1. Sampling error can be decreased by

Module 203 Chapter Ending Questions
Chapter 1
1) An entire group under study, as specified by the objectives of the research project, is
known as the:
*A) population
B) sample
C) sample unit
D) census
E) study group
2) An accounting of the complete population is known as:
A) a population
B) a sample
C) a sample unit
*D) a census
E) comprehensive accounting
3) A master list of all the sample units in the population is known as the:
A) sample list
B) population master list
C) master frame
*D) sample frame
E) population frame
Chapter 2
1) In order of sample designs, we first try to do a ___, then a ___ and as a last resort we
do a ____ design.
A) probability, census, non probability
B) non probability, probability, census.
C) it does not matter
*D) census, probability, non probability
2. Knowledge of the existence and evaluation of the condition of the sample frame is
critical when deciding if one can conduct a probability sample.
*A) true
B) false
C) do not need a sample frame to design a probability sample
3. A census is appropriate when:
1. the population size quite small, more or less manageable from a time and
cost point of view.
2. the information is needed from every individual in the population.
3. the cost of making an incorrect decision is high.
4. sampling errors are high
A) 1,2,4
B) 1 only
*C) 1,2,3 and 4
D) 2,3 and 4
Chapter 3
1. An advantage of probability sampling over non-probability sampling is that the former
has measurable precision with respect to ___________.
A) Awareness
B) Sample size
*C) Sampling error
D) more information is required
E) None of the above answers are correct
2. Probability samples are those for which the members of the population:
A) can be found for survey purposes
*B) all have a chance of being included in the sample
C) have an unknown chance of being included in the sample
D) whose responses may be predetermined with some known probability
E) are likely to have been sampled before
3) Which of the following sample plans would not be considered a probability sample?
A) simple random sample
B) systematic sample
C) cluster sample
*D) judgement sample
E) stratified sample
Chapter 4
1. The distinguishing feature of non probability sampling plans is that:
A) They allow an assessment of the sampling error
*B) They may not be as representative of the population as probability samples
C) They involve personal judgement somewhere in the selection of sample elements
D) There is only one basic type of non probability sample while there are several types
of probability samples
E) They tend to be more expensive than probability samples
2. The next “teenager" is an example of ------------ sampling.
A) random
*B) convenience
C) stratified
D) judgmental
E) cluster
F) none
3) Snowball sampling is another name for:
*A) referral sampling
B) quota sampling
C) convenience sampling
D) purposive sampling
E) simple random sample
Chapter 5
1. Which of the following formulas correctly calculated the response rate?
a) number of completed interviews / number of sample units contacted
b) number of completed interviews / number of sample units called
c) number of people spoken to / number of telephone calls made
d) number of people who qualify / number of telephone calls made
2. There is no need to control for sampling within the household in regard to telephone
interviewing because you do not know who will answer the telephone so it is random.
*A) false
B) true
C) irrelevant as telephone sampling due to caller id and voice mail is not considered a
random sample technique
D) it depends upon the definition of the target market
3. No need to control for sample selection in shopping centre interviewing as all
sampling is that of convenience.
A) true
*B) false
C) depends upon the size of the shopping centre
D) depends upon client’s budget
Chapter 6
1. Sampling error can be decreased by:
A) Decreasing the number of observations
*B) Increasing the sample size
C) Using a randomized experimental design
D) Using a non-probability sampling method
E) None of the above
2. In developing a random sample, once a population is over 500,000 people, there is
no relationship between population size and estimated sample size.
A) False
*B) True
C) The statement is ridiculous
D) It depends
3) Which of the following is true regarding a probability sample?
A) The larger the sample size, the more likely the sample is representative.
*B) The larger the sample size, the more accurate it is (less sample error).
C) The more representative the sample, the larger the sample size.
D) They only become accurate when they are larger than 1,000.
E) The larger the sample size, the more room there is for inaccuracy.
Chapter 7
1. Which of the questions listed below would be the easiest to code?
A) "What attributes do you expect to find in a good Prime Minister?"
B) "What influence does the PQ have on the francophone youth in Quebec?
C) "What influence, if any, do you think TV commercials have on children?"
D) "What are the major failures of the parliamentary system of government?"
*E) "What type of oven do you have in your kitchen at home?
2. Coding is needed to transform the raw data into __________ that may be
A) charts; easily interpreted
B) histograms; used for making subgroup comparisons
C) an accessible database; automatically retrievable
*D) symbols (e.g., pre decided categories); key punched
E)secondary data; manipulated
3. Which of the following best describes data coding?
A) the creation of a computer file that holds the raw data taken from all of the
questionnaires deemed suitable for analysis
*B)identification of codes that pertain to the possible responses for each question on the
C) identification of all the variable names and code numbers associated with each
possible response to each question making up the dataset
D) raw data arranged in columns representing answers to various questions and in rows
representing each respondent or case
E) using codes to represent responses of respondents who have been promised
Chapter 8
1. In spss it is necessary to type in values if the variable is a ______ scale.
A) ordinal
B) ratio
C) interval
*D) nominal
2. When exporting an excel file to spss, it is critical and necessary to set up the first row
with variable or question identifiers; otherwise the file will not export.
