Spring 2015 PARCC Student Registration File Update Instructions

Spring 2015 PARCC Student Registration File Update Instructions
for Grades 3–8 Performance-Based Assessments (PBA)
This document provides instructions and examples for schools and districts when updating their Student
Registration Files for students in grades 3–8 for the PARCC PBA (instructions for the end-of-year [EOY]
assessment will be forthcoming). For these grades, the Department has imported a file with students from your
October 2014 SIMS into PearsonAccess Next (PA Next). The deadline for making updates to the file is
Tuesday, December 23, 2014.
You will need to update your Student Registration File if one or more of the following apply:
New students have enrolled since the October SIMS submission (example A1 or B1)
Students have unenrolled from your school since the October SIMS submission (example A2 or B3)
Student disability status has changed since the October SIMS submission (example A2 or B2)
One of the following test accommodations has changed for one or more students in grades 4–8, or is
needed for one or more students in grade 3 (example A2 or B2):
o Alternate Representation-Paper Test
o Human Reader or Human Signer for Paper Test
o Large Print
o Braille with Tactile Graphics
One or more students in grade 8 in your school will take the Algebra I test, as reported to the
Department prior to October 1, 2014 (example A2 or B4)
Please note the following regarding the deadline for updating student data:
Schools administering the paper-based test (PBT) who meet the requested deadline will automatically
receive student labels and test booklets. If this deadline is not met, or if additional materials are needed
after the deadline, you will need to place an additional materials order within PA Next before the opening
of the PBA test administration window for paper-based testing (3/23/2015).
Schools administering the computer-based test (CBT) may continue to update student information using
this guide until approximately two weeks before the opening of the PBA test administration window for
computer-based testing (3/16/2015).
General Instructions for Updating the Student Registration File
Please note the following when updating the Student Registration File:
Before updating information, users should have the Spring Student Registration File Field
Definitions (“ Field Definitions document”) open. This document, which provides important field
definitions when creating or updating student records, is available through PA Next (go to Support >>
At this time, it is not necessary to update any student test accommodation information in the Personal
Needs Profile (PNP). Instructions for the PNP will be provided in January.
Depending on the number of student records that need to be created or updated, two options within PA
Next are available: using the PA Next Interface (best for making a small number of changes) and using
the PA Next file import/export process (best for making changes to large amounts of data). The
following pages provide instructions and examples for each option.
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Option A: Use the PA Next Interface (best for making a small number of changes)
Guidance on using PA Next is available in the PearsonAccess Next Online User's Guide, which can be found on
the Support >> Documentation page within PA Next.
Example A1: Add a new student
1. At the top of the home screen, select PARCC>2014-2015>PARCC Op Spring PBA 2015. Do not select any
of the Fall Block tests.
2. From the home screen, select Setup >> Students.
3. In the Select Tasks list, check the Create/Edit Students and the Registration checkboxes. Click the Start
4. Enter required information, click Create, and then click Next Task at the top of the screen. Users must click
Save when advancing through tasks in this procedure.
5. Repeat step 4 above for each task until all selected tasks have been completed.
6. Click Exit Tasks to return to the Students setup screen.
Example A2: Update existing student data or remove a student
1. At the top of the home screen, select PARCC>2014-2015>PARCC Op Spring PBA 2015. Do not select any
of the Fall Block tests.
2. From the home screen, select Setup >> Students.
3. Using one of the available search options, select students whose data you wish to edit.
4. In the Select Tasks list, check the Registration checkboxes. Click the Start button.
5. Update student information as needed, click Save, and then click Next Task.
6. Repeat step 5 above for each task until all selected tasks have been completed.
7. Click Exit Tasks to return to the Student setup screen.
Option B: Use the PA Next File Export/Import Process (best for making changes to
large amounts of data)
This option expedites the updating process by using the data export and import features in PA Next. To
complete this process, you will 1) export the Student Registration File in .csv format; 2) make changes in
Excel (or another spreadsheet application); and then 3) import the revised Student Registration File into PA
Next. To complete the necessary tasks, follow the instructions below for exporting the Student Registration File
in .csv format, then complete the remaining steps under each of the examples.
Export the Student Registration File in .csv format
 Download the Spring Student Registration File Field Definitions document ("Field Definitions
document"), available in PA Next, by going to Support >> Documentation. Because the Field
Definitions document provides instructions to import the Student Registration File, follow the
instructions beginning on page 6, with the noted modifications below, to export the file.
o Log into PA Next.
o In step 2: Select PARCC Op Spring PBA 2015 from the test administration dropdown menu.
o Complete steps 3−5.
o In step 6: Select Student Registration Export from the dropdown menu.
o Skip step 7.
o Complete step 8.
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Proceed to page 11 to check the status of the file export.
Proceed to page 12.
Once the status is Complete, click Download File to save the file to your computer. Save the
file in a location that will be easy to find for making changes and importing back into PA Next
after you have made your changes.
