NSW Telco Authority Spectrum Management Office Manual Version: 1.1 Document owner: File name: Spectrum Management Office Manual TRIM ref: Telco in Confidence Updated 9/02/2016 Printed 9/02/2016 Page 1 of 30 Revision record Please note significant document changes with a version increment of 1.0. Minor administrative changes, where the meaning or intention of the document is not altered should increase by an increment of 0.1. Version Date 0.1 Authors Summary of Changes Business Analyst Initial Draft SME 0.2 14/04/2014 Business Analyst SME 0.3 28/04/2014 Business Analyst SME 0.4 30/04/2014 Business Analyst SME 0.5 20/05/2014 Business Analyst SME 0.6 11/06/2014 Business Analyst SME 1.0 24/06/2014 1.1 11/05/2015 Business Analyst Draft following consultation with Telco business units. Draft following consultation with the Executive Director and the CTO. Draft following consultation and suggested edits by the PMO Draft following consultation and suggested edits by the Steering Committee Draft following review by the CTO, including a complete reformatting of the document. SME Completed version following process workshop. Manager Spectrum Updated terminology and references Document owner: Spectrum Management Office File name: Document1 TRIM ref: Telco in Confidence Updated 9/02/2016 Printed 9/02/2016 Page 2 of 30 Contents 1. Introduction .................................................................................................................... 5 1.1. Purpose ........................................................................................................................... 5 1.2. Audience........................................................................................................................ 5 1.3. Definitions ....................................................................................................................... 5 2. Guidelines and Procedures .......................................................................................... 7 2.1. Spectrum Management (Level 0)................................................................................ 7 2.1.1. Monitoring and Review (Level 1)........................................................................... 8 Review Compliance (Level 2) ............................................................................ 8 Report on Compliance (Level 2) ....................................................................... 8 2.1.2. Spectrum Planning (Level 1) .................................................................................. 9 Define Planning Requirements (Level 2) ........................................................... 9 Evaluate Planning Requirements and Feasibility (Level 2) .............................. 9 Produce Spectrum Plan (Level 2) ...................................................................... 10 2.1.3. Allocation and Assignment (Level 1) .................................................................... 10 Application (Level 2) ........................................................................................... 11 Assessment (Level 2) ........................................................................................... 12 Proposal (Level 2) ................................................................................................ 13 Licensing (Level 2) ............................................................................................... 14 Dispute Resolution (Level 2) ................................................................................ 15 2.1.4. Governance (Level 1) ............................................................................................ 16 Manage SMO Relationships (Level 2) ................................................................ 16 Manage SMO Performance (Level 2) ............................................................... 16 3. Contact .......................................................................................................................... 17 4. Document Library .......................................................................................................... 17 5. Appendices.................................................................................................................... 19 5.1. Appendix 1 - SMO Relationships................................................................................... 19 5.1.1. SMO Steering Committee ...................................................................................... 19 5.1.2. Business Strategy Group (BSG) .............................................................................. 19 5.1.3. Government Radio Users Group (GRUG) ............................................................. 19 5.1.4. Technology Planning and Review Group (TPRG) ................................................ 19 5.1.5. Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) ............................... 20 5.1.6. National Coordinating Committee for Government Radiocommunications (NCCGR) ............................................................................................................................... 20 Document owner: Spectrum Management Office File name: Document1 TRIM ref: Telco in Confidence Updated 9/02/2016 Printed 9/02/2016 Page 3 of 30 5.1.7. ACMA Accredited Persons .................................................................................... 20 5.2. Appendix 2 - Priority Tiers ............................................................................................... 20 5.2.1. Tier 1 ......................................................................................................................... 20 5.2.2. Tier 2 ......................................................................................................................... 21 5.2.3. Tier 3 ......................................................................................................................... 21 5.3. Appendix 3 – Scoping Criteria ...................................................................................... 21 5.3.1. Mandatory Criteria ................................................................................................. 21 5.3.2. Subject to Approval ............................................................................................... 21 5.4. Appendix 4 - The ACMA Guidelines ............................................................................ 21 5.4.1. RALI GS1 ................................................................................................................... 21 5.4.2. Embargoes .............................................................................................................. 21 5.4.3. Frequency Assignment Practises ........................................................................... 