M24 – Final meeting This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under Grant Agreement Nr: 606662 M24 Meeting Minutes Meeting Minutes Subject Venue 2015-11-30 – 2015-12-01 ATEKNEA Solutions Hungary Kft Type Report Project acronym: INTELLIREMED Project title: Low-cost remote monitoring and control system for in-situ remediation of soil Funding Scheme: Research for the Benefit of SMEs Grant Agreement Number: 606662 Dissemination Level Confidential Date: Prepared by: Technical coordinator of the project: Company Acronym ATEKNEA, HUN Responsible Person Máté VARGA Name: Organization: Phone: Fax: Email: Project website: Máté VARGA ATEKNEA Solutions Hungary LLC. +36 1 787 4024 x 357 +36 1 787 4390 mate.varga@ateknea.com www.intelliremed.eu Document History: Issue Date 2015-12-07 Version 0.1 Changes / Reasons of Issue Draft Made by Lambert Walla Copyright © Copyright 2015 INTELLIREMED Consortium This document has been produced within the scope of the INTELLIREMED Project and is confidential to the participants of the project. The utilization and release of this document is subject to the conditions of the contract within the 7th Framework Programme, grant agreement no. 606662. 2016-02-09 Intelliremed, Minutes www.intelliremed.eu INTELLIREMED_M21_Meeting_Minutes 1 Contents 2 GENERAL INFORMATION 3 2.1 Meeting Modalities 3 2.2 Attendees 3 2.3 Agenda 4 3 MEETING MINUTES 6 3.1 Welcome and Introduction 6 3.2 Non-technical part – Overview 6 3.3 Technical part – Overview 8 3.4 Closing of the meeting 9 2016-02-09 II. Confidential INTELLIREMED_M21_Meeting_Minutes 2 General Information 2.1 Meeting Modalities The INTELLIREMED M24 meeting was hosted by ATEKNEA in Budapest, Hungary. The meeting was the final meeting of the project with the attendance of the RTD and SME partners.. In the evening (30th of November.) a consortium dinner was organized at the Grey Goose Restaurant. 2.2 Attendees I. M21 General Meeting on 28th September 2015 Partner Nr. Partner name 1 ATKENEA 2 IEG 3 CAPSENZE 4 BAYBIO Ákos Koós, Péter Portörő, András Fülöp, Balázs Fehér 5 HYDRO Francisco Travesa 6 GOLDER Tamás László 2016-02-09 Representative(s) Máté Varga, Dóra Molnár, István Bacsa, Dániel Csaba, Balázs Féderer Gert Rehner, Marcel Alesi Martin Hedström 3. Confidential INTELLIREMED_M21_Meeting_Minutes 2.3 Agenda INTELLIREMED “Low-cost remote monitoring and control system for in-situ remediation of soil” M24 – Final meeting at Budapest (ATEKNEA) (HUN) 30.11 – 01.12. 2015. Venue: Ateknea Solutions Hungary Address: H-1119 Budapest, Tétényi út 93. Monday 30th of November 2015 9.30 – 9.35 Welcome by the Coordinator Agenda and general objectives of this meeting Summary the 2nd reporting period 9.40 – 10.00 Objectives, main results, deliverables, milestones Work packages Eliminated and remained risks Technical part of the meeting SME training by ATEKNEA 10.00 – 10.30 Work done in M10 – M24 period WSN including, communication, common sensors, power supplying and measurement results PWM + MFC integration TU + PLC controlling Remote server unit SME training by BAYBIO 10.30 – 10.45 10.45 – 11.00 Work done in M10 – M24 period Biology of the Treatment Unit MFC results Coffee break SME training by LUND and CAPSENZE 11.00 – 11.30 11.30 – 11.45 2016-02-09 Work done in M10 – M24 Biology part of the biosensor development Device development part Measurement results Voting on the performance done by the RTD partners 4. Confidential INTELLIREMED_M21_Meeting_Minutes Non-technical part of the meeting Reporting period 11.45 – 12.30 General issues Financial issues including FORM C, Cost statements 12.30 – 13.30 Lunch break 13.30 – 13.35 Overview of the remaining non-tech deliverables 13.35 – 13.50 Summary of the dissemination actions 13.50 – 14.15 Knowledge management Knowledge management seminar - IEG IPR issues 14.15 – 14.45 General considerations IPR state of the biosensor - CAPSENZE Exploitation plan of the INTELLIREMED (incl. a coffee break) 14.45 – 16.00 16.00 – 16.10 Presenting the exploitation plan Status of the BC Exploitation Agreement Discussing the remaining questions Closing of the meeting Overview of the action plan for the reporting period 16.10 – 16.30 Coffee 19.30 - Dinner @ Grey Goose Restaurant –H-1051 Budapest Nádor utca 36. Tuesday 01st of December 2015 9.00 – 13.30 2016-02-09 Test field visit in Komarom 5. Confidential INTELLIREMED_M21_Meeting_Minutes 3 Meeting Minutes 3.1 Welcome and Introduction After the greetings of the partners Máté Varga (technical coordinator of the project) presented the general objectives of the M24 meeting, thereafter he gave a short overview about the status of the project, the achieved objectives and results. Also he summarized the submitted deliverables, the reached milestones highlighting their most important points. PRISMA joined the conference via Skype. The remote review confirmed by the PO. 3.2 Non-technical part – Overview The process of the reporting were shared and discussed with the participants, the action plan including the major deadlines was highlighted, in order to submit the report in time. Later the dissemination activities were shortly reviewed. The current states of the upcoming deliverables were presented so everyone has an up-to-date overview of the reporting progress. Separate action plans were presented