capes national provident fund admin guide hrd

Capes National Provident Fund
Administration Procedure Guide
Introduction and Summary ............................................................................................................3
1.1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................3
1.2. Address and Contact Details..................................................................................................3
1.3. Authorised Signatories ...........................................................................................................3
1.4. Rules .....................................................................................................................................4
1.5. Forms ....................................................................................................................................4
1.6. Queries ..................................................................................................................................4
2. New Entrants ................................................................................................................................5
Procedure ..............................................................................................................................5
Completing the Forms............................................................................................................5
2.3.1 New Entrant Forms .........................................................................................................5
2.3.2 Beneficiary Nomination Form ..........................................................................................5
3. Monthly Contribution Updates .......................................................................................................7
Requirements in terms of Section 13A of the Pension Fund Act ............................................7
Procedure ..............................................................................................................................7
Completing the Monthly Payment Advice Form......................................................................8
4. Claims...........................................................................................................................................9
Withdrawal Claims .................................................................................................................9
Retirement Claims ...............................................................................................................11
Death Claims .......................................................................................................................13
Funeral claims…………………………………………………………………………………….. 13
1. Introduction and Summary
1.1. Introduction
This administration guide sets out the procedures to be followed in administering the Fund and is
intended to assist employers in performing administrative functions on behalf of the Fund.
1.2. Address and Contact Details
Office Address:
College House
26 Peter Place
Postal Address:
PO Box 69439
Senior Manager:
Raksha Rama
Tel: 011 996 5700
Fax: 086 621 1164
Head of Administration Belinda Botes
Tel: 011 996 5700
Queries and Complaints: Email:
1.3. Authorised Signatories
For security reasons it is important that the required forms are authorised by approved authorised
signatories only. This serves as a control that all Member data and claims are valid and accurate.
Authorised signatory details and specimen signatures must be provided on the Employer
Authorised Signatory Form.
In addition the following information must be provided in respect of each authorised signatory:
Certified copy of Identity Document; and
Proof of residential address, not older than 3 months.
In the event that the authorised signatories change, Pan African Benefit Services must be notified
accordingly and the revised form must be supplied together with the information outlined above.
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1.4. Rules
The Fund is governed by a set of Rules, which have been registered with the Registrar of
Pension Funds and approved by the South African Revenue Services.
For reference purposes we enclose the Fund’s FSB registration and SARS approval numbers.
The Fund’s FSB registration number is 12/8/37999/1
The Fund’s SARS approval number is 18/20/4/042199
1.5. Forms
The various forms referred to in this manual are enclosed to this guide.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you require any assistance with the completion of any of
these forms.
1.6. Queries
All queries can be referred to
When querying Member information, please ensure that the Member's full names, date of birth
and employer / pay point details are quoted for ease of reference.
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2. New Entrants
2.1 Eligibility
In terms of the Rules of the Fund a Member is eligible to join if the Member has satisfied the
eligibility conditions stipulated in the Rules.
2.2 Procedure
Details of all new entrants must be completed on the New Entrant Form and forwarded to the
administrator on a monthly basis, in order to maintain accurate and complete records. The new
Member must also complete a Beneficiary Nomination Form which must be retained in the
Member's staff file with the Human Resources Department.
2.3 Completing the Forms
2.3.1 New Entrant Forms
A new entrant form must be completed when a new Member joins the Fund. This form must
accompany the contribution schedule submitted to Pan African Benefits with the Member’s first
Fund and Employer Details
This information is required to ensure that the Member is
loaded on the correct fund.
Member Details
This information is required to ensure that the Member's
records are accurate and complete and that the Member
has been allocated to the correct category.
Nomination This form is to be completed for all new Members and
maintained in the Human Resources / Personnel file.
2.3.2 Beneficiary Nomination Form
It is the duty of the Trustees of the Fund to determine how the benefit payable upon the death of
a Member must be distributed. Section 37C of the Pension Funds Act provides the guidelines that
the Trustees have to follow.
Principally, the Trustees have to establish who all the dependants and nominees of the deceased
Member are and then determine the most equitable distribution of the amount available amongst
such dependants and nominees.
