Moderate Intellectual Disability Loading Guidelines

Moderate Intellectual Disability
Loading Guidelines
V 2.2
This document is not a stand-alone document and does not contain the entirety of Disability
Employment Services Programme Providers' obligations. It should be read in conjunction
with the Disability Employment Services Deed and any relevant Guidelines or reference
material issued by the Department of Social Services under or in connection with Disability
Employment Services Deed.
Moderate Intellectual Disability Loading Guidelines V2.2
TRIM ID: D14/421607
Effective Date: 25 August 2014
Table of Contents:
Document Change History
Changes to the Moderate Intellectual Disability Loading from July 2013
Claiming Moderate Intellectual Disability Loading fees
Flow Chart – Moderate Intellectual Disability Loading
Disability Employment Services Deed Clauses
Reference documents relevant to these Guidelines
Explanatory Notes
Moderate Intellectual Disability Loading Guidelines
Attachment A – Authority to Obtain Information from Centrelink
Moderate Intellectual Disability Loading Guidelines V2.2
TRIM ID: D14/421607
Effective Date: 25 August 2014
Moderate Intellectual Disability Loading Guidelines
Document Change History:
Start Date
25 August 2014
Effective Date
25 August
End Date
Change & Location
p5 amended previous reference on
claiming the Moderate Intellectual
Disability Loading & inserted table of
References to ‘DES providers must
enter the participant’s date of
commencement in DES into the ‘Start
Date’ field on the Moderate
Intellectual Disability Loading claim,’
6 August 2013
6 August 2013
24 August
1 July 2013
1 July 2013
6 August 2013
Q&As deleted.
Table on p14 amended to provide
correct loading fee amounts for FL1
26wk outcomes & FL2 13wk
outcomes for participants
commenced in DES on or after 1 July
Narrative: Background (p4) updated to
reflect changes to the payment of the loading
from 1 July 2013.
Flow chart p5 updated to remove references
to loading on Service Fees.
Guidelines p10 updated to remove reference
to Service Fee instructions.
P10-11 includes new step for DES providers
to make claims for participants with a start
date of 30 June 2013 or earlier.
Attachment (Q&As) amended and table of
Fees updated to reflect the changes to
loading available from 1 July 2013.
26 July 11
26 July 11
30 June 2013
Narrative: References to Job Capacity
Assessments/Employment Services
Assessments modified to reflect terminology
changes (p1-13)
Removed reference to two year trial period
Updated Authority to obtain information
from Centrelink form (p12 - Attachment B)
21 Feb 11
21 Feb 11
Moderate Intellectual Disability Loading Guidelines V2.2
TRIM ID: D14/421607
Narrative: Section 2 p6 deleted conflict of
interest information.
Effective Date: 25 August 2014
1 Feb 11
1 Feb 11
21 Feb 11
Narrative: Section 3 p7 inserted paragraph on
Moderate Intellectual Disability flag and
deleted note about the unavailability of the
Moderate Intellectual Disability flag.
Section 3 p7-8 inserted JCA report option for
Moderate Intellectual Disability documentary
evidence and footnote regarding requirement
for DES providers to obtain written consent
from a Participant prior to contacting
Centrelink for information about a
Participant’s IQ.
Section 4 p9-11 amended information about
Service Fees and claims for payment.
Attachments: Attachment A – Frequently
Asked Questions: added the last two
Attachment B – ‘Authority to Obtain
Information from Centrelink’ form added.
8 Jul 10
8 Jul 10
1 Feb 11
Narrative: Amended to reflect timing of
DEEWR IT Systems update (p7 - Step 3,
paragraph 2).
29 Jun 10
1 Jul 10
8 Jul 10
Original version of document
These Guidelines outline the steps to be taken by Disability Employment Services
Programme providers (referred to as ‘DES providers’) to identify participants for whom they
may be eligible to claim a Moderate Intellectual Disability Loading on selected Disability
Employment Services Programme Fees.
The Moderate Intellectual Disability Loading is only available to eligible participants with Moderate
Intellectual Disability in the Disability Employment Services - Employment Support Service (DES-ESS).
