Detail Outline of Undergraduate Courses Contents and References of Undergraduate Courses 1 FIRST YEAR FIRST SEMESTER URP 1101: Introduction to Urban and Regional Planning 3.0 credits: 3 hours/week 1. The basic concepts: definition, objective(s), purpose, principles, scope, needs, advantages of Urban and Regional Planning, growth of towns and regions. 2. Role of Urban and Regional Planning in Spatial Development. 3. Evolution of Urban and Regional Planning. 4. The Planning Process. 5. Contemporary Trends in Urban and Regional Planning. Recommended References 1. Hall, Peter, Urban and Regional Planning. 2. Gallion, Arthur B, and Simon Eisner. The Urban Patter, City Planning and Design. 3. Keeble, Lewis. Town Planning made Plain. 4. McConnel, Shean, Theories for Planning. 5. Rangwala, S. C., Town Planning. 6. Hirashkar, Fundamental of Town Planning, Delhi. 7. Yadav, C. S., City Planning: Problems and Prospects. 8. Hall, Peter. The Theory and Practice of Regional Planning. 9. Andreas Faludi (1973), Planning Theory Pergamon Press Ltd, Oxford 10. M. PratapRao (2001), Urban Planning: Theory & Practice EBS Publishers & Distributors, New Delhi. URP 1102: Human Settlements 2.0 credits: 2 hours/week 1. Definition, concept, scope of settlement studies. Relationship with Urban and Rural Planning, Regional Science and related disciplines.Nature, elements, parts and units of settlements. 2. Origin and evolution of settlements, Growth and decline of settlements. 3. Classification of settlements: rural and urban settlements. Rural settlements: Characteristics, types, pattern, form; land use and related theories, Urban settlements: characteristics, types, pattern, form; Land use and related theories, Central place theory, August Losch’s theory. Rank size rule, Primate City distribution. 4. Rural-Urban interaction, Rural-urban fringe. 5. Settlements region, settlement systems. 6. Some basic characteristics. Undergraduate and Postgraduate Pamphlet Department of Urban and Regional Planning Recommended References 1. Doxiadis. C. A. Ekistics: An Introduction to the Science of Human Settlement. 2. Daniel. P and Hopkinson, M. The Geography of Settlement. 3. Ghosph, S. Introduction to Settlement Geography. 4. Roberts, B. K. Landscape of Settlement. 5. Baqui, Abdul. GrameenBasatiBhugol. 6. Sultan, S. Settlement in Bangladesh. Spatial Pattern and Development. 7. Islam, N. Human Settlements & Urban Development in Bangladesh. 8. Hossain, M. Human Geography. URP 1103: Mathematics 3.0 credits: 3 hours/week 1. Algebra: permutation and combination, binomial theorem matrix various types of matrices addition, subtraction and multiplication of matrices, adjoint and inverse matrices, solution of systems of linear equations. 2. The Cartesian Plane: Real numbers and real line, absolute value, solutions of linear and quadratic inequalities, the Cartesian plane, equations of lines, circles, parabolas, ellipses and hyperbolas. Vector: in a plane, space co-ordinate and vector in space, do not and cross product of vectors. 3. Functions: Definition, finding domain and range of a function, different kinds of exponential and logarithmic functions, trigonometric functions, logistic function; graphs of functions, symmetry of curves. Limits and continuity: introduction to limit; techniques of evaluating limits, infinite limits, continuity, and asymptote. 4. Differentiation: Differentiation rules, chain rule, implicit differentiation, successive differentiation existence of a single variable function, increasing and decreasing function, Curve Sketching. Recommended References 1. Larson, E. and Hosteller: Calculus with Analytic geometry. 2. Lipscvhulz, S. Linear algebra, -Schaum’s outline series. 3. Das and Mukherjee: Differential Calculus. 4. Das and Mukherjee: Integral Calculus. 5. Shanti Natayan. A textbook of matrices. 6. Larson. Edward and Hosteller: Calculus and Analytical Geometry. 7. Sheply Ross: Differential equation. 8. Wilson. A. G. and M. J. Kirkby mathematics for Geographers and Planners. URP 1104: Micro Economics 3.0 credits: 3 hours/week 1. Definition and scope of economics, task and methods of economics, basic concepts in economics. Undergraduate and Postgraduate Pamphlet Department of Urban and Regional Planning 2. Relationship of economics with social sciences and importance of studying economics with respect to urban and regional planning. 3. The theory of utility and demand; indifference curve analysis; consumer’s surplus; concept of elasticity of demand and supply; measurement of elasticity. 4. Pricing of the factors of production; the theory of distribution; marginal productivity theory; theories of wage, rent interest and profit. 5. Theory of production and costs; equilibrium; short and long run analysis of system. 6. Price determination in competitive market; market structure and working of the price system; perfect and imperfect competition; pricing under monopoly; oligopoly and monopolistic competition; price determination and monopoly equilibrium in short and long run. 7. Welfare economics: definition; pareto optimality and social welfare maximization. 8. Market failure regulation. Recommended References 1. Turner, R. Kerry and Clive Collis: The Economics of Planning. 2. Samuelson, P. A. and W. D. Nordhaus: Economics. 3. Stanley Fisher and others: Economics. 4. Dominick Salvatore: Microeconomics URP 1105: Population Studies 2.0 credits: 2 hours/week 1. Population studies and Regional Planning, theoretical linkages; Sources of data. 2. Evolution of population: global and regional perspectives- factors and trends. 3. Population distribution and density; global regional pattern with respect to Developing Countries (DCs) and Less Developed Countries (LDCs). Rural-Urban migration affecting population distribution. 4. Dynamics of population change and population projection. 5. Selected population structures: regional patterns of age, sex, employment/occupation and literacy structure. 6. Framework of migration studies: laws of migration (mainly Lee, Ravenstein and Bogue). 7. Population redistribution and development: Spontaneous and Non-spontaneous populations shifts; resettlement voluntary and involuntary; floating population and shelter (Slum and squatter). Recommended References 1. Bogue, D. J. 1984, Principle of Demography, New York: John Wiley. 2. Petersen, W. 1984, Population. New York. McMillan. 3. Cerna, M. M. 1988 Involuntary Resettlement in Development Projects. Washington D.C.: World Bank. 4. ADB. 1999. Bangladesh Resettlement Police and Practice. Dhaka.BCL. 5. ILO. 1986. Internal Migration. Geneva: ILO. URP 1106: Functional English Undergraduate and Postgraduate Pamphlet Department of Urban and Regional Planning 2.0 credits: 2 hours/week 1. Listening skills: Listening comprehension, Listening and Note taking, Test and Note Revision. 2. Speaking Skills: Asking and Answering questions; Items of speaking; remedial grammar; Test and revision. 3. Reading in context: Comprehension questions; Vocabulary development in context. Structure analysis, Remedial grammar, Test and Revision. 4. Development of Writing Skills: making an outline; Chronological order, Spatial order; Process; Lists; examples: comparison and contrasts; definitions; classification; cause and effect. Generalizations; Report Writing; essays; Test Revision. 5. Reference Skill: using a dictionary, encyclopedia and Atlas; How to use a textbook. Recommended References 1. Allan, JPB and Widowson: English in Social Studies. 2. Batws, Martin and Dudley- Evans, T. English for Science and Technology: general science. 3. English in physical science: in English in Focus series. 4. Spotlight: Modern English for students. 5. Lever, John and Hucheson, Sandy: Communication in face-to-face interaction. 6. Leeh, Geoffrey and Jan Savrtvik: A communicative grammar of English. 7. Horby, A. S. Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary of Current English. URP 1107: Engineering Survey (Practical) 2.0 credits: 4 hours/week 1. Definition and scope of Engineering Survey, definition, types, scope and importance. 2. Survey and calculation of Area and Volume: reconnaissance surveys, chain survey, traverse survey. 3. Plane Table Survey: prismatic compass, leveling City surveying: explanation of city surveying, purpose of city surveying, and steps of city surveying. 4. Problems of height and distance, curve and curve ranging, transition curve, vertical curve, survey analysis and presentation. 5. Topographic Survey: meaning, necessity, representation of relief, contours and contour interval, characteristics of contours. 6. Procedure in topographic Surveying: horizontal control, vertical control, locating details, methods of locating contours. 7. Route Surveying: meaning, necessity, and steps of route surveying. 