The Sun, the Wind, the Rain

Infusion of Literacy into the Science Curriculum
Book Information
The Sun, The Wind, the Rain
Lisa Westberg Peters
Henry Holt
Copyright Year
While Elizabeth builds a mountain out of wet
sand, the geological concept of mountain
formation is clearly explained and impressively
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How can the book content be infused into the science curriculum?
Grade Level
Scientific Investigation, Reasoning and
Logic; Earth Patterns, Cycle and Change,
Interrelationships in Earth/Space Systems
Scientific Investigation, Reasoning and Logic
K.1; K.2- Five senses, descriptions and
Earth Patterns, Cycle and Change
K.9 & K.10 Patterns; weather, animal/plant
growth, routines, change
Grade 1
Scientific Investigation, Reasoning and Logic
1.1- Classifying, measuring, predicting
Earth Patterns, Cycle and Change
1.7 Weather, seasons: effects on plants, animals
Grade 2
Scientific Investigation, Reasoning and Logic
2.1- Measurement, classification, graphs,
unexpected data
Earth Patterns, Cycle and Change
2.7 Effect of weather and seasonal changes on
growth and behavior
Grade 3
Scientific Investigation, Reasoning and Logic
3.1- Making predications and observations, data
charted, drawing conclusion
Interrelationships in Earth/Space Systems
3.7 Soil
Grade 4
Scientific Investigation, Reasoning and Logic
4.1- Hypotheses, predictions, measurement
Grade 5
Scientific Investigation, Reasoning and Logic
5.1- Classification key, measurement, graphing
data, variables
Earth Patterns, Cycle and Change
5.7 Rock cycle, plate tectonics, erosion
Sample Activities
Grade K-2
1. Demonstrate the eroding of a sand castle by
water. Pack sand into a plastic glass and dampen
it with water to make a mold. Invert the mold at
a high end of a paint pan. Remove the plastic
glass, leaving the sand mold. Sprinkle water over
the sand and observe what happens. Compare
this to what happened to the little girl’s sand
2. Ask the class if they have ever seen anything
crumble. Give each student a baby food jar of
warm water and a sugar cube. Predict what will
happen when the cube is placed in water.
Observe and describe what happened. The
gradual breaking apart and dissolving is a
simulation of weathering of the Earth’s surface.
3. Students can compare sand and soil samples
taken from different locations in Arlington using
magnifiers. Are all soil samples taken from
Arlington alike? Write a hypothesis. Observe,
sketch and label what you see on an observation
sheet. What can you conclude? What further
questions do you have?
Grade 3-5
To demonstrate wind erosion, students will
observe how wind can carry sand from one
location and deposit it into another location. Give
each group an egg carton, black construction
paper, salt and rock salt, sand, small bowl,
flexible drinking straw and safety goggles.
Cut the egg carton at the fold and place end to
end with the top of the carton touching the
bottom. Put the black paper on the carton top so
that is hangs slightly over the edge of the carton
bottom. Mix the salt and rock salt in the bow and
pile the mixture on the black paper near the
edge. Bend the straw and place the short end
next to the mixture’s midpoint. Predict where the
salt particles will land when you blow on the
straw. Put on the safety goggles. Blow into the
long end of the straw and observe what
happens. (The heavier particles will land in the
sections of the carton that are closer. The lighter
weight particles land in sections farther away.
Repeat the steps using a mixture of fine and
coarse sand.
To demonstrate water erosion and deposition
students will observe what happens when water
flows over land. Using a plastic paint roll pan, fill
the pan with a mixture of sand and dirt. Place
the brick under the enclosed end of the pan to
hold it up. Hold a funnel at the raised end. Pour
water into the funnel in a continuous stream.
Observe what happens to the soil in its path. As
the water flows over the soil, it carries soil
particles and deposits them creating a delta.
Repeat using the funnel at a different splash
block. See if the water takes a different path.
Smooth the soil in the splash block. Make an Sshaped path in the soil with a spoon. Predict
what will happen to the soil when water flows
along this path. Pour the water into the funnel
and observe. Experiment with other trays at
different heights, 2 in. 3 in. and 4 in. Observe
how quickly did the water flow? What happens to
the sand?
(Taken from The Best of Mailbox Science Grades
4-6 2006).