 54 674 330 43.9% 349 305 1435 2089 Hywel Dda 156 75 717 471 47.1% 332 212 1526 2301 67 18 235 119 60.0% 143 253 500 669 Wales Powys Target Year to date >=40% *Note 2.8% equivalent total number of smokers annual target profiled through the year with a rising trajectory. Actions to be undertaken to improve performance In an attempt to increase referrals to the service, a detailed action plan that details a number of specific actions that will be undertaken. These include Production of joint action plans with health boards with a focus on increasing numbers who access the service. Development of an agreement to outline roles and responsibilities for Public Health Wales and health boards. Implemented a mass media campaign across Wales to highlight the service and recruit smokers. Phase 2 of which will commence in Date: 10/11/14 Version: 1 Page: 4 of 47 Public Health Wales Quality and Delivery Framework Performance Report – Q2 2014/15 January 2015. Development of a web based on line service as a option for quitting – with a view to incorporating access to pharmacotherapy and co monitoring Introduce 2 mobile outreach units that will target communities known to have high smoking prevalence. The introduction of high street drop in units aimed at recruiting smokers in a similar way to the mobile unit but using shops in key communities with high foot fall A relocation of staff to integrate with LPHTs to improve working relationships with a view to increasing referrals. Stakeholder events x 2 were held to explore the issues with SSW and the following actions and projects are being developed to take account of feedback at these events. Events included staff and wider stakeholders. Developing a more flexible workforce is currently underway. This will include more flexibility in opening hours to include weekends. Staff to develop other skills in terms of active recruitment – workforce development plan being developed with development areas prioritised with a view to undertaking training as a matter of urgency. Recruitment to vacant posts and establishing a bank staff to support delivery of service as required- 17 bank staff have been recruited and are in the process of boarding between the 3 November 2014 and 1 December 2014. 2.6 WTE of vacant posts has also been recruited. Telemarketing employers to actively recruiting smokers from workplaces Development of a web based on line service as a option for quitting – with a view to incorporating access to pharmacotherapy and co monitoring Working with pharmacists to develop and implement a variation of the current community pharmacy level 2 model with the addition of CO validation for those who access telephone or online support. It is anticipated that this will also improve the clients journey as it will ease access to NRT. Potential to work with primary care to act as an agent on behalf of GP practice by actively phoning known smokers from QoF data. This is currently being explored. Currently exploring the development of an Optical and Dental referral scheme to recruit via this group Strengthen communication links with both internal and external stake holders Date: 10/11/14 Version: 1 Page: 5 of 47 Public Health Wales Quality and Delivery Framework Performance Report – Q2 2014/15 Stop Smoking Wales Performance Trend Cumulative Treated Smokers- Wales 18000 16000 14000 12000 10000 Cumulative Target 8000 Actual Cumulative 6000 4000 2000 0 April May June July August Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb March Monthly Treated Smokers- Wales 3000 2500 2000 Actual 1500 Target 1000 500 0 April May June July August Date: 10/11/14 Sept Oct Nov Version: 1 Dec Jan Feb Page: 6 of 47 March Public Health Wales Quality and Delivery Framework Performance Report – Q2 2014/15 ASSIST performance Q2 Target (See Operational Plan p35) Number of secondary schools targeted by ASSIST N/A Actual Q1 14/15 Q2 14/15 15 (Q1 Target-10-15) N/A* *No performance data available due to programme running during school term time only Healthy Working Wales performance Q2 Target (See Operational Plan p51) Actual Q1 14/15 Q2 14/15 Organisations completing a Corporate Health Standard mock assessment 5 7 (Q1 Target-9) 6 Private sector organisations completing a mock assessment 1 5 4 Organisations completing a full assessment 5 5 (Q1 Target-9) 6 Private sector organisations completing a full assessment 1 1 4 Organisations achieving a Small Workplace Health Award 30 32 (Q1 Target-31) 21 150 170 (Q1 Target-175) 155 Number of Workboost interventions delivered Actions to be undertaken to improve performance Recruiting an additional practitioner to encourage and support businesses through the assessment process. Additional resource also recruited to make contact with businesses. This will commence on the 01 November 2014. Mental Health First Aid Q2 Target (See Operational Plan p51) Number of trainees 400 Date: 10/11/14 Version: 1 Actual Q1 14/15 Q2 14/15 305 475 Page: 7 of 47 Public Health Wales Quality and Delivery Framework Performance Report – Q2 2014/15 Alcohol Brief Intervention training performance Q2 Target (See Operational Plan p52) People trained to deliver alcohol brief interventions Training sessions delivered National Children’s Obesity Referral Programme Actual Q1 14/15 Q2 14/15 25 490 436 4 40 25 Q2 Target (See Operational Plan p52) Training programmes delivered N/A Actual Q1 14/15 Q2 14/15 8 (Q1 Target-16) N/A* *No performance data available due to programme running during school term time only National Exercise Referral Scheme performance Q2 Target (See Operational Plan p52) Actual Q1 14/15 Q2 14/15 Number of referrals 5339 7,111 7507 Number of consultations 5339 6,698 6869 Take up 4004 3,845 4037 Completion of 16 week intervention 1799 2,180 1956 899 1,142 1001 52 week retention Date: 10/11/14 Version: 1 Page: 8 of 47 Public Health Wales Quality and Delivery Framework Performance Report – Q2 2014/15 Microbiology performance Target Actual (See Operational Plan p116) Q1 14/15 Q2 14/15 Full Full Full EQA performance – bacteriology >=95% 93.8% 99.5% EQA performance – virology >=95% 100% 96.8% Turnaround time compliance – bacteriology >=95% 95.5%* 94.5% Turnaround time compliance – virology >=95% 89.7%* 89.4% Turnaround time compliance – urgent samples >=95% Non processed samples – bacteriology/virology TBC 2.2%/0.5%** 1.7%/0.5% Number of samples processed – bacteriology N/A 266,430** 265,770 Number of samples processed – virology N/A 105,411** 97,952 Microbiology - CPA accreditation status Reported annually *Cardiff data currently only available to 16 June, due to implementation of new Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS). **Cardiff data currently extrapolated for June (from April and May), due to implementation of new LIMS. Actions to be undertaken to improve performance Turnaround time compliance - bacteriology- Delays in processing and reporting of samples can also be attributed to implementation of Trak into the Cardiff laboratory. Turn around compliance- virology - data was not available for some virology tests in a number of laboratories due to coding changes made during implementation of Trak - the new computer system. Delays in processing and reporting of samples can also be attributed to implementation of Trak into the Cardiff laboratory. Date: 10/11/14 Version: 1 Page: 9 of 47 Public Health Wales Quality and Delivery Framework Performance Report – Q2 2014/15 Screening programme performance- Quarter 1 Standard Q1 Target Actual (See Operational Plan pp125-127) Q1 14/15 Note- Data presented is for Q1. Q2 data will not be available until 25 November 