8. Electro- Magnetic Distance Measurement (EDM): concept of EDM. Necessity of EDM, electromagnetic waves, modulation types of EDM instrument, distomats GPS. Recommended References 1. Aziz, M. A. and Shahjahan, M. A. Textbook of Surveying, BUET, Dhaka. 2. Punmia, B. C. Surveying Vol. 1, 2, 3, Laxmi Publication, Delhi. Undergraduate and Postgraduate Pamphlet Department of Urban and Regional Planning 3. Kanetker, T. P. and Kulkawrni S. V. Surveying and Leveling; A. V. Griha Publication, Poona, India. URP 1108: Introduction to Computer Applications (Practical) 2.0 credits: 4 hours/week 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Introduction to computer, hardware and software. Introduction to DOS: Windows 98, Office 2000. Microsoft word: file open, data entry, saving, editing, printing, file management. Microsoft Excel: table and graphs, basic mathematical and statistical functions. File management Page set up and printing Use of Internet. URP 1109: Communication and Presentation Techniques (Practical) 2.0 credits: 4 hours/week Communication as a process of conveyance; techniques for communicating – report, meetings, press, educational materials, broadcasting, etc. Mediums of communication.Presentations as means of communication.Types of presentation techniques – figures, diagrams, charts, maps, photographic composition, icons. Studies will be required to be several presentation exercises to present different planning problems in their studio works. 2 FIRST YEAR SECOND SEMESTER URP 1201: Theories of Planning 3.0 credits: 3 hours/week 1. Theories in Urban growth and concept of urban development. 2. Theories of planning - the role and scope of planning in urban societies. 3. Theoretical exposition of urban planning: form, information, process, analysis and simulation. 4. The scope of the professional planning field including the historical development, design element, physical and social planning-analysis, housing and development. 5. The roles and responsibilities of professional planners. Contemporary planning direction – emerging concepts. Recommended references 1. Melville C. Branch. Urban Planning Theory. 1975. Pennsylvania: Hutchinson. 2. Keeble, Lewis. Town Planning made Plain. 3. McConnel, Shean, Theories for Planning. URP 1202: Urban Planning - I Undergraduate and Postgraduate Pamphlet Department of Urban and Regional Planning 3.0 credits: 3 hours/week 1. The basic concepts and definitions of urban planning, Definition of urban area in domestic and international context, City types: Mega City, Primate City, Satellite Town, and Garden City. 2. Contemporary concepts and approaches of plan preparation. 3. Trend of world urbanization and trend of urbanization in Bangladesh. 4. Scope and purpose of urban planning in Bangladesh and its expanding role in general development of the country. 5. Different types of plans: structural Plan, Detailed Area Plan, Urban Area Plan; Comprehensive Plan, Master Plan; Types of Participatory Detailed Area Planning in Bangladesh. 6. Tools and Techniques in urban planning: zoning, building law, forecasting techniques (population, transportation, housing), Morphological analysis, Floor Area Ratio, Intensity Index, Height Index, Urban Renewal (Redevelopment, Rehabilitation, conservation, reclamation). 7. Subdivision Planning: Different types of Sub divisions (according to street pattern) and their respective advantages and disadvantages, neighborhood design, criteria. Recommended References 1. Ratcliffe, J. Town and country planning, UCL, London 2. Hall, Peter, Urban and Regional Planning. 3. Gallion, Arthur B, and Simon Eisner. The Urban Patter, City Planning and Design. 4. International City Managers Association: City Planning and City Design. 5. Keeble, Lewis. Town Planning made Plain.. 6. Rangwala, S. C., Town Planning. 7. Yadav, C. S., City Planning: Problems and Prospects. URP 1203: Macro Economics 3.0 credits: 3 hours/week 1. Macro Economics issues: objectives and instruments, macroeconomics models; Elementary concepts of stock and flow variables: equilibrium, static, dynamics and comparative static, Macro Economics and Micro Economics; problems of aggregation. 2. Elementary ideas about aggregate demand and aggregate supply; simply Keynesian Income determination model: consumption, savings and investment; Equilibrium condition in a closed economy, equilibrium condition in an open economy and Multiplier effect; Investment. Fiscal and foreign trade multiplier, Acceleration principle. 3. National income accounting, circular flows of production and income; different concepts of national product and income; interrelationship between different concepts, Measurement problems and methods: net economic welfare. 4. Supply of money; types of money and constituents of money supply evolution of banking system; central, commercial and specialized banking system; role of financial institutions; credit control. Monetary and Fiscal instrument. Undergraduate and Postgraduate Pamphlet Department of Urban and Regional Planning 5. Inflation: definition, measures and effects. Types of inflation, cost-push and demand pull inflation. Recommended References 1. Dombush and Fischer: Macro Economics. 2. Robert E. Hall and John Taylor, third Edition, Macro Economics. URP 1204: Statistics - I 1.0 credits: 3 hours/week 1. Introduction to Statistics: definition, statistical methods, division of statistics, and relation of statistics with other branches of knowledge, relevance in physical planning. 2. Assembling of statistical data: need for assembling, statistical inquiry, purpose, type, statistical unit, and collection of primary and secondary data. 3. Processing of data: classification of data, array formation, frequency distribution, variable and attribute, continuous and discontinuous series, construction of frequency, Distribution of variables, class interval. 4. Measure of central tendency, different measures of central tendency, arithmetic mean types, computation, properties, use advantage and disadvantage of arithmetic mean; the median determination, advantage and disadvantage of mode, relationship between various measures of central tendency. 5. Measure of dispersion; the range-use merits and demerits; the mean of deviation-use merits and demerits; calculation of standard deviation from grouped and ungrouped data; the variance calculation of various types of variance; the quartile deviation. 6. Distribution of numbers: binomial distribution, normal distribution- curve; Poison distribution. 7. Representation of statistical data: graphical representation- graph types; construction of graphs- frequency distribution graphs, histograms, frequency polygon, derivation of polygon from histogram, frequency curve, ogive, diagrams- simple bar, multidimensional diagram, pictogram, cartogram- maps. Recommended References 1. Miah, Md. and Miyan, Alimulllah, An Introduction to Statistics. 2. Mostafa, M. G. Methods of Statistics 3. Gupta, M. K. and Dasgupta. Fundamentals of Statistics. 4. Henry and Altheon, Statistics. 5. Johnson, Robert. Elementary Statistics. URP 1205: Culture, Society and Planning 2.0 credits: 2 hours/week 1. The Relationship of Culture and Society with Planning. 2. Basic concepts of Sociology and Social Anthropology with relation to Urbanization/urban expansion. Undergraduate and Postgraduate Pamphlet Department of Urban and Regional Planning 3. The Rural-Urban Relationship. 4. Socio-historical perspective on urban settlement: Third World and Western cities colonization; Industrial and non-industrial. 5. Social inequalities in cities: class, gender, race and ethnicity. 6. Urban ecology: the family structure, kinship relation, alienation, urban and rural social structure; technology and social structure; extended families; gender inequality; behaviour pattern and values; social area analysis; social areas as communities; the spatial distribution. 7. Urban History: case study of any South Asian/Bangladeshi City. 8. Process of Urban Impoverishment. 9. Bangladesh: Urbanization during the colonial and post-colonial periods; deepening urban inequalities. Recommended References 1. Broady, M. Planning for People. The Bedford square press, London 2. EligabethBott. Family and Social Network: Roles, Norms and External Relationships in Ordinary Urban Families. London Travistock. 3. Richard Hoggart. The Uses of Literacy. Aspects of working class life with special references to publications and entertainments, London: Penguin Books, 4. 4. Carol Stok, All our Kin: Strategies for survival in a Black Community New York. 5. Grelch, George and Walter P. Zenner: Urban Life, Readings in Urban Anthropology. 6. Abrahamson, Mark, Urban Society. 7. Hatt, P. K. and Reiss, A. J. (ed) Cities and Society. URP 1206: Cartography and Map Reading (Practical) 1.0 credits: 4 hours/week 1. Introduction to Cartography and Mapping: Cartography as a communication system; the scope of Cartography and Mapping; definition of map and map reading. 