CABN 06 02 2015

Making Applications and Proposals
10.00am - 1.00pm, Wednesday 18th February 2015
Duns, Venue to be confirmed
One of a series of Cultural Enterprise Office workshops delivered by CABN, Making Applications
& Proposals explains the processes of writing focussed applications and proposals for funding,
commissions and residencies.
What to Expect:
Using discussion and diagrams, you will explore how to clarify your ideas and intentions so that
potential supporters can engage with your proposal. You will be shown:
how to research and target the most appropriate opportunities
how to plan and structure your approach
standard formats for presenting proposals
key information to convey
checks to ensure you’re providing what the recipient is looking for
common selection criteria
You will also have the opportunity to develop/edit a 30 word summary of your proposal.
What You'll Get Out of It:
Clarity and greater understanding of how to plan and present your ideas.
Dumfries and Galloway Chamber of the Arts Scottish Charity SC044658
How to Book:
This event is free. To book contact or call 01450 360441 by
12.00 noon on Monday 16th February 2015.
Please note that you may find this workshop to be of assistance if you are planning to apply
for a South of Scotland Visual Artist and Craft Makers Award.
For further information please visit the Training and Business Advice page on the CABN website.
Making Applications and Proposals is a Cultural Enterprise Office workshop delivered by CABN
(Creative Arts Business Network) .
Introduction to Ethos Software
12.00noon - 5.00pm, Monday 23rd February 2015
Heriot Watt University - School of Textiles and Design, Galashiels
In this one day course, you will learn how to create vector files within the laser cutter dedicated
Ethos Software, how to adjust files for laser cutting and how to trace hand drawn designs or
photographs for cutting.
No previous experience is necessary.
Please bring simple black and white line drawings, designs or photographs, preferably scanned
at 150 dpi and no larger than A4, also a note of a phrase or quotation, and the material you
would like to test cut into at the end of the day. We will be creating files at A5 scale during the
course, but they can subsequently be re-scaled.
Dumfries and Galloway Chamber of the Arts
Scottish Charity SC044658
Jenny Smith is a practicing artist and Director of the Edinburgh Laser Cutting Studio. She has
been using laser cutting in her own award winning work for over 8 years and has a particular
interest in the creative use of laser cutting. Her laser cut artist books are held in the collection of
the Tate Library and NGS and her large-‐scale site-‐specific laser cut drawings have been shown
in the RSA and throughout Scotland.
For more information please visit the Training and Business Advice page on the CABN website.
To book your place please contact by 12.00noon on
Thursday 19th February 2015. Please note that there are only 7 places available so early
booking is advised.
The workshop costs £65, or £30 for resource subscribers. You must pay in advance by cheque
(made payable to Scottish Borders Council), cash or credit card (please call Kay McCluskey with
your card details on 01450 360441,9.00am - 12.30pm, Monday to Thursday).
Ethos Software Training – Rastering/Engraving on to Different
12.00noon - 5.00pm, Monday 2nd March 2015
Heriot Watt University - School of Textiles and Design, Galashiels
In this course you will build on the skills acquired in the Introduction Course and look at how to
raster photographic images onto a variety of materials, including paper, card and fabric.
You will also look at how to create irregular shaped cut-out photographic images, by combining
rastering with a vector cut outline.
Please bring materials you would like to raster onto and photographic images with a full tonal
range saved at 72 or 150 dpi, no larger than A4 size.
Your tutor for the day, Jenny Smith is a practicing artist and Director of the Edinburgh Laser
Cutting Studio. She has been using laser cutting in her own award winning work for over 8 years
and has a particular interest in the creative use of laser cutting. Her laser cut artist books are
Dumfries and Galloway Chamber of the Arts Scottish Charity SC044658
held in the collection of the Tate Library and NGS and her large-‐scale site-‐specific laser cut
drawings have been shown in the RSA and throughout Scotland.
Please note that to take part in this workshop you must have completed one of the
Introduction to Ethos Software courses – there is one running on 23rd February 2015 if you
haven’t had a chance to go along to one yet.
For more information please visit the Training and Businesss Advice page on the CABN website.
To book your place, please contact by 12.00noon on
Thursday 26th February 2015. Please note that there are only 7 places available so early
booking is advised.