2014. Latest monthly data is presented on the next page. Breast screening uptake >=70% >=71% 71.6% Full Full Full Abdominal aortic aneurysm screening uptake >=80% >=71% 71.8% Newborn hearing screening percentage offered screening >=99% 100% 100% Newborn hearing screening percentage entering screening programme >=95% >=99% 99.6% Newborn bloodspot screening uptake (newborn babies) >=99% >=99% Data not yet available Breast screening: normal results sent within two weeks of screen >=90% >=80% 79.0% Breast screening: assessment appointments within three weeks of screen >=90% >=33% 24.1% Breast screening: % women invited within 36 months previous screen >=90% >=10% 8.6% Bowel screening waiting times for screening test results >=95% >=90% 95.6% Bowel screening waiting time for colonoscopy >=95% >=11% 18.0% Cervical screening lab turnaround times: within three weeks 100% >=55% 43.7% Cervical screening waits for results: within four weeks 100% >=58% 43.6% Laboratory CPA accreditation Date: 10/11/14 Version: 1 Page: 10 of 47 Public Health Wales Quality and Delivery Framework Performance Report – Q2 2014/15 Screening Programme Performance- Monthly Actual Standard Target Q3 Aug 2014 Sep 2014 Oct 2014 >= 95% 98.0 94.4 96.7% >=90% >= 40% 26.5 31.2 34.7% CSW-003A: Laboratory Turnaround Time for Gynae Cytology Test Results (3 weeks) 100% >=75% 41.5 50.1 Not available Cervical Screening Wales CSW-004A: Waiting time from sample being taken to screening test result being sent (4 weeks) 100% >=78% 45.5 49.8 72.2% Cervical Screening Wales CSW-005A: Waiting Time for Colposcopy Appointment - All CSW Direct Referrals with abnormal cytology (8 weeks) >= 90% N/A 97.6 89.7% Not available Bowel Screening Wales BSW-006A: Waiting Time for Screening Test Results (result letters issued within 7 days of receipt of test kit in lab) >= 95% >= 95% 99.5 99.6 99.7% Bowel Screening Wales BSW-007: Waiting Time for Colonoscopy >= 95% N/A 58.1% 60.3% 81.2% Welsh Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Screening Programme AAA-003: AAA Surveillance Uptake (Medium AAA attending between 11 to 15 weeks, Small AAA attending between 50 to 56 weeks of a previous successful scan and receive a conclusive result) >= 90% N/A 84.2 88.9 Not available Newborn Hearing Screening Wales NBH-004A: Well babies - the percentage of babies who complete the screening programme within 4 weeks >= 90% N/A 98.9 98.6% Not available Newborn Hearing Screening Wales NBH-007: Those babies who complete assessment procedure by three months of age >= 80% N/A 87.1% 84.8% 86.5% Screening Programme Report Description Breast Test Wales BTW-005: Normal results sent within 2 weeks of screen >=90% Breast Test Wales BTW-006A: Assessment invitations given within 3 weeks of screen Cervical Screening Wales Date: 10/11/14 Version: 1 Page: 11 of 47 Public Health Wales Quality and Delivery Framework Performance Report – Q2 2014/15 Breast Screening: Normal Results Sent Within 2 Weeks of Screen 100.0% 95.0% 90.0% 85.0% 80.0% 75.0% 70.0% 65.0% 60.0% 55.0% 50.0% Breast Screening: Assessment Appointments Within 3 Weeks of Screen Actual Target Actual Target Cervical Screening: Test Results Issued Within 4 Weeks Cervical Screening: Laboratory Turnaround of Results Within 3 Weeks 100.0% 90.0% 80.0% 70.0% 60.0% 50.0% 40.0% 30.0% 20.0% 10.0% 0.0% 100.0% 90.0% 80.0% 70.0% 60.0% 50.0% 40.0% 30.0% 20.0% 10.0% 0.0% 100.0% 90.0% 80.0% 70.0% 60.0% 50.0% Actual 40.0% Target 30.0% Actual Target 20.0% 10.0% 0.0% Date: 10/11/14 Version: 1 Page: 12 of 47 Public Health Wales Quality and Delivery Framework Performance Report – Q2 2014/15 Cervical Screening: Colposcopy Within 8 Weeks of Direct Referral AAA Screening: Surveillance Uptake 100.0% 95.0% 100.0% 95.0% 90.0% 85.0% 80.0% 75.0% 70.0% 65.0% 60.0% 55.0% 50.0% 90.0% 85.0% 80.0% 75.0% Actual Actual 70.0% Target 65.0% 60.0% 55.0% 50.0% Bowel Screening: Colonoscopy/Flexi-Sig Within 4 Weeks of SSP Appointment 100.0% 90.0% 80.0% 70.0% 60.0% 50.0% 40.0% 30.0% 20.0% 10.0% 0.0% Bowel Screening: Results Issued Within 7 Days of Lab Receipt Actual Target Date: 10/11/14 100.0% 95.0% 90.0% 85.0% 80.0% 75.0% 70.0% 65.0% 60.0% 55.0% 50.0% Version: 1 Actual Target Page: 13 of 47 Public Health Wales Quality and Delivery Framework Performance Report – Q2 2014/15 Newborn Hearing Screening: Well Babies Completing Screening Within 4 Weeks 100.0% 90.0% 80.0% 70.0% 60.0% 50.0% 40.0% 30.0% 20.0% 10.0% 0.0% Newborn Hearing Screening: Assessment Completed by 3 Months of Age Actual 100.0% 90.0% 80.0% 70.0% 60.0% 50.0% 40.0% 30.0% 20.0% 10.0% 0.0% Actual Actions to be undertaken to improve performance BTW-005- This target was not met in Q1, correction is expected in Q2, the in month figures for July and August are 97.8% and 98% respectively. The failure to achieve this target in Q1 was secondary to workforce challenges. BTW-006A- This standard remains challenging and is a key focus of the programme, the whole pathway of assessment in currently under review. The following actions have been undertaken A facilitated workshop has been held with key staff The current pathway has been mapped in partnership with the 1000 lives team Summary actions have been agreed The actions will be managed by a sub group chaired by the Divisional Business Manager in conjunction with the Head of Programme for Breast Test Wales. Key work streams will focus on reducing the number of cancelled clinics and in developing a sustainable workforce in the medium term. CSW-003A and CSW-004A- The following actions have been undertaken Currently reviewing service and developing a workforce model (including skill mix) to ensure laboratory staffing is able to support services during implementation of cervical screening recovery plan and HPV test of cure implementation Enforce policy for refusing ‘out of scope’ samples and ensure GPs and sample takers know the correct pathway for symptomatic Date: 10/11/14 Version: 1 Page: 14 of 47 Public Health Wales Quality and Delivery Framework Performance Report – Q2 2014/15 patients Continue work with NWIS to develop mechanism for electronic results issuing to participants and primary care Currently reviewing transport infrastructure to minimise delays in transporting samples to main processing laboratories and explore options to develop model to support other screening programmes Reconfiguring administration functions to ensure consistency in support provided to laboratories, thereby developing the infrastructure to support a reduction in result turnaround times Implement 28 day wait for results for cytology samples and undertake local intervention in health boards where performance is outside standard and undertake additional monthly contract performance monitoring AAA-003- The following actions have been undertaken Developing ‘easy read’ resources for participants with learning disabilities, including ‘key messages’ in an accessible format, a new AAA pack and a revised bowel screening pack BSW- 007- The following actions have been undertaken Work with health boards with longest waits to improve provision of service to commissioned levels, including: o Continual monitoring of service provision and contract performance o Performance review meetings with health board service managers to monitor effectiveness of recovery plans (monthly where performance is worst, otherwise quarterly) o Provide health board cancer leads with monthly monitoring information o Targeted work with ABMU, Cwm Taf and Aneurin Bevan o Continuous review of activity, adjusting patient flow to available capacity o Use of all available spare capacity and continued facilitation of travelling