ONLINE APPENDIX FOR EJIS-ER140052 APPENDIX A. DESCRIPTION OF MEET-U Appendix A.1. Purpose of Meet-U The aim of Meet-U is to support users in organizing and arranging meetings and events with their friends. The goal is to effectively support users in every situation, but, at the same time, the users should not feel disturbed by the IS. The users are supported not only during the planning of an event, but also on the way to an event, as well as at the event itself. They can provide private data such as their date of birth, and indicate interests to improve recommendations for events or people with similar interests. Users can register for public events or create private events where they can invite other people to join them. When planning to visit a public event, the system creates recommendations of possibly interesting events, based on private data of the users (such as their preferred leisure activities) and user-generated content that is related to the available events (such as the viewers’ rating for a movie in IMDb). Assuming users want to create a private event, the application provides recommendations on which of their friends should be invited, based on the characteristics of the event and information about their friends. When an event appointment approaches, Meet-U reminds its users and provides, e.g., navigation information. At the event site, the system recognizes available third-party services and integrates these services. Examples of such services are a ticketing service or an event map including the points of interest. 1 Appendix A.2. Dashboard of the prototype that was used by the participants Translation from German: 1 1 Name of the prototype 2 Upcoming Events 3 Name, location and date of the event 4 Active invitations 5 No active invitations 6 My Events 7 Contacts 8 My Profile 9 Search 10 History 11 Privacy Policy 12 Visibility of the current location (is on, can be turned off) and address 2 3 4 5 6 9 7 10 8 11 12 2 Appendix A.3. Screenshot showing the simulated indoor navigation used in the free simulation experiment Translation from German: 1 1 Indoor navigation 2 Name, location and time left until event begins 2 Simulation of indoor navigation during the free simulation experiment. The map is a real floor-plan of the location of the evaluation. The big dot marks the start of the navigation (the PC lab of the university) and the small dot marks the event location. Altogether, three different events were recommended to users, based on their preferences and user-generated content. In the case of outdoor navigation, GoogleMaps would be used. 3 APPENDIX B. COMMON METHOD BIAS Appendix B.1. Addressing common method bias Recently, a number of researchers have brought up the problem of common method bias in behavioural research (Podsakoff et al. 2003; Sharma et al. 2009). These publications point out that a significant amount of variance explained in a model is attributed to the measurement method rather than to the constructs the measures represent (Podsakoff et al. 2003). This holds especially true if only one data source is used and data for the independent and dependent constructs were gathered from the same participants (Podsakoff et al. 2003). A major finding from Sharma et al. (2009) is that a metaanalysis of the TAM model showed a failure of perceived usefulness to predict adoption and usage when controlling for common method bias. Aware of this fact, we used the Trust-TAM (Gefen et al. 2003) as theoretical foundation for our research model, since it was not part of their analysis (Sharma et al. 2009) but was independently tested for common method bias by Malhotra et al. (2006), with the result that common method variance does not affect the validity of Gefen et al.’s (2003) results. To further ensure that common method variance is also no issue in our study, we followed the guidelines of Podsakoff et al. (2003). According to their first recommendation, we followed the suggested procedural remedies related to questionnaire design. We used simple structured questions in simple language and avoided vague concepts and ambiguous terms. For the extreme points and the midpoints of the scales we provided verbal labels. Further, we assured anonymity to the participants by explicitly stating in the introduction of the questionnaire that all answers would be anonymous, and no relationship between any answers and a participant would be established. Second, the introduction also stated that there were no ‘right or wrong’ answers, emphasizing that we were interested in the participants' honest opinions. We developed a cover story for the questionnaire in order to make it appear to the participants that the independent and dependent constructs were unconnected. 