Annex I TERMS OF REFERENCE Position: Expert-Geobotanist on vegetable world monitoring program development (field team leader) Project number and title: №82920 Development and Introduction of the Information System on Monitoring of Biodiversity at Pilot PAs in the Republic of Kazakhstan Contract type: Individual contract Location: Almaty city, 20 days trip to Karkaralinsk SNNP Duration: 05.08.2013 - 04.10.2013 Background information: The "Development and Introduction of Information System on Monitoring of Biodiversity (hereinafter — IS BD) at Pilot PAs" Project is aimed at the improvement of the biodiversity monitoring system through creation of an information system using of GIS-technologies. This activity will be based on ecosystem approach at which biodiversity species are considered as an integral part of the habitat. The approach will allow assessing both the habitat ecological potential and the nature of flora and fauna species diversity distribution as well as defining the extent and nature of anthropogenic impact and existing threats for biota existence. The proposed monitoring system will allow creating the basis for economically and scientifically informed decision-making in the field of flora and fauna resources management and conservation. The main project results will be: 1) Creation of a uniform automated information system on the biodiversity of Kazakhstan PAs based on the development and systematization of their databases and introduction of an ecosystem approach; 2) Implementation of the provisions specified in the Law of the RK "On Especially Protected Natural Areas" (Articles 39, 41, 44, 45, 50 and 52) regarding implementation of one of important types of main activity by PAs – organization and conducting of research and monitoring of ecological systems; 3) Capacity building for PA and FHC MA RK employees in the field of software and databases use for monitoring of biodiversity. According to "Development and Introduction of the Information System on Monitoring of Biodiversity at Pilot PAs” project document signed by the parties, the Karkaralinsk SNNP was selected as a pilot area. The research on a monitoring program conducted in autumn at KSNNP allowed defining the condition of monitoring objects in the autumn season, which should be supplemented with the results of biodiversity objects condition in the spring and summer seasons. 1 Objective: Development of methodical recommendations on monitoring of vegetation at Karkaralinsk State National Nature Park. Main tasks to be performed by the expert Scope of work: The expert in the development of a monitoring programme for vegetation shall be responsible for the development of proposals on defining and establishment of monitoring sites (itineraries) taking into account autumn monitoring sites (itineraries) for vegetation in Karlaralinsk State Natural Nature Park worked out in 2012. When working on this subject, an integrated assessment of studied vegetation habitat areas should be provided. The obtained data will be used for writing a final monitoring program for 2013. Within the framework of the terms of reference the expert will perform the following works: Visits the project site in the planned periods and carry out field works on earlier selected sites using agreed techniques and required technical equipment. Establish additional monitoring sites and itineraries for the monitoring program with detailed descriptions of habitat quality and BD species in them; By the results of field works finalizes / supplements monitoring sites and itineraries in project PA ecosystem maps indicating geographical coordinates; Develops and coordinates formats of tables for accounting vegetation monitoring species including all monitoring parameters; Defends and agrees methodical recommendations on monitoring taking into account the additions; Provides accounting, cameral processing and analysis of the received materials, writes a thematic section of the monitoring program; Provides vegetation inventory. All main ecosystems and whenever possible the fullest set of key and indicator species on the main seasons should be covered within the area under study; The research materials should include illustrations (photos, drawings) of vegetation and the habitats typical for them and justification of the proposals for the improvement of terrestrial biodiversity conservation; According to the obtained data fills in the general forms for databases and makes out a scheme map on the basis of map M1:100000 indicating accounting points (on GPS coordinates); Based on the map data and research analysis, develops recommendations on PA expansion, as well as on required activities on the conservation of rare and endangered species; Provides detailed recommendations on conducting long-term monitoring indicating the periods, locations, the required equipment, etc.; Defends and agrees methodical guidelines on monitoring taking into account additional results of field works carried out in the summer season. The final monitoring program should be developed after summer field works, taking into account the monitoring field works carried out in autumn and the training conducted according to an approved training activity plan developed by the capacity building