Celebrate Tu BiShvat. Plant a Tree in Israel.

Celebrate Tu BiShvat. Plant a Tree in Israel.
Tu BiShvat 5775/2015
Dear Parents,
As part of our school Tu BiShvat celebration we are proud to participate in Jewish National
Fund’s Tu BiShvat in the Schools program. This year Tu BiShvat is Wednesday, February
4, 2015.
Planting a tree in Israel is a wonderful experience no matter how many times you do it. It is also
the quintessential way to celebrate Tu BiShvat and connect to the land and people of Israel. By
participating, your child will receive a beautiful JNF Tree Certificate and make a personal
connection to the land of Israel that will last a lifetime.
This year our class/school will be planting trees using an on-line method. Please visit our
webpage at: XXXXXXXXX and plant your tree today. Our goal is $XXXXX and to plant
XXX trees. If we reach a minimum of 100 trees or $1800, we will receive a beautiful
plaque to display in our school and the students will all received personalized tree
certificates. Participating will also count towards a nationwide competition for prizes for
our school!
By helping your child to plant trees in Israel through JNF you are fulfilling a mitzvah. You are
giving them a direct link to the land and people of our homeland and ensuring that Israel will
remain green and beautiful for generations to come. Thank you for your participation in this
important program. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our school office or
your child’s classroom teacher.
*Please note that by using the on-line program, all donations go directly to our group goal. No
individual certificates will be issued unless we reach the minimum $1800 donation, and these
certificates will be in honor of the students.