at the end of each part. The action plans are included in the M24 meeting presentation. Reporting period: 2016-02-09 Reporting requests were highlighted. o 2nd periodic report: the responsibilities were highlighted including the necessary inputs from every partner o Final public report: The time-table of duties for the Final report were presented o Ledgers: Each partner has to prepare their ledgers for the time of reporting o Proof of payment: A short description was made about the reporting system in order to make the partners familiar with it: o FORCE: FORM C Explanation Of costs o SESAM: Technical report Use of resources It has been emphasized that the delay of one partner can delay the whole project reporting Additional payment will be paid to GAH from undistributed fund on the additional costs of the prototype and testing – this will be paid preferably along with the final payment – GAH will confirm this in email Keep everything in order, audit can happen, Ateknea is open for discussing the req. in case of an audit Audit list to send to the SMEs Double check everything in time! No questions were made to this section 6. Confidential INTELLIREMED_M21_Meeting_Minutes Financial Reporting: Register the cost and project related invoices in your booking system Calculate the time dedicated on the project: Project Managers Fill out the cost statements Coordinator will upload the financial and the technical reports but FSIGN is needed FSIGN: o please note and modify the changes o logins to be prepared to signature o change is needed at LUND and CAPSENZE Issue the invoices as soon as possible but at the latest middle of January. Justified costs: Personnel cost o Supporting docs: during audit it can be checked but normally the EU does not o Monthly time sheets are also fine o Travel cost Consumables, durable o Invoices o Fixed asset Reflect the deviations of the planned budget in the DOW o BAYBIO, LUND ok Exploitation plan: GOLDER is interested in: o MFC part, common sensors, treatment unit IEG is interested in: o Sensor network especially the biosensor HYDRO is interested in: o The remediation part of the system Business Plan: The consortium accepted the previously presented Structure A BP, therefore the PUDF will be written according to this. However the complete system as a product is very hard to sell, what has sense it’s the utilization of the INTELLIREMED as a service/part of a service What can be sold as a standalone product is the biosensor Pull out the know-how form the project and exploit the successful part of the system (RSU, TU or WSN) as a service or suppl. Service. Yet between the SMEs and the GOLDER there is no conflict of interest because they work case by case each of the partners has their own clients. Prototype future: 2016-02-09 The SMEs like to install the prototype in Spain – HYDRO, PRISMA, IEG, CAPSENZE o in March the earliest o the most important is to install the WSN and the PLC box and the RSU 7. Confidential INTELLIREMED_M21_Meeting_Minutes o o no interest of the treatment unit the biosensor will remain at CAPSENZE for further development, but make it available for the partners o responsible parties: IEG, HYDRO o IEG will host further on the RSU The other way is to keep it in Komarom for testing at GOLDER in this case GOLDER should buy the prototype Other issues: Approved to ATEKNEA upload the figures to the Participant Portal, however signature must be done by the FSIGN of each beneficiary. Martin will send to Dóri the financial contact person of LUND. RTDs fill in and issue the periodic invoices before Christmas holidays Pending deliverables should be submitted before Christmas. Reporting schedule is approved by the consortium. LUND to issue advance payment invoice on the last advance payment. Dissemination excel to be sent out for revision. - Dóri 3.3 Technical part – Overview SME training by ATEKNEA It needs to be decided where to store the server of INTELLIREMED. Currently, it is hosted by ATEKNEA. Suggested to be transported to one of the SMEs’ facilities. After short discussion it was approved that IEG will host it. SME training by BAYBIO GAH: What to do with the prototype? discussed on the afternoon see Prototype future part in the non-technical section HYDRO: Where were the measurements taken? laboratory SME training by LUND and CAPSENZE Sampling number = ID number How did you prepare the components? Mixed the ingredients Martin demonstrated that the free cell type of the sensor showed-better sensitivity (i.e. 0.1 µM is reached) deviation could be low since no disc is needed no disc prep, no sensor calib. On the field during the pumping section bubble formation can be a problem due to the pressure difference. This needs to be tested and solved. SME training of by ATEKNEA 2016-02-09 8. Confidential INTELLIREMED_M21_Meeting_Minutes The separate units and the complete system showed and demonstrated on the next day on the field. No comments were risen Voting on the performance done by the RTD partners HYDRO: OK PRISMA: OK CAPSENZE: OK GAH: OK, biggest question how to commercialise? IEG: OK 3.4 Closing of the meeting The meeting was closed by an overview about the upcoming duties. In this overview the reporting and deliverable action plan was detailed and accepted. 2016-02-09 9. Confidential