2. The elements of map: Scale, communication objectives, subject matter and function. 3. The spheroid, the geoids, the size of earth, the great circle. 4. Co-ordinate system: plane co-ordinate, spherical co-ordinate, latitude, longitude, and rectangular co-ordinate, distance. 5. Scale: statement of scale, scale factor, determining the map scale, common map scale. 6. Introduction to Map Projection, choice of Map Projection. 7. Plane co-ordinate system, the UTM system, the UPS system and State Plane co-ordinate. 8. Data ordering, representation and compilation, ordering of spatial data, representation, compilation Recommended References 1. Tyner, J. Introduction to thematic Cartography. 2. Cromley Robert G. Digital Cartography. URP 1207: Basic Design and Graphics for Planners (Practical) 2.0 credits: 4 hours/week Undergraduate and Postgraduate Pamphlet Department of Urban and Regional Planning 1. Elementary Design: basic elements, principles and basic composition, color, tone and texture, three-dimensional design. 2. Graphics: elements, lettering, and line quality, plan, elevation, section, graphic art (poster, cover page or report; plan and other presentation). 3. Display Board Design: graphical presentation (flow chart with photograph, diagram, symbols etc.) of problems and issues relating to planning and development. URP 1208: Urban Planning - I (Practical) 2.0 credits: 4 hours/week 1. Case studies in urban studies and planning 2. Practical and field works on local area plan preparation 3. Design of urban elements URP 1209: Field Study Report 2.0 credits 3 SECOND YEAR FIRST SEMESTER URP 2101: Land use Planning 3.0 credits: 3 hours/week 1. Introduction, Major land use classification and land zoning. 2. Land Evaluation: objectives, need, and procedure. Land utilization types and their attributes, general crop requirements, land qualities and land characteristics, structure and land suitability classification. 3. Land inventories: natural resource survey, agro-climatic zones, land systems and land units, measurement of agricultural productivity. 4. Agricultural land capability classification concepts, advantages and disadvantages. 5. Concept of Property and Land Market: the demand and supply of land resources, land value; population pressure and the demand for land, intervention through property taxation and public ownership. Recommended References 1. Ataullah, M., Urban Land, Its Use and Misuse. 2. Chappin, S. Land Use Planning. 3. Foth, H. D. and J. W. Schafer, Soil Geography and Land use. URP 2102: Regional Planning 3.0 credits: 3 hours/week Undergraduate and Postgraduate Pamphlet Department of Urban and Regional Planning 1. Introduction, Basic concepts and definition. 2. The Region and Regional Planning: Regional Planning sequence, types of regional planning, regionalism and the administration of regions. 3. Inter-regional Analysis, regional account, descriptive regional input-output data problems. 4. Regional change short run: economic base theory, inter-regional trade multipliers, regional growth-convergence or divergence, social and political factors in regional growth. 5. Regional Growth- long run: economic base theory, inter-regional trade multipliers, regional input-output analysis, a comparative approach. 6. Location of Industry: industrial location theory; least cost approach, market area analysis, profit-maximization approach, general factors affecting industrial location. 7. Growth Pole theory: concepts, polarization and spread effects. 8. National Planning and Research Decentralization, Social Issues in Regional Policy and Regional Planning, Regional planning and Rural Development. Recommended References 1. Glasson, J. An Introduction to Regional Planning. 2. United Nations. Guidelines for Rural Center Planning. 3. Misra, R. P. Regional Planning and Development. 4. Todaro, Michael P. Economic Development in the Third World. 5. Institute of Town Planners India. Regional Planning Development. URP 2103: Introduction to Architecture 2.0 credits: 2 hours/week 1. Introduction to Architecture and Architecture Design, Elements of Composition: balance, scale, proportion, etc. 2. Architectural characteristics of different historical periods: Ancient, classical, Roman, Gothic Renaissance, Baroque, Rococo. 3. Different art movements and their impact, The cultural history of human development in different regions of the world as depicted in architecture. 4. Environmental and regional influences of architecture. 5. Trend of architecture in Bangladesh. Recommended References 1. Ailsopp, Bruce- A general History Architecture; form the earliest civilization to the present day. 2. Brown, Percy, Indian Architecture. 3. Fergusson, James, History of Indian and Eastern Architecture. 4. Ahmed Hassan Dani, Muslim Architecture of Western India. 5. Nararaju, S., Buddhist Architecture of Western India. 6. Edwards, LFS, The Pyramids of Egypt. 7. Robertson, D. S., Greek and Roman Architecture. 8. Richards, J. M., An Introduction to Modern Architecture. 9. Grover, Satish, The Architecture of India (Islamic). Undergraduate and Postgraduate Pamphlet Department of Urban and Regional Planning URP 2104: Spatial Economics 3.0 credits; 3 hours/week 1. Introduction to Urban Economics, Basic concepts, definitions of various issues of urban economy; scope, methodology and characteristics of urban economics; trends in the development of urban economics. 2. Urban economy in local, regional, national and global context. 3. City’s internal economy, economic base: basic and non-basic concepts; analysis of city economic structure, labour forces calculation and projection, investment calculation of city. 4. Sectoral economy: formal and informal sector (housing, land, industry, transport, trade and commerce, service sector) 5. Regional Economics: Spatial organization of economic activities; regional economy and regional order, Measure and change in regional economic activity; interregional trade and factor movement: regional economic growth. 6. Pricing of Urban services/utilities. Recommended References 1. James Heilburn: Urban Economics and Public Policy 2. David Sagal: Urban Economics 3. Edwin, S. Mills and Bruce W. Hamilton. Urban Economics, 4. Evans A. W. (1985) Urban Economics. An Introduction.Basil Blackwell Ltd. Oxford. 5. Vickerman, R. W. (1984): Urban Economics, Philip Allan Publishers Ltd. Oxford. 6. Paul N. Balchin and Jeffery L. Hieve. Urban Land Economics 7. Orville F. Grimes Jr: Housing of low-income Urban Families: Economics and policy in the Development World. URP 2105: Statistics - II 2 credits: 2 hours/week 1. Correlation and Regression: computation of simple co-efficient of correlation, direct and short cut methods of computation from grouped and data, scatter diagram partial, multiple correlation. 2. Probability: concept & theory of probability, calculating probability, binomial distribution, probability sampling, normal distribution, Z-score transformation, distribution of sample means, types & methods of sampling (random, systematic, stratified, cluster, etc.). 3. Hypothesis: meaning, characteristics of a good hypothesis. a. Test of hypothesis: level of significance, testing the significance of difference between a sample mean & population mean, test of significance for attributes testing the significance of difference between two sample means, test of significance of coefficient of correlation, chi-square test, fisher’s test. b. Analysis of variance: logic of ANNOVA, compare three or more population mean, computation of ANOVA, application of chi-square test. Undergraduate and Postgraduate Pamphlet Department of Urban and Regional Planning 4. Index number: problems of construction of index number, purpose of index number, selection of item, bade fixed base, the form of average to be used, the weight to be assigned method of computation of price index, the use and importance of index number, time series analysis: secular trend, measurement of trend, seasonal variation determination, use and importance of time series analysis. Recommended References 1. Mian, M.A. &Miyan, M.A., An Introduction to Statistics, Ideal Library, Dhaka. 2. Sufian, A.J.M. (1998). Medthods and Techniques of Social Research, The University Press Limited, Dhaka. 3. Gupta, Santos (1997). Research Methods and Statistical Techniques. New Delhi: Deep & Deep Publications. 4. Kothari, C. R. (2004). Research Methodology: Methods & Techniques. 2nd edition. New Delhi: WishwaPrakashan. 5. Dooley, David (2003). Social Research Methods.3rd edition. New Delhi: Prince Hall of India Ltd. URP 2106: Landscape Planning and Design 1.0 credits: 2 hours/week 1. Introduction to Landscape Planning and Design and its scope. 