A) true
*B) false
C) no need for names but at least insert a blank row for names to be typed in later
D) not enough information to answer the question
3. All answers to open-ended questions must be coded prior to exporting an excel file to
*A) no – it can be coded when the data is in spss
B) yes – do all coding when data is in excel
C) no – data can be exported but open ended responses will be lost
D) cannot deal with open ended question in spss
Chapter 9
1. When a scale has "labels" as opposed to "levels," we can normally assume the level
of measurement is:
*A) nominal or categorical
B) ratio
C) interval or ordinal
D) interval or ratio
E) metric
2. The Celsius scale is an example of:
A) nominal scale.
B) ordinal scale.
*C) interval scale.
D) ratio scale.
3. The most primitive form of data from data analysis perspective is the:
*A) nominal scale.
B) ordinal scale.
C) interval scale.
D) ratio scale.
Chapter 10
1. A merchant is reviewing some data from a marketing research project that shows the
age of persons who frequently purchase the company's product. In regard to buying
radio time for a new ad campaign, knowing the age of the target market would be very
helpful in selecting which programs to place the ads. The mean age of frequent buyers
is 45 with a standard deviation of 12. This means that about 70 percent (68 percent to
be exact) of the target market is aged from:
A) 18 to 45
B) 45 to 68
*C) 33 to 57
D) 20 to 32
E) 45 to 57
2. What is the mean from the following results obtained when asked a rating question:
Rate Mentions for each rate
*A) 2.96
B) 3.58
C) 1.11
D) 4
E) 0
3. ) In the following data set, what is the mode? 12, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 6, 10, 11
A) 4.66
*B) 1
C) 42
D) 6
E) none of the above
Chapter 11
1. Which is the best description of a frequency distribution?
A) the number of times a respondent answers each survey question
B) depicting the accumulative variance in a dataset
C) the number of frequencies that normal distributions appear in a dataset
*D) the number of times that each different value appears in a particular set of values
E) none of the above
2. Which of the following command sequences in SPSS would allow you to generate a
frequency distribution?
3. Why might someone recode a variable?
1. Not enough answers in a particular code, or
2. Too many codes – hard to analyze, or
3. Not the same codes used the last time data was collected, or
4. Illegal for people under 18 to consume alcohol
A) 1,2,4
B) 2,3
*C) 1,2,3
D) 1,2,3,4
E) 2,3,4
Chapter 12
1.If two variables are not at all associated the value for “r” will be ________.
A) Positive
B) Negative
*C) Close to if not exactly “0”
D) None of the above answers are correct
E) seventeen
2. Which of the following values for the coefficient of correlation indicates the strongest
A) .6
*B) -1.0
C) - .48
D) .46
E) .99
3. Nonmonotonic relationship is when:
*A) two variables are associated but only in a very general sense
B) no association exists between two ordinally scaled variables
C) three variables related to each other over time
D) two nominally scaled variables are not associated
Chapter 13
1. Which of the following is true for stub and banner tables?
a) the stub is the dependent variable
b) the stub is the independent variable
c) the banner is the dependent variable
d) stubs and banners are interchangeable
2. If a researcher's objective is to analyze a single question for various subgroups,
based on a frequency distribution, the technique is termed ___________.
A) It cannot be done
B) *Cross tabulation
C) Correlation analysis
D) Checking to see if the variable is skewed
E) None of the ones mentioned
3. SPSS cross tabulation is NOT:
1. an efficient way to search for results
2. good when there are cells with less than 5 observation
3. good with ratio scaled variables
4. good with small sample size as it burns up sample size
5. good with information relating to non profit organizations
A) 1,3,5
B) 2,4
*C) 1,2,4
D) 1,2,3
Chapter 14
1. In spss you cannot weight your data base for more than one factor at a time all at
*A) false
B) true
C) you cannot weight data in spss
D) in spss you can weight data but it must be set up first in excel prior to exporting the
data to spss
2. To create a frequency table for the following question in spss; List the radio stations
in your city; you would select:
A) analyze, multiple response, define sets; analyze, multiple response, frequencies
B) analyze, frequencies
C) analyze, descriptive statistics, frequencies
D) The answers that result from that question cannot be tabulated in spss in a
frequency table
3) Layered cross tabulation tables with multiple response variables can easily be run in
A) false
*B) true
C) spss cannot handle multiple response data
D) multiple response data for cross tabulation must first be transformed into another
variable and then the layered cross tabulation can be preformed
Chapter 15
1. What is used to determine whether a nonmonotonic relationship exists between two
nominal-scaled variables?
A) tabulation analysis and t tests
*B) cross-tabulation and chi-square tests
C) cross-tabulation and t tests
D) tabulation analysis and chi-square tests
E) only t tests
2. The logic of the chi-square test would argue that, for a significant relationship to exist:
*A) there should be large differences between the observed and expected frequencies
B) there should be few differences between the observed and expected frequencies
C) there should be no differences between the observed and expected frequencies
D) there should be negative differences between the observed and expected
E) there should be only one difference between the observed and expected frequencies
3. If we run the chi-square test and we get a .02 level of significance to support the null
hypothesis, this means:
A) there is adequate support for the null hypothesis
B) there is no association between the two nominally scaled variables
C) there is only a 2 percent chance that the two nominally scaled variables are
systematically related
D) there is a significant association between the two nominally scaled variables, and
this information alone is adequate to explain the nature of the association
*E) there is a significant association between the two nominally scaled variables, but
this information alone is a "flag" that we need to look more closely at the variables to
discern the nature of the relationship.