California Action Coalition Update: The Executive Committee is pleased to announce that we have nearly filled all open positions on the Action Coalition. Executive Committee: RN Co-Lead: We are in the final talking stages with a strong candidate to fill this position and will share this with all of you soon. Non-Nurse Co-Lead: We are excited to welcome Linda Zorn, Statewide Director, Health Workforce Initiative (Formerly RHORC) and Co-Chair North Far North Regional Consortium, Butte College to our team. She joins the rest of the committee as follows: Non-Nurse Co-Lead: Jeff Oxendine – University of California, Berkeley and California Health Workforce Alliance Committee Members: Deloras Jones – California Institute for Nursing & Health Care Mary Dickow – California Action Coalition Stephanie Leach – Kaiser Permanente Gloria O’Neal – Charles Drew University Ed O’Neil – University of California, San Francisco Casey Shillam – University of California, Davis Heather Young – University of California, Davis In addition, we have co-leads for each of the eight Recommendation workgroups and representation in all Regional areas. See list below: Work Group Leads: Recommendation #1: Remove scope of practice barriers Co-Leads: Garrett Chan and Susanne Phillips Recommendation #2: Expand opportunities for nurses to lead and diffuse collaborative Improvement efforts Co-Leads: Nancy Donaldson and BJ Bartleson Recommendation #3: Implement nurse residency programs Co-Leads: Dorel Harms and Nikki West Recommendation #4: Increase the proportion of nurses with baccalaureate degrees to 80% by 2020 Co-Leads: Liz Close and Stephanie Robinson Recommendation #5: Double the number of nurses with a doctorate by 2020 Co-Leads: Holli DeVon and Robyn Nelson Recommendation #6: Ensure that nurses engage in lifelong learning Co-Leads: Jan Boller and 2nd co-lead TBD Recommendation #7: Prepare and enable nurses to lead change to advance health Co-Leads: Casey Shillam and Pat McFarland Recommendation #8: Build an infrastructure for the collection and analysis of inter-professional health care workforce data Co-Leads: Louise Bailey and Joanne Spetz Regional Champions: Southern California: Rosie Curtis and Elissa Brown Orange County/Riverside/San Bernadino: Tammy Rice and Mary O’Connor, Eileen Fry Bowers and Ellen D’Errico San Diego/Imperial Counties: Judith Yates and TBD San Joaquin Valley: Mary Contreras and TBD Central Coast: Kathleen Sullivan and Kristen Wisner San Francisco Bay Area: Barbara Walter, Liz Dietz and Karen Ketner Sacramento: Pamela Monroe and Kimberly Muehlberg Northern California: Pat Girczyc, Jerry Chaney, Perry Gee and Julie Gee Hold the Date: The next Leadership Council Meeting will take place at West Coast University (Los Angeles, CA) on 12/7/11. More details to come on this exciting meeting! News From the National Campaign (AARP): Celebrate One Year of Progress! Groups have coalesced in nearly every state to respond to the report recommendations. Thirty-six states have campaign-designated Action Coalitions comprised of nurses and other health care professionals, business leaders, consumers and others to implement the recommendations. The Center to Champion Nursing in America (CCNA) has convened stakeholders through its Champion Nursing Coalition (48 national health care, business and consumer organizations) and Champion Nursing Council (23 national nursing organizations) to develop strategies to implement the IOM recommendations. CCNA is an initiative of AARP, the AARP Foundation and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF). The American Association of Colleges of Nursing announced a collaboration with the Jonas Center for Nursing Excellence to enhance efforts to increase the number of doctorally prepared faculty available to teach in nursing schools. Many national organizations announced their active support for the report and its recommendations, including the American Red Cross, Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society, National Association of Hispanic Nurses, National Association of Public Hospitals and Health Systems, National Medical Association and World Health Organization. RWJF, in collaboration with other funders, has launched a research initiative to identify, generate, synthesize and share evidence essential to implementing the report recommendations. (In early 2012, RWJF also will announce new grantmaking to focus on the report recommendations around educational progression.) The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health continues to be one of the most visited reports on the IOM website. States have hosted more than 156 events related to the Campaign for Action, including statewide strategic planning sessions, stakeholder presentations, launch events and Action Coalitions webinars. Thanks and congratulations to all of you for your dedication and contributions to this nationwide effort! The Future of Nursing: Campaign for Action will hold a special #FutureRN Twitter Chat on October 5, at 2 p.m. ET to discuss the first year of progress since the release of the IOM