22 5.5. Appendix 5 – Level 3 Procedures ................................................................................. 22 5.5.1. Monitoring and Review .......................................................................................... 22 Review Compliance ........................................................................................... 22 Report on Compliance ....................................................................................... 22 5.5.2. Spectrum Planning ................................................................................................. 23 Define Planning Requirements ........................................................................... 23 Evaluate Planning Requirements and Feasibility .............................................. 23 Produce Spectrum Plan ...................................................................................... 23 5.5.3. Allocation and Assignment .................................................................................... 24 Application .......................................................................................................... 24 Assessment ........................................................................................................... 25 Proposal ................................................................................................................ 26 Licensing............................................................................................................... 27 Dispute Resolution ............................................................................................... 27 5.5.4. Governance............................................................................................................ 28 Manage SMO Relationships ............................................................................... 28 Manage SMO Performance ............................................................................... 28 Document owner: Spectrum Management Office File name: Document1 TRIM ref: Telco in Confidence Updated 9/02/2016 Printed 9/02/2016 Page 4 of 30 1. Introduction The Spectrum Management Office (SMO) has been established in the Telco Authority to ensure a coordinated, efficient and strategic approach to the management of spectrum that supports government operations in NSW. The NSW Treasury and Finance Circular OFS-2014-02-NSW Government Radio Communications Strategy issued in September 2014, requires the Authority to ensure that a coordinated and strategic approach to radio spectrum allocation is undertaken. In addition, the Circular directs the Telco Authority to conduct negotiations with the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) in relation to radio frequency allocation on behalf of NSW Government agencies. In carrying out its spectrum management role, the SMO is guided by (but not constrained to): 1. Nationally agreed policies, procedures and guidelines including the Government Services Radiocommunications Assignment Licensing Instructions (RALI GS1) 2. ACMA produced procedures and instruments (e.g. RALI’s, Embargos, Frequency Assignment Practices) 3. Relevant legislation including the Commonwealth Radiocommunications Act 1992. These are referenced within this manual as well as being captured in the document library and can be sourced if required. 1.1. Purpose This Manual provides guidance around the processes and procedures used by the SMO to ensure the efficient management of spectrum in NSW. The guidelines and procedures that are defined in this Manual, together with the SMO policy document, support the SMO capability with identified process flow, systemic order, and structure. It enables the ability to trace, repeat, audit, report, and manage the operations of the SMO. Level 3 procedure descriptions are also included in the manual (see Appendix 5) to support the SMO activities and provide some operational information for Telco Authority business units and supporting staff. 1.2. Audience This Manual should be read by NSW Telco Authority staff seeking to understand the SMO purpose, function, structure and operation. It also presents the detailed SMO processes for spectrum management to client groups. 1.3. Definitions For the purpose of this Manual, the following terminology has been defined. ACMA The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) is the Commonwealth regulator of spectrum for use in Australia and responsible for broadcasting, radiocommunications, telecommunications and online content. Accredited Person An Accredited Persons (AP) is a spectrum engineer accredited by the ACMA who provides specialist advice and services including interference analysis on proposed Document owner: Spectrum Management Office File name: Document1 TRIM ref: Telco in Confidence Updated 9/02/2016 Printed 9/02/2016 Page 5 of 30 and existing licenced assignments and lodging licence proposal applications with the ACMA. Applicant The applicant for a licence or their representative e.g. an Accredited Person. Bandwidth The rate at which data may be transmitted through a telecommunications system. Bandwidth is defined in bits per second (e.g. 256kbps). Frequency Assignment The act of registering a discrete quantum of spectrum for the use of a client at a specified location. Frequency Band The location in the spectrum continuum where an allocation of spectrum will be assigned to support an application e.g. 400 MHz Band for government services. Government Controlled Organisation A government-owned corporation, state-owned company, state-owned entity, state enterprise, publicly owned corporation, government business enterprise, commercial government agency, public sector undertaking or parastatal is a legal entity created by a government to undertake commercial activities on behalf of an owner government. HGS The dedicated government allocation of 400 MHz harmonised government spectrum. Licensee The holder of a licence, including a person authorised by the licensee to operate a transmitter under the licence. Milestone An ACMA activity date with specific requirements to meet the 400 MHz compliance regime. Spectrum Engineer Specialist spectrum assigner accredited by the ACMA and referred to as an Accredited Person (AP). Milestone An ACMA activity date with specific requirements to meet the 400 MHz compliance regime. Spectrum Management Spectrum management is the process of regulating the use of radio frequencies to promote efficient use and gain a net social benefit. Spectrum Transition Plan (STP) A controlled plan for the relocation and reallocation of NSW Government spectrum into the HGS, by the ACMA milestone dates. Telco Authority (TA) The NSW Government Telecommunications Authority is the NSW Government entity responsible for the overall coordination of radio telecommunication services for the NSW Government. Telecommunications Network A system, or series of systems, that carries, or is capable of carrying, communications by means of guided or unguided electromagnetic energy, or both. Document owner: Spectrum Management Office File name: Document1 TRIM ref: Telco in Confidence Updated 9/02/2016 Printed 9/02/2016 Page 6 of 30 2. Guidelines and Procedures 2.1. Spectrum Management (Level 0) Monitor, manage, plan and administer the allocation and assignment of spectrum assigned from the harmonised government segments (currently the 400 MHz HGS but not restricted to it for future bands and opportunities) to support the operations of government controlled organisations and organisations that provide a service to the government or the community. Spectrum management includes governance of the SMO, monitoring and review of compliance, spectrum planning and allocation, and assigning licenced frequencies. The process is illustrated below: Spectrum Management Required Compliance Monitoring Required? Yes Monitoring and Review No Compliance Report Compliance Achieved Spectrum Planning Required? Spectrum Planning Planning Complete Spectrum Plan Licensing Required? Yes Allocation and Assignment No ACMA Licence Licencing Complete Governance Required? Yes Governance Governance Complete SMO Performance Report Document owner: Spectrum Management Office File name: Document1 TRIM ref: Telco in Confidence Updated 9/02/2016 Printed 9/02/2016 Page 7 of 30 2.1.1. Monitoring and Review (Level 1) Regularly monitor, review and report on spectrum use to ensure it is used in accordance with rules and regulations that align to the Spectrum Plan for the HGS. The process is illustrated below: Compliance Monitoring Required Review Compliance Compliance Monitoring Complete Report on Compliance Compliance Report Review Compliance (Level 2) Monitor use of government spectrum in NSW and assess its use based on compliance to spectrum rules, regulations and planning. The process is illustrated below: Compliance Monitoring Required Receive Licensing Data Query Data Against Spectrum Rules, Regulations and Planning Identify Current State of Non Compliant Licences Lodge Compliance Exceptions Compliance Review Complete Assess Compliance Actor/s Resources Output Frequency SMO Representative ACMA RRL Download Compliance Assessment Monthly Relevant Instruments (NCGR RALI GS1. ACMA RALIs, FAPs, Embargoes) Nationally Agreed Principles Telco Authority Strategy, Policies and Procedures Report on Compliance (Level 2) Summarise and report on compliance, available channels and other useful spectrum related information for planning. The process is illustrated below: Compliance Assessment Complete Summarise Compliance Assessment Prepare Compliance Report Socialise Compliance Report Compliance Reporting Complete Compliance Report Actor/s Resources Output Frequency SMO Representative Compliance Assessment Compliance Report Monthly Document owner: Spectrum Management Office File name: Document1 TRIM ref: Telco in Confidence Updated 9/02/2016 Printed 9/02/2016 Page 8 of 30 2.1.2. Spectrum Planning (Level 1) Maintain a Spectrum Transition Plan (STP) by evaluating government agency spectrum needs in accordance with rules and regulations for harmonised government segments (currently the 400 MHz HGS but not restricted to it for future bands and opportunities) ensuring that government spectrum is provisioned for current and future use and is maximised for public benefit. The process is illustrated below: No Spectrum Planning Required Evaluate Planning Requirements and Feasibility Define Planning Requirements Planning Approved? Yes Produce Spectrum Plan Spectrum Planning Complete Spectrum Plan Define Planning Requirements (Level 2) Evaluate government agency spectrum needs in accordance with spectrum rules and regulations and clearly specify what is actually being planned for, in alignment with the strategic direction for spectrum. The process is illustrated below: Spectrum Planning Required Evaluate Agency Spectrum Needs Define Strategic Direction Specify Planning Requirements Spectrum Planning Defined Planning Requirements Specification Actor/s Resources Output Frequency SMO Representative Government Agency Spectrum Needs Planning Requirements Specification As required Strategic Direction Compliance Report Spectrum Rules and Regulations Evaluate Planning Requirements and Feasibility (Level 2) Evaluate the planning requirements and determine what the impacts, costs and benefits will be, in an effort to determine whether the spectrum planning initiative is feasible as well as viable. The process is illustrated below: Spectrum Planning Defined Evaluate Planning Requirements Determine Planning Feasibility Document owner: Spectrum Management Office File name: Document1 TRIM ref: Planning Feasibility Determined Telco in Confidence Updated 9/02/2016 Printed 9/02/2016 Page 9 of 30 Actor/s Resources Output Frequency SMO Representative Planning Requirements Specification Feasibility Analysis and Business Case Whenever a planning requirements specification is produced Produce Spectrum Plan (Level 2) Specify the future state, timeframe for compliance and assigned frequencies for those licences with a compliance requirement that are supporting government radiocommunications in NSW (e.g. for 400 MHz HGS). The process is illustrated below: Planning Approved Identify Spectrum Bands Assess Spectrum Availability Increase Spectrum Availability Specify Target State Formulate Spectrum Plan Planning Complete Spectrum Plan AP Actor/s Resources Output Frequency Accredited Person Planning Requirements Specification Spectrum Plan Whenever a planning business case is approved SMO Representative Business Case 2.1.3. Allocation and Assignment (Level 1) Facilitate, manage and administer the application, assessment, assignment and submission of all licence applications to the ACMA that support NSW Government agency operations and Government controlled organisations in NSW. The licensing administration activities and process flow are as follows: Surrender or Renew License 1. Licensing Required Application 3. Application To Be Assessed Invalid Applicant Assessment Invalid Requirements 4. Application Assessed Proposal Licensing 6. License Issued Insufficient Spectrum Available 2. Application Not Approved Decision Upheld 5. Application To Be Licensed License Not Approved Dispute Dispute Resolution Document owner: Spectrum Management Office File name: Document1 TRIM ref: Dispute Resolved Telco in Confidence Updated 9/02/2016 Printed 9/02/2016 Page 10 of 30 Application (Level 2) Facilitate the capture and evaluation of requests for licenced spectrum in order to ensure that applications are filtered/processed according to established TA Scoping Criteria (see Appendix 3) and prioritised according to nationally endorsed Priority Tiers (see Appendix 2) prior to a more detailed assessment. The process is illustrated below: Consult with Other State Representatives Advise Applicant of the Nominated Representative State / Jurisdiction Applicant Is the NSW SMO the Nominated Representative? No Assist Nominated Representative to Provide a Consolidated Proposal Yes 5. Application To Be Licensed Yes 3. Application To Be Assessed System SMO No 1. Licensing Required Apply for Spectrum Capture Application Application Receipt Notification Notification to Contact ACMA for Commercial Spectrum Is Applicant a Supplier to NSW Government or a notfor-profit entity which serves the community or a private organisation with special case? Are the Frequency Assignments for NSW only? Yes No No Is Applicant a Government Controlled Organisation? Yes Yes 2. Application Not Approved Notification of Application Re-direction Submit Application to TA Networks and Services (Fee for Service) Yes Can a Shared Network Meet the Applicants Requirements? Yes No Are Frequency Assignments for the 400MHz HGS? Surrender and /or Renew Frequency Assignments Only? Yes No No Notification to Contact ACMA for Commercial Spectrum No Will SMO Manage Licensing for the Required Frequency Assignments? Yes Evaluate Application Priority No Is the Applicant a Tier 1 Organisation? Actor/s Resources Output Frequency SMO Representative Spectrum Application Requirements Filtered and prioritised application ready to be assessed. Whenever a request for licenced spectrum has been submitted to the SMO. Applicant Document owner: Spectrum Management Office File name: Document1 TRIM ref: Telco in Confidence Updated 9/02/2016 Printed 9/02/2016 Page 11 of 30 Assessment (Level 2) Detail and qualify the applicant’s requirements according to spectrum planning, rules and regulations so that a best fit solution can be proposed. The process is illustrated below: 3. Application To Be Assessed Request Detailed Requirements from Applicant Is Site aligned to Strategic Asset Plan? Assess Detailed Requirements Applicant System SMO No Notification of Site Non Alignment and of Site Preferred by Telco Authority Yes Applicant Agrees to Preferred Site? Yes No Written Advise with Proposed Remediation Plan 2. Application Not Approved Notification of Non Approval with Reason & Suggested Alternatives No Applicant Agrees to Remediation Plan? Yes Validate Compliance to NSW Telco Authority Policy and ACMA Regulation (incl. FAP’s, RALI, Embargo’s) Compliance Authorised by SMO? Yes Capture Assessment 4. Application Assessed No Non Compliance Notification with Proposed Remediation Plan Actor/s Resources Output Frequency SMO Representative Filtered and prioritised application Applicant Spectrum planning, policies and regulations. Application assessed and ready for proposal. Whenever an application has been filtered and prioritised Document owner: Spectrum Management Office File name: Document1 TRIM ref: Telco in Confidence Updated 9/02/2016 Printed 9/02/2016 Page 12 of 30 Proposal (Level 2) Identify the available options in relation to the spectrum band / frequencies and then recommend the best fit solution based on the applicant’s requirements. The process is illustrated below: Yes 4. Application Assessed Evaluate the Requested Band and Frequencies Against Spectrum Planning 2. Application Not Approved No Requested Spectrum Band and Frequencies Align with Spectrum Planning? Notification of Insufficient Spectrum Available with Suggested Alternatives No No Identify and Recommend a Spectrum Band Identify Available Frequencies within the Recommended Spectrum Band Yes Yes Another Spectrum Band Available? No Test Frequency Interference Sufficient Spectrum Available within Band? Pass ACMA Interference Criteria? No No 5. Application To Be Licensed Proposal Endorsement by SMO Capture Proposal Yes Yes Proposal Accepted by Applicant? Propose Best Fit Solution Allocate Available Frequencies System SMO AP Applicant Actor/s Resources Output Frequency SMO Representative Assessed Application Best fit proposal endorsed and captured by SMO Whenever an application has been assessed Spectrum Plan Accredited Person Applicant Document owner: Spectrum Management Office File name: Document1 TRIM ref: Telco in Confidence Updated 9/02/2016 Printed 9/02/2016 Page 13 of 30 Licensing (Level 2) Submit the proposal details to the ACMA for approval and capture the issued licence within the ACMA RRL – where appropriate, the licence will be registered in the relevant Telco Authority licence holding. The process is illustrated below: 5. Application To Be Licensed Authorise ACMA Submission 2. Application Not Approved Notification of Non Approval with Reason and Suggested Alternatives Submit R057 / R077 Form Or Surrender Email Or Licence Renewal Review Submission No Approve? Yes 6. License Issued Send License and / or Written Advice Capture License Details (Telco Authority ) Load License Details (ACMA RRL) License Notification Applicant System SMO ACMA Actor/s Resources Output Frequency SMO Representative Proposed Licensing Details Licence advice sent to the applicant and captured within ACMA RRL Whenever a proposal has been endorsed by the SMO ACMA Applicant Document owner: Spectrum Management Office File name: Document1 TRIM ref: Telco in Confidence Updated 9/02/2016 Printed 9/02/2016 Page 14 of 30 Dispute Resolution (Level 2) Facilitate and govern the resolution of any disputes that may arise as a result of SMO decisions or actions. The process is illustrated below: 2. Application Not Approved Request Review of Decision Review Applicant’s Case and Supporting Information Provide Rationale for Decision Yes Decision Upheld? No 6. Licence Issued Complete Licencing Process Yes Dispute Resolved? No No Escalate to TARG for Complete Review of Dispute Decision Upheld? Provide Determination to the Applicant Yes Applicant SMO SMO Steering Committee Actor/s Resources Output Frequency SMO Representative Dispute Dispute Determination Applicant Supporting Information Steering Committee Application Details Whenever a dispute arises as a result of an SMO decision or action Rationale for Decision Document owner: Spectrum Management Office File name: Document1 TRIM ref: Telco in Confidence Updated 9/02/2016 Printed 9/02/2016 Page 15 of 30 2.1.4. Governance (Level 1) Manage SMO operational and strategic relationships (see Appendix 1 - SMO Relationships) in order to identify spectrum requirements and influence national strategic initiatives, as well as report on performance to the SMO Steering Committee. The process is illustrated below: Relationship Management Required? Governance Required Yes Manage SMO Relationships Yes Manage SMO Performance No SMO Performamce Management Required? SMO Performance Report Governance Complete No Manage SMO Relationships (Level 2) Engage with strategic and operational bodies (see Appendix 1 - SMO Relationships) in order to identify radiocommunication needs that support the operational requirements of NSW Government Agencies and ensure that NSW requirements are well represented in the development of nationally agreed principles, strategies and regulations. The process is illustrated below: Relationship Management Required Identify and Assess NSW Spectrum Requirements Assist in Development of Spectrum Strategy and Policy Communicate Spectrum Strategy and Policy Relationship Management Complete Actor/s Resources Output Frequency SMO Representative NSW Government Spectrum Requirements Spectrum strategy & policy As required Manage SMO Performance (Level 2) Report and monitor SMO performance based on compliance status and progress, licensing activity, current issues and foreseeable risks so that necessary changes can be made in a timely manner. The process is illustrated below: Performance Management Required Report on SMO Performance Review SMO Performance If Action is Required? SMO Performance Report Document owner: Spectrum Management Office File name: Document1 TRIM ref: Performance Management Complete Take Action SMO Telco in Confidence SMO Steering Committee Updated 9/02/2016 Printed 9/02/2016 Page 16 of 30 Actor/s Resources Output Frequency SMO Representative Progress of Milestones Fortnightly SMO Steering Committee Licensing Activity SMO Performance Managed Compliance Status Issues and Risks 3. Contact Telco Authority Spectrum Management Office: telco.spectrum@finance.nsw.gov.au 4. Document Library The following documents support the operations of the SMO are referenced in this manual. Cwlth Govt SMO Policy Document Spectrum Transition Plan RALI LMB RALI MS22 RALI GS1 Radiocommunications Act Embargo 60 Embargo 53 Embargo 50 NCCGR SMO ACMA SMO Guidelines and Procedures Frequency Assignment Practice Guideline No.5 Frequency Assignment Practice Guideline No.4 Guideline for 400 MHz Spectrum 400 MHz transition-Guideline for exceptions to transition deadlines MS2 & MS3 ID Supporting Document Description Author Date D1 SMO Policy Document Contains policies which ensure that there is a coordinated and strategic sector-wide framework for the management of government radio spectrum allocations. Telco Authority 2014 D2 SMO Manual Manual with guidelines, processes and procedures that support the SMO activities and provide operational information for other Telco Authority business units, supporting staff and clients Telco Authority 2014 Telco Authority 2014 . D3 Spectrum Transition Plan A plan which outlines noncompliant ACMA licensees, allocations required to ensure compliance to ACMA rules and regulations, as well as transition timeframes to ensure Document owner: Spectrum Management Office File name: Document1 TRIM ref: Telco in Confidence Updated 9/02/2016 Printed 9/02/2016 Page 17 of 30 scheduled alignment of transitioning activities and continuity of government services. D4 Radiocommunications Act Contains legislative framework that underpins spectrum management in Australia and contains the policy and regulatory requirements. Cwlth Govt 1992 D5 RALI LM8 Radiocommunications Assignment Licensing Instructions (RALI) for the Land Mobile Service ACMA 2010 D6 RALI GS1 Frequency assignment requirements for Government Services in the 400 MHz Bands NCCGR 2011 D7 Guideline for 400 MHz Spectrum Allocation A set of guiding principles for assigning against the government 400 MHz spectrum allocation NCCGR 2012 D8 RALI MS22 Radiocommunications Assignment Licensing Instructions (RALI) for the 400 MHz Band ACMA 2012 D9 Frequency Assignment Practice (FAP) Guideline No.4 Assigning harmonised government spectrum (HGS) in the 400 MHz band ACMA 2013 D10 Frequency Assignment Practice (FAP) Guideline No.5 Use of voting systems in the land mobile radio service ACMA 2013 D11 Embargo 50 Embargo on new frequency assignments to support arrangements for harmonised government spectrum primarily to support national security, law enforcement and emergency services ACMA 2010 D12 Embargo 53 Embargo on new frequency assignments to national security, law enforcement and emergency services ACMA 2012 D13 Embargo 60 Embargo on new frequency assignments to support formalising arrangements for the rail industry ACMA 2012 D14 400 MHz transitionGuideline for exceptions to transition Guideline outlining the circumstances and factors under which the ACMA will ACMA 2014 Document owner: Spectrum Management Office File name: Document1 TRIM ref: Telco in Confidence Updated 9/02/2016 Printed 9/02/2016 Page 18 of 30 deadlines MS2 & MS3 5. provide a temporary exception to a milestone (MS) and renew an apparatus licence on conditions that do not comply with the 400 MHz Plan. Appendices 5.1. Appendix 1 - SMO Relationships The SMO is managed by a Steering Committee and guided through its strategic relationships with the ACMA, the Business Strategy Group (BSG), the Technology Planning and Review Group (TPRG), the Government Radio User’s Group (GRUG) and the National Coordinating Committee for Government Radiocommunications (NCCGR). 5.1.1. SMO Steering Committee The SMO Steering Committee comprises of senior managers from Telco Authority Business Units as well as the Managing Director. Its role is to: Manage the performance of the SMO Provide it with a forum for reviewing and gaining input for the management of spectrum to support the current and future operational requirements of government. Play a functional role for escalation as part of the dispute resolution process. 5.1.2. Business Strategy Group (BSG) The BSG: is a representative committee of NSW Government radiocommunications stakeholders, acting in the capacity of a sector wide leadership group provides business policy, objectives and strategy direction to the SMO and the SMO provides reporting and advice on current and future direction of spectrum initiatives. 5.1.3. Government Radio Users Group (GRUG) The GRUG provides: a regular forum for interaction government radio using agencies and the Telco Authority. The forum provides a means of allowing feedback on government radio performance and strategy, as well as addressing users’ enquiries, needs and concerns the SMO with operational requirements for assessing against the need for the provision of spectrum; the SMO provides reporting and advice on current and future direction of spectrum initiatives. 5.1.4. Technology Planning and Review Group (TPRG) The TPRG provides technical advice to the Telco Authority and the BSG including appropriate technology architectures, standards and solutions to meet current and future requirements the TPRG provides technical requirements to the SMO and the SMO provides technical options/solutions to spectrum needs. Document owner: Spectrum Management Office File name: Document1 TRIM ref: Telco in Confidence Updated 9/02/2016 Printed 9/02/2016 Page 19 of 30 5.1.5. Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) The ACMA is an independent Australian Government statutory authority and is responsible for licensing the use of spectrum, developing and implementing radiocommunications policy and carrying out a range of functions associated with the Radiocommunications Act 1992 and Telecommunications Act 1997. The SMO conducts negotiations and agreements with the ACMA and contributes to the review and development of strategies, plans, compliance procedures and instruments (e.g. regional interoperability, spectrum band planning etc.) for and on behalf of the NSW Government. 5.1.6. National Coordinating Committee for Government Radiocommunications (NCCGR) The NCCGR consists of representatives from all State, Territory and Commonwealth government jurisdictions who manage or use radiocommunications networks. It is the national peak body responsible for improving spectrum harmonisation and radiocommunications interoperability, as well as being the author of the Government RALI GS1 for the HGS. The Telco Authority is the NSW representative on the NCCGR and ensures NSW complies with endorsed national policy and procedures, as well as providing input into the national strategic initiatives. 5.1.7. ACMA Accredited Persons Accredited Persons (APs) are spectrum engineers accredited by the ACMA who provide the SMO with specialist advice and services including interference analysis on proposed and existing licenced assignments and lodging licence proposal applications for spectrum with the ACMA. 5.2. Appendix 2 - Priority Tiers The priorities for assigning licenced spectrum from the 400 MHz HGS will be in line with the Radiocommunications Act and the nationally endorsed “Guideline for 400 MHz Spectrum Allocation – a set of guiding principles for assigning against the government 400 MHz spectrum allocation”. The priority tiering for assigning of spectrum is based on the nature of the service provided to government and are referred nationally as Tier 1, Tier 2 or Tier 3. Where a service is used to support a range of activities, it is classified according to the most critical activity it supports. This ensures that the regulatory requirements of the Radiocommunications Act are adhered to and each organisation will be prioritised in order to ensure spectrum needs to support operational requirements can be provisioned. These Tiers are outlined in the nationally endorsed guideline referenced above and are summarised below. 5.2.1. Tier 1 Tier 1 incorporates agencies that provide services that directly support public protection and disaster relief and include NSW Police Force, Ambulance Service of NSW, Rural Fire Service, Fire and Rescue NSW and State Emergency Service. Under the requirements of the Radiocommunications Act, this group must have access to spectrum to support their operational requirements. Document owner: Spectrum Management Office File name: Document1 TRIM ref: Telco in Confidence Updated 9/02/2016 Printed 9/02/2016 Page 20 of 30 5.2.2. Tier 2 Tier 2 covers agencies that provide services that support provision of essential services though at times may support Tier 1 response and if spectrum is available, will be assigned to meet operational requirements. Tier 2 includes energy utilities, health services, water utilities and transport. 5.2.3. Tier 3 Tier 3 covers agencies and organisations that support the work of government through the provision of non-emergency/essential services. Once spectrum is assigned to support Tier 1 and Tier 2, Tier 3 can be assigned. Through the use of network control this Tier 3 may lose access to spectrum if it is required to support Tier 1 and or Tier 2 response to emergencies. 5.3. Appendix 3 – Scoping Criteria 5.3.1. Mandatory Criteria 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Frequencies support services in NSW. Applicant is a government controlled organisation. A shared network cannot meet the applicant’s requirements. Frequency assignments are for a Government Agency private network. Frequency assignments are from the 400 MHz HGS. Site is aligned to the Telco Authority Rationalisation Plan. Spectrum band and frequencies align with the Spectrum Transition Plan. Spectrum band and frequency assignments comply with relevant ACMA instruments (e.g. FAPs, RALIs) 9. Spectrum band and frequency assignments comply with the RALI GS1 5.3.2. Subject to Approval 1. Commercial applications in support of a specific function that supports government operations and is not currently provided by an agency. 2. Frequency assignments for non 400 MHz HGS that are in support of NSW Government operations. 5.4. Appendix 4 - The ACMA Guidelines Documents such as Frequency Assignment Practices, Embargoes and the Radiocommunications Assignment and Licensing Instructions (RALIs), provide advice on frequency assignment policy and coordination procedures with the view to minimising interference and maximising spectrum efficiency. 5.4.1. RALI GS1 RALI GS1 is a nationally agreed and endorsed Band Plan and associated licensing instructions for the 400 MHz HGS. It is managed by the NCCGR in consultation with jurisdictional stakeholders that includes the NSW Telco Authority. 5.4.2. Embargoes Spectrum embargoes are an ACMA administrative tool used to facilitate orderly spectrum planning. Embargoes are a notice of intention by the ACMA to restrict the allocation of new licences in a band, pending its replanning. They also alert industry to the start of a planning process. Document owner: Spectrum Management Office File name: Document1 TRIM ref: Telco in Confidence Updated 9/02/2016 Printed 9/02/2016 Page 21 of 30 An embargo includes details of the frequency band, date of effect, coverage area, time frame, instructions, reasons and supplementary comments. Embargoes are used in conjunction with other administrative and planning tools. 5.4.3. Frequency Assignment Practices Frequency assignment practices (FAPs) provide guidance on specific frequency assigning issues. FAPs provide background information on an issue, explain relevant interference and/or spectrum considerations and detail the ACMA’s position in relation to assigning and licensing identified radiocommunications services. FAP 4 - assigning harmonised government spectrum (HGS) in the 400 MHz band and FAP 5 - Use of voting systems in the land mobile radio service are a part of the SMO decision making process. 5.5. Appendix 5 – Level 3 Procedures 5.5.1. Monitoring and Review Review Compliance ID Procedure Name Description Actor/s Rev1 Receive Licensing Data Receive and capture periodic ACMA RRL data in format suitable for interrogation. SMO Representative Rev2 Query Data Against Spectrum Rules, Regulations and Planning Interrogate and review the ACMA RRL data using predefined criteria based on spectrum rules and regulations. SMO Representative Rev3 Identify Current State of Non-Compliant Licences Extract relevant data for all licences with a current transition requirement. SMO Representative Rev4 Lodge Compliance Exceptions Review compliance exception requests from NSW Government Agency against exception policy and lodge with the ACMA if request is valid. SMO Representative Rev5 Assess Compliance Analyse and assess use of Government spectrum based on compliance to spectrum rules, regulations. SMO Representative Report on Compliance ID Procedure Name Description Actor/s Rep1 Summarise Compliance Assessment Provide a summary of findings related to spectrum compliance such as changes in licencing volumes and compliance levels. SMO Representative Rep2 Prepare Compliance Report Report on compliance, available channels and other useful spectrum related information for planning. SMO Representative Document owner: Spectrum Management Office File name: Document1 TRIM ref: Telco in Confidence Updated 9/02/2016 Printed 9/02/2016 Page 22 of 30 Rep3 Socialise Compliance Report Ensure that compliance information is communicated and reported as required. SMO Representative, Communications 5.5.2. Spectrum Planning Define Planning Requirements ID Procedure Name Description Actor/s Def1 Evaluate Agency Spectrum Needs Evaluate NSW Government spectrum requirements in accordance with spectrum rules and regulations. SMO Representative and Government Agencies Def2 Define Strategic Direction Define and review strategies for NSW spectrum planning. SMO Representative and SMO Steering Committee Def3 Specify Planning Requirements Clearly specify what is actually being planned for in alignment with the strategic direction for spectrum. SMO Representative Evaluate Planning Requirements and Feasibility ID Procedure Name Description Actor/s Eva1 Evaluate Planning Requirements Facilitate the review and evaluation of the planning requirements by SMO Steering Committee and other stakeholders as required. SMO Representative Determine what the impacts, costs and benefits will be, in an effort to determine whether the spectrum planning initiative is feasible for approval. SMO Representative and Eva2 Determine Planning Feasibility and Steering Committee Steering Committee Produce Spectrum Plan ID Procedure Name Description Actor/s Pro1 Identify Spectrum Band/s Identify suitable target state spectrum band/s on a per client basis. Accredited Person Pro2 Assess Spectrum Availability Assess the availability of replacement frequencies for non-compliant licences. Accredited Person Document owner: Spectrum Management Office File name: Document1 TRIM ref: Telco in Confidence Updated 9/02/2016 Printed 9/02/2016 Page 23 of 30 Pro3 Increase Spectrum Availability Identify redundant spectrum as well as opportunities for additional spectrum in order to increase spectrum availability /usability. Accredited Person Pro4 Specify Target State Recommend a target state for noncompliant licences subject to approval by the SMO. Accredited Person Develop a schedule for compliance to ensure that the compliance activities and timeframes required for all licenses that underpin NSW Government operations are identified and communicated effectively. Accredited Person Pro5 Formulate Spectrum Plan And SMO Representative And SMO Representative 5.5.3. Allocation and Assignment Application ID Procedure Name Description Actor/s App1 Apply for Spectrum Facilitate the submission of a request for spectrum together with the applicant’s requirements. Applicant App2 Capture Application Facilitate the storage of the SMO application form and applicants basic requirements. SMO Representative App3 Application Receipt Notification Notify the applicant of application receipt, result of initial assessment, expected response times if approved and other options available if not approved, within two weeks of receiving the application. SMO Representative App4 Consult with Other State Representatives If the license assignments in the application are located in more than one state or territory, assess the impact and nominate a state representative for applications which require licensing across borders. SMO Representative App5 Advise Applicant of the Nominated Representative Communicate and advise the applicant of the representative that has been nominated. SMO Representative App6 Assist Nominated Representative to Provide a Consolidated Proposal Provide information and support to the nominated representative. SMO Representative Document owner: Spectrum Management Office File name: Document1 TRIM ref: Telco in Confidence Updated 9/02/2016 Printed 9/02/2016 Page 24 of 30 App7 Notification to Contact ACMA for Commercial Spectrum Validate the application (government controlled organisation or commercial organisation that is not covered by a Telco Authority special case agreement). Notify the applicant that the application has not been approved and that they must contact the ACMA for Commercial Spectrum. SMO Representative App8 Submit Application to TA Networks and Services Facilitate the redirection of an application with requirements that can be met through the use of shared services to TA Networks and Services. SMO Representative App9 Notification of Application Redirection Notify the applicant that the application has been redirected and submitted to TA Networks and Services. SMO Representative Filter and prioritise an application prior to a detailed assessment to support Tier 1 users so that their operations are not compromised. SMO Representative App10 Evaluate Application Priority Assessment ID Procedure Name Description Actor/s Ass1 Request Detailed Requirements from Applicant Obtain detailed requirements from the applicant. SMO Representative Ass2 Assess Detailed Requirements Evaluate and qualify applicant’s detailed requirements to determine if the applicant’s site is strategically aligned to Telco Authority planning. SMO Representative Ass3 Notification of Site Non Alignment and Site Preferred by Telco Authority Where the request for spectrum is to support the development of a new site or to increase capacity at an existing site that is not aligned to Telco Authority strategic asset planning, notify the applicant that their site is not strategically aligned to Telco Authority planning and inform them of the Site Preferred by the Telco Authority. SMO Representative Ass4 Written Advice with Proposed Remediation Plan Where the applicant does not agree to the preferred site, provide the applicant with a remediation plan. SMO Representative Ass5 Notification of Non Approval with Reason and Suggested Alternatives Where the remediation plan is