Chair The Chair is responsible for the overall direction and administration of committee activities. The chair also has overall responsibility for adhering to ACC's Committee Leadership Manual and for acting as the Committee liaison with ACC’s headquarters. The Chair shall also attend, whenever possible, the ACC Council of Committees’ (CoC) monthly calls. Vice Chair The Vice Chair shall perform such duties as requested by the Chair and in the Chair’s absence shall perform the responsibilities of the Chair. In addition, the Vice Chair shall coordinate and report to the Chair the activities of any established subcommittees. The Vice Chair shall also attend, whenever possible, the CoC monthly calls. Secretary The Secretary shall perform such duties as requested by the Chair and shall be responsible for preparing and distributing minutes for all monthly Committee member and Committee leadership teleconference meetings. The Subcommittees Each of the following Subcommittees shall have a Chair or Co-Chairs appointed by the Chair of the Committee to serve one (1) year terms, which may be renewed at the discretion of the Chair of the Committee for additional one (1) year terms. The Subcommittee Chairs or Co-Chairs are responsible for carrying out Subcommittee tasks and functions representing the Subcommittee at the Committee’s Executive Board, and enlisting the assistance of other members of the x committee and ACC staff, as needed. Programs – Annual Meeting Solicits and submits to the ACC a series of substantive programs related to the Committee’s interests for the ACC Annual Meeting. The position also recruits program organizers for all committee presentations at the Annual Meeting and supports program organizer responsibilities by helping to recruit speakers. Programs – Legal Quick Hits Responsible for coordinating with the committee sponsor and/or other law firms and vendors to secure speakers and topics for the monthly LQHs. Membership Promotes the committee and its activities for the purpose of increasing membership, including working with ACC on an annual or bi-annual survey to determine members’ needs and interests, welcoming new members to the committee, and organizing networking opportunities in concert with a member volunteer or Chapter Liaison Subcommittee chair. Communications Responsible for creating or coordinating the publication of at least one committee sponsored article in the ACC Docket, coordinating quarterly committee newsletters, and reviewing or sending monthly email announcements regarding upcoming legal quick hit (LQH) topics. Webcasts Responsible for working with the committee sponsor or other law firms and vendors to plan webcasts on relevant issues that will appeal to committee members. InfoPAKs Responsible for coordinating with the committee sponsor or other law firms and vendors to compile topic related InfoPAKs that will appeal to committee members. Advocacy/Legislative Subject to approval by the Executive Board and the ACC’s Board of Directors, submits comments and/or proposals on international, federal and/or state legislative actions that impact the committee members and corporate practices. International Promotes the committee on an international basis and provides updates on legislative and regulatory changes that impact the committee members generally. Chapter Liaison Responsible for coordinating with local ACC chapters as appropriate and for acting as a liaison with local ACC chapters on joint initiatives and events.