The following terminology will be important to understand when completing the needs
assessment questionnaire referred to below:
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A dependant is defined as:
(a) A person in respect of whom the Member is legally liable for maintenance;
(b) A person in respect of whom the Member is not legally liable for maintenance, if such person
 Was, in the opinion of the Trustees, upon death of the Member in fact dependent on the
Member for maintenance
 Is the spouse of the Member
 Is a child of the Member, including a posthumous child, an adopted child and a child born
out of wedlock
(c) A person in respect of whom the Member would have become legally liable for maintenance
had the Member not died.
A nominee is defined as a person who is not a dependant of the Member but who has been
nominated in writing by the Member as a nominee, to receive such part of the benefit as is
specified by the Member.
All new Members should complete a nomination of beneficiary form when they join. This should
be updated at regular intervals and when a Member’s circumstances change. This form should
be kept in the Member’s Human Resources / Personnel file.
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3. Monthly Contribution Updates
3.1 Requirements in terms of Section 13A of the Pension Fund Act
The payment of provident fund contributions as well as the minimum information that is required
to accompany it is outlined in Section 13A of the Pension Funds Act, Regulation 33 to the Act and
PF Circular Pf No. 110 as issued by the Registrar of Pension Funds.
Contributions, in terms of Section 13A are due by the 7th of the month following the month for
which they were due, e.g. January contributions are due by 7 February. The contributions must
reflect in the Fund’s bank account by no later than the 7th of each month. Should the 7th be on a
weekend or public holiday, contributions are due on the following work day. However, in order to
ensure that contributions are invested timeously, we request that contributions are paid as soon
as possible, after being deducted. Late payment interest, at the prescribed rate, will be levied on
any contribution received after the 7th of the month. Late payment interest is calculated from the
1st of the month.
Payment of contributions may be made by EFT or cheque deposit into the following bank
Account Name
Account Number :
Branch and code :
Reference Number :
Capes National Provident Fund
Standard Bank
00 026 5020
Johannesburg 000205
Important note: Please use the exact reference number quoted above when depositing or
transferring the monthly contribution as this will facilitate the efficient and effective
updating of member records.
In the case of cheque deposits, a copy of the deposit slip is to accompany the contribution
In terms of the Rules of the Fund the employer contributions in respect of all active members are
subject to a minimum of R61.10. This is the amount required for the Fund to cover the
administration costs (currently at R41.04 per month) and the funeral benefits premium of R20.00
per member per month. The minimum contribution is effective 1 January 2011.
3.2 Procedure
In order to ensure that contributions are reconciled accurately and efficiently, it is essential that
we are supplied with an electronic schedule (i.e. in Excel, Comma Separated (csv), Fixed Width
(fxd) or Text (txt) files) detailing Member contributions as well as a completed Monthly Payment
Advice form on a monthly basis. A template of the required electronic schedule has been
enclosed for your reference.
This should be forwarded to Pan African Benefits as soon as possible after payment of the
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3.3 Completing the Monthly Payment Advice Form
The Monthly Payment Advice Form must be completed and submitted together with the electronic
contribution schedule.
Fund Details
This information is required to ensure that the correct
fund and employer is identified.
New Member Details
This information is required to identify new Members and
ensure that we initiate the process for all the new
entrants and to facilitate reconciling.
This information is required to ensure that we are notified
of exits and adjust the expected contributions
Salary Increases / Decreases
This information is required to ensure that the expected
contributions are adjusted accordingly.
Additional Voluntary
Details of Members who are making additional
contributions to the Fund must be recorded in order to
update Member records.
Total Monthly Salaries and
It is important to ensure that the total contributions
reflected in these fields tie up to the actual contribution
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4. Claims
4.1 Withdrawal Claims
A notification of withdrawal form must be completed for every Member who is leaving the
Employer's service and withdrawing from the Fund. The completed form must be scanned and emailed to
The original completed form must also be forwarded to Pan African Benefits.
The form must be forwarded to the administrator as soon as possible but no later than the end of
the month in which the Member is leaving.
When completing the Notification of Withdrawal form, special attention should be paid to the
Member's Surname
Member's First Name
ID Number
Date of Birth
Payroll / Employer Number
Date Joined Fund
Member's Address
Annual Taxable Salary
Income Tax Number
Period of Employment outside
South Africa
This information is required to ensure that the
correct Member is identified and withdrawn.
This information is required by the South African
Revenue Services when applying for a tax
Date of Withdrawal
This should be the Member's last working day.