colonoscopists where available Plan for alternative provision where health boards are unable to provide service e.g. commission service from England private providers Support the implementation of the Welsh Government Endoscopy Action Plan, to improve waiting times for colonoscopy Note- Data presented above is monthly data. Q2 data is not yet available. Available on 17 November 2014 Date: 10/11/14 Version: 1 Page: 15 of 47 Public Health Wales Quality and Delivery Framework Performance Report – Q2 2014/15 Healthcare associated infections Q2 Target Actual (See Operational Plan p141) Clostridium difficile rate (cases) MRSA rate (cases) Q1 14/15 Q2 14/15 <=242 322 360 <=20 43 36 Performance trends Apr-11 May-11 Jun-11 Jul-11 Aug-11 Sep-11 Oct-11 Nov-11 Dec-11 Jan-12 Feb-12 Mar-12 Apr-12 May-12 Jun-12 Jul-12 Aug-12 Sep-12 Oct-12 Nov-12 Dec-12 Jan-13 Feb-13 Mar-13 Apr-13 May-13 Jun-13 Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 44 8.0 6.92 7.0 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 5 Apr-11 May-11 Jun-11 Jul-11 Aug-11 Sep-11 Oct-11 Nov-11 Dec-11 Jan-12 Feb-12 Mar-12 Apr-12 May-12 Jun-12 Jul-12 Aug-12 Sep-12 Oct-12 Nov-12 Dec-12 Jan-13 Feb-13 Mar-13 Apr-13 May-13 Jun-13 Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 100.089.24 90.0 80.0 70.0 60.0 50.0 40.0 30.0 20.0 10.0 0.0 12 month rolling rate of MRSA bacteraemia/100,000 population 12 month rolling rate of C. difficile/100,000 population Actions to be undertaken to improve performance Revising the monthly health board HCAI dashboard to reflect the new targets – the new dashboards were introduced in August 2014 so that health boards are absolutely clear on their monthly progress against the target; Regularly reviewing the health board surveillance data, notifying organisations of any unusual activity and offering support to help health boards deal with it – a number of health boards have been contacted by Public Health Wales since April and a variety of support has been provided; Support the benchmarking of progress against targets through the provision of data at bi-monthly HCAI meetings –C. difficile and MRSA bacteraemia data has been made a standing item for discussion at the bimonthly Public Health Wales HCAI teleconference. Graphs are provided that plot all health boards and major acute hospitals on the same scale, making it clear to all health boards their progress compared to others; Map infection rates and antimicrobial usage for both primary and secondary care – the first map was issued in August, allowing health Date: 10/11/14 Version: 1 Page: 16 of 47 Public Health Wales Quality and Delivery Framework Performance Report – Q2 2014/15 boards to visualise their C. difficile rates by place of diagnosis in both primary and secondary care, alongside rates of prescribing of total antibacterials, the “4C” antibiotics and proton pump inhibitors in primary care. Additional data will be included in the next map planned for the end of October. Provide ongoing proactive and ad hoc advice and support to health boards in relation to infection prevention and control, prescribing and antimicrobial resistance; Undertake a series of meetings to discuss health board action plans aimed at reducing HCAIs and agree bespoke support to be provided through development of joint action plans – to date only one of these meetings has been held, but others are timetabled for between November and early January; Deliver bespoke support, including the analysis of data, identified through discussions with health boards; Establish a steering group to oversee the development of an Antimicrobial Resistance Delivery Plan for Wales – a draft delivery plan has been submitted to Welsh Government. Uptake of all scheduled childhood vaccinations at age 4 Note- Q2 data unavailable- Available December 2014 Area Target Actual Q1 14/15 Wales 86.1% Abertawe Bro Morgannwg 85.3% Aneurin Bevan 82.7% Betsi Cadwaladr Cardiff and Vale 90.3% >=95% 83.2% Cwm Taf 90.4% Hywel Dda 85.7% Powys 86.1% Date: 10/11/14 Version: 1 Page: 17 of 47 Public Health Wales Quality and Delivery Framework Performance Report – Q2 2014/15 Childhood Vaccination Rate Performance Trend Actions to be undertaken to improve performance Guidance provided to health boards on where to target resources to meet it, in particular in increasing the pre-school uptake of MMR and 4 in 1 vaccine (tetanus, diphtheria polio and pertussis). Improvements in uptake of these vaccines given at 3y4m will take around one year to be apparent in improvements in the Tier 1 target, which is measured at the 4th birthday. Date: 10/11/14 Version: 1 Page: 18 of 47 Public Health Wales Quality and Delivery Framework Performance Report – Q2 2014/15 Influenza vaccination rates at 26/10/14 Health Board /Trust Influenza vaccination uptake among the over 65s Target Influenza vaccination uptake among under 65s in high risk groups Actual Target Actual Influenza vaccination uptake among pregnant women Target Actual Wales 45.9% 27.8% 25.2% Abertawe Bro Morgannwg 40.6% 23.5% 20.9% Aneurin Bevan 49.2% 31.5% 24.7% Betsi Cadwaladr >=75% 49.2% >=75% 29.3% >=75% 31.3% Cardiff and Vale 42.5% 26.0% 23.2% Cwm Taf 47.6% 30.4% 23.9% Hywel Dda 43.6% 25.9% 22.5% Powys 46.9% 27.9% 23.9% Influenza vaccination uptake among healthcare workers Target Actual >=50% Data expected to be available from mid November 2014 Actions to be undertaken to improve performance Public Health Wales takes a ‘whole systems’ approach to improving immunisation uptake, leading, supporting and facilitating work with partners from policy to practice level to achieve incremental improvements in immunisation programmes. Partners include other UK PH agencies, WG policy leads, NHS Employers, professional organisations, WLGA, HBs Immunisation Coordinators, GP clusters and individual GP practices. Training is a key plank of delivery, as is providing clinical guidance either directly or online. A comprehensive communications strategy has been developed with partners which has increased the public and professional profile of flu immunisation, including working with voluntary patient groups. Comprehensive data on outcomes is fed back at national, HB, LA and practice level regularly, with accessibility recently enhances through the development of new software to support the IVOR reporting database. Date: 10/11/14 Version: 1 Page: 19 of 47 Public Health Wales Quality and Delivery Framework Performance Report – Q2 2014/15 Enablers Q2 Target (See Operational Plan p172, p182 & p198) Actual Q1 14/15 Percentage of non medical staff undertaking PADR in past 12 months Percentage of medical staff undertaking appraisal in past 12 months >=70% Q2 14/15 July 2014-77%* by end Q2 100% 91% 100% <=3.25% 3.4% 3.54%** N/A 13 16 100% 93% 100% Number of serious untoward incidents (SUIs) reported N/A 0 0 SUI investigations completed within target timescales 100% N/A N/A Sickness absence rate Number of written concerns/complaints received Written concerns/complaints responded to within target Percentage of programmes/services with a method of capturing service user experience data Reported annually Percentage of service users asked for feedback Use of social media to engage with service users * Survey undertaken in July 2014 indicated 77% (429 of 555) of respondents had undertaken PADR **Figures as at the 15th October 2014 extracted from ESR. Figure is likely to increase following update of sickness absence from pay cards Date: 10/11/14 Version: 1 Page: 20 of 47 Public Health Wales Quality and Delivery Framework Performance Report – Q2 2014/15 2 Summary of progress in the completion of the actions