References to ‘the Department’ refer to the Department of Social Services.
Changes to the Moderate Intellectual Disability Loading from July 2013
In the 2013-14 Budget, the Australian Government announced that the Moderate
Intellectual Disability Loading will move from pilot status to become part of Disability
Employment Services mainstream Programme with minor changes made to the payment of
the loading from 1 July 2013.
From 1 July 2013, an 88 per cent Moderate Intellectual Disability Loading is claimable on Job
Placement and 13 and 26 Week Full Outcome Fees, when a DES provider places an eligible
participant, that commenced in DES-ESS on or after 1 July 2013, in a job of at least 15 hours
per week.
DES providers will no longer be eligible to claim the Moderate Intellectual Disability Loading
on the first two Service Fees for participants that commence a period of service in DES-ESS
on or after 1 July 2013.
Moderate Intellectual Disability Loading Guidelines V2.2
TRIM ID: D14/421607
Effective Date: 25 August 2014
DES providers will be eligible to claim the following Moderate Intellectual Disability Loading
fees for eligible Participants:
Funding Level 1
First Two
t Fee
13 Week
26 Week
Funding Level 2
in DES Pre
1 July 2013
in DES on or
1 July 2013
Loading (88%)
d in DES Pre
1 July 2013
in DES on or
after 1 July
** From 1 July 2013, the Moderate Intellectual Disability Loading is only claimable on the first two Service Fees
when an eligible participant commenced in DES prior to 1 July 2013.
Claiming Moderate Intellectual Disability Loading fees
DES providers can claim Moderate Intellectual Disability Loading payments through the
Overrides and Special Claims application in the Department’s IT system. By default, the
system will use the date that the participant most recently commenced in Employment
Assistance as the special claim Start Date. Providers must ensure that this field correctly
shows the participant’s date of commencement in DES, to ensure that the correct loading is
Contract Managers will check that the correct loading has been used for all Moderate
Intellectual Disability Loading special claims. Where the loading amount is incorrect the
claim will be rejected and the Provider will be advised to resubmit the claim.
The Department will continue to monitor claims made for Moderate Intellectual Disability
Moderate Intellectual Disability Loading Guidelines V2.2
TRIM ID: D14/421607
Effective Date: 25 August 2014
Flow Chart – Moderate Intellectual Disability Loading
Moderate Intellectual Disability Loading Guidelines V2.2
TRIM ID: D14/421607
Effective Date: 25 August 2014
Note: This should not be read as a stand-alone document, please refer to the Disability
Employment Services Deed
Disability Employment Services Deed Clauses:
Clause 121 – Service Fees
Clause 122 – Job Placement Fees
Clause 123 – Outcome Fees
Annexure A – Definitions
Reference documents relevant to these Guidelines:
Direct Registration Guidelines
Service Fee Guidelines
Referral and Commencement Guidelines
Documentary Evidence for Claims for Payment Guidelines
Transfer Guidelines
Exits Guidelines
Records Management Instructions Guidelines
Eligible School Leaver Guidelines
Explanatory Notes:
1. All capitalised terms have the same meaning as in the Disability Employment Services
Deed (The Deed).
2. In this document, ‘must’ means that compliance is mandatory and ‘should’ means that
compliance represents best practice.
3. Italicised text is a hyperlink to the relevant reference material.
Moderate Intellectual Disability Loading Guidelines V2.2
TRIM ID: D14/421607
Effective Date: 25 August 2014
Moderate Intellectual Disability Loading Guidelines:
Who is Responsible:
1. The DES provider
DES provider identifies a
participant who may be
eligible for a Moderate
Intellectual Disability
2. The DES provider
DES provider determines
eligibility for Moderate
Intellectual Disability
What is Required:
A job seeker who is eligible for the Moderate Intellectual
Disability Loading may be identified through Direct Registration,
Referral, via a Job Capacity Assessment or Employment Services
Assessment, or at Commencement, or they may already be on a
DES provider’s caseload when eligibility for the Moderate
Intellectual Disability Loading is assessed.