2. Historical references and preamble to modern concepts in Landscape Planning and Design (Greek, Latin, English, French, Japanese, India, Islamic, etc.) 3. Landscape Planning and Design and its relationship with Ecosystem; Study of Ecology and Geo-physical forces: its importance in Landscape Planning and Design. 4. Landscape Planning and Design-context, method and approaches; Elements of Landscape Design; Introduction to landscape ingredients and their use to enrich the built environment. 5. Plants in Landscape Planning and Design: Plantation and plantation design. 6. Site Planning for Landscape Planning and Design. Site development objectives and principles; site selection, site development, topography, soils, grading, site utilities, landscaping, and planting. 7. Hostile approach towards Landscape Planning and Design with case studies. Recommended References 1. Simmonds, J. Ormspce (1988): Landscape Architecture 2. Time-saver Standard for Landscape Design 3. Mowla QA and Helal AKM. (Eds): Works of Japanese Landscape Architects in Bangladesh 1977-87, compiled by M. Lida, Edited by Mowla and Helal. Published by JOVA, Dhaka, 1988 (Revised and Expanded 1989). URP 2107: Regional Planning (Practical) 2.0 credits: 4 hours/week 1. Studies in Regional Planning, Studio works related to course URP 2102. Undergraduate and Postgraduate Pamphlet Department of Urban and Regional Planning 2. Practical and field works regional linkage. 3. Practical and field works input- output analysis. 4. Regional Trade. URP 2108: Database Management (Practical) 2.0 credits; 2 hours/week 1. Introduction to Programming: definition. 2. Opening the software, basic requirement of a program, how to write, debug and execute a program. 3. Introduction: Purpose and function of database management, Applications of SPSS. 4. Data types, coding and entry preparation. 5. Designing Database, designing a form, designing item properties, updating properties. 6. Database management: elimination data redundancy, linking database, data query: making query, compound and complex query. URP 2109: Landscape Planning and Design (Practical) 2.0 Credits; 2 hours/week 1. Studio work complimentary to URP 2106 with emphasis on the followings: 2. Understanding various Landscape Planning and Design elements, methods and approaches. 3. Analysis and Documentation of various Landscape elements and their uses to enrich the built environment. 4. Presentation technique, Design graphics and Landscape design Exercise. 4 SECOND YEAR SECOND SEMESTER URP 2201: Urban Planning - II 3.0 credits: 3 hours/week 1. Contemporary urban Government structures and urban functions of those authorities in domestic and international context. 2. Alternative strategies for accommodating new urban growth and revitalization of urban areas. 3. Plan implementation process: Government, Public Private Partnership, involvement of NGOs and CBOs and peoples participation in planning process. 4. Development control: Planning permission, its process and necessity, compatibility to city plan. 5. Growth management: concept, techniques and necessity 6. Participation of urban government authority, parastal agencies and other organizations (private organizations and NPO) and citizens in urban service delivery. 7. Planning and management in Mega Cities. Study of well functioning mega cities with special intention to bring out solutions to urban problems of Dhaka. Undergraduate and Postgraduate Pamphlet Department of Urban and Regional Planning 8. Urban planning practice in Bangladesh: review on contemporary plans prepared by RAJUK, CDA, KDA and RDA. Recommended References 1. Ratcliffe, J. Town and country planning, UCL, London 2. Hall, Peter, Urban and Regional Planning. 3. Gallion, Arthur B, and Simon Eisner. The Urban Patter, City Planning and Design. 4. International City Managers Association: City Planning and City Design. 5. Keeble, Lewis. Town Planning made Plain. 6. Yadav, C. S., City Planning: Problems and Prospects. URP 2202: Construction Engineering 3.0 credits: 3 hours/week 1. Structural forms and systems for building, bridges, communication and transmission structure, loads on structure, types of foundation concept of load bearing capacity and settlement. 2. Introduction to design in reinforced and pre-stressed concretes; design codes. 3. Types, preparation, properties and uses of materials- such as stone, brick, cement, sand, concrete, timber, soil, ferrous and non-ferrous metals and plastics, Specifications and quality control. 4. Force, resultants and components, moments and parallel coplanar forces, centriods and moment of inertia, Fundamental concepts of stress and strain. 5. Mechanical properties of materials strain and strain in members subject to tensile, compressive and shear forces, bending moment and shear force diagrams for statically determine structures. 6. Foundation, Building Design and cost estimating. Recommended References 1. Aziz, M. A. (1990), Engineering Materials, Dhaka Hafiz Book Centre. 2. Khan, A. F. (1986), Concrete Structure and Building Design, Dhaka Sabdic Publisher. 3. Khan, A. F. (1986), Estimating, Dhaka Sabdic Publisher. 4. Kumar, S. (1988), Building Construction, New Delhi, Standard Book House. 5. Singh, G. (1980), Building Construction Engineering. 6. Stewart, R. D. and Stewart, A. L. (1986), Micro Estimates for Civil Engineers. 7. Bowles, J. E. (1988) Foundation Analysis and Design, McGraw-Hill Book Company. URP 2203: Urban Design 2.0 credits: 2 hours/week 1. Definition, scope, global view and context; Urban design Process and Debates. 2. Urban design and development through history; Undergraduate and Postgraduate Pamphlet Department of Urban and Regional Planning 3. Modern concepts in urban design; Impact of industrial revolution in contemporary urban design and development, Elements and domains of urban design; 4. Principles, methods and techniques of urban design; urban form and images; Analysis of physical pattern, Urban Spaces and Travel demand analysis. 5. Spatial manifestation of society and context (land use, transportation, technology, geoclimate etc); Traditional wisdom urban pattern. 6. Framework for development- institutional, financial and technical; Urban renewal, redevelopment, conservation etc; development control and regulations. 7. Contemporary concepts, context and trends (with reference to Bangladesh). Recommended References 1. Spreiregen, Paul D. (1964): Urban Design- the architecture of towns and cities, AIA publication. 2. Kevin Lynch (1960): The image of the City, The MIT press, Cambridge. 3. Shirvani, Hamid (1986): The Urban Design Process, Van Nostrand Reinhold. 4. Alexender, Christopher, et. al (1979): A Pattern Language, Oxford U.P. URP 2204: Research Methodology 3.0 credits: 3 hours/week 1. Basic concepts: Definitions, objectives, importance, significance of research; Methods or approaches of research, types or classification of research methods; Characteristics and process of a good Research, Research problem: defining research problem, characteristics of a good research problem. 2. Research proposal: why a proposal, major elements & techniques of preparing proposal, need for research design, different research designs. 3. Measurement & scaling techniques: interval scale, ratio scale, nominal scale, ordinal scale. 4. Sampling: population and sampling. Data collection: purpose of obtaining data, methods & techniques of data collection. 5. Questionnaire: types of questionnaire, techniques & framing questionnaire, interview schedule. 6. Interview techniques. 7. Data processing & analysis: presentation of data, interpretation. 8. Report writing: content, how to write report. 9. Referencing: how to write referencing of books or journals, footnote, endnotes, etc. Recommended References 1. Bryman, Alan (2001). Social Research Methods. New York: Oxford University Press. 2. Gupta, Santos (1997). Research Methods and Statistical Techniques. New Delhi: Deep & Deep Publications. 3. Kothari, C. R. (2004). Research Methodology: Methods & Techniques. 2nd edition. New Delhi: WishwaPrakashan. 4. Dooley, David (2003). Social Research Methods.3rd edition. New Delhi: Prince Hall of India Ltd. Undergraduate and Postgraduate Pamphlet Department of Urban and Regional Planning 5. Levine, David M., Stephen, David, Krehbiel, Timothy, and Berenson, Mark, L. (2005). Statistics for Managers using Microsoft Excel.International edition. New Jersey: Pearson Prentice International. 6. Abedin, M. Zainul (1996). A handbook of Research for the fellows of M. Phil and ph. D. programmes. Dhaka.Book Syndicate. 7. Main, Md. Ali &Miyan, M. Aimullah (1984). An Introduction to Statistics.Dhaka. URP 2205: Geographic Information System (GIS) and Remote Sensing 1.0 credits; 3 hours/week 1. Introduction to GIS: an overview and definition, background and history, application of GIS in Urban and Regional Planning. 2. Elements of GIS, functional elements and technical setting for spatial data acquisition and processing, management, manipulation and analysis. 3. Spatial data structure and data base management: raster base and vector base data. 4. Global Positioning System (GPS) 5. Concepts and foundations of remote sensing 6. Multi spectral thermal and hypo-spectral scanning 7. Earth resources satellite operating in the optical spectrum. Recommended References 1. Heywood, I. (et. al): An Introduction to Geographical Information System 2. Burrough, P. A.: Principles of Geographical Information System 3. Curran, P.: Principles of Remote Sensing 4. Kennedy, M.: The Global Positioning System and GIS: An Introduction. URP 2206: Urban Planning - II (Practical) 2.0 credits: 4 hours/week 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Case studies in urban studies and planning Practical and field works on urban planning issues Identification of problems and prospects of an area Layout design of an area Design of urban elements Neighborhood design URP 2207: GIS and Remote Sensing - I (Practical) 2.0 credits: 4 hours/week The practical tasks will be assigned as per content of theoretical course URP 2205. URP 2208: Field Study Report 2.0 credits Undergraduate and Postgraduate Pamphlet Department of Urban and Regional Planning 5 THIRD YEAR FIRST SEMESTER URP 3101: Environmental Planning and Management - 1 3.0 credits: 3 hours/week 1. Basic concepts on environmental Management. Definition and purposes of environmental management, guidelines for environmental management, statutory for environmental management and their functioning. 2. Theories of natural systems. 3. Concepts important to environmental planning, the environmental impacts of human actions 4. Major pollutants of air pollution, their impact, the ways of prevention and reducing pollution and controlling. 5. Water resources and pollution: Major pollutants and their impact, pollution control and treatment, ground water depletion. 6. Municipal waste management: Components of waste stream, methods of waste disposal, reducing waste stream, hazardous waste and toxic waste. 7. Major world environmental issues: climate change, sea level rise, Gene pool and biodiversity, green house gas, ozone depletion, marine pollution. 8. Major environmental issues in Bangladesh. Population, unplanned industrialization, land deforestation, ecologically sensitive areas. 9. Natural calamities in Bangladesh: Flood, Cyclone, Tidal surge, Draught, etc. 10. Riverbank erosion: their causes, nature, impacts and remedies. Recommended References 1. Bridgeman Howard, 1992 Global air CBS publishers, New Delhi, India. 2. Caldwell, Lynton, Keth, 1992 International Environmental Policy, Emergence and Dimensions. 3. Karpagram, M. 1991 Environmental economics: A Text Book, Sterling Publishers, New Delhi, India. 4. Katyal, Timmy, Satake, M. and Kumar Raj (eds.), 1996 Environmentaql Pollution, Anmol Publishers. 5. Rehman, A, Atiq, Haq, Salimul and Conway, Gordon,R. (eds) 1990, Environmental Aspests of …….. 6. Surface water Systems of Bangladesh, University Press Limited, Dhaka, Bangladesh. 7. Sinha, A. K. (eds.), human Health and Environmental Vol. II; A. H. Publishing Corporation. 8. Trivedi, P. R. and Raj, Gurdeep, (eds), 1997, Environmental problems Impact assessment. Akashdeep. URP 3102: Transportation Planning - I 3.0 credits: 3 hours/week 1. Elements of transportation system. The land use and transport interaction. 2. Fundamentals of Land use-transport planning. 3. Fundamentals of transport demand and survey analysis. Undergraduate and Postgraduate Pamphlet Department of Urban and Regional Planning 4. Urban transportation study: defining the study area and the network, volume study, O-D survey, parking survey, public transport survey, goods traffic survey, employment survey, inventory of physical infrastructure. 5. Characteristics of different modes. 6. Concepts of roadway capacity. 7. Hierarchy of roads. 8. Parking planning standards for physical facilities. 9. Traffic management. Recommended References 1. Planning Commission (1998) Bangladesh Integrated Transport System Study (Final Report) Dhaka 2. Adler, hans A. (1987) Economic Appraisals of Transport Projects, Baltimore, The John Hopkins. 3. Black, John. (1981) Urban Transport planning, Baltimore, The John Hopkins University Press. 4. Hutchinson, B. G. (1974) Principles of Urban transport Systems Planning, Washington D. C.: Scripta. 5. Wells, G. R. (1975), Comprehensive Transport Planning. London: Charles Griffin and Company Ltd. 6. UNCHS (1984). Transportation Strategies for Human Settlements in Developing Countries. URP 3103: Housing and Real Estate 3.0 credits: 3 hours/week 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Definition, importance, scope, characteristics and typology of housing. The social, economic, political and cultural aspects of housing. Nature of housing problems in Bangladesh. The housing market- demand and supply analysis of housing. Housing finance in Bangladesh, resource mobilization for housing. Role of public sector, private formal sector, social program and other NGO for housing development and management in Bangladesh. 7. Definition, scope and importance of real estate, contribution of real estate in housing situation. 8. Characteristics of land, private and public land use restrictions, real estate market. 9. Real estate instruments: contract, deed, lease, mortgage, title and brokerage, acquisition of title. 10. Real estate appraisal: foundation of real estate valuation, three approaches to valuation – cost, market and income approach. 11. Problems and prospects of real estate in Bangladesh, cost-benefit analysis of real estate projects. Recommended References 1. Koenigsbergen, O.H. et. al (1975), Manual of Tropical Housing and Building, Orient Iengman Ltd. India. Undergraduate and Postgraduate Pamphlet Department of Urban and Regional Planning 2. Aldrich, Brian, C &Somdhu, Ranvinder, S. (1995), Housing the Urban Poor: Policy and Practice in Developing Countries, Vista Publications, New York. 3. Correa, Charles (1999), Housing and Urbanization, Urban Design Research Institute, India. 4. Macsal F.A.I.A, John, et. al (1982), Housing, AueilyInterscience Publications, New York. 5. Hasan, Dr. Mahmudul&Kabir, Md. Ahsanul (2002), An Introduction to Housing in Bangladesh, Bangladesh Centre for Human Welfare and Sustainable Development (BCHWSD), Khulna. 6. Ghose, D.N. (1989), A Book of Home Plans, CBS Publications & Distributors, Delhi. 7. Payne, Geoffery, K. (1984), Low-income Housing in the Developing World: The Role of Rights and Services and Settlement Upgrading, John Willey U Sons Ltd, New York. 8. Baeggeman, William, B & Fisher, Jeffreg, D. (1997), Real Estate Finance and Investments, TrwinMdrraw Will, Boston. 9. Crean, Micheal, J. (1979), Principles of Real Estate Analysis: Law, Finance, Appraisal and Investment, D.vanNostrand Company, New York. 10. Ministry of Housing and Public works (1993), National Housing Policy, Govt. of the Peoples Republic of Bangladesh. 11. Planning Commission (1998), The Fifth Five Year plan (1997-2002), Ministry of Planning, Govt. of the Peoples Republic of Bangladesh. 12. Seraj, Toufiq, M. and UrshedAfsana (1990), Urban Development in Dhaka City and its Effects on Housing. Journal of Bangladesh Institute of Planners, Vol. 1, No. 1 & 2, Dhaka Bangladesh Institute of Planners. URP 3104: Project Planning and Evaluation Techniques 1.0 credits: 3 hours/week 1. Project cycle. Concepts of evaluation the efficiency versus enquiry criteria, economic versus financial evaluation, methods of evaluation. 2. The welfare basis of social evaluation, consumers’ surplus, producers’ surplus, Pareto optimality, transfer payments, intangible items, shadow pricing, externalities, equity problem. 3. Concept of social cost benefit analysis, time value of money; discounting technique; choice of discount rate and social time preference; investment criteria. 4. Basic concepts of financing accounting, dealing with risk and uncertainty. 5. Introduction to other techniques of evaluation. Appraisal requirements by national and international financing agencies. 6. Concept and techniques of project management, Critical Path Method, Logical Framework. Recommended References 1. John Dingle (1997) Project Management.Amold, New York. 2. ShylarkChadha (1980) Managing project in Bangladesh, UPL, Dhaka. 3. Mohammad Sirajuddin (1980) Project Management, UNICEF, Dhaka. URP 3105: Tourism Planning 1.0 credits; 3 hours/week Undergraduate and Postgraduate Pamphlet Department of Urban and Regional Planning 1. Introduction, definition, basic approaches, tourism activities and careers, economic importance of tourism, impact of tourism, importance of studying in context of spatial dimension. Tourism supply, components of supply, matching of supply and demand. 