specified in the Public Health Wales Operational Plan 2014/15 2.1 Introduction The Public Health Wales Operational Plan 2014/15 contains 810 specific actions to be undertaken during the year. Of these, 410 were either scheduled to be completed by the end of the second quarter (Q2) or involved activity taking place in Q2. Progress against each of these actions has been assessed as at the end of Q2 and colour coded using the following traffic light system: Green Action completed (or, where the action runs across multiple quarters, is on schedule) Amber Action not completed (or, where the actions runs across multiple quarters, is behind schedule), and it is expected that it will be ‘Green’ by the end of the next quarter Red Action not completed (or, where the action runs across multiple quarters, is behind schedule), and it is not expected to be ‘Green’ by the end of the next quarter A summary of progress is presented below, including brief exception reports for each action coded ‘Amber’ or ‘Red’. The full ‘action by action’ assessment is also available, on request. Date: 10/11/14 Version: 1 Page: 21 of 47 Public Health Wales 2.2 Quality and Delivery Framework Performance Report – Q2 2014/15 Summary of progress Entire Operational Plan 14 85 311 Health improvement 8 20 106 Ref # Action 2 Develop and agree system-wide health improvement priorities by engaging our stakeholders 2.1 Develop a communications strategy informed by stakeholder mapping to support effective ongoing stakeholder engagement, reflecting the Public Health Wales Service user Experience Framework Date: 10/11/14 Status Red Version: 1 Notes Competing demands and limited capacity within Directorate has resulted in this not progressing as anticipated. Will be addressed by newly recruited fixed term post in Health and Healthcare Improvement division to end March 2015 Page: 22 of 47 Public Health Wales 2.3 Hold a launch event for the Public Health Alliance Quality and Delivery Framework Performance Report – Q2 2014/15 Red Competing demands and limited capacity within Directorate has resulted in this not progressing as anticipated. Dialogue to date with Alliance membership has demonstrated desire for the workplace to be the focus for improvement activity. Optimistic that there will be an expansion in workplace health programme. Red Competing demands and limited capacity within Directorate has resulted in this not progressing as anticipated. Dialogue to date with Alliance membership has demonstrated desire for the workplace to be the focus for improvement activity. Optimistic that there will be an expansion in workplace health programme. 2.4 Deliver joint development sessions with Alliance members 3 Deliver smoking prevention and cessation services, comparable with the best in the world E-cigarettes 3.35 Support the development of a harm reduction/smoking cessation protocol that will enable Stop Smoking Wales to provide support to clients using e-cigarettes in their attempt to quit, but with careful consideration of our position statement and concerns outlined in the Public Health Bill 6 Continue to deliver other agreed health improvement programmes Red Work stream lead has not been able to progress work to develop protocol due to focus on achieving tier 1 target. Development of this protocol needs to be informed by public health positions from across the UK. Engage with partners to raise awareness of Healthy Working Wales, workplace health and the health benefits of work 6.28 Hold three meetings of the Healthy Working Wales Stakeholder board Date: 10/11/14 Red Version: 1 Q2 meeting stood down. 2 meetings are scheduled for remainder of year; 1 in Q3 & 1 in Q4 rest of the year. Page: 23 of 47 Public Health Wales 8 Quality and Delivery Framework Performance Report – Q2 2014/15 Take action to improve mental health NHS and local authorities to act as exemplar employers providing mentally healthy workplaces in their support to staff and tackling stigma and discrimination in their service delivery 8.14 Support the use of ‘5 Ways to Wellbeing’ as a resource for staff wellbeing within Public Health Wales Red As at end of Q2, a number of workplace mental health and wellbeing initiatives have been identified for consideration by the T&F group to commence. This group has not met to date however is due to meet in November. Ensure that service users of all ages and their families and carers are fully involved in service development 8.16 Work with Mental Health Action Wales (MHAW) to provide support for service users and carers involved in national and local partnership boards Red Welsh Government not continuing to support with this work MHAW 8.17 Establish quarterly meetings with mental health service user development officers as part of MHAW Red Welsh Government not continuing to support with this work MHAW 1 Implement Transforming Health Improvement in Wales, in partnership with communities and partners from all sectors A draft Communication and Engagement Strategy is in place and is being further refined following revisions to the THIW Programme definition. A slight delay has also been caused by a change in personnel in Q2 and a focus on two immediate communications priorities: a large stakeholder event to initiate the Collaboratives process, and the commissioning of Focus Groups. 1.4 Develop a communication plan to support ongoing communication, both internally and to wider stakeholders, highlighting the direction and progress of Transforming Health Improvement in Wales 3 Deliver smoking prevention and cessation services, comparable with the best in the world Amber Joint working arrangements 3.4 Develop and implement a signed written agreement between Public Health Wales and health boards, outlining an agreed set of principles to which each organisation agrees to work with a view to improving uptake of smoking cessation services provided by Stop Smoking Wales Date: 10/11/14 Amber Version: 1 Discussions have taken place, following this a report has been forwarded to the representative Page: 24 of 47 Public Health Wales Quality and Delivery Framework Performance Report – Q2 2014/15 3.5 Work with directors of public health to develop joint annual action plans to increase referrals to Stop Smoking Wales, enabling the service to treat 16,150 smokers annually from 2014/15 Amber Work is continuing and action plans are in place in some areas 3.6 Develop and agree objectives within a joint Public Health Wales/health board annual action plan, aimed at improving uptake of smoking cessation in line with the trajectory produced by Stop Smoking Wales. Objectives will include joint actions on targeting groups with increased prevalence Amber Work is continuing and action plans are in place in some areas 3.7 Implement the seven joint annual action plans, monitoring performance against the projected improvement and agreeing any necessary mitigating action, through monthly performance meetings within each health board Amber Work is continuing and action plans are in place in some areas Explore the feasibility of providing online and/or text/app based booking systems for clients wishing to access Stop Smoking Wales 3.28 Work with the database provider to further develop facilities, including online booking, text messaging of appointment reminders and motivational messages Amber Work is continuing with the database provider to resolve issues that fail to comply with the specification Reduce the number of pregnancies exposed to tobacco smoke 3.45 Develop improvement programme for roll out of learning to health boards from MAMMS to increase implementation of NICE recommendations on smoking in pregnancy Date: 10/11/14 Amber Version: 1 Progressing action not possible due to Transforming Health Improvement Programme having to be prioritised resulting in limited staff capacity during Q1 and Q2. This will be completed in Q3. Page: 25 of 47 Public Health Wales Quality and Delivery Framework Performance Report – Q2 2014/15 Develop population level early years surveillance system Staffing and data processing issues have impacted on the timescales of this work. Remedial action includes Observatory staff working under a honorary contract with the Informatics services to access and process the raw data in advance of analysis and a revised timetable has been developed and shared with Heads of Midwifery, heads of Information, Directors of Public Health and Welsh Government. 