 If a job seeker is identified as a person who may be
eligible for the Moderate Intellectual Disability Loading,
e.g. they have a significant level of intellectual disability,
proceed to Step 2.
 If a job seeker is not identified as a person who may be
eligible for the Moderate Intellectual Disability Loading,
end of process.
Moderate Intellectual Disability Loading eligible participant
To be eligible for the Moderate Intellectual Disability Loading,
the job seeker must meet the eligibility criteria for Disability
Employment Services – Employment Support Service, and
 have an assessed Intelligence Quotient (IQ) of 60 or less,
 have been classified by a registered psychologist, using a
recognised assessment tool, as having moderate
intellectual disability.
Where the Participant does not have an assessed IQ of 60 or
less, the assessment presented as evidence of moderate
intellectual disability must:
 include consideration of both the job seeker’s IQ and
any adaptive behaviour, and
 be completed by a registered psychologist.
Registration Requirements
To be accepted as a registered psychologist for the purposes of
assessing eligibility for the Moderate Intellectual Disability
Loading, the psychologist must:
 be fully registered with the relevant State and Territory
Psychologists Registration Boards, meeting any
mandatory accreditation or competency-based
standards, allowing them to practice without any
supervisory requirements.
In States or Territories where a registering body does not
operate, the assessor must hold qualifications that would make
Moderate Intellectual Disability Loading Guidelines V2.2
TRIM ID: D14/421607
Effective Date: 25 August 2014
them eligible for full registration in one or more of the other
States or Territories.
Note: If the job seeker is Direct Registered as an Eligible School
Leaver, all criteria under Eligible School Leaver Guidelines must
also be met.
3. The DES provider
Once the eligibility of the participant has been established with
documentary evidence, the DES provider can apply the
DES provider confirms Status Moderate Intellectual Disability flag to the Participant’s
as Moderate Intellectual
registration screen in the Department’s IT System. The flag can
Disability Loading eligible
be applied by adding ‘Moderate Intellectual Disability’ special
client type on the Circumstances tab.
DES providers are required to retain suitable Documentary
Evidence to support their decision to apply the Moderate
Intellectual Disability Loading. See the Documentary Evidence
Guidelines for more detail.
1. a copy of an IQ assessment report clearly indicating the
individual’s assessed IQ of 60 or less, or
2. a signed statement from a registered psychologist
stating that the individual has an assessed IQ of 60 or
less, or
3. a signed statement from an appropriate representative
of a recognised and credible institution such as
Centrelink*, a Job Capacity Assessor or Employment
Services Assessor, an Education authority or a State or
Territory Disability Commission indicating that they have
evidence on file verifying that the individual’s IQ is 60 or
less, or
4. a signed statement from a registered psychologist
stating that, using a recognised assessment tool, and
based on a combination of IQ and other adaptive
behaviour factors, the individual falls within the
classification of having moderate intellectual disability.
The statement must indicate the name of the
assessment tool, including any version or revision
number, the score or assessment relevant to the
classification scale and the assessment outcome, or
5. a copy of a Job Capacity Assessment or Employment
Services Assessment report where the assessor
specifically states that he or she has cited a relevant
Assessment which indicates that the Participant has an
IQ of 60 or less.
A 'Signed Statement' must be in the form of a letter or memo
and can be a hardcopy original, photocopy or FAX of an original
statement or a scanned copy of an original statement. It can be
Moderate Intellectual Disability Loading Guidelines V2.2
TRIM ID: D14/421607
Effective Date: 25 August 2014
filed in either hardcopy or electronically.
4. The DES provider
DES provider claims
Moderate Intellectual
Disability Loading for
participants commenced in
DES-ESS (or a new period of
DES) on or after 1 July 2013.