2. Tourism Demand: importance of demand measurement, estimating demands to a destination, demand measurement and projection methods. Economics of Tourism, optimization, economic multiplier, compliments and substitutes. Sociology of tourism effects of tourism of individuals, families and society. 3. Tourism Marketing: marketing concept, marketing mix and segmentation, product planning and development, promotion, Attraction: classification resource foundation, ownership, location and land use. 4. Tourism planning, practice and process. Tourism policy of Bangladesh: goal, objectives, components, strategies, etc. 5. Potential tourism development site in Bangladesh: location, historical, accounts, attractions, present condition, problems, potentialities, suggestive measures for tourism development, scopes for developing eco-tourism in Bangladesh. Recommended References 1. United Nation Development Programme for Food and agriculture Organization of United Nations (1994), Tourism and Recreation, Khulna: Integrated Resource Developed of the Sundarban Reserved Forest. 2. Bangladesh Parjatan Corporation (1992), Bangladesh Tourism Handbook Dhaka. 3. Sing, Ratandeep (1996). Dynamics of Modern. 4. Jacobs, J. Life and death of great American Cities Tourism, New Delhi: Kaniska publisher’s Distribution. 5. Bharta, A. K. (1994), International Tourism Fundamentals and Practices, New Delhi, Sterling Publishing Pvt. 6. Gun, Clare, A. (1988), Tourism Planning, London: Taylor and Fransis. URP 3106: Transportation Planning (Practical) 2 credits: 4 hours/week 1. Urban Transport Study, different type of transport survey. a. Volume survey b. Road inventory c. O-D survey 2. PCE value calculation 3. Identification of traffic problems in different junction and seeks solutions. URP 3107: GIS and Remote Sensing - II (Practical) 2.0 credits: 4 hours/week Undergraduate and Postgraduate Pamphlet Department of Urban and Regional Planning 1. Data Acquisition: Map data digitizing using GIS software, digital image data capture, Attribute data, data transfer. 2. Data Editing: Map and image data using GIS software. 3. Data Retrieve: Map and digital data retrieve using GIS software. 4. Attribute Data Retrieve: Retrieving from data base and linking with spatial data. 5. Data Manipulation: Ordering and grouping using software. 6. Data Analysis: Analyzing spatial data with overlay, buffer, network techniques, image classification. 7. Output Generation: Map preparation and Presentation. URP 3108: Project Planning and Evaluation Techniques (Practical) 2.0 credits: 4 hours/week 6 THIRD YEAR SECOND SEMESTER URP 3201: Transportation Planning - II 3.0 credits: 3 hours/week 1. Transportation system in Bangladesh. a. Different sectors and agencies: role & functions, issues & problems, policy & strategy. b. Travel pattern & characteristics, role of PT & NMT, conflict of MT & NMT, cost structure. 2. Transport policy a. Key issues in urban and national transport policy and implementation of transport plans/programs. b. Policy options in urban transportation, the role of different modes, cost structure. c. Policy in other sectors or countries, in the short-run & long-run. 3. Sustainable Transport: idea & issues, transport & environment, congestion management, policy options for sustainable transport, social sustainability. 4. Transportation planning process: national, regional and urban levels, local area transportation planning (LATP), system modeling and strategy development, planning of transport infrastructure. 5. PT planning: Role of PT, issues & problems, factors determine PT systems, On-road PT, PT route planning, ABC planning, good PT in other cities, 6. Mass transit: MRT, BRT, BRT planning (success stories in Bogota & Curitiba), bus franchising, contracting, regulation. 7. NMT planning and management: Role of NMT & IMT, scenario in other (developed) cities, major issues-concerns, planning for Walking & Cycling (problems, how to promote, issues & problems, designing, planning & developing network). 8. Traffic management: demand management, law & road rules, transport control devices, road use charging. 9. Traffic Safety (accident): accidents as epidemic, crash information & engineering treatments of haphazard locations, ‘Zero’ vision, pedestrian friendly city. Undergraduate and Postgraduate Pamphlet Department of Urban and Regional Planning 10. ITS (intelligent transport systems): GIS, GPS, mobile positioning systems & SCAT systems application for data collection, route network planning & traffic management. 11. Logistics management: definition, importance, systems management & supply-chain management, reverse logistics. 12. Other topics or issues: Rural Transport, Water transport, Rail, Air transport. Recommended References 1. Planning Commission (1998) Bangladesh Integrated Transport System 1. Study (Final Report) Dhaka 2. Adler, Hans A. (1987) Economic Appraisals of Transport Projects, Baltimore, The John Hopkins. 3. Black, John. (1981) Urban Transport planning, Baltimore, The John Hopkins University Press. 4. Hutchinson, B. G. (1974) Principles of Urban transport Systems Planning, Washington D. C.: Scripta. 5. Wells, G. R. (1975), Comprehensive Transport Planning. London: Charles Griffin and Company Ltd. 6. UNCHS (1984). Transportation Strategies for Human Settlements in Developing Countries. 7. Creighton, Roger L. 1972. Urban Transportation Planning.University of Illinois Press. 8. Fifth Five Year (FFY) Plans and Taskforce report (1990). 9. Kennedy, Christopher; Miller, Erich; Shalaby, Amer; Maclean, Heather; and Coleman, Jesse. 2005. The Four Pillars of Sustainable Urban Transportation, Transport Review, Vol. 25, No. 4, pp.393-414. 10. World Bank. 1996. Sustainable Transport: Priorities for Policy Reform, The World Bank, Washington D.C. 11. Banister, David. 2005. Unsustainable Transport. University College of London. 12. Institute of Transport Studies. Traffic Engineering and Management, Monash University, 2003. 13. OECD. 2004. National Policies to Promote Cycling. European Conference of Ministers of Transport. URP 3202: Rural Planning 1.0 credits: 3 hours/week 1. Rural areas: Definition, distinction from urban areas, settlement patterns of rural areas, social and cultural characteristics of rural communities. 2. Rural planning/development: Meaning, concept, indicators, measurement techniques, nature and scope. 3. Resources for rural development: land, water, human, forest, livestock, etc, policies for rural resources development. 4. Rural Planning and Utilities: water supply & sanitation, transportation & communication, health & nutrition, education, electricity (case study). 5. Rural development programs/approaches/policies in Bangladesh: past and present (e.g. VAID, Union Parishad, Gram Sarker, Comilla Model). Undergraduate and Postgraduate Pamphlet Department of Urban and Regional Planning 6. Organizations involved in rural development: Governmental and NGO, types, policies, activities, criticism of NGOs in Bangladesh. 7. Rural centre planning: Concept, objective, necessity, components, Development process, Hierarchy of rural growth centre. 8. Compact Township. 9. Rural Poverty in Bangladesh: definitions, concept and measurement with respect of Bangladesh, causes and consequences of rural poverty, strategies of poverty alleviation, Micro-credit Programs. 10. Rural non-firm activities (RNA): definition, role, productivity and return, determinants, policies and strategies needed for development of RNA. 11. Agriculture Planning: The planning process, problems, potentialities and factors that considered in the planning of major sub-sector: agriculture, fisheries, livestock, poultry etc. 12. People’s participation in rural planning in Bangladesh. Recommended References 1. Queleks, Md. Abul (1996), Rural Development in Bangladesh, Bangladesh Academy for Rural Development, Comilla. 2. evKx Avãyj (1998), MÖvgxbemwZ : ˆewkó¨ Dbœqb I cwiKíbv cÖm½, e½ cÖKvkbv| 3. Dr. Toufiq M. Serj (1989), The Role of Small Towns in Rural Development, National Institute of Local Government, Dhaka. 4. Abdullah Dr. MuhammmadMohiuddin (1979), Rural Development in Bangladesh, Jahom Publication, Dhaka. 5. Katar Singh (1999), Rural Development: Principles, Policies & Management Sage, Publication, New Delhi. 6. Guidelines for Rural Centre Planning, United Nations, New York, 1979. 7. Jahangir Alam (2004), Studies on Agriculture and Rural Development, Palok Publishers, Dhaka. 8. Misra and Achyntha, Micro Level Rural Planning. 