4 Apart from the procedural remedies, we used statistical remedies afterwards. Therefore, we used common tests in IS to control common method bias: Harman’s single factor test and the unmeasured latent marker construct (ULMC) technique (Liang et al. 2007; Podsakoff et al. 2003). Regarding Harman’s single factor test, we conducted an exploratory factor analysis and defined that only one factor should be extracted, which accounted for 37.58% of the variance, and is below the threshold of 50%. Thus, according to this test, common method bias is not a serious problem in our study. The results of the ULMC analysis (see Appendices B.2 and B.3) show that the average variance explained by the respective construct is 0.8361, whereas the average variance explained by the method factor is 0.00255. Furthermore, all expected loadings are notably larger than the loadings with the method factor (the lowest difference is 0.520 for the process indicator). Furthermore, only two method factor loadings were found to be significant. Following Liang et al. (2007), this indicates that common method bias is unlikely for the detailed results of our ULMC analysis. Since only limited statistical remedies exist (see e.g., the discussion on the usefulness of the Harman’s single factor test (Podsakoff et al. 2003), and of the ULMC technique (Chin et al. 2012)), it is hardly possible to statistically ensure that common method bias is no problem at all in a study. Nevertheless, given the rigorously used procedural remedies and the good results from the statistical remedies, we expect that common method bias is not a serious problem in our study. Appendix B.2. Model including only reflective indicators 75 0.1 0.538*** 0.518*** 00 0.5 3 0.323 2* ** *** INT_USE R² = 0.581 ** * 0 .3 .s. 1n 0.26 1 0 3* . -0 * PU R² = 0.352 0.173* TRUST_IS R² = 0.482 -0.012n.s. * TRUST_INET 2 *** 0.36 * TRUST_COMM R² = 0.268 TRUST_PROV R² = 0.069 0 . 33 0 0.0 6*** 5 PEOU R² = 0.113 .s. 4n *** = p < 0.001 ** = p < 0.01 * = p < 0.05 n.s. = not significant Since Liang et al. (2007) recommend remodelling all formative indicators to reflective indicators before running the UMLC technique, we remodelled our original model. Consequently, similar to the comparison with the saturated model (see Appendix D.6), we need to evaluate the effect of this change in the significance of single paths and changes in the R² of the endogenous constructs measured by effect sizes f². The comparison of both models shows that changing the direction of the measurement models did not have a worrying impact on the model. In fact, the only change in significance can be found for the path from trust in the Internet to trust in the provider. Here, the path coefficient changes from 0.262** to 0.263***. The f² effect sizes provide similar results: f² for TRUST_COMM = (R²reflective model – R²original model)/(1 – R²reflective model) = (0.268 – 0.307)/(1 – 0.268) = -0.0533 f² for TRUST_IS = 0.0058 f² for TRUST_PROV = 0.0011 f² for PU = -0.0170 f² for PEOU = 0 f² for INT_USE = -0.0119 Since we observed only a single f² values which exceeds the limit of 0.02 (the change had a small impact on the R² of the trust in the community of Internet users construct), we can conclude that using only reflective indicators did not impact our model in a way that would make it inappropriate for testing for common method bias. Taking all results together, we can conclude that the model using only reflective indicator is suitable for being used in a UMLC analysis. Appendix B.3. UMLC technique results Following Gefen et al.’s (2011) recommendation, we used the UMLC technique to investigate whether common method bias is a serious issue in our study (Liang et al. 2007). Following Liang et al. (2007), we specified all constructs to be reflective for the UMLC analysis. This approach is suitable, since we compared our original model to the model including only reflective indicators in Appendix B.2, and 6 there were hardly any effects in terms of changes in signs, significances or R² of endogenous constructs. The results of the UMLC analysis show that the average variance explained by the respective construct is 0.8361, whereas the average variance explained by the method factor is 0.00255. Furthermore, all expected loadings are notably larger than the loadings with the method factor (the lowest difference is 0.520 for the process indicator). Moreover, only two method factor loadings were found significant. Following Liang et al. (2007), we can thus conclude that common method bias is unlikely to be a serious concern in our study. Construct Indicator situational_ normality TRUST_INT structural_ assurance comm_ability comm_ TRUST_COMM benevolence comm_ integrity performance TRUST_IS process purpose prov_ability prov_ TRUST_PROV benevolence prov_integrity PU1 PU PU2 PU3 PEOU1 PEOU PEOU2 PEOU3 INT_USE1 INT_USE INT_USE2 INT_USE3 Average *: p < 0.05 Substantive Factor Loading (R1) 0.790*** R1² 0.624 Method Factor Loading (R2) -0.001n.s. R2² 0.000 0.887*** 0.787 0.001n.s. 0.000 0.655*** 0.783*** 0.429 0.613 -0.073n.s. 0.051n.s. 0.005 0.003 0.873*** 0.762 0.003n.s. 0.000 0.695*** 0.516** 0.964*** 0.871*** 0.763*** 0.483 0.266 0.929 0.759 0.582 0.174* -0.004n.s. -0.191** -0.121n.s. 0.085n.s. 0.030 0.000 0.036 0.015 0.007 0.759*** 0.888*** 0.964*** 0.869*** 0.920*** 0.879*** 0.803*** 0.982*** 0.972*** 0.889*** 0.836 0.576 0.789 0.929 0.755 0.846 0.773 0.645 0.964 0.945 0.790 0.699 0.029n.s. 0.001 0.007n.s. 0.000 -0.026n.s. 0.001 0.020n.s. 0.000 -0.035n.s. 0.001 -0.065n.s. 0.004 0.096n.s. 0.009 -0.042n.s. 0.002 -0.022n.s. 0.000 0.063n.s. 0.004 -0.003 0.006 n.s.: not significant **: p < 0.01 ***: p < 0.001 7 APPENDIX C. INDICATORS USED IN THE STUDY Indicator Statement Mean SD Source TRUST_PROV - Trust in the Provider (formative) prov_ability The provider does a good job. 7.51 1.563 prov_benevolence It is important for the provider that ____ supports me in achieving my goals. 7.10 1.700 prov_integrity I can count on the statements of the provider. 5.79 1.997 Developed using theoretical foundations provided by Mayer et al. (1995). TRUST_INET - Trust in the Internet (formative) situational_ normality I feel good about how thing go when do activities on the Internet. 3.37 2.127 structural_ assurance I feel assured that legal and technological structures adequately protect me from problems on the Internet. 3.70 1.924 Developed using theoretical foundations provided by McKnight et al. (2002). TRUST_IS - Trust in the IS (formative) performance ____ performs well. 6.43 1.860 process I understand the inner processes ____ uses to support me. 4.11 2.174 purpose I understand why ____ was developed. 7.31 1.626 Developed using theoretical foundations provided by Lee and See (2004). TRUST_COMM - Trust in the Community of Internet Users (formative) comm_ability Information provided by other users of the Internet is valuable. 5.74 1.843 comm_benevolence Other users of the Internet offer me help when I have questions. 3.66 1.897 comm_integrity In general, I can count on the information provided by other internet users. 3.97 1.929 Developed using theoretical foundations provided by Mayer et al. (1995). PEOU - Perceived Ease of Use (reflective) PEOU1 Learning to use ____ would be easy for me. 7.15 1.687 PEOU2 It would be easy for me to become skillful at using ____. 6.92 1.710 PEOU3 ____ is ease to use. 6.34 2.162 Adapted from Kamis et al. (2008). PU - Perceived Usefulness (reflective) PU1 Using ____ improves my performance in organizing and managing events. 5.20 2.184 PU2 Using ____ improves my effectiveness in organizing and managing events. 5.47 2.181 PU3 ____ is a useful tool to support me in organizing and managing events. 