For information on claiming
a Moderate Intellectual
Disability Loading related to
participants that
commenced prior to 1 July
2013, refer to Step 5 below
*Should a DES provider wish to obtain information about a
Participant’s IQ from Centrelink, they must obtain the
Participant’s written consent by completing a ‘Disability
Employment Services - Authority to Obtain Information from
Centrelink’ form (see Attachment A). Once the form has been
signed by the Participant or their Legal Guardian the DES
provider can either Fax, Post or takes the form directly to the
Centrelink Customer Service Centre where the Participant is
From 1 July 2013, a Moderate Intellectual Disability Loading of
88 per cent may be claimed on:
 Job Placement Fees
 13 week Full Outcome Fees, and
 26 week Full Outcome Fees
where these fees apply to a job of at least 15 hours per week
and the eligible participant commenced in DES-ESS on or after 1
July 2013.
Claiming the Moderate Intellectual Disability Loading
To claim the Moderate Intellectual Disability Loading the DES
provider must first claim the relevant ‘base fee’, for example,
the Job Placement Fee. Once the base fee has been claimed,
the DES provider can claim the additional Moderate Intellectual
Disability Loading through the Overrides and Special Claims
DES provider should select the request type of 'Moderate
Intellectual disability loading' and then the specific request type
from the drop down bar for the relevant fee, i.e.:
 Job Placement Fee loading (15+ hour job)
 DES ESS 13 week Full Outcome (15+ hour job)
 DES ESS 26 week Full Outcome (15+ hour job)
Job Placement Fee Loading
To claim the Moderate Intellectual Disability Loading on a Job
Placement Fee, the Participant must:
 have worked 15 hours within 10 Consecutive Days from
the Job Placement Start Date.
The Payment type to use is:
 JPD4- DES-ESS Funding Level 1 Job Placement Fee
Loading, or
 JPD5- DES-ESS Funding Level 2 Job Placement Fee
13 Week Full Outcome Fee Loading
To claim the Moderate Intellectual Disability Loading on a 13
Moderate Intellectual Disability Loading Guidelines V2.2
TRIM ID: D14/421607
Effective Date: 25 August 2014
Week Full Outcome, the Participant must:
 have worked a minimum of 195 hours in 13 Consecutive
Weeks for a 13 Week Outcome.
The Payment type to use is:
 DFD1- DES-ESS1 13 week Full Outcome Loading for
Funding Level 1 Participants
 DFD2- DES-ESS2 13 week Full Outcome Loading for
Funding Level 2 Participants
26 Week Full Outcome Fee Loading
To claim the Moderate Intellectual Disability Loading on a 26
Week Full Outcome, the Participant must:
 have worked a minimum of 390 hours in 26 Consecutive
Weeks for a 26 Week Outcome.
The Payment type to use is:
 DFE1- DES-ESS1 26 week Full Outcome Loading for
Funding Level 1 Participants
 DFE2- DES-ESS2 26 week Full Outcome Loading for
Funding Level 2 Participants
5. The DES Provider
DES Provider claims
Moderate Intellectual
Disability Loading for
participant that commenced
in DES-ESS prior to 1 July
For eligible participants that commenced in DES-ESS prior to 1
July 2013, Providers can claim a 70 per cent Moderate
Intellectual Disability Loading on:
 the first two Service Fees
 the Job Placement Fee, and
 13 and 26 week Outcomes.
The Moderate Intellectual Disability Loading is payable on Job
Placement Fees and 13 and 26 week Outcomes where these
fees apply to a job of at least 15 hours per week.
Claiming the Moderate Intellectual Disability Loading
To claim the Moderate Intellectual Disability Loading the DESESS provider must first claim the relevant ‘base fee’, for
example, the Job Placement Fee. Once the base fee has been
claimed, the DES provider can claim the additional Moderate
Intellectual Disability Loading through the Overrides and Special
Claims function.
DES provider should select the request type of 'Moderate
intellectual disability loading' and then the specific request type
from the drop down bar for the relevant fee, i.e.:
 Service Fee 1 loading
 Service Fee 2 loading
 Job Placement Fee loading (15+ hour job)
 DES ESS 13 week Full Outcome (15+ hour job)
 DES ESS 26 week Full Outcome (15+ hour job)
Service Fee Loading
Moderate Intellectual Disability Loading Guidelines V2.2
TRIM ID: D14/421607
Effective Date: 25 August 2014
To claim the Moderate Intellectual Disability Loading on a Service Fee,
the Participant must:
have been verified as eligible for the Moderate
Intellectual Disability Loading by the DES provider, and
meet all the requirements for payment of a Service Fee
in accordance with the Deed and relevant Guidelines.