3.48 Work with NWIS and the Welsh Government to determine the medium and longer term plans for mandating the collection of the maternity data and most appropriate home for the dataset 4 Design, develop and implement interventions in the early years Amber Ensure early years work stream structure is fit for purpose 4.2 Develop overarching stakeholder engagement plan for early years programme Amber Transforming Health Improvement Programme prioritised during Q1 and Q2 resulting in limited team capacity. Revised deadlines to be agreed. Supporting parents in making healthy choices in the early years 4.11 Establish project to develop options for the future delivery of parent information and support Amber Transforming Health Improvement Programme prioritised during Q1 and Q2 leading to limited staff capacity, revised deadlines being agreed. 4.12 Review alternative parent information resources and current practice in Wales Amber Transforming Health Improvement Programme prioritised during Q1 and Q2 leading to limited staff capacity, revised deadlines being agreed. 5 Design, develop and implement Over 50s Healthchecks (Add to Your Life) Engage with Communities First officials and monitor progress in recruiting health workers from allocated areas, to support their participation in Brief Intervention training and Add to Your Life 5.6 Hold four workshops/learning events around Wales Amber Workshops delivered in Q1. Those planned for Q2 now to take place in Q3 (in October 2014). Timetable set by WCVA and Welsh Government Determine mechanisms for inviting eligible people to access Add to Your Life 5.20 Initiate active invitation process and monitor uptake as a result of invitations 6 Continue to deliver other agreed health improvement programmes Amber Delays in procurement mean that invitations being issued from 10th October Welsh Network of Healthy Schools Schemes Date: 10/11/14 Version: 1 Page: 26 of 47 Public Health Wales Quality and Delivery Framework Performance Report – Q2 2014/15 Ensure the Healthy Schools scheme effectively supports the delivery of local and national public health priorities 6.1 Establish steering group/advisory board to guide strategic direction with membership from key stakeholders Amber Transforming Health Improvement Programme prioritised during Q1 and Q2 resulting in limited staff capacity. Revised deadlines being agreed. Amber Transforming Health Improvement Programme prioritised during Q1 and Q2 leading to limited staff capacity, revised deadlines being agreed. Data collection and monitoring 6.10 Revise current database to ensure that Public Health Wales, directors of public health and key stakeholders have access to information Mental Health First Aid Improve resilience of children and young people 6.54 Work with Mind Cymru to support the Youth Mental Health First Aid (YMHFA) Scheme to the end of the contract period. Amber No further development of youth MHFA as the contract will end in November. Improve resilience for adults and older adults. 6.55 Work with Mind Cymru to support the Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) Scheme to the end of the contract period. 7 Take action targeted at obesity Amber No further development of youth MHFA as the contract will end in November. Work with key stakeholders to agree an evaluation framework and core indicators for obesity interventions in Wales. 7.1 Produce scoping document and project plan Amber Transforming Health Improvement Programme prioritised during Q1 and Q2, revised deadlines to be agreed. Develop access criteria and service specification for level 3 obesity services for children in Wales 7.5 Produce scoping document and project plan 8 Take action to improve mental health Date: 10/11/14 Amber Version: 1 Transforming Health Improvement Programme prioritised during Q1 and Q2, revised deadlines to be agreed. Page: 27 of 47 Public Health Wales Quality and Delivery Framework Performance Report – Q2 2014/15 Ensure that the appropriate infrastructure is in place to measure progress in delivering the key actions of Together for Mental Health 8.30 Deliver and facilitate four national mental health leaders collaborative events and support the national groups for clinical leaders and general managers Amber Support the CAMHS (and ED) national commissioning group and report to the CAMHS and OPMHS Delivery Assurance Groups Delayed due to long term staff sickness. Other 1000 Lives staff will pick up this work. This has been allocated dedicated support to action and will be completed in Q3. Healthcare Improvement 4 10 53 Ref # Action Status Notes 9 Identify and act on priorities for service improvement, in collaboration with NHS Wales With partners, support, coordinate and lead the adoption of prudent healthcare principles across NHS Wales 9.1 Establish a programme board within Public Health Wales to coordinate the corporate programme across all of our functions to support prudent healthcare 9.2 Engage with our partners to establish a prudent healthcare framework to bring together a coherent approach to embedding prudent healthcare across NHS Wales Date: 10/11/14 Red Red Version: 1 This is currently under consideration following discussions with Welsh Government concerning our respective roles This is currently under consideration following discussions with Welsh Government concerning our respective roles Page: 28 of 47 Public Health Wales 9.3 Develop a stakeholder engagement plan to engage with the diversity of stakeholders in aligning system-wide priorities with the required support 9.4 Undertake a review of the current capacity and capability in NHS Wales to inform decision-making for investment, disinvestment and the clinical and cost effectiveness of high activity interventions and make recommendations to address any gaps 9.6 Offer a checklist for running a successful workshop to investigate prudent healthcare in a clinical area Quality and Delivery Framework Performance Report – Q2 2014/15 Red Red Amber This is currently under consideration following discussions with Welsh Government concerning our respective roles This is currently under consideration following discussions with Welsh Government concerning our respective roles Delayed as awaiting guidance on role of 1000 Lives Improvement in taking Develop and support an approach for a measurement framework for NHS Wales, that connects measurement (and effort) at all levels to identify waste and opportunities to improve care 9.20 Support the delivery of prudent healthcare through a half day workshop for chief executives 11 Strengthen the public health impact of primary care 11.1 Support the development of a vision for the future structure for the delivery of primary care in Wales by hosting two workshops to build on existing work, disseminate evidence and good