CSULB RISE M.S. to Ph.D. Application Due 5:00 PM, 15 April 2015 to RISE.MS2PhD@csulb.edu The mission of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) is to advance scientific knowledge and technology contributing to the improvement of every individual’s health in the U.S. as well as around the world. NIH research training programs are committed to training future biomedical and behavioral scientists by providing opportunities and skills training for students who will become the next generation of biomedical/behavioral research scientists and engineers. The programs consider all qualified applicants, strongly encouraging application by students from groups traditionally underrepresented in the biomedical and behavioral research workforce, such as first generation college students, those with financial need, students with disability, members of racial/ethnic minority groups, and students who have experienced life challenges that can contribute to the diverse perspectives needed in biomedical and behavioral research. CSULB Research Initiative for Scientific Enhancement (RISE) M.S. to Ph.D. Program The CSULB RISE program seeks to increase the capacity of students underrepresented in the biomedical sciences to complete Ph.D. degrees in these fields. The program activities are designed to strengthen students' academic preparation, research training, and professional skills. MS students will complete a two-year Master’s degree program that culminates in the defense of a Master’s research thesis. In addition, RISE M.S. to Ph.D. students will present their work at professional conferences, take part in six Graduate Academy workshops, be active in the Graduate Learning Community and take the Biomedical Colloquium to increase skills in reading primary literature and scientific writing. Completing a research degree in two years will require discipline and commitment, and will produce students ready to tackle biomedical Ph.D. programs at research-intensive universities. RISE http://web.csulb.edu/colleges/cnsm/sas/rise/ To be eligible for the RISE M.S. to Ph.D. program, you must be a U.S. citizen, non-citizen national or permanent U.S. resident. You must also apply and be accepted to the degree program you wish to pursue (Department of Biological Sciences OR Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry) AND California State University, Long Beach to be considered for funded support. http://www.csulb.edu/depts/enrollment/admissions/graduate_programs.html#anchor3 CSULB RISE M.S. to Ph