The Declaration Of Independence

The Declaration Of Independence is a political article, which was
drafted by Thomas Jefferson. The whole article can be divided into
3 parts; the first part of them is to declare the human born with
freedom; the second part is to complaint and accuse the sin of
what did the United Kingdom do; the third part is to conclude and
declare the independence of the 13 stats in America. The article
that was present at the congress has changed in somewhere. The
attitude of the congress version was almost the same as that of
Thomas’ version, but the strength of the blaming the England is
higher than that.
The first parts of these two versions begin with talking about
freedom. As a colony of England, these 13 states didn’t have the
sovereign rights for sure; people who lived there hoped to have
autonomy to “live a happier life”, so this part would be widely
agreed with at that time. The 2 part of draft version was longer
than that of the congress version. I think the congress concerned
about the words that blaming the England, they may thought the
space of blaming was too large so they shortened the space of the
second part concerning the feeling of brothers and sisters in
England. As Jefferson presented: “he has waged cruel war against
human nature itself, violating it’s most sacred rights of life and
liberty in the person of a distant people who never offended him,
captivating and carrying them into slavery in another hemisphere,
or to incure miserable death in their transportation hither.”
(Jefferson, The Draft) Jefferson talked about the slave trading,
which was deleted by the congress. This action shows that the
congress didn’t want to totally break the relationship with England;
they concerned their words again and again to make sure that the
attitude was not too tough. This also shows the political propose of
this journal. From this part we can easily find the attitude of
England to these states, England treated the states as same as
other colonies. So there was no liberty on these states at that time;
people demanded freedom as well.
There are fifteen lines that were talking about the administration of
justice, so we can see the main propose of the Declaration for the
colony is to strive for rights of administration of justice.
The third part is to take an oath. Based on the religion, language
and general thoughts, people who were living there had met a high
level agreement; they decided to set up a brand new country
named by the United States of America.