Syllabus - University Honors College

ANTH 1601
Fall Term 2013
Structure and Function
Dr. Michael I. Siegel
McMurtrie, H. and J. K. Rikel, The Coloring Review Guide to Human Anatomy, Wm. C. Brown
Basmajian, J. V., Primary Anatomy. Williams & Wilkins Co., Baltimore, 1982, 8th ed.
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Riesenfeld, A. and M. I. Siegel, The Relationship Between Facial Proportions and Root Length
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Riesenfeld, A., M. I. Siegel, M. P. Mooney, J. T. Seroky, and A. B. Taylor, The Effects of
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Siegel, M. I., The Tail, Locomotion and Balance in Mice. Amer. J. Phys. Anthropol. 33: 101-102,
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Siegel, M. I. and W. J. Doyle, The Differential Effects of Prenatal and Postnatal Audiogenic
Stress on Fluctuating Dental Asymmetry. J. Exp. Zool. 191: 211-214, 1975.
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Siegel, M. I. and C. L. Jones, The Skeletal Correlates of Behavioral Modification in the
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Siegel, M. I., M. P. Mooney, K. R. Kimes and J. Todhunter, Analysis of the Size Variability of
the Normal and Cleft Palate Human Fetal Nasal Capsule by Three Dimensional Computer
Reconstruction of Histological Preparations. Cleft Palate J. 24: 190-199, 1987.
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Siegel, M. I., M. P. Mooney and A. B. Taylor, Tooth Size Reduction as a Consequence of
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Siegel, M. I., M. P. Mooney and A. B. Taylor, Dental and Skeletal Reduction as a Consequence of
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16(4): 371-377, 1975.
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Siegel, M. I. and H. H. Smookler, Fluctuating Dental Asymmetry and Audiogenic Stress.
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Siegel, M. I. and J. Todhunter, Image Recognition and the Reconstruction of Cleft Palate
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Siegel, M. I. and R. Van Meter, Skeletal Correlates of Ecological Adaptation in Two Species of
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