The workshop costs £65, or £30 for resource subscribers. You must pay in advance by cheque
(made payable to Scottish Borders Council), cash or credit card (please call Kay McCluskey with
your card details on 01450 360441, 9.00am - 12.30pm, Monday to Thursday).
Ethos Software Training – Further Techniques with Ethos
12.00noon - 5.00pm, Monday 30th March 2015
Heriot Watt University - School of Textiles and Design, Galashiels
In this course you will build on the skills acquired in the Introduction Course by looking at some
of the Design tools in Ethos that can help you quickly and efficiently create an accurate file for
laser cutting. This will include looking at using Grids, Snap - to, Creating repeat patterns and
merging text and shapes to create single outlines for laser cutting.
There will also be time to respond to individual trouble-shooting questions and re-visit anything
covered in the Introductory course which participants may have questions about, having spent
time working on Ethos, on their own.
Your tutor for the day, Jenny Smith is a practicing artist and Director of the Edinburgh Laser
Cutting Studio. She has been using laser cutting in her own award winning work for over 8 years
and has a particular interest in the creative use of laser cutting. Her laser cut artist books are
held in the collection of the Tate Library and NGS and her large-‐scale site-‐specific laser cut
drawings have been shown in the RSA and throughout Scotland.
Dumfries and Galloway Chamber of the Arts
Scottish Charity SC044658
Please note that to take part in this workshop you must have completed one of the
Introduction to Ethos Software courses – there is one running on 23rd February 2015 if you
haven’t had a chance to go along to one yet.
For more information please visit the Training and Business Advice page on the CABN website.
To book your place, please contact by 12.00noon on
Thursday 26th March 2015. Please note that there are only 7 places available so early booking
is advised.
The workshop costs £65, or £30 for resource subscribers. You must pay in advance by cheque
(made payable to Scottish Borders Council), cash or credit card (please call Kay McCluskey with
your card details on 01450 360441, 9.00am - 12.30pm, Monday to Thursday).
Borders Business, Events and Tourism Fair
11.00am - 3.30pm, Wednesday 11th March 2015
Exhibition Hall, Springwood Park, Kelso
This event, organised by borderevents and Crescent Information, is now in its third year and
replaces what was the Visit Scotland leaflet exchange day. In 2014 the event saw a good mix of
businesses from throughout the Scottish Borders, North Northumberland and Edinburgh and the
Lothians; 132 tables were booked and the day proved a great success for networking and
making new contacts.
The 2015 event will be run along the same lines and tables are now available to book. The cost
of a table is £30 (£25 plus VAT).
For further information and to request a booking form please contact borderevents on 01750
725480 or email
Dumfries and Galloway Chamber of the Arts Scottish Charity SC044658
DG Unlimited - Admin and Media Commission
Deadline for applications: 5.00pm, Monday 16th February 2015
DG Unlimited or DGU (the trading name of Dumfries and Galloway Chamber of the Arts) was
established in 2013 to act as a strong and independent voice for the arts and creative sector in
Dumfries and Galloway.It is a registered charity with a Board of Trustees and a
membershipwhich is growing rapidly. The membership is served by an active Regional Arts Hub
and Area Convenors who facilitate communications throughout the region. It is supported by
Dumfries and Galloway Council,Creative Scotland and other organisations in the arts sector.
The purpose of this role is to provide administrative support for the Board of Trustees of DG
Unlimited (the Dumfries and Galloway Chamber of the Arts) and to carry out a broad range of
administrative functions to support delivery of communications and marketing.
For further information and details on how to apply please visit the DG Unlimited website.
BBC Get Creative Campaign
The BBC is launching a campaign called 'Get Creative' to encourage more people to get involved
in the arts. They want as many people as possible to go out and pick up a new creative hobby,
and they would love it if you could help them out!
They are making a film which be shown at the launch and will also appear on the Get Creative
website. The website will become a portal for people who want to find creative activities in their
local area, much like the 'Get Inspired' sports campaign
The film will feature celebrities with diverse creative hobbies, as well as ordinary people who
have artistic passions.
If you are interested in getting involved in the film all the BCC need from you is a short, 60second video clip showcasing your talents and for you to answer a few questions – it can even
be recorded on your phone!
If you require any more information or just want to find out more about the campaign, please
feel free to or call Lulu Valentine on 07717678575.