6.18 1.905 Adapted from Kamis et al. (2008). INT_USE - Intention to Use (reflective) INT_USE1 Assuming I had access to ____, I intend to use it. 5.53 2.113 INT_USE2 Assuming I had access to ____, I plan to use the system. 5.59 2.223 INT_USE3 Assuming I had access to ____, I would use it to organize and manage my next event. 5.48 2.256 8 Adapted fromWang and Benbasat (2009) and Bhattacherjee and Sanford (2006). APPENDIX D. FURTHER TABLES UNDERLINING THE RESULTS Appendix D.1. Cross-loadings and composite reliability for the reflective measurement models INT_USE ρc = 0.963 AVE = 0.900 0.945 0.952 0.946 0.311 0.254 0.393 0.661 0.666 0.614 INT_USE1 INT_USE2 INT_USE3 PEOU1 PEOU2 PEOU3 PU1 PU2 PU3 PEOU ρc = 0.900 AVE = 0.750 0.356 0.381 0.331 0.894 0.821 0.880 0.328 0.394 0.383 PU ρc = 0.933 AVE = 0.824 0.665 0.624 0.733 0.329 0.285 0.424 0.894 0.942 0.886 Appendix D.2. AVE and correlation among construct scores (square root of the AVE bold in diagonals). INT_USE PEOU PU TRUST_IS TRUST_INET TRUST_PROV TRUST_COMM INT_ USE 0.948 0.375 0.713 0.632 0.172 0.455 0.064 PEOU PU TRUST_ IS TRUST_ INET TRUST_ PROV TRUST_ COMM 0.866 0.406 0.484 0.100 0.337 0.032 0.908 0.565 0.208 0.472 0.135 formative 0.157 0.629 0.085 formative 0.262 0.157 formative 0.137 formative Appendix D.3. Evaluation of the formative measurement models Construct TRUST_IS TRUST_INET TRUST_PROV TRUST_COMM Indicator VIF Factor Weights performance 1.704 0.713 < 0.001 process 1.301 0.266 < 0.01 purpose 1.363 0.310 < 0.001 situational_normality 2.023 0.640 < 0.001 structural_assurance 1.909 0.483 < 0.001 prov_ability 1.527 0.305 < 0.01 prov_benevolence 1.705 0.570 < 0.001 prov_integrity 1.821 0.365 < 0.01 comm_ability 1.775 -0.179 n.s. comm_benevolence 1.198 0.887 < 0.001 comm_integrity 1.783 0.238 n.s. 9 p-value Factor Loadings 0.115 0.643 We relied on the guidelines of Cenfetelli and Bassellier (2009) to evaluate our formative measurement models. According to the first guideline, we checked for multicollinearity by computing the Variance Inflation Factor (VIF). The results indicate that multicollinearity is not a problem in our study because the highest VIF value (2.023) is below the limit of 3.33 (Diamantopoulos and Siguaw 2006). In their second guideline, Cenfetelli and Bassellier (2009) state that a large number of indicators will cause many non-significant weights. Since we observed only two non-significant weights (at the level of 0.05, marked with “n.s.” in the table above) and their inclusion is based upon theory, we decided not to drop any indicators. This decision is based on the argument that this is the first study of its kind, and it should be checked whether this lack of significance could be observed in different studies before questioning the relevance of these indicators (Cenfetelli and Bassellier 2009). The third guideline deals with the co-occurrence of positive and negative weights. Due to the fact that the only indicator with a negative weight was not found to be significant, there was no need to worry about this point in our study (Cenfetelli and Bassellier 2009). Guideline four suggests that researchers should check the indicator loadings when observing indicators that have a low indicator weight. As a reason, Cenfetelli and Bassellier (2009) point out that the indicator could have only a small formative impact on the construct (shown by a low weight), but it still could be an important part of the construct (shown by a high loading). If this is the case, the indicator is important and should be included in the measurement model (Cenfetelli and Bassellier 2009). Chin (1998) stipulates that a loading of 0.5 is weak but still acceptable. Checking the results presented in the table above, we can see that the loadings of the two indicators with non-significant weights vary highly. Whereas the indicator comm_integrity shows a loading above the threshold (0.643 > 0.5), the indicator comm_ability shows a loading below the threshold (0.115 < 0.5). As a result, the indicator comm_ability has a non-significant weight and a low loading. Nevertheless, since this is the first study of this kind and the inclusion of the indicator is based on a solid theoretical basis, we follow Cenfetelli and Bassellier’s (2009) advice and do not drop the indicator. However, the observation that the indicator comm_ability shows a non-significant, negative weight and a low 10 loading challenges the theoretical basis. If similar results can be observed in future studies, the indicator should be dropped, and the suitability of the theoretical basis suggesting this particular relationship should be investigated. In the fifth guideline, Cenfetelli and Bassellier (2009) recommend testing for nomological network effects and construct portability. They suggest comparing the factor weights of the indicators across different studies. Due to the fact that, to the best of our knowledge, ours is the first study investigating different targets of trust in IS use and additionally following a formative measurement for each of these constructs, a comparison of factor weights across different studies is not possible. The sixth guideline cautions that the indicator weights can be slightly inflated when using the PLS technique (Cenfetelli and Bassellier 2009). As we used the PLS technique, this is a limitation of our study. In summary, the evaluation of our formative measurement models shows that the models fulfil the requirements posed by the guidelines of Cenfetelli and Bassellier (2009). Appendix D.4. Multicollinearity among the predictors of the endogenous constructs Predictors of TRUST_IS Construct VIF TRUST_INET 1.522 TRUST_COMM 1.445 TRUST_PROV 1.199 PEOU 1.129 Predictors of PU Construct VIF TRUST_IS 1.918 TRUST_PROV 1.657 PEOU 1.308 Predictors of NT_USE Construct VIF TRUST_IS 1.658 PU 1.521 PEOU 1.351 Appendix D.5. f² and q² effect sizes for the structural model Relationship f² value 0.433 f² effect size large q² value 0.338 q² effect size medium PEOU INT_USE 0.000 - 0.000 - PEOU PU 0.035 small 0.012 - PEOU TRUST_IS 0.157 medium n/a TRUST_IS INT_USE 0.162 medium 0.128 small TRUST_IS PU 0.105 small 0.078 small PU INT_USE 11 TRUST_INET TRUST_COMM 0.444 large n/a TRUST_INET TRUST_IS 0.004 - n/a TRUST_INET TRUST_PROV 0.074 small n/a TRUST_COMM TRUST_IS 0.001 - n/a TRUST_PROV TRUST_IS 0.444 large n/a TRUST_PROV PU 0.031 small 0.020 small TRUST_PROV PEOU 0.128 small 0.091 small Appendix D.6. Saturated Model According to Gefen et al. (2011), the theorized model should be compared to a saturated model (see the Figure below) regarding changes in the significance of single paths and changes in the R² of the endogenous constructs measured by effect sizes f². 0.034n.s. 0.039n.s. 0.072n.s. TRUST_IS R² = 0.482 -0.019n.s. 0.5 2 0.332* 8n 0.1 5 ** TRUST_PROV R² = 0.072 ** INT_USE R² = 0.588 0.007n.s. * 0.006n.s. * 11 TRUST_COMM R² = 0.308 3* * 0.166* * 0.531*** n. s. 04 0. 0 5* 0 .3 0.555*** 0.2 6 PU R² = 0.371 * .s. TRUST_INET 1 ** 0 . 37 0.32 00 -0. 5 *** .s. 2n PEOU R² = 0.109 -0.037n.s. -0.056n.s. 0.034n.s. *** = p < 0.001 ** = p < 0.01 * = p < 0.05 n.s. = not significant The comparison of both models shows that our original model is sound. All added structural paths were not found to be significant. Furthermore, we observed only three changes in terms of 12 significance. Two indicators went down one degree in significance, and the path between trust in the provider and perceived usefulness became insignificant (see the Table below for a summary of the results). Relationship structural_assurance TRUST_INET prov_ability TRUST_PROV TRUST_PROV PU Original Model 0.483*** t-value 3.360 Saturated Model 0.475** t-value 2.824 0.305** 2.951 0.241* 2.280 0.185* 2.034 0.158n.s. 1.779 To assess the impact of the additional structural paths on the R² values, we need to compute the f² comparing the original model and the saturated model: f² for TRUST_COMM = (R²saturated model – R²original model)/(1 – R²saturated model) = (0.308 – 0.307)/(1 – 0.308) = 0.0014 f² for TRUST_IS = 0.0032 f² for TRUST_PROV = 0.0043 f² for PU = 0.0127 f² for PEOU = -0.0045 f² for INT_USE = 0.0049 Since we only observed f² values below the threshold of 0.02, we can conclude that the additional paths did not have an alarming impact on our results (Gefen et al. 2011). 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