practice, obtain stakeholder views and support implementation Amber Amber Delayed due to realignment of work but rescheduled to present at CEOs meeting at the end of October. Primary Care models document produced and submitted to WG. 1st of two workshops have now been delivered. Implement the Public Health Primary Care Network to strengthen the public health impact of primary care 11.5 Update the content of the Primary Care Network website to signpost relevant public health resources and support to primary care Amber Will be completed by next quarter – National Lead for Primary Care Network will do when returns from India Support the new GP Cluster Network development domain of the GMS Contract for 2014/15 11.11 Produce indicators and a data set for GP cluster network performance Date: 10/11/14 Amber Version: 1 Agree at Primary Care Network held on 8th October 2014 Page: 29 of 47 Public Health Wales Quality and Delivery Framework Performance Report – Q2 2014/15 Engage with opportunities for quality improvement and public health impact in the GMS Contract 2014/15 11.50 Develop electronic format of collecting PDP and GP cluster level information 11.51 Produce appropriate indicators and data sets that will support GP cluster performance Amber On hold – need decision if NWIS will produce this Amber Discussion at Primary Care Network meeting on 8th October 2014 Provide quality improvement training on techniques such as audit and risk in primary care 11.56 Offer quality improvement training to prison health care staff 12 Improve healthcare quality by providing professional leadership 12.41 Develop partnership between All Wales Therapeutics and Toxicology Centre, Public Health Wales and health boards to support the development of antimicrobial usage and resistance surveillance systems 12.42 Provide guidance on policies, strategies and initiatives to influence prescriber and patient/public behaviour in conjunction with key stakeholders and partners Date: 10/11/14 Amber Amber Amber Version: 1 Will be completed during quarter Intention to progress this work via a secondment by a member of PPHT to AWTTC however the member of staff involved is currently off sick As 12.41 Page: 30 of 47 Public Health Wales Quality and Delivery Framework Performance Report – Q2 2014/15 Health intelligence 27 All actions to date delivered. Policy, research and development 5 All actions to date delivered. Date: 10/11/14 Version: 1 Page: 31 of 47 Public Health Wales Quality and Delivery Framework Performance Report – Q2 2014/15 Microbiology 3 6 Ref # Action Status Notes 21 Improve access to modern infection diagnostics and management, through the establishment of an all Wales managed microbiology service network and service redesign Developing the organisation 21.3 Develop an integrated communications and ongoing engagement strategy Amber Recent appointment of OD support helping to address the matter 21.6 Identify core skills and competencies for managers and leaders Amber Part of the workforce planning programme expected to complete by the end of Quarter 3 Amber Dialogue continues. Health Boards are seeing an increase in activity levels yet want to realise costs savings. Currently we working on various demand management initiates in support of their cost overruns as a condition of signing. Service development 21.10 Agree revised service level agreements for diagnostic microbiology services, infection control and specialist and reference laboratories for 2015. These will more accurately reflects the requirements of health boards and the offer from Public Health Wales Date: 10/11/14 Version: 1 Page: 32 of 47 Public Health Wales Quality and Delivery Framework Performance Report – Q2 2014/15 Screening 4 35 Ref # Action Status Notes 23 Develop our screening programmes so they meet performance standards Timeliness of service – cervical screening wait for results and laboratory turnaround 23.33 Implement a standardised ‘lean’ pathway across each key area, with potential changes to cervical screening policies to facilitate the required reconfiguration 23.37 Implement first class post for all results letters 23.39 Revise cervical screening policies to support the implementation of the reconfigured ‘lean’ pathway for laboratories 23.43 Reconfigure administration functions to ensure consistency in support provided to laboratories, thereby developing the infrastructure to support a reduction in result turnaround times Date: 10/11/14 Amber Amber Amber Amber Version: 1 Lean pathway agreed for labs, CSAD. Key principles to be developed for smear takers. SOPPs to go to October QM group Data collated. Business case to go to Cervical Modernisation Project Team 3rd November 2014 Test of Cure SOPPs prioritised for September. Timeliness SOPPs to go to October Quality manual group. Funding required to support additional admin hours in Swansea CSAD. Business case submitted against Trust development fund- RF informed 30 Sept that this bid has been unsuccessful. Page: 33 of 47 Public Health Wales Quality and Delivery Framework Performance Report – Q2 2014/15 Health Protection 14 28 Ref # Action Status Notes 26 Establish our strategic leadership of healthcare associated infections (HCAIs) and antimicrobial use, with an appropriate balance of effort directed at infections in the community and hospital settings (jointly with microbiology) Advice and support 26.1 Undertake series of meetings (between September and October) to discuss health board action plans aimed at reducing HCAIs and agree bespoke support to be provided through development of joint action plans 26.2 Deliver bespoke support, including the analysis of data, identified through discussions with health boards Amber Amber Dates for visits organised for most healthcare organisations for Oct to Dec. Some still outstanding Visits not yet undertaken Intelligence to inform action 26.9 Regularly review health board surveillance data and notify organisations of any unusual activity through an agreed alert system (further detailed on the alert system is provided within ‘Working in Partnership to Reduce Avoidable Infections’) Date: 10/11/14 Amber Version: 1 For HCAI surveillance, because of other commitments within the operational plan, work cannot start on an automated system until Q3. A monthly manual review of C. difficile and Staph bacteraemia data is taking place in the interim. For antimicrobial resistance surveillance, discussions for a way forward are in progress. Page: 34 of 47 Public Health Wales Quality and Delivery Framework Performance Report – Q2 2014/15 Implement recommendations made within the HCAI Surveillance Review undertaken in 2012/13 26.14 Move from continuous surveillance of central venous catheter infections to spot checks 26.15 Investigate alternative definitions for Ventilator Associated Pneumonia (VAP) 26.20 Undertake studies into MSSA bacteraemia, including a review of source of MSSA bacteraemia and comparison of risk factors for MRSA and MSSA bacteraemia in SAIL Amber Continuous surveillance has ceased. Methodology for spot checks to be decided (through critical care steering group). Amber Investigation taken place. VAP Task and Finish Group to decide on way forward. Amber Technical difficulties with final export from HBs currently being worked on. Education and training 26.22 Hold a stakeholder engagement event to review the contribution of Public Health Wales’ health protection teams and stakeholders in community based HCIA prevention and control 26.24 Share best practice and highlight essential principles for effective Root Cause Analysis (RCA) for HCAI in conjunction