9. Tofail Ahmed, Decentralization and People’s Participation in Bangladesh. URP 3203: Environmental Planning and Management - II 1.0 credits: 3 hours/week 1. Sustainable development and Environmental Conservation: need for environmental Conservation: definition, objectives and policies for sustainable development, component of national strategy for sustainable development, criteria for monitoring progress towards achievement of sustainable development. 2. Definition of EIA: objectives and goal of EIA, environmental impact assessment and environmental inventory. 3. Methods of Impact Analysis, purposes of impact assessment, Types of environmental methods, comparative studies of methodologies, Environmental impact assessment of Air, Water, Biological, Socio-economic and Cultural Environment. 4. Case Studies of Environmental Impact Assessment: Impact assessment for projects in selected sectors. 5. Global environmental movement: Stockholm and Rio Conference, and Agenda 21. Undergraduate and Postgraduate Pamphlet Department of Urban and Regional Planning 6. Environmental mechanism in Bangladesh: Bangladesh environmental policy 1992, Environmental Protection act 1995, Environmental protection Rules 1997: Overview of other laws related to environment in Bangladesh. Role of DoE in Environmental protection and management.Role of national and international NGOs in environmental protection and management. Recommended References 1. Bridgeman Howard, 1992 Global air CBS publishers, New Delhi, India. 2. Caldwell, Lynton, Keth, 1992 International Environmental Policy, Emergence and Dimensions. 3. Karpagram, M. 1991 Environmental economics: A Text Book, Sterling Publishers, New Delhi, India. 4. Katyal, Timmy, Satake, M. and Kumar Raj (eds.), 1996 Environmentaql Pollution, Anmol Publishers. 5. Kern, Charles (eds.), 1990, Community Health and Sanitation, Intermediate Technology Publications. 6. Mikesell, Raymond F. Economic Development and Environmental Mansell, UK. 7. Mohan (1997) Environmental Pollution and Management, Ashish Publishing House, New Delhi. 8. Rahman, A, Atiq, Haq, Salimul and Conway, Gordon,R. (eds) 1990, Environmental Aspests of Water Systems of Bangladesh, UPL, Dhaka, Bangladesh. URP 3204: Disaster Management Planning 3.0 credits: 3 hours/week 1. Introduction: Meaning of hazard and disaster. 2. Types of natural hazards: floods, cyclones, tornados, storm surge, drought, sea level rise, natural disaster mitigation. 3. Assessment of disaster: location, intensity, frequency, aerial extent, movement, timing, duration etc. 4. Vulnerability analysis. 5. Risk assessment: delineation of planning area, identification of structure and functions, mapping of risks. 6. Analysis of disaster-related behavior: people’s awareness, perception, and understanding of hazard threats and their response to danger. 7. Disaster management planning: basic issues, phases of disaster planning – mitigation or prevention, preparedness, response and recovery. 8. Link between development and planning and disaster management planning. 9. Social considerations and people’s participation in disaster management planning. 10. Institutional framework for disaster management. Recommended References 1. Rashid, HarunEr. Geography of Bangladesh. 2. Rahman, A, Atiq, S, Huq and Gordon Conway (ed.) Environmental Aspects of Surface Water Systems of Bangladesh. Undergraduate and Postgraduate Pamphlet Department of Urban and Regional Planning 3. Five-Year Plan of the Govt. of Bangladesh. URP 3205: Site and Area Planning Techniques 8.0 credits: 4 hours/week 1. Definition and scope of site planning. Principles and factors of site selection.Site survey and analysis of purposeful design.Site design goals and objectives. 2. Site design process – outline and detail design. Site engineering and infrastructure. Design standards and regulations. 3. Case studies – residential neighborhood, recreation and leisure facilities, industrial complex and commercial sites. Recommended References 1. Simonds, J.O. Landscape Architecture 2. Brooks, P. G. Site Planning: Environment, Process and Development. 3. Urban Planning Guide 4. Chiara, J. D., Koppelman, L.E. Times Saver Standard for Site Planning. 5. Hamid, A. Sub- Division Planning: A Practical Guide. 6. Hamid, A., Planning of a Neighborhood, Hamid Foundation, Dhaka. 7. Kevin Lynch & Gery Henchx, Site Planning. URP 3206: Rural Planning (Practical) 2 credits: 4 hours/week 1. Analysis of problems of population growth, socio-economic change, land use change, poverty alleviation, basic need fulfillment, productivity increase, distribution of resources, infrastructure and institutional development, physical environmental improvement etc. 2. Preparation of a complete physical plan of a village. 3. Design of a growth centre. URP 3207: Environmental Planning and Management (Practical) 2.0 credits: 4 hours/week URP 3208: Field Study Report 2.0 credits 7 FOURTH YEAR FIRST SEMESTER URP 4101: Planning Laws 3.0 credits; 3 hours/week Undergraduate and Postgraduate Pamphlet Department of Urban and Regional Planning 1. Legal aspects of planning & its importance. Enabling legislation process.Planning laws in different countries. 2. The Development Plan (structure & local) processes & need for legislation. Development control: planning permission, development orders, special forms of control. 3. New town development laws. Compensation and betterment problems.Urban renewal practice. 4. Planning laws in Bangladesh: Pourashava Ordinance, Town Improvement Act, building Regulations of RAJUK, Bangladesh National Building Code 1993. 5. Land acquisition & compensation rules & regulation. 6. The meaning of development, the control of development including planning permission, development orders, purchase notice, special forms of control, the enforcement of planning controls, compensation & betterment problems with reference to Bangladesh. Recommended References 1. Little, A. J. (1977), The Enforcement of Planning Control, London. Shaw & Sons Ltd. 2. William F. B. (1969), The Laws of City Planning and Zoning, New York, U.S.A.; 3. Mecfkown R. (1973), Comprehensive Guide to Town Planning Law and London, George Godwin Ltd. 4. Ashraf A. (1996). The City Government of Calcutta; a study of inertia, New York; Asia Publishing House. 5. Government of Japan Ministry of Construction, (1997), The City Planning Law of Japan (Law No. 100 of 1968), Japan. 6. Farooque M. and RezwanaHasan S. (1996). Laws Regulating Environment in Bangladesh, Bangladesh Environmental Lawyers Association (BELA), Dhaka. 7. Culingworth. J. B. (1972), Town and Country Planning in Britain, London; George Allen &Unnien Ltd. 8. Rahman, Syed Lutfor (1991), edited by, Acquisition and Requisition of Property manual. Dhaka.SoilurPrakashani. URP 4102: Local Government and Governance 3.0 credits: 3 hours/week 1. Basics of Local Government a. Definition, necessity of local government. b. Local Government System in Bangladesh: Urban, Rural, Special. 2. Evolution of local government in Bangladesh. 3. Relations between national and local governments in Bangladesh. 4. Structure & composition of local government in Bangladesh. 5. Personnel system in local government of Bangladesh, organogram, administration management. 6. Functions & responsibilities of local government bodies in Bangladesh. 7. Local government finance and budgeting in Bangladesh. 8. Major issues & problems, overall strength & weakness of local government in Bangladesh. 9. Local government in other countries: South Asia, East Asia, Europe, North America, Australia. Undergraduate and Postgraduate Pamphlet Department of Urban and Regional Planning 10. Governance a. Idea, principles (major areas), criteria & strategies of good urban governance. b. Major determinants in urban governance: coordination, control, participation, accountability and transparency. Issues for local action: decentralized framework, a stable institutional framework, the importance of inclusiveness, effective local leadership and policy setting, challenges of implementation. c. Key issues in urban governance in Bangladesh, institutional strength & weakness, local participation, problems & policy issues, recommended policy options. d. E-governance. 11. People’s participation in local affairs: PPP, Scope of people’s participation in local government affairs. Major problems and policy issues related to structural change of the local government system in Bangladesh. Recommended References 1. Siddiqui, Kamal (ed.) (1999). Local government in Bangladesh. 2nd revised ed. Dhaka: University Press Ltd. 2. Siddiqui, Kamal. (….). Local government in South Asia. Dhaka: University Press Ltd. 3. Rahman, M. Shafiq-Ur (2003). National and Local Level Planning in Bangladesh. School of Urba& Regional Planning, University of the Philippines. 4. Faizullah, Mohammad. (1987). Development of Local Government in Bangladesh. Dhaka: National Institute of Local Government. 