Example B1: Add new students who have enrolled in your school since October
1. Follow the instructions above under Export the Student Registration File in .csv format.
2. Insert two rows for each new student who will take the PARCC tests (one row for ELA; one row for math).
For example, if 10 new students have arrived since October, insert 20 rows beneath the header row.
3. Enter information for each required field in the file. Fields that are required have "Y" in the Required Y/N
column (see pages 14 to 28 in the Field Definitions document).
4. Enter demographic data for columns P−Y. Although these fields are not required, missing data will generate
a “Critical Warning.” Enter “N” in columns W, X, and Y, as Massachusetts does not collect this
5. In column AJ, paper-based testing (PBT) schools may want to provide Assessment Session Location to
organize the test materials shipment by school classroom testing location. Computer-based testing (CBT)
schools should leave this field blank until further instructions are provided in January.
6. Enter “Y” in column AY.
7. Import the file using the instructions in the Field Definitions document. When completing step 2 in the
document, be sure to select the Spring PBA 2015 test administration.
Example B2: Change student disability status or accommodation information for students already
registered for PARCC
Note: The instructions below apply only to accommodations data in the Student Registration File (columns
AQ−AX). Accommodations data in the Personal Needs Profile (PNP) does not need to be reviewed or updated
at this time. Instructions for the PNP will be provided in January.
1. Follow the instructions above under Export the Student Registration File in .csv format.
2. To update student disability status and/or accommodations information, update values in columns AA, AB,
and AQ−AX.
3. Change the date of birth field to the YYYY-MM-DD format as follows: select the Birthdate column; change
it to the YYYY-MM-DD format (e.g., 2005-12-01).
4. Using “Save As,” save the resulting file with a different filename indicating an updated version of the
Student Registration File.
5. Import the file using instructions in the Field Definitions document. When completing step 2 in the Field
Definitions document, be sure to select the Spring PBA 2015 test administration.
Example B3: Remove students who have unenrolled from your school since October
Note: This procedure requires you to upload a file into PA Next that will remove all test registration data for
the included student. This process allows students who are no longer enrolled in your school to be registered for
a spring PARCC test in a different school.
1. Follow the instructions above under Export the Student Registration File in .csv format.
2. Remove all students in the file who are still enrolled and who will participate in the spring 2015 PARCC test
administration at your school.
3. Using “Save As,” save the resulting file with a different filename indicating students not participating in the
spring 2015 PARCC test administration.
4. Import this new file into PA Next. On the Import/Export page, select Student Registration Delete in the Type
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dropdown, and select the Delete all data checkbox. Click Process.
Example B4: Assign students in grade 8 to take the Algebra I test instead of the grade 8 math test
Note: By default, the Department has assigned the grade 8 math test to all grade 8 students. If some grade 8
students in your school will take the Algebra I test, as reported to the Department prior to October 1, 2014, you
must follow the steps below to assign them the Algebra 1 test. This two-step procedure requires you to remove
the default grade 8 math Test Code and then add the grade 8 Algebra I Test Code. ELA test registration
information will not be affected by this procedure.
1. Follow the instructions above under Export the Student Registration File in .csv format.
2. Delete all students in the file except those selected to take the grade 8 Algebra I test.
3. For the remaining students, delete rows with the students’ ELA test, but keep rows with information on their
math test.
4. Change the date of birth field to the YYYY-MM-DD format as follows: select the Birthdate column; change
it to the YYYY-MM-DD format (e.g., 2005-12-01).
5. Using “Save As,” save the resulting file with a different filename indicating students whose math test
registration will be changed. Do not change the math Test Code at this time.
6. Import this file into PA Next by selecting Setup >> Import/Export Data, and select the file type Student
Registration Delete.
7. Click Process. This step removes only the grade 8 math registration information for students who will not
take the grade 8 math test.
8. On the View File Details page, once the status of the import is Complete, make note of and correct any
errors that may be listed on the page.
9. Using the same .csv file just imported into PA Next, change the Test Code for all students from MAT08 to
ALG01. This step assigns the Algebra I test to the students selected to take the Algebra I test.
10. Change the date of birth field to the YYYY-MM-DD format as follows: select the Birthdate column; change
it to the YYYY-MM-DD format (e.g., 2005-12-01).
11. Import the file using instructions in the Field Definitions document. When completing step 2 in the
document, be sure to select the Spring PBA 2015 test administration.
Once you have finished creating and/or updating student records, you can use the following steps to confirm that
the changes appear in PA Next:
Select Setup >> Students from the PA Next home page
Enter the student's last name in the Search bar and click Search; or
Enter the student's SASID in the State Student Identifier field in the Filters area and click Search
Click the checkbox next to the student's name
Repeat steps 2-4 for as many student records as you want to view
View student data using the "Register Students" and/or "Manage Student Tests" tasks
If you have any questions or need further support, please contact the PARCC Help Center at 888-493-9888
(Monday–Friday, 6:00 a.m.–8:00 p.m.) or parcc@support.pearson.com. You may also contact the Department at
parcc@doe.mass.edu or 781-338-3625.
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