MFL ASSESSMENT and PROGRESSION CRITERIA FRAMEWORK New Number Grade Old GCSE Grade Old KS2/3 Level + 9 - A* 10 + 8 - Level 2 Assessment and Progression Criteria + 7 + 6 - A* A B + 5 B/C + 4 - Level 1 + 3 + 2 - C D E 9 7b7c 6a6c 5a5c Foundation F 3cG/U 2c 3 U Understands a wide variety of spoken and written language. 1a1c Writes 250 - 400 words from memory, using different tenses, structures and higher level vocab accurately. Prepares for and participates in a 4 - 6 minute conversation, using complex language. Identifies details, points of view and draws simple conclusions. Prepares for and participate in a 4 – 6 minute conversation, with extended language. 8a8b 8c7a Listening Reading Speaking Writing Tenses Prepares for and participates in a 4 - 6 minute conversation, using complex language well. 10 + 4a1 F/G 3b - F 2 1 2 3 4 5 Can focus on picking out details from longer spoken passages Can decide if someone is positive, negative or both. Understands brief news items. Understands familar language in unfamiliar contexts spoken at normal speed. Can spot different time frames within a spoken passage. Appreciates stories, songs, poems and rhymes in TL. Listens attentively to spoken language, in order to understand very short phrases. Finds new words in a glossary. Explores patterns and sounds, making soundspelling links. Can pronounce most words properly. Can learn and say short phrases and can adapt sentences. Understands basic grammar ideas, e.g. gender. Uses connectives to link ideas and gives reasons for opinions. Prepares short dialogues with a partner, which express opinons or feelings. Describes people, places, things and actions orally. Writes at least 4 sentences from memory, using different verbs. Writes in simple sentences to give personal details. Says single words. Future tense pattern Passé composé irregular forms Passé composé regular patterns je form aller + infinitive future Present Tense Regular –er / ir / re all forms avoir / être / aller Will make spelling and grammar mistakes. Transcribes words / short sentences. Remembers spellings for common words. Imperfect Can create new sentences by adapting previous material from other contexts. Translates sentences from English to French / French to English Pluperfect Reflexive verbs - present, past, future Uses a verb table to confirm spellings of verb forms. Writes in a basic style with a clear message but some errors. Can edit and re-draft written work. Writes at least 8 sentences, using different verbs from memory (3 tenses). Writes at least 6 sentences from memory, using different verbs (2 tenses) Expresses and explains opinions + narrate events, in extended sentences. Can use a list of essential complex structures to enhance the ir work. Writes 200 - 275 words from memory, using different verbs. Writes 200 words from memory, using different verbs. Uses target language to meet routine needs Asks questions and give answers Writes 200 - 400 words from memory, using different tenses, structures and higher level vocab. Writes at least 200 - 350 words from memory, using a variety of verbs and grammatical devices. Makes mistakes sometimes when using complex structures. When speaking is able to deal with an unpredictable element. Can improvise and paraphrase. Prepares and delivers a monlogue with 8+ different verbs (3 tenses) Prepares and deliver a monlogue with 6+ different verbs (2 tenses) Understands short stories and factual texts Pronunciation is generally secure and phrases are delivered with confidence. Prepares for and participates in a 4 - 5 minute conversation, with clear points. Prepares for and participates in a 4 minute conversation, using simple language. Handles longer passages with confidence. Reads literary texts in the language to stimulate ideas + develop creative expression Uses a dictionary to find new words Understands short sentences about familiar topics. Is familiar with a range of vocab from a variety of contexts. Can read texts written in French cursive script. Uses context to understand new language. Understands material for native speakers with help from a dictionary Can pick key details out from short passages. Understands classroom instructions. Can spot a growing range of linguistic devices which add nuance to texts. Able to deal with factual and imaginative material. Can recognise the past, future and present tenses. Can deal with more complex structures in passages spoken at normal speed. Can identify positive and negative reactions. Picks out single details from sentences. Can fill in details about someone’s experiences, without prompts. Communicates a clear message with reasonably accurate pronunciation and intonation. Subjunctive Present Tense Regular -er je form Copies words accurately. F 1 U P lev els