5. Mallick, Bishawjit (2004), Compilation on Local Government in Bangladesh. 6. Sobhan, Rehman (ed.) (1998). Towards a theory of Governance and Development: Learning from East Asia. Dhaka: The University Press Limited. 7. Development Planners & Consultants (1999). Promoting Good Urban Governance in Dhaka City (TA 3053: Interim Report). 8. World Bank (1999). Urban Development Strategy & City Assistance Program in South Asia: Bangladesh. Interim Report (Draft).ALMEC Corporation and Pacific Consultants International. 9. McCarney, P.L.(1996). The Changing Nature of Local Government in developing Countries, Toronto, Center for Urban and Community Studies. 10. Gilbert, Richard, Stevenson, Don, Ciradet, Herbert and Stren Richard (1996). Making Cities Work-The role of Local Authorities in the Urban Environment. London. Earthscan Publication Ltd. 11. Asian Studies, Journal of the Department of Government & Politics, Jahangirnagar University. URP 4103: Public and Municipal Finance 1.0 credits: 3 hours/week 1. Meaning and Scope of Public Finance, principles of public expenditure. Types and principles of taxation.Effects of taxation on production, growth and distribution. 2. The public budget: balanced, unbalanced budgets, formulation of budget at different level. 3. Public debt: meaning, types and effects on production and distribution. Undergraduate and Postgraduate Pamphlet Department of Urban and Regional Planning 4. Deficit financing. Fiscal policies and their impacts upon national/ regional development.Bangladesh public finance-national finance-taxation structure, nature and types of taxes. 5. National budget-nature of fiscal policies and regional development. 6. Local finance-revenues and expenditure of Zilla, Thana and Union Councils. 7. Municipal financing in Bangladesh: nature, problems and potentials. 8. Local Government finances: Sources of revenues and items of expenditures and emerging issues and potentialities of Zilla, Thana and Union parishads, and municipal authorities. Recommended References 1. Dalton, H. Public Finance, Musgrave, R. A. The Theory of Public Finance. 2. Prest, A. R. Public Finance in Theory and Practice. 3. Ahmed Nawshad (1989). Pourashava Finance in Bangladesh, Dhaka.National Institute of Local Government. 4. Ahmed Nawshad (1991). “Dhaka City Corporation. Its Finance and Administration”.The Journal of Local Government 22 (2).Dhaka.National Institute of Local Government. 5. Ahmed Nawshad (1992). “Barisal Pourashava Finance”.The Journal of Local Government 21 (2).Dhaka.National Institute of Local Government. 6. Khandakarmustaq Ahmed (1990). Pourashava (Municipal services: A Case of Narayanganj). Dhaka. National Institute of Local Government URP 4104: Utility Services Planning 1.0 credits: 3 hours/week 1. The systematic approach to planning basic utility services in urban areas: water supply, sewerage, surface drainage, electric supply, gas and telephone. 2. Planning of utility services for various income groups, Need, affordability. Level of standard, public policy, delivery mechanisms, management and maintenance. 3. Community participation in management of the utility services. 4. Planning and management of public convenience facilities. 5. Rural water supply and low-cost sanitation. Recommended References 1. ASCE (1969). Urban Planning Guide.Headquarters of the Society, NY. 2. Aziz, M. A (1975). A Textbook of Water Supply Engineering: Hafiz Book Centre. 3. Keith, Frank (1994). Handbook of solid waste management: McGraw hill. URP 4105: Regional Planning - II 2 credits: 2 hours/week The main purpose of this course is to prepare students on the application of regional planning theories and concepts. Examples of regional planning practices and experiences in the international context will be dealt in the course. The past and present experiences of regional Undergraduate and Postgraduate Pamphlet Department of Urban and Regional Planning planning practices in Bangladesh and the need for such practices will also be covered in this course. URP 4105: Research Colloquium (Practical) 2.0 credits: 4 hours/week. URP 4106: Internship S/U A minimum of Six weeks of professional attachment with a government, semi-government and autonomous organizations or NGOs engaged in planning and development. The eighth semester (last semester) will start after the completion of six weeks of Internship program. 8 FOURTH YEAR SECOND SEMESTER URP 4201: Contemporary Issues in Planning 3 credits: 3 hours/week This course will offer seminars on contemporary planning issues. This will include lectures by internal faculty members and experts from external sources. The emerging theoretical debates and practical issues on urban, rural and regional planning will be covered by such lecturers. The students will be assigned with assignments and projects and will be examined through tutorial and course-end examinations. URP 4202: Development Studies 1.0 credits: 3 hours/week 1. Introduction: concepts of development Economics of Under development. Interdependence of developed and underdeveloped economics, vicious circle of poverty. 2. The measurement of economic development: growth and development, classification of countries, distortions on comparing development developed and developing, weighted indices for GNP growth and basic needs attachment. 3. Approaches to and the theories of economic growth and development: a. Natural economic progression and polarized growth. Theories of Rostow, Myrdal, Hirschman, Perroux and IrkaAeelman. b. Structural functionalism and modernization theory and its shortcomings. c. Marxist and neo-Marxist approaches. Urban- development and Dependency School. d. New international economic order: North-South dialogue, new international division of labor. 4. Economic growth and development: some basic facts. Economic development strategies of the developing countries and cities; macroeconomic policies for spatial redistribution of economic activities, human resources development strategies, incentive programs to stimulate private investments, land infrastructure investment strategies. Undergraduate and Postgraduate Pamphlet Department of Urban and Regional Planning 5. Profile of the developing countries: income inequalities, poverty measurements, dual economy, dependence on agriculture and export of primary products, demographic and socio-economic structure, and political framework. 6. Economic planning: planned and unplanned economy; centralized and decentralized planning, planning by direction and planning by inducement, top down and bottom up planning, objectives of planning and planning systems in Bangladesh. Recommended Reference 1. A. P. Thirlwill: Growth and Development-with the reference to developing Economies. 2. Todaro. M. P. (1997). Economic development. 3. Gerald Meier; Leading issues in Development. 4. Hasan, M (1998). Growth and development of manufacturing industries in Dhaka- an analytical review. 5. Agrawala and Singh (ed.). Economic Growth. 6. Rostow, W. w. Stages of Economic Growth. 7. Lews W. G. The principle of Economic Planning. 8. Lews. W. A. The Theory of Economic Growth. URP 4203: Land Management 3 credits: 3 hours/week 1. Land management: Rationale for government intervention, intervention through land use regulations. 2. Land management in Bangladesh: land records, transfer, taxation, legal aspects. Urban and rural land policies in Bangladesh and neighboring countries. 3. Urban land development techniques: land bank, excess condemnation, guided land development, land readjustment, land subdivision. 4. Land Information System (LIS): essential elements, planning and designing and LIS, data acquisition, data management and data manipulation and analysis; applications for planning, development control and management purposes. 5. Land use policies in Bangladesh: land administration, land tenure system, and land reforms. 6. Land market in Bangladesh. Recommended Reference 1. Islam, N. &Chowdhury, A. I. 1992, Urban Land Management in Bangladesh, Ministry of Land, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladeh. URP 4204: Written Comprehensive 2.0 credits. The written comprehensive will include the syllabus on some important courses taught in undergraduation program. The students will take a written examination on courses of: Urban Planning, Regional Planning, Transportation Planning, Planning Laws, Rural Planning, Site and Area Planning Techniques, Land Use Planning, Environmental Panning and Disaster Undergraduate and Postgraduate Pamphlet Department of Urban and Regional Planning Management. The course teacher will instruct the students about the examination procedure of Written Comprehensive as a theory course. URP 4205: Thesis 6.0 credits. URP 4206: Thesis Defense 0.75 credits Undergraduate and Postgraduate Pamphlet Department of Urban and Regional Planning