with senior infection control nurses 29 Design, develop and implement a plan for reducing liver disease, addressing alcohol abuse, obesity, and blood-borne viruses 29.2 Review comments and submit revised plan for approval 29.3 Support the establishment of on all Wales Liver Disease Implementation Group to oversee the implementation of actions stemming from the delivery plan 29.4 Collate evidence based in relation to NICE Guidance and other guidance around the primary prevention of obesity, alcohol misuse and blood borne viral hepatitis Date: 10/11/14 Amber Amber Amber Amber Amber Version: 1 Event postponed from original date to October /November 2014, supported by 1000 lives event team; Lack of cohesion between HBs and WG in degree of standardisation. The plan has yet to be issued for consultation, it has been indicated that it may be issued in October-It is not clear that we will necessarily be required to do this The plan has yet to be issued for consultation, it has been indicated that it may be issued in October. The implementation group has yet to be established There was a delay in appointing the staff member to back fill to enable this work to progress. This appointment has now been made Page: 35 of 47 Public Health Wales 29.9 Work with health boards and the all Wales Liver Disease Implementation Group to identify individuals with hepatitis B or C infection and offer them specialist assessment and treatment 31 Sexual health Quality and Delivery Framework Performance Report – Q2 2014/15 Amber The implementation group has yet to be established 31.3 Develop and implement plans for the delivery of LARC within substance misuse services through providing support to services within health boards in the identification of staff for formal faculty theory and practice based training Amber Provision of training – discussions are ongoing with the Faculty of Reproductive & Sexual Health regarding the most effective way to provide ‘places’ for the theoretical element of the letters of competence so that relevant staff can easily take the opportunity to achieve this qualification. Contacts in HBs are making staff aware of this opportunity and are providing names of those who wish to train. Some HBs already have staff in place who are trained to provide LARC and are, therefore, being supported to do this. 31.4 Work with services to develop data collection methods, including through the Harm Reduction Database or via paper based forms, to support the delivery of LARC within substance misuse services Date: 10/11/14 Amber Version: 1 Ongoing Page: 36 of 47 Public Health Wales Quality and Delivery Framework Performance Report – Q2 2014/15 Safeguarding 1 1 Ref # Action Status Notes 33 Further develop arrangements for safeguarding children Undertake an ongoing leadership role for NHS engagement with adoption 33.16 Complete work with All Wales Looked After Children (LAC) nurses group and British Association for Adoption and Fostering Welsh Medical Group regarding mapping exercise and needs of LAC Date: 10/11/14 Amber Version: 1 33.15 completed ahead of time and 33.16 due for completion in Q4 Page: 37 of 47 Public Health Wales Quality and Delivery Framework Performance Report – Q2 2014/15 Enablers Relationships and interdependancies 2 2 Ref # Action 34 Develop and implement revised accountability arrangements 34.1 Agree and implement a new accountability agreement with the Welsh Government defining our specific accountabilities for taking action and achieving outcomes and our role within cross-organisation performance management Amber 34.4 Agree, where appropriate, service level agreements covering the provision of specific services by Public Health Wales and health boards to the other party Amber Date: 10/11/14 Status Version: 1 Notes Given that Public Health Wales is fully integrated in the NHS Planning and Performance framework, discussions with Welsh Government have concluded that there is probably little value in finalising the agreement as originally planned. Discussions are ongoing as to whether this action should be removed. Page: 38 of 47 Public Health Wales Quality and Delivery Framework Performance Report – Q2 2014/15 Worforce and organisational development 12 16 Ref # Action Status Notes Align our workforce to priorities and develop and maintain sufficient skills and knowledge 35 Develop and equip staff to work effectively and in new ways, through investing in skills across the workforce Develop and equip staff to work effectively and in new ways, through developing leadership and management skills Workforce planning 35.15 For each division, identify the succession needs and put in place a plan to replace expected retirees over the next 3 to 5 years 35.16 For each division, identify hard to fill posts and gather intelligence on recruitment markets and secure alternative sources of recruits 35.18 Embed organisation design and workforce planning capability within the service redesign programmes, to ensure that these aspects are fully taken into account in delivering the change programmes and that the future workforce is sustainable Date: 10/11/14 Amber Amber Amber Version: 1 Majority of work completed, but some work delayed due to staff sickness Divisional baseline information is in process but delayed due to staff sickness Interim support secured for Microbiology and Stop Smoking Wales for a limited period only. Page: 39 of 47 Public Health Wales Quality and Delivery Framework Performance Report – Q2 2014/15 Electronic staff record 35.20 Establish the extent to which ESR has been fully implemented and Amber develop and implement a project plan to fill any gaps Work on the project has now began following the appointment to a new post of ESR Manager. Employee relations 35.24 Work with the AfC trade unions to develop principles to underpin ways of working together and be clear about the deal between the parties Amber No further development following the workshop in March due to lack of HR and TU availability. Performance management and appraisals 35.31 Ensure all managers are clear about importance of completing staff appraisals and of the target set Amber Achieved increase from 53% to 77% but further work to be done. Executive Report and upward feedback survey actions rolled over to Q3 Leadership and management development 35.49 Develop and implement selection techniques to assess criteria 35.52 Procure development solutions 35.56 Develop a series of master classes on key management and leadership topics such as: large scale change, powerful conversations, creating engagement and wellbeing, communications and storytelling Amber Amber Amber We have implemented assessment centres using a range of techniques. We need to formalise our recruitment processes and increase HR capacity to deliver. The OJEU process has taken a little longer than predicted. Contracts will be in place by end of October 2014. Master class for Powerful Conversations and Effective Relationships have taken place. Tender process begun for full range of topics including management and leadership envisaged for October 2014 (linked to 35.52) Supporting organisational change projects 35.57 Provide sound organisational design advice, ensuring fair treatment of staff and supporting managers in delivering change. These projects and programmes include: 35.57d Cervical screening modernisation Date: 10/11/14 Amber Amber Version: 1 While some additional OD resource is in place it is stretched very thin and programmes not yet embracing full range of OD support. Due to the stage the programme is at. Page: 40 of 47 Public Health Wales Quality and Delivery Framework Performance Report – Q2 2014/15 Values and “the deal” 35.60 Provide advice to the Executive Team on developing the narrative to communicate the strategy Amber This will be completed in Q3 as the narrative is aligned with planning process for the next IMPT. Quality and Governance 1 2 2 Ref # Action 36 Put in place a comprehensive governance framework that addresses the issues raised by the Francis Report 36.3 Ensure that we comply with the Welsh Government aim of reaching a target of 25% of the NHS workforce being trained in Improving Quality Together Red 36.4 Work with AcademiWales to source a board development programme for the whole board and individual board members Amber Meeting with Academi Wales postponed. Meeting urgently being arranged. 