MATH 3312 - Linear Algebra (Section 005)

Syllabus of MATH 3312: Linear Algebra, Section 005, FA 2014
Dr. Keshav Raj Acharya, Office R2-325, email:
5:30 – 7:15 PM on Tuesday and Thursday in N 173
Office Hours: 4:00 - 5:30 PM on Monday and Wednesday
4:00 - 5:00 PM on Tuesday and Thursday
Text Book:
Linear Algebra and Its Application, 4th ed. by David Lay, Pearson
Addison Wesley, ISBN-13: 978-0-321-38517-8, ISBN-10: 0-321-38517-8
Chapters 1 - 7.
Not required
Upon completing this course students should be able to:
1.Perform elementary matrix and vector operations in Euclidean n-space and use
them in application.
2. Identify and construct examples of elementary vector space ideas in Euclidean
n-space as well as in general vector spaces
3. Find eigenvalues and eigenvectors and use them in diagonalization problems
and other applications
There will be in class quizzes (bi-weekly), three midterm tests, and a
comprehensive final exam.
Quizzes, Homework, Class Participations
Midterm tests (20% each)
Final exam
A: 90-100 %, B: 80-89 %,
Test 1 – Thursday, September 11, 2014
C: 70-79 %,
Test 2 – Tuesday, October 14, 2014
Test 3 – Tuesday, November 13, 2014
Final Exam: TBA
D: 60-69 %,
F: < 60
Make-up exams will only be given at the discretion of the instructor, and
with a valid excuse for the absence. You must contact the instructor by email
before the exam or quiz if you need to arrange a make-up.
Homework will be assigned regularly and should be done on time. Some of them
will be discussed during the class. Remember that you cannot learn this subject
without doing the homework.
There is no formal departmental requirement for attendance. However it is
essential to attend every class in order to learn the material. Moreover, students
are responsible for all information given in the class. There will be worksheets to
be done in every alternate class. If you miss a class then you will lose points for
class participation. A signup sheet will be passing to keep track of attendance.
There is no use of any electronic device in this class except a TI calculator. You
may use a computer if you have an electronic version of the text book and would
like to consult during the class. Otherwise, there is no need to open a computer.
Please, do not use cell phone during the class. It will not only distract you but also
disturb other students in the class.
Honor Code: SPSU has an Honor Code and a new procedure relating to when academic
misconduct is alleged. All students should be aware of them. Information about
the Honor Code and the misconduct procedure may be found at
Students with disabilities who believe that they may need
accommodations in this class are encouraged to contact the counselor
working with disabilities at (678)915-7226 as soon as possible to better
insure that such accommodations are implemented in a timely fashion.
Wednesday, August 13
First day of class
Monday, August 18th
Monday, September 1st
Wednesday, September 3rd
Monday, September 29th
Thursday, October 2nd
Monday December 1st
To be announced later
End of Add/Drop
Labor Day Holiday
Engagement Report Due
Midterm Evaluations Due
Withdraw Deadline
Last Day of Class Fall 2014
Final Exam
Homework Assignment
Date Assigned
Homework Problems
Pg. 10: 1-10, 23, 24.
Pg. 21: 1-29 (odd)
Pg. 32: 1-15 (odd), 23, 24
Pg. 40: 1-13 (odd), 14, 18, 22, 23, 24
Pg. 47: 1-13 (odd), 17, 23, 24, 29, 31, 34
Pg. 60: 1-7, 15-27, 33-38
Pg. 68: 1-11 (odd) 18, 20, 21, 22, 27, 29, 31, 34
Pg. 78: 1-11 (odd), 18, 22, 23, 24, 34
Pg. 100: 1-11 (odd), 15, 16, 17-29 (odd)
Pg. 109: 1-13 (odd), 17-25 (odd), 29-32
Pg. 115: 1-23 (odd), 28, 33
Pg. 151: 1-25 (odd)
Pg. 167: 1-21 (odd), 25-30, 39, 41
Pg. 175: 1-29 (odd), 39, 40, 41
Pg. 195: 1-18, 23, 24. [25-29 optional]
Pg. 205: 1-25 (odd), 31, 33
Pg. 213: 1-15 (odd), 19-24, 31, 34
Pg. 222: 1-15 (odd), 16, 27
Pg. 229: 1-23 (odd), 29
Pg. 236: 1-27 (odd)
Pg. 242: 1-13 (odd)
Pg. 271: 1-29 (odd)
Pg. 279: 1, 3, 9, 11, 13, 15, 21, 24
Pg. 286: 1, 5, 7, 11, 21, 22, 23, 27
Pg. 293: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 19, 21
Pg. 336: 1-23 (odd), 27, 29
Pg. 344: 1-29 (odd)
Pg. 399: 1-21 (odd), 25
Pg. 399: 1-17 (odd), 21