Dumfries and Galloway Chamber of the Arts
Scottish Charity SC044658
Borders Youth Theatre presents The Edelweiss Pirates
7.30pm, Thursday 19th February 2015, Friday 20th February 2015 and Saturday
21st February 2015
MacArts Centre, Bridge Street, Galashiels, TD1 1SP
Tickets available on the door: £7, concessions £5
Borders Youth Theatre are performing the play The Edelweiss Pirates by Ayub Khan Din as part
of the annual National Theatre Connections – a nationwide celebration of new plays for young
people. This is an exciting opportunity for BYT to be linked again with such a prestigious,
nationwide project. Each year new plays are commissioned from some of the best contemporary
playwrights in the country, for performance by schools and youth theatres all over the UK and
Ireland, making Connections one of the world’s largest celebrations of youth theatre.
The Edelweiss Pirates is set in Germany and is based around true events. The Second World War
rages into its fourth year, and though the majority of young Germans have been brainwashed
into joining the Hitler Youth organisation, small groups of teenagers across Germany found the
courage to say “No, enough is enough”. One such group are “The Edelweiss Pirates”of Cologne,
the five members choose to stand up to the regime even though they may have to pay a terrible
price for their convictions.
The play is suitable for those 12 years old and over.
For further information on The Edelweiss Pirates or on Borders Youth Theatre please
email or have a look at the website
The Grand Opening of The Taxi Office
7.00pm, Thursday 26th February 2015
12 Baker Street, Hawick
Dumfries and Galloway Chamber of the Arts Scottish Charity SC044658
Hawick based artist, Sam Cornwell is launching his new gallery with an evening of contemporary
photographic art and discussion.
Refreshments and food will be available as well as the opportunity to purchase original
All welcome.
For further information please visit the Facebook page, email Sam on or
call 07894666686.
Dreamtime Residency
23rd March 2015 - 27th March 2015
The Studio on the Green, Selkirk
Dreamtime is the name given to an annual Scottish Borders week-long residency which exists to
support choreographers and artists to create innovative new work. The residency is a creative
initiative between Dance Base, the Studio on the Green and Scottish Borders Council’s Arts
Development (Performing Arts Partnership). Previous Dream Time creative residencies have
been awarded to Ian Spink (2012) and Tess Letham (2013). The venue is The Studio on the
Green in Selkirk, founded in 1989 by Jenna Agate and Trevor Timms, it is a custom-built dance
studio set in a peaceful location, affording a supportive and nurturing environment for project
participants. Future Dreamtime residencies are by application to Dance Base as advertised on
their professional programme web pages.
Borders based choreographer Claire Pencak,Artistic Director of Tabula Rasa takes up the March
2015 residency ( Over the 5 days she will be collaborating with
dancers Merav Israel and Tim Rubidge, artist Helen Douglas and composer Matthew Collings
on developing a choreographic score/structure for Humming the Hexagon – a
performance piece inspired by bees and beekeeping. They will draw on a collection of
research materials including, scientific data, interviews with beekeepers, sound and film
documentation, wax and other materials gathered through a Leverhulme Trust Artist
Residency in The Centre for Rural Economy, Newcastle University 2012.
Dream Time Residency – Open Improvisation Workshop
10.00am - 12.00noon, Tuesday 24th March 2015
Dumfries and Galloway Chamber of the Arts
Scottish Charity SC044658
The Studio on the Green, Selkirk
We will be exploring some of the choreographic themes of the residency and working with
improvisational structures and digital projections.The workshop is free and open to all ages and
levels of experience.
Dream Time Residency - Studio Sharing Event
3.30pm, Friday 27th March 2015
The Studio on the Green, Selkirk
An informal sharing of some of the choreographic processes developed during the 5 day
residency at the Studio on the Green.
No booking required. Duration: About one hour
For more information contact Claire Pençak - or Olivia
Roper, Performing Arts Co-ordinator
This residency is a creative initiative between national dance agency Dance Base, the Studio on
the Green and Scottish Borders Council's Art Development (Performing Arts Partnership).
Borders Writers Forum
Borders Writers Forum has a new website. Visit them
at to find out more about them, their programme
of events and how to join.
Dumfries and Galloway Chamber of the Arts Scottish Charity SC044658