36.8 Ensure that the key annual governance documents read as a suite of documents which are interdependent, joined up and are citizen and staff focused Amber All key documents in place. Review will now take place in Q3. Date: 10/11/14 Status Version: 1 Notes Latest figure is currently 9271 individuals have completed IQT training in NHS Wales. Page: 41 of 47 Public Health Wales Quality and Delivery Framework Performance Report – Q2 2014/15 Sustainable Development 2 All actions to date delivered. Informatics 5 12 Ref # Action Status Notes 39 Develop and equip staff to work effectively and in new ways, through developing and providing informatics tools and services Facilitate rapid, interactive data analysis and presentation through the adoption of a Business Intelligence System (BIS) 39.7 Public Health Wales Observatory Analytical Team to engage in training and produce outputs for early years Date: 10/11/14 Amber Version: 1 The Observatory has access to Tableau but insufficient time to use it to produce outputs due to problems with the data set. Traditional methods are being used to generate the reports. Page: 42 of 47 Public Health Wales Quality and Delivery Framework Performance Report – Q2 2014/15 Facilitate collaboration through more effective use of Groupware 39.8 Review the use of Groupware solutions within Public Health Wales and make recommendations for future use, informed by existing experience with Notes and SharePoint 40 Support modern public health service delivery and the delivery of targeted, interactive digital services by securing the necessary informatics systems Amber Delays in funding for upgrading to SharePoint 2013 and the consultancy report which envisages greater changes than anticipated. Will require additional time to program changes. Implement and take advantage of TrakCare, the new Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) 40.5 Subject to the system and its implementation being fit for purpose, deploy TrakCare in our cervical cytology laboratories Amber Delays imposed by NWIS and/or Intersystems delivering outcomes ontime. Re-planning required, possibly to go live Q4. Develop and implement systems to support the delivery of microbiology and health protection services 40.9 Scope the bioinformatics requirements for next generation genomic sequencing Amber Work has slowed due to absence of a set of user requirements Develop and implement systems to support the delivery of screening programmes 40.15 Implement the Newborn Bloodspot Screening Wales System (NBSWS), including links to Child Health System and facility to generate parental letters Amber Delays in progressing the specification of new bloodspot processes mapped to LIMS means that other modules will require re-planning Working Environment 1 Date: 10/11/14 Version: 1 Page: 43 of 47 Public Health Wales Quality and Delivery Framework Performance Report – Q2 2014/15 All actions to date delivered. Service User Experience 2 Ref # Action 42 Put in place a comprehensive service user experience framework 42.1 Appoint a service user experience coordinator to provide additional leadership and support on this agenda (1WTE band 7) 42.7 Develop and implement a performance framework, which will be regularly reviewed by the Quality and Safety Committee and Board, and share service user/staff stories in these forum Date: 10/11/14 Status Notes Amber Appointment of Lead Nurse delayed due to length of time taken to band post. Now banded and job currently being advertised. Amber Draft templates piloted by programmes to enable triangulation of data. Service User Lead not yet in post. Service user/staff stories shared at Q&S Committee/Board Version: 1 Page: 44 of 47 Public Health Wales Quality and Delivery Framework Performance Report – Q2 2014/15 Communications and stakeholder engagement 5 Ref # Action 43 Review, develop and implement our Communications Strategy 43.3 Agree a way forward for the review of the internal communications strategy with the Executive Team 43.4 Conduct interviews with key members of staff to gather qualitative research 43.5 Conduct a survey with staff to gather views on the different ways of communication 43.6 Conduct a review of key internal communications outputs (usage, coverage, inclusion of information etc) including: Staff e-Bulletin; intranet site; staff forum; open blog 43.9 Develop public affairs strategy and action plan Date: 10/11/14 Status Notes Amber Actions on reforming internal communications have been delayed due to capacity issues. The work has been rescheduled to take place over Q3 and Q4 Amber Actions on reforming internal communications have been delayed due to capacity issues. The work has been rescheduled to take place over Q3 and Q4 Amber Actions on reforming internal communications have been delayed due to capacity issues. The work has been rescheduled to take place over Q3 and Q4 Amber Actions on reforming internal communications have been delayed due to capacity issues. The work has been rescheduled to take place over Q3 and Q4 Amber We have prepared a scoping report. A new strategy will be implemented along with the introduction of a stakeholder management system, to be procured in Q3 Version: 1 Page: 45 of 47 Public Health Wales Quality and Delivery Framework Performance Report – Q2 2014/15 Planning and Performance 5 11 Ref # Action 44 Implement a revised planning framework 44.6 Establish a public health planning group, which will include representatives from each health board area to support greater alignment between health board and Public Health Wales’ Integrated Medium Term Plans 44.7 Complete 2014/15 actions from staff, stakeholder and public engagement plan for future planning 44.8 Scope potential to hold planning master class to support development of skills for key staff involved within planning process 45 Develop and implement revised performance reporting 45.1 Update Public Health Wales’ Quality and Delivery Framework in collaboration with the Welsh Government, including measures of service user experience Date: 10/11/14 Status Amber Amber Amber Amber Version: 1 Notes Working groups, including health board representatives, to take forward development of joint priorities work. On hold due to resource issues. To be taken forward in future quarters. Need and viability to be determined. Initial discussion held with Welsh Government, work likely to be completed in first part of Q3 Page: 46 of 47 Public Health Wales Quality and Delivery Framework Performance Report – Q2 2014/15 46 Review and update our business continuity arrangements 46.3 Audit and review our current business continuity arrangements within each division to identify areas of best practice and any potential gaps Date: 10/11/14 Amber Version: 1 Initial audit undertaken but work delayed due to prioritisation of NATO response. Page: 47 of 47