Should the last working day be on the Friday the
29th, but he gave notice to terminate service at the
end of the month, then please insert the last day of
the calendar month.
Date of Last Contributions
This is the month end date for which the last
contribution was paid.
Benefit Options
The Pension Funds Act requires that the Member
is informed of the available benefit options and the
respective tax implications. It is therefore
important that the Member has read and
understood this and seeks professional guidance if
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Please indicate clearly which benefit option the
Member has elected. Ensure that the relevant
section/s, in relation to the chosen option is
completed accurately.
Payment Instructions
It is imperative that the banking details are
completed correctly as this is the account which
will be used when paying the benefit.
Proof of banking details must be supplied in the
form of a cancelled cheque or bank statement.
Declaration by Member and
Incomplete Forms
Supporting Documentation
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Pan African Benefit Services cannot be held liable
for paying any monies into the incorrect bank
Deductions from benefits are only permissible in
the following circumstances:
 Where the Member is indebted in respect of a
housing loan in terms of Section 19(5) of the
Pension Funds Act.
 Damage caused to the Employer as a result of
the Member's misconduct, dishonesty, theft or
fraud, where a court order or admission of guilt
has been obtained.
 Valid court order e.g. divorce or maintenance. It
is important that you indicate whether a court
order is applicable to a benefit. Failure to
comply with a court order, in which the Fund
has been instructed to pay, could result in
further claims and/or legal action being
instituted against the Fund.
It is important that the Member and Employer sign
this form as an indication of their agreement to the
information provided therein. The authorised
signatory, on behalf of the Employer, should sign,
date and stamp this form. Any form that has not
been signed, dated and stamped by the authorised
signatory will be returned.
It is important that all required information is
completed accurately and in full. Incomplete or
incorrectly completed forms will result in
unnecessary delays in benefit payments.
It is important that all supporting documentation as
indicated on the form is submitted together with the
form as any delays in obtaining the required
documentation will result in unnecessary delays in
benefit payments.
4.2 Retirement Claims
A Notification of Retirement should be completed and forwarded to the administrators prior to a
Member's retirement. The completed form must be scanned and e-mailed to
The original completed form must also be forwarded to the administrator.
The form must be forwarded to the administrator as soon as possible but no later than the end of
the month in which the Member is leaving.
When completing the Notification of Retirement form, special attention should be paid to the
Member's Surname
Member's First Name
ID Number
Date of Birth
Payroll / Employer Number
Date Joined Fund
Member's Address
Annual Taxable Salary
Income Tax Number
Period of Employment outside
South Africa
This information is required to ensure that the
correct Member is identified and withdrawn.
This information is required by the South African
Revenue Services when applying for a tax
Date of Retirement
This should be the Member's last working day.
Should the last working day be on the Friday the
29th but he is due to retire at the end of the month,
then please insert the last day of the calendar
Date of Last Contributions
This is the month end date for which the last
contribution was paid.
Type of Retirement
It is important to advise the type of retirement as
this could have an effect on the benefit the
Member is entitled to.
Salary History
This information is required in order to complete a
tax application.
Benefit Options
The Pension Funds Act requires that the Member
is informed of the available benefit options and the
respective tax implications. It is therefore
important that the Member has read and
understood this and seeks professional guidance if
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Please indicate clearly which benefit option the
Member has elected. Ensure that the relevant
section/s, in relation to the chosen option is
completed accurately.
Payment Instructions
Declaration by Member and
Incomplete Forms
Supporting Documentation
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It is imperative that the banking details are
completed correctly as this is the account which
will be used when paying the benefit. Proof of
banking details must be supplied in the form of a
cancelled cheque or bank statement.
Pan African Benefit Services cannot be held liable
for paying any monies into the incorrect bank
Deductions from benefits are only permissible in
the following circumstances:
 Where the Member is indebted in respect of a
housing loan in terms of Section 19(5) of the
Pension Funds Act.
 Damage caused to the Employer as a result of
the Member's misconduct, dishonesty, theft or
fraud, where a court order or admission of guilt
has been obtained.
 Valid court order e.g. divorce or maintenance. It
is important that you indicate whether a court
order is applicable to a benefit. Failure to
comply with a court order, in which the Fund
has been instructed to pay, could result in
further claims and/or legal action being
instituted against the Fund.