The Payment type to use is:
DS60- DES-ESS1 Intellectual Disability Service Loading for
Funding Level 1 Participants
DS70- DES- ESS2 Intellectual Disability Service Loading
for Funding Level 2 Participants.
Job Placement Fee Loading
To claim the Moderate Intellectual Disability Loading on a Job
Placement Fee, the Participant must:
 have worked 15 hours within 10 Consecutive Days from
the Job Placement Start Date.
The Payment type to use is:
 JPD4- DES-ESS Funding Level 1 Job Placement Fee
Loading, or
 JPD5- DES-ESS Funding Level 2 Job Placement Fee
13 Week Full Outcome Fee Loading
To claim the Moderate Intellectual Disability Loading on a 13
Week Full Outcome, the Participant must:
 have worked a minimum of 195 hours in 13 Consecutive
Weeks for a 13 Week Outcome.
The Payment type to use is:
 DFD1- DES-ESS1 13 week Full Outcome Loading for
Funding Level 1 Participants
 DFD2- DES-ESS2 13 week Full Outcome Loading for
Funding Level 2 Participants
26 Week Full Outcome Fee Loading
To claim the Moderate Intellectual Disability Loading on a 26
Week Full Outcome, the Participant must:
have worked a minimum of 390 hours in 26 Consecutive
Weeks for a 26 Week Outcome.
The Payment type to use is:
 DFE1- DES-ESS1 26 week Full Outcome Loading for
Funding Level 1 Participants
 DFE2- DES-ESS2 26 week Full Outcome Loading for
Funding Level 2 Participants
Moderate Intellectual Disability Loading Guidelines V2.2
TRIM ID: D14/421607
Effective Date: 25 August 2014
Attachment A – Authority to Obtain Information from Centrelink
Authority to Obtain Information from Centrelink
Purpose of this form
This form must be used when a Disability Employment Services (DES) provider wishes to
obtain information about a Participant’s intellectual disability from Centrelink for the
purpose of identifying a Participant as being Moderate Intellectual Disability Loading
Instructions for DES providers
DES providers must complete this form and fax it to their local Centrelink office. If Centrelink
has the appropriate evidence, the evidence will be provided to the DES provider via the
method indicated on the second page of this form. If Centrelink does not have the evidence,
they will fax the second page of this form back to the DES provider.
Participant’s JSID:........................................................
(Full Name of Participant or Nominee)
Authorise Centrelink to release any relevant information in relation to my/the above
Participant’s intellectual disability to the following DES provider:
Provider Details:
DES Provider Name:.................................................................................................
Phone: (.....)...................................
Fax: (.....)...................................
Moderate Intellectual Disability Loading Guidelines V2.2
TRIM ID: D14/421607
Effective Date: 25 August 2014
I understand that the information being requested will be used by the DES provider for the
purpose of confirming eligibility for the Moderate Intellectual Disability Loading.
(Signature of Participant or Nominee)
This section must be completed by the DES Provider:
Participant’s JSID:........................................................
Please select the method for Centrelink to notify you of the results of their search by ticking
the appropriate box below:
Provider representative to collect
Authorised Courier to collect
Centrelink to send via Registered Post*
*If selecting this option DES Providers must supply Centrelink with a self-addressed, Prepaid
Registered Post envelope.
The following section is for Centrelink use only:
1. Does Centrelink have IQ information for this customer? Yes/No
2. Does the information held by Centrelink, indicate the customer has an IQ of 60 or less?
3. If IQ score is unknown, does the information held by Centrelink indicate a range of IQ?
If yes, please state: ___________
Moderate Intellectual Disability Loading Guidelines V2.2
TRIM ID: D14/421607
Effective Date: 25 August 2014