expert. The section on vegetation monitoring sites should include: 1. Seasons and periods of observations; 2. Monitoring species; 3. Optimum periods and an area for observation over monitoring species; 4. Monitoring sites with link to ecosystems; 5. Required devices and equipment; 2 6. Cameral processing and systematization of field observation data; 7. Received data analysis; 8. Monitoring results; 9. Assessment of monitoring species condition; 10. Conclusions and recommendations, development of a detailed report; 11. Distribution of monitoring results for concerned persons. Field works and collection of information on the vegetation of Karkaralinsk SNNP: Carries out field works on the territory of Karkaralinsk SNNP using approved techniques and the required technical equipment; Conducts geobotanical studies of concrete sites and preliminary defined ecosystems and vegetation communities; Defines key areas of the national park, which are the most important habitats for vegetation in terrestrial ecosystems of Karkaralinsk SNNP; Defines model vegetation species and groups as indicators for subsequent monitoring of the condition of their seasonal dynamics; Defines accounting points and provides recommendations on further monitoring of vegetation in the summer and autumn periods, as well as develops the principles of monitoring of indicator and key species on the project site. Conducts geobotanical research of concrete sites and previously defined ecosystems and vegetable communities; Carries out analysis of spatial distribution of vegetable communities (interrelation with the relief, soils and moistening regime); Makes pictures of plants and vegetable communities; Makes a schematic map of routes and established platforms in the area under study. Expected results and payments: # 1 2 3 Results A brief review on printed and archive materials on the vegetation of Almaty SNR developed Field works on monitoring sites on the territory of KSNNP - 20 days - conducted A monitoring report developed An information report on the field studies developed and approved by the Project Coordinator Methodical Recommendation on Monitoring of vegetation of ASNR prepared The methodical guide on the monitoring of KSNNP vegetation presented at the Research and Technical Council (NTS) of the national park on 17 September A training in monitoring of vegetation for KSNNP employees conducted 3 Deadline Amount 06.08 07.0826.08 16.09 20% 30% 17.0925.09 17.09 25.09 20% 4 A final report: Methodical Recommendation on Monitoring of Vegetation at KSNNP” 23.09 completed and approved by the Project Coordinator A consolidated report: Methodical Recommendation on Monitoring of Biodiversity 04.10 at KSNNP completed and approved by the Project Coordinator 30% Note: The contract amount includes the expenses on the services on the development of a vegetation monitoring program and the travel costs from Almaty – Karkaralinsk National park Almaty, as well as the costs for motor transport rent to carry out field works on the territory of the reserve. Trips: in the course of fulfillment the tasks, the expert should leave Almaty for Karkaralinsk National Park to conduct field studies on the territory of Karkaralinsk National Park on motor transport rented by himself for 20 days from August 07 to August 26, 2013. Responsibilities: Reports to the National Project Coordinator; Secures qualitative performance of the Terms of Reference in due time; Secures unconditional fulfillment of the requirements under the Contract; All information should be submitted in a hard copy and electronic format in Russian; The consultant should submit a full list of documents and other information sources used within the framework of the assignment. The consultant should bear in mind that he/she bears full personal responsibility for the validity and reliability of the data and information used. Required skills and knowledge: Higher education in the field of geobotany / biology with, at least, 5 years work experience in biodiversity and nature conservation. Experience of work at PAs. Knowledge of research techniques. Development and organization of monitoring sites. Ability to work in a team. Ability to work at demonstration areas for a long time, sometimes at difficult ecological conditions. Experience in participation in field studies, cameral processing of materials and development of reports on completed research. Experience in the development and editing of printed editions. Computer skills (MS Office, Internet, etc.). Excellent knowledge of written and spoken Russian and Kazakh languages is an asset. Reporting requirements: The reports will be submitted upon achievement of each result according to schedule. They should be approved by the National Project Coordinator and shall be the basis for payment. Upon the completion of the assignment, at unsatisfactory work performance by the consultant, the UNDP reserves the right to terminate the contract unilaterally. 4 COA (SHOULD BE INDICATED IN FIGURES) Project ID Activity 82920 Activity 1, 2 Account Fund Amount Dep ID B0552 Impl. Agency 001101 71300 30071 Job description endorsed by: Talgat Kerteshev Project Coordinator Victoria Baigazina Programme Associate Signature Date Signature Date Total: 5 Donor 00142