It is important that the Member and Employer sign
this form as an indication of their agreement to the
information provided therein. The authorised
signatory, on behalf of the Employer, should sign,
date and stamp this form. Any form that has not
been signed, dated and stamped by the authorised
signatory will be returned.
It is important that all required information is
completed accurately and in full. Incomplete or
incorrectly completed forms will result in
unnecessary delays in benefit payments.
It is important that all supporting documentation as
indicated on the form is submitted together with the
form as any delays in obtaining the required
documentation will result in unnecessary delays in
benefit payments.
4.3 Death Claims
In the event of the death of a Member, a Pan African Benefits Death Claim Form as well as the
Needs Assessment Questionnaire must be completed. The completed forms must be scanned
and e-mailed
The original completed forms must also be forwarded to the administrator.
The forms must be forwarded to the administrator as soon as possible after the death of the
Member. Do not hold back or batch any documentation but rather send it to the administrator as
soon as it becomes available.
When completing the Notification of Death Claim form, special attention should be paid to the
Member's Surname
Member's First Name
ID Number
Date of Birth
Payroll / Employer Number
Date Joined Fund
Member's Address
Annual Taxable Salary
Income Tax Number
Period of Employment outside South
This information is required to ensure that the
correct Member is identified and withdrawn.
This information is required by the South African
Revenue Services when applying for a tax
Date of Death
This is the date the Member passed away.
Date of Last Contributions
This is the month end date for which the last
contribution was paid.
Deductions from benefits are only permissible in
the following circumstances:
 Where the Member is indebted in respect of a
housing loan in terms of Section 19(5) of the
Pension Funds Act.
 Damage caused to the Employer as a result of
the Member's misconduct, dishonesty, theft or
fraud, where a court order or admission of guilt
has been obtained.
 Valid court order e.g. divorce or maintenance. It
is important that you indicate whether a court
order is applicable to a benefit. Failure to
comply with a court order, in which the Fund
has been instructed to pay, could result in
further claims and/or legal action being
instituted against the Fund.
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Declaration by Employer
Incomplete Forms
Supporting Documentation
It is important that the Employer sign this form as
an indication of their agreement to the information
provided therein. The authorised signatory, on
behalf of the Employer, should sign, date and
stamp this form. Any form that has not been
signed, dated and stamped by the authorised
signatory will be returned.
It is important that all required information is
completed accurately and in full. Incomplete or
incorrectly completed forms will result in
unnecessary delays in benefit payments.
It is important that all supporting documentation as
indicated on the form is submitted together with the
form as any delays in obtaining the required
documentation will result in unnecessary delays in
benefit payments.
An original certified copy of the death certificate
(BI-5; BI-20 or BI12) is required with all claims.
4.4 Funeral claims
This benefit is underwritten by Regent Life and the payment of all benefits is subject to the Insurer’s
requirements being complied with.
The benefit has a two-tier structure to cater for the irregularity of contributions in respect of some
The first-tier is the “Full Benefit” and covers those Members who have made a contribution to the
Fund that is sufficient to cover the normal Fund expenses and funeral benefit premiums.
The second tier is the “Step-Down Benefit” which applies to members not contributing in a specific
month. This benefit will only become effective for members who have qualified for the “Full Benefit”
for at least one month and will remain in force for a period not exceeding 3 consecutive months
following the payment of the last premium to the funeral scheme. It is important to note that this
benefit is restricted to a maximum period of 4 months in a 24 month period.
In addition, cover for the repatriation of the mortal remains of the deceased will be provided in
respect of both benefit categories.
In the event of a funeral claim arising while the member is in the service of the Employer, the claim
notification and Statement by Police must be completed and forwarded to the administrator as soon
as possible. Do not hold back or batch any documentation, but rather submit to the administrator as
soon as possible. A delay in submitting this form and accompanying documentation may result in
the claim being repudiated. Please ensure that you comply with all the requirements listed on the
claim form.
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The scale of benefits to both tiers are shown below:
Principal Member
Spouse (maximum 2)
Child 14 - 21
Child 6 - 13
Child 1 - 5
Child less than 1
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Full Benefit
R 10,000
R 10,000
R 10,000
R 5,000
R 2,500
R 1,250
R 1,250
Step Down Benefit
R 5,000
R 5,000
R 5,000
R 2,500
R 1,250
R 625
R 625