Section 2- The Simple Bare Necessities of Life (pg 40)

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Direction: Go to Chapter 2 Section 1 (pg 36) to answer the questions
Living Things have
Every living thing is
composed of what?
Every living thing is made up of _one_______
or ____more ___
A cell is a membrane-covered structure that
What is a cell?
contains all of the materials necessary for life
What is an example of
some special functions
that cells can
Nerve cells are specialized to transport
What is a stimulus?
Stimulus is a change in an organism’s
Living Things Sense
and Respond to
signals, and your muscles cells are specialized
for movement
environment that affects the activity of the
What is an example of
a stimulus?
Example: gravity, darkness, light, sounds,
tastes or anything that causes organisms to
respond in some way
Homeostasis – The maintenance of a stable
Define Homeostasis
Example of
internal environment.
Your body temperature is about 37C. When
you get hot, your body responds by sweating
When your body cools, your muscles twitch in
an attempt to generate heat, causing you to
In asexual reproductions, a single parent
What is asexual
Living Things
produces offspring that are identical to the
Sexual reproduction, however almost always
What is sexual
requires two parents to produce offspring
that will share characteristics of both parents
Living Things have
What does DNA stand
Deoxyribonucleic Acid
What important
molecule does DNA
provide for?
DNA provides instructions for making
Why are proteins
important for an
Proteins take part in almost __all of the
molecules called proteins
activities of an organisms cells.
Proteins also determine many of an
organism’s characteristics.
Heredity: the transmission of characteristics
Define heredity?
Living Things Use
from one generation to the next.
An organism’s metabolism is the total of all of
Define metabolism?
the chemical activities that it performs.
Living Things Grow
and Develop
All living things, whether they are made of
How can different
organisms grow and
develop over the
course of their lives?
one or many cells, grow during periods of
their lives.
Growth in a single celled organisms occurs
as the cell gets larger.
Organisms made of many cells grow mainly by
increasing their number of cells
Section 1 Review
Write down the 6 Characteristics of Living Things.
1) Living things have cells
2) Living things sense and respond to change
3) Living things reproduce
4) Living things have DNA
5) Living things use energy
6) Living things grow and develop
For something to be considered alive, it must have all of
the characteristics of life
(* do not write in this section until we go over as a class)
Section 2- The Simple Bare Necessities of Life (pg 40)
Top section
Every organism has the same
What are 4 basic needs
of every organism
basic need: food, water, air, and
living space.
Why does all organisms
need food?
Food provides organisms with the
energy and raw materials needed
to carry on life processes and to
rebuild and repair cells and body
What are producers?
Making Food
Some organism, such as plants,
are called producers because they
can produce their own food.
Unlike producers, who can make
Getting Food
What is the difference
between consumers and
their own food; Other organisms
are called consumers
because they must eat (consume)
other organisms to get food
What is a decomposer?
Decomposers are organisms that
get their food by breaking down
the nutrients in dead organisms or
animal waste.
Why is water so
important to living
Cells of almost all living organisms
are approximately __70__ percent
water. Most chemical reactions
involved metabolism require
Air is a mixture of several different
Why is gas exchange (air)
important to living
gases, including __oxygen__ and
carbon dioxide. Animals, plants,
and most of living things use
____oxygen___ in the chemical
process that releases ____energy
___ from food.
Organisms that live on land get
____oxygen___from the air.
How do land and water
animals differ in getting
the gases they need?
Organisms living in fresh water
and salt water either take in
dissolved __oxygen from the
water or come to the surface to
get oxygen.
Green plants, algae, and some
bacteria need carbon dioxide gas
in addition to oxygen. They use
the CO2 gas to make food by a
process known as photosynthesis
Because space on earth is limited,
A Place to Live
What happens when
organism try to occupy
the same space?
organism often compete with
each other for food, water, and
other necessities.