Spring 2014: THE DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES and THE BIOLOGY GRADUATE STUDENT ASSOCIATION (BGSA) cordially invite you to the: Biology for Lunch – Seminar and Science Discussions Wednesday at 12:00pm, Waggoner Hall 202 (note: we have a few special seminars on Thursdays and Fridays!) Date Jan 21 Speaker/Seminar Coordinator Faculty Meeting Graduate Student Meeting Dr. Nick Barber - NIU (Host: Dr. Ken McCravy) Welcome Back Department Potluck (Host: BGSA and RISE) Special Alumnus Seminar Brittany Doll (Host: Dr. Musser) Dr. Patrick Irwin (Host: Katie A Lamagdeleine) Faculty Meeting Graduate Student Meeting Dr. Scott A. Woolbright, U of I (Host: Seminar Committee) WIU Graduate Research Conference (Deadline for Abstracts Jan 23th) Dr. Amy Ekanayake, WIU Math Department (Host: Seminar Committee) Spring Break Faculty Meeting Graduate Student Meeting Morrow Lecture Dr. Rüdiger Bieler, Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago BIOLOGY RESEARCH SYMPOSIUM (Deadline for Abstracts: March 13th) Dr. Shawn P. Brown – U of I (Host: Dr. Porras-Alfaro) Illinois State Academy of Sciences Meeting (Abstract submission starts Jan 21th) Thomas E. Helm Undergraduate Research Day Title/Activity Faculty Meeting Graduate Student Meeting Ecological interactions between above- and belowground organisms through shared host plants Bring a dish to share and a donation for the Adopt a School BGSA program!! TBA April 22 Faculty Meeting Graduate Student Meeting Faculty Meeting Graduate Student Meeting April 29 Dr. Catherine Miller-Hunt WIU Biological Sciences TBA May 6 Department Potluck (Host: BGSA and RISE) Bring a dish to share and a donation for the Adopt a School BGSA program and RISE!! May 13 Finals Finals Jan 28* Feb 4 Feb 11* Feb 18* Feb 25 March 4* Friday Mar 6 March 11 March 18 March 25 Th April 2 Friday April 3 April 8 Friday April 10- Sat 11 April 15 * Lunch for Grad and RISE students with Speaker in 365 Great opportunity to present your research at a local conference! TBA Faculty Meeting Graduate Student Meeting Climate relicts as "natural" population, community, and ecosystem "labs" Visit our Bio Grad Student Oral and Poster Presentations! TBA Spring Break Faculty Meeting Graduate Student Meeting Can we restore the American coral reef? Biodiversity research and coral restoration in the Florida Keys Seminar at 12 pm – Dr. Rüdiger Bieler - A backbone for clams: generating the new Bivalve Tree of Life The role of salinity in structuring tropical aquatic fungal communities Visit our students presenting at this meeting!! Visit our Bio Students with their presentation at the Union!!