Current CV/Bio

Professional Qualification
PhD, Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh, UK
Dissertation Title: “Development and Validation of Prognostic Model for Fistula Maturation in Patients
with Advanced Renal Failure”
MSc. Diabetes, Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh, UK
Dissertation Title: “Drug treatments for high cholesterol with atorvastatin versus simvastatin: A
Systematic review and Meta-analysis”
MBBS, University of Karachi, Karachi, Pakistan
Certified Courses
Education in Action 1 (15 Credit), Professional and Higher Education
Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh
June 2011
ICH-GCP (International Conference on Harmonisation Good Clinical Practice)
Ashford and St. Peter's Hospitals NHS Trust
Oct 2008
ACLS (Advanced Cardiac Life Support)
Liaquat National Hospital, Karachi, Pakistan
Sep 2006
Abstracts, Posters & Presentations
Rahman AS, Akhtar SW, Jamal Q, Siddiqui MA, Sultana N, Hassan MZ, Husain T. 2014.
Peripheral artery disease in ischaemic stroke: an observational cross-sectional study. Poster
presentation at 66th American Academy of Neurology Annual Meeting at Philadelphia, USA.
Siddiqui MA, Raza Z, Santos D, Ashraff S, Carline TE. 2012. Development of a prognostic
model for fistula maturation in patients with advanced renal failure. Oral presentation at the
Leading Innovative Vascular Education Conference, Alexandroupolis, Greece
Khan AA, Ahmed Z, Siddiqui MA, Yaqoob K, Anis Z, Farooq S. 2012. Blood donation among
medical students: Knowledge, Attitude and Practices. Oral presentation at 17th Annual PG
Medical Education Conference, Agha Khan Medical University, Karachi.
Siddiqui MA, Khan AA, Ahmed Z. 2012. The writing’s on the wall: using posters to assess for
learning. Poster session presented in 17th PG Medical Education Conference, Agha Khan
Medical University, Karachi.
Ashraff S, Raza Z, Santos D, Siddiqui MA, Carline TE. 2012. Development of a prognostic
model for stump healing in patients with advanced atherosclerosis. Oral presentation at the
Leading Innovative Vascular Education Conference, Alexandroupolis, Greece
Siddiqui MA, Raza Z, Carline TE. 2011. Blood markers, success of arteriovenous fistulae and
haemodialysis: Current practice and future challenges. Connect 2011:4th Annual QMU Doctoral
Student Research Conference, Edinburgh, Queen Margaret University, pp. 18-19
Siddiqui MA, Carline TE, Santos D, Raza Z, McKnight J. 2009. The role of haematological
markers and factors in predicting fistula formation: success in diabetic patients with renal failure.
Poster session presented in Diabetes UK, Glasgow
Sah SK, Siddiqui MA, Darain H. 2014. Effect of progressive resistive exercise training to
improving mobility and functional ability of middle adulthood chronic kidney disease patients.
Saudi J Kidney Dis Transpl, Accepted.
Rehman A, Berry J, Siddiqui MA. 2014. Post-Stroke Rehabilitation based on SMART Goals: A
Case Study. J Exp Integr Med, 4(1):71-73 doi: 10.5455/
Khan AA, Ahmed Z, Siddiqui MA, Sami N. 2014. Devolution of Health Sector in Pakistan after
18th Constitutional Amendment: Issues and Possible Solutions. J Coll Physicians Surg Pak,
24 (4): 295
Amir M, Rahman AS, Jamal Q, Siddiqui MA. 2013. End treatment response and sustained viral
response in hepatitis C virus genotype 3 among Pakistani population. Ann Saudi Med, 33(6):
555-558 DOI: 10.5144/0256-4947.2013.555
Ashraff S, Siddiqui MA, Carline TE. 2013. Obesity and insulin resistance: management in
diabetes. Turkish Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism, 17(3): 57-62, Doi:
Siddiqui MA, Khan MF, Carline TE. 2013. Gender Differences in Living with Diabetes Mellitus.
Mat Soc Med. 25(2): 140-142. doi:10.5455/msm.2013.25.140-142
Guru R, Siddiqui MA, Rehman A. 2013. Professional identity (role blurring) of occupational
therapy in community mental health in India. Isra Medical Journal, 5(2):155-159
Ashraff S, Siddiqui MA. Carline TE. 2013. The Psychosocial Impact of Diabetes in Adolescents:
A Review. Oman Med J, 28 (3):159-162 doi:10. 5001/omj.2013.46
Kakar ZA, Siddiqui MA, Al Amin R. 2013. Prevalence and risk factors of diabetes in adult
3(2): 18-28
Siddiqui MA, Ahmed Z, Khan AA. 2012. Health education in diabetic population: Current
practice and future challenges. Public Health Research, 2(4); 69-74
Siddiqui MA, Ahmed Z, Khan AA. 2012. Psychological impact on sexual health among diabetic
patients: A review. International Journal of Diabetes Research, 1(2); 28-31
Rehman A, Siddiqui MA, Ashraff S. 2012. Effect of exercise and muscle contraction on insulin
action, transportation and sensitivity and muscle fibres in type II diabetes mellitus. American
Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences, 2(6); 131-135. doi: 10.5923/j.ajmms.20120206.04
Guru R, Siddiqui MA, Ahmed Z, Khan AA. 2012. Effects of cultural shock on foreign health care
professionals: An analysis of key factors. J Environ Occup Sci, 1(1); 53-62.
Khan AA, Ahmed Z, Siddiqui MA. 2012. Issues with solid waste management in South Asian
countries: A situational analysis of Pakistan. J Environ Occup Sci, 1(2); 129-131.
Siddiqui MA. 2008. Drug treatments for high cholesterol with atorvastatin versus simvastatin: A
Systematic review and Meta-analysis. Masters Dissertation accepted for MSc Diabetes at
Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh