NHS North Derbyshire CCG Equality Objectives

NHS North Derbyshire CCG Equality Objectives 2013 - 2015
Background: Equality Act 2010 and Public Sector Duty 2011
The Equality Act requires all CCGs, as public bodies to comply with the Public Sector Equality Duty. The Act covers nine protected
Gender Reassignment
Marriage and Civil Partnership
Pregnancy and Maternity
Religion and Belief
Sexual Orientation
The Statutory Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED)
The PSED came into force in April 2011 and covers three aims:
Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation and any other conduct prohibited by the Act.
Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and those that do not.
Foster good relations between people that have protected characteristics and those that do not share them.
The Equality Duty is further supported by two specific duties which require CCG’s to:
Prepare and publish one or more CCG objectives.
Publish annually relevant information demonstrating compliance with the Equality Duty on or before 31st January 2015.
The PSED requires all CCG’s to demonstrate how they have proactively considered equality implications in their:
Commissioning cycle from strategic planning to procurement and monitoring and evaluation.
Organisational Development plans and in particular their Employment functions.
The Equality Delivery System (EDS)
The EDS is a nationally recognised performance management toolkit that has been developed to support NHS organisations to drive up
equality performance and embed into mainstream business. EDS is all about making positive differences to healthy living and working lives.
NHS organisations in consultation with staff, patients and stakeholders, can grade their performance against four specific equality and diversity
EDS Goal 1:
EDS Goal 2:
EDS Goal 3:
EDS Goal 4:
Better health outcomes for all
Improved patient access and experience
Empowered, engaged and well supported staff
Inclusive leadership at all levels
EDS Goal
Objective (1)
EDS Goal 1: Better Health outcomes for all
Improving access and involvement to all primary care services for all public, patients, carers and seldom
heard groups.
Action Plan
EDS Goal
Objective (2)
Action Plan
Identify and engage with the seldom heard groups.
Hold public events on improving the access to GP Services, particularly for those who are not normally reached.
Provision of Hearing Loops in GP Practices.
Health Screening programmes in the High Peak. Making follow up appointments accessible to the rural area,
monitoring the uptake and targeting outcomes.
A & E Attendance Report and Audit.
Influencing the shape of the Urgent Care Village.
111 Service and access to translation services.
Stakeholder engagement and consultation.
Contract model for Fairer Funding and enhanced basket of services to provide equitable services.
Working with PPG’s to evidence patient experience used to improve access.
EDS Goal 1: Better Health outcomes for all
To develop and implement 21st Century integrated, patient-focused health and care.
Planning in relation to 21st Century is informed by JSNA, Health and Wellbeing Strategy and patient input and
Develop prioritisation tool that takes account of EDS and CCG values.
Create service specification to implement locality models for community based integrated services.
Improve the consistency and quality of care in Care Homes (1 Care Home/1 GP practice).
EDS Goal
Objective (3)
Action Plan
EDS Goal 1: Better Health outcomes for all
Reduce health inequalities through targeted approach.
EDS Goal
Objective (4)
Action Plan
EDS Goal 2: Improved patient access and experience
To understand what constitutes a good patient experience.
Develop targeted programmes to address health inequalities in North Derbyshire.
Identify ways to improve services to homeless people and travellers.
Improve access to mental health services. IAPT in High Peak, Primary Care based dementia services and RAID.
Work with local authorities to assess and mitigate impact of welfare reforms on most vulnerable people in North
ND CCG undertaking programme of work on patient experience including BME, LGB&T and parents of children
with long term conditions.
Continue programme of work with a variety of specific target groups across Derbyshire to identify what constitutes
a good patient experience.
Project with DCC and both tiers of the Local Authorities on reformatting the link with the 9 protected
Public Health work on profiling communities and health inequalities, e.g., Maternity Services User Groups.
Consider accessibility of health information so that it is targeted,
Useful and used in order to improve patient experience and health outcomes.
Work with the Local Authority, partner agencies and service providers to improve the dignity of care experiences
by patients, their families and carers.
Produce CQC follow up action plan to ensure that services are improved.
PPG survey actions plans and produce report on survey findings.
PPG’s to target the Voluntary Sector to access people in specific groups and responses available on the CCG
EDS Goal
EDS Goal 3: Empowered, engaged and well supported staff
Objective (5)
Action Plan
Continue to develop an inclusive working culture and ensure the CCG values are incorporated in all the work
we do.
 Increase quality, inclusion and human rights’ awareness, knowledge and cultural competence within the CCG and
member practices.
 Provide EDS Training to staff and Governing Body.
 Provide support to all staff paying particular attention to any inequalities from protected characteristics
 Improve relationships with both CCG staff, member practice and patients and increase staff capability to meet
individual patient needs (including from gender, gender identity, disability, age, sex, race and culture, religion or
belief, pregnancy or maternity).
 Ensuring all organisational policies have been developed using Equality Analysis and taking due regard.
 CCG Leadership Programme.
 Develop and implement a new appraisal programme and recognition reward programme.
 Develop and implement clinical leaders’ programme and appraisal system.
 Conduct staff survey to test use of CCG Values.
 Improve bullying and harassment prevention strategies.
EDS Goal
EDS Goal 4: Inclusive Leadership for all levels
Objective (6)
Action Plan
Identify opportunities for the NHS Equality and Diversity Framework to improve the level of inclusive
 Provision of CCG Leadership Programme for Senior Managers and Practice Managers.
 Provision of Development Programme for all employees.
 Executive coaching sessions provided for Senior Management Team, Practice Managers and offered to all
 CCG uses ‘Insights’ system throughout the CCG to understand others’ skills and perspectives.
 CCG endeavours to be an equal opportunities employer and ensures the recruitment and selection process is open
to all.
 Develop and implement a new appraisal programme and recognition reward programme.