report, The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health. Campaign for Action Director, Sue Hassmiller, RN, PhD, FAAN will lead the chat along with colleagues from the Center to Champion Nursing in America. The chat will be moderated by @futureofnursing. During the chat, progress and goals around education, leadership and interprofessional collaboration will be discussed. Follow @FutureofNursing and #FutureRN to learn more about participating in the #FutureRN chat on October 5. More information on the chat is available at Sample tweets: On 10/5 @ 2pm ET @suehassmiller will host #FutureRN Twitter Chat on the exciting yr since @theIOM #FutureRN rpt. More @ Join @FutureofNursing on 10/5 @ 2pm ET for special #FutureRN Chat on the 1st yr progress of @theIOM rpt & 2nd phase of CampaignforAction Are you headed to Washington, DC? If you or any member of your Action Coalition will be heading to Washington, DC October 13-15 for the 38th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of nursing, we want to know! RWJF and CCNA are hosting a reception to celebrate one year of progress and we want you there. The reception will offer a great opportunity to meet fellow Action Coalition members from other states as well as, campaign champions from RWJF, CCNA and national supporters. It will also be a great opportunity to see your CCNA liaisons in person! The event is from 4:30-6:00 p.m. on Saturday, October 15 at the Hyatt Regency on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC. We’d love to see you there so if you plan to attend our function, please let Colleen Krepstekies know at no later than Friday, October 7. Doctor-Nurse Collaboration Few disagree that we need more collaboration among health care providers— especially between doctors and nurses. But getting there means changes in training, policy and the workplace. Join RWJF Clinical Scholars alum Matthew Press, M.D., and his guests, including former RWJF Executive Nurse Fellow Mary Hooshmand, R.N., Ph.D., for a conversation on this crucial issue. This online chat takes place October 20 at 2 p.m. Eastern time. You can register for the chat here. Connect Video During the RWJF Connect program in June, Deloras Jones and Dr. Terry Hill were interviewed on video discussing the work of the Action Coalition. Click here to see the video: Transforming Care at the Bedside on a Medical/Surgical Unit Seminar On November 14-16, 2011, IHI will host a seminar on Transforming Care at the Bedside on a Medical/Surgical Unit in Chicago, Illinois. Hospitals across the country are transforming the care delivered in their institutions’ medical/surgical units through a unique initiative called Transforming Care at the Bedside (TCAB), which is the basis for the seminar Transforming Care at the Bedside on a Medical/Surgical Unit. Throughout this two-day seminar, esteemed faculty will share strategies for engaging leaders at all levels and empowering front-line staff to improve patient outcomes, increase staff vitality and retention, reduce inefficiencies in care processes, and engage patients and families to improve the experience of care. Faculty will also provide participants with practical tips, tools, and solutions in order to: Decrease hospital acquired pressure ulcers; Reduce patient injury from falls; Increase staff time spent on direct patient care; Create effective partnerships with patients and families; Minimize harm from high-risk medications; Ensure quality care transitions; Reduce unnecessary hospital readmissions. Enrollment information can be found here. News from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Executive Nurse Fellows Releases Call for Applications Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Executive Nurse Fellows Application Deadline: January 18, 2012 3:00 PM EST The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Executive Nurse Fellows program is a three-year advanced leadership program for nurses who aspire to lead and shape health care locally and nationally. Fellows strengthen and improve their leadership abilities related to improving health and health care. • More details and how to apply Evaluating Innovations in Nursing Education Proposal Deadline: November16, 2011 3:00 PM EST Evaluating Innovations in Nursing Education (EIN) is inviting applications for research projects studying nursing faculty issues that are critical to achieving the recommendations outlined in the 2010 Institute of Medicine report The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health. Consistent with EIN's mission, projects will typically address teaching productivity and faculty preparation in nursing education for meeting the demands of a reformed health care and public health system. Findings should inform strategies for addressing the nurse faculty shortage while expanding the nurse workforce and maintaining or improving student outcomes. More details and how to apply Evaluating Innovations in Nursing Education National Program Office Rutgers University Center for State Health Policy 55 Commercial Avenue, 3rd Floor New Brunswick, NJ 08901 (732)932-4670