Minutes - 11.21.13

Membership Committee Teleconference – Nov. 21, 2013
3:00 pm
Dan Coffman, Membership Committee Chair, Ohio ACTE President Elect
Joe Dannemiller, Ohio ACTE Past President
Amy Leedy, Michelle Rammel, Polly Mingyar, Pam Vizer, Mark Lester, Rick Smith, Supt.
Welcome - Membership Committee Chair, Dan Coffman
Committee Chair Dan Coffman welcomed Committee members and thanked them for their time
to discuss membership.
Roll Call - Christine Gardner
Roll call was taken by Division.
Membership Report/Numbers - Christine Gardner
In terms of teacher membership, Christine reported that there are 249 teacher members and
101 free first year teachers. This is just since August 2013, when the new membership
categories were approved. These numbers represent success in what the Membership
Committee had been trying to accomplish by initiating the new categories, which was to simplify
our categories and especially promote that teachers are an important part of Ohio ACTE. Chris
also reported that a majority of teacher members (156) are also joining national ACTE, which
was another goal of the Membership Committee. By making the entry to membership $60
rather than $140, it is easier to recruit members to both organizations.
Committee Discussion:
1) Survey/Focus Group of Teachers
The committee discussed questions to ask teachers in a written survey, with the goal of getting
information to help Ohio ACTE better serve and recruit teacher members. Questions are:
How many years of experience do you have teaching TOTAL?
How many years of experience teaching in CTE?
What subject area do you teach?
Age range
Ohio ACTE Membership:
How did you find out about Ohio ACTE Membership?
Presentation at our school/staff meeting
Web site
Attended a Division/Other meeting
Attended the Ohio ACTE Annual Conference
Professional Development:
Please select all of the topics below that you would be interested in learning more about:
Student Learning Objectives - Writing effective learning goals for students
Student Learning Objectives: Monitoring effective goals for students /monitoring
PARC and/or next generation of assessment
Keeping track of student learning data
Lab and classroom safety
Web Xam
Common Core
Embedded Academics
Classroom management
FIT – formative instructional practices
Technology in the classroom
Ohio Teacher Evaluation System rubric
Resident educator program
How to market your program
Adult learners
ODE Career Field Information
Information specific to my area of instruction
From the list above, choose your top three most important areas of need for professional
What delivery method for professional development do you prefer?
Face to face meetings in Columbus
Regional face to face meetings
What are the biggest challenges you face as a teacher?
Do you plan on renewing your membership next year?
Why/Why not?
What will keep you as a member?
Annual Conference:
Have you attended the Ohio ACTE Annual Conference in the past?
If you have not attended a conference in the past, why not?
Dates/time of the conference in the summer
Lack of school support
If you have attended the conference in the past, did you find programming to suit your needs?
Would you attend the Ohio ACTE Conference if there were specific programming for teachers?
What conferences/professional development opportunities do you attend?
What district do you work in?
Would you like someone to contact you to further discuss your answers?
2) Benefits/Services for Teacher Members
The Committee discussed ideas for benefits and services, specifically to teacher members, and
came up with the following:
Communicate the importance of our advocacy efforts by making sure we let teachers know how
our advocacy work directly impacts them. Make statements in our email correspondence about
how our efforts directly impact teachers/instructors
Ask the Ohio ACTE Annual Conference Committee to consider a specific teacher/instructor
track, as well as a one-day option for teachers. Content could include a panel of experienced
teachers discussion “what I wish I knew starting out.”
Consider a “Tips for Teaching” blog and asking former Ohio ACTE Award winners to provide
the tips and allow a place for comments/questions/feedback.
Send teachers to Web site/ drive to web site with content so they can see all that Ohio ACTE
Start a personal welcome phone call campaign. Members of the Membership Committee will be
asked to contact new members, welcome them, see if they have any questions with the goal of
adding a persona touch/contact for the fee first year teacher members. This can also include a
personal email as follow up. Christine will work on sorting the list of new members, in case
there are wys we can divide by division, geography, etc. and send information to the Committee.
She will also look at a process to do this on an ongoing basis.
Other Business:
There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned. The next Membership
Committee teleconference will take place in January, date/time TBD.