not accepted by the applicant, notify the applicant that their application has not been approved and inform them with the reason together with suggested alternatives. SMO Representative Document owner: Spectrum Management Office File name: Document1 TRIM ref: Telco in Confidence Updated 9/02/2016 Printed 9/02/2016 Page 25 of 30 Ass6 Validate Compliance to NSW Telco Authority Policy and ACMA Regulation If an applicant’s requirements are assessed as best met by the allocation of dedicated spectrum, qualify the application and validate it against NSW Telco Authority policy and ACMA regulation. SMO Representative Ass7 Non Compliance Notification with Proposed Remediation Plan Where the application does not qualify, notify the applicant that their application has not been approved due to non-compliance and provide them with a remediation plan. SMO Representative Ass8 Capture Assessment Capture the applicant's detailed requirements together with the results of the assessment. SMO Representative Proposal ID Procedure Name Description Actor/s Pro1 Evaluate the Requested Band and Frequencies Against Spectrum Planning Evaluate the applicant's requested spectrum band and the requested frequencies against the Telco Authority Spectrum Transition Plan Accredited Person Pro2 Identify and Recommend a Spectrum Band Recommend a suitable spectrum band that is aligned to TA spectrum planning. Accredited Person Pro3 Identify Available Frequencies within the Recommended Spectrum Band Identify available frequencies within the recommended spectrum band. Accredited Person Pro4 Test Frequency Interference Test the available frequencies for interference against ACMA interference criteria. Accredited Person Pro5 Notification of Insufficient Spectrum Available with Suggested Alternatives If the SMO recommended spectrum is not available or there are interference issues, notify the applicant that there is insufficient spectrum available together with suggested alternatives. Accredited Person Pro6 Allocate Available Frequencies If spectrum is available and there are no interference issues, allocate frequencies to the application from those that have passed interference testing. Accredited Person Pro7 Propose Best Fit Solution Propose a best fit solution to the applicant which includes the allocated frequencies, if possible in the name of the Telco Authority and then 3rd party provision to the user. Accredited Person Document owner: Spectrum Management Office File name: Document1 TRIM ref: Telco in Confidence Updated 9/02/2016 Printed 9/02/2016 Page 26 of 30 Pro8 Proposal Endorsement by SMO Authorise and endorse the proposal that has been accepted by the applicant. SMO Representative Pro9 Capture Proposal Capture and store the proposal that has been endorsed by the SMO. SMO Representative Licensing ID Procedure Name Description Actor/s Lic1 Authorise ACMA Submission Obtain authorisation from the applicant prior to the submission of the proposal to the ACMA. Applicant Lic2 Submit R057 / R077 Form or Surrender Email or Licence Renewal Facilitate the submission of the proposed licensing details in the required format. SMO Representative Lic3 Review Submission Review the SMO endorsed proposal and approve or not approve the licence. ACMA Lic4 Notification of Non Approval with Reason and Suggested Alternatives Where there is an issue and licence proposal is not approved, the SMO will work with the AP to address the issue and resubmit or notify the applicant that the application has not been approved together with the reason and suggested alternatives. ACMA Lic5 Load Licence Details (ACMA RRL) Load the approved licence details within the ACMA RRL. ACMA Lic6 Licence Notification Notify the Telco Authority of approved licence details. ACMA Lic7 Capture Licence Details (Telco Authority) Capture and store the details for the licence. SMO Representative Lic8 Send Licence and / or Written Advice Send the licence information together with the written advice to the applicant. ACMA Dispute Resolution ID Procedure Name Description Actor/s Dis1 Request Review of Decision Request a review of a disputed decision made by the SMO. Applicant Dis2 Provide Rationale for Decision Address the dispute and provide the reasons for making the decisions by outlining the basis and rationale for the original decision. SMO Representative Document owner: Spectrum Management Office File name: Document1 TRIM ref: Telco in Confidence Updated 9/02/2016 Printed 9/02/2016 Page 27 of 30 Dis3 Review Applicant's Case and Supporting Information Undertake a review and further investigate the disputed decision using supporting information. SMO Representative Dis4 Complete Licensing Process Where the review process resolves the dispute and the decision is reversed, complete the licensing process. SMO Representative Dis5 Escalate to Steering Committee for a Complete Review of the Dispute Where the original decision is upheld and the applicant is still not satisfied, escalate the dispute to the SMO Steering Committee. Steering Committee Dis6 Provide Determination to the Applicant Review all relevant information and the decision made by the SMO and then make a determination that will be provided to the applicant. Steering Committee 5.5.4. Governance Manage SMO Relationships ID Procedure Name Description Actor/s Rel1 Identify and Assess NSW Spectrum Requirements Identify, assess and capture the spectrum demand needed to support operational requirements of NSW Government Agencies. SMO Representative and SMO Relationships Rel2 Assist in Development of Spectrum Strategy and Policy Engage with strategic and operational bodies in order to ensure that NSW Government requirements are represented in the development of nationally agreed principles, strategies and regulations. SMO Representative and SMO Relationships Rel3 Communicate Spectrum Strategy and Policy Ensure that nationally agreed principles, strategies and regulations are communicated to all relevant parties. SMO Representative and Communications Manage SMO Performance ID Procedure Name Description Actor/s Per1 Report on SMO Performance Report on SMO performance such as progress against agreed milestones, status of compliance, licensing activity, current issues and foreseeable risks. SMO Representative Per2 Review SMO Performance Review SMO performance reporting on a periodic basis. SMO Steering Committee Document owner: Spectrum Management Office File name: Document1 TRIM ref: Telco in Confidence Updated 9/02/2016 Printed 9/02/2016 Page 28 of 30 Per3 Take Action Take action on escalations, address escalated risks / issues and make necessary changes that improve SMO performance. Document owner: Spectrum Management Office File name: Document1 TRIM ref: Telco in Confidence SMO Steering Committee Updated 9/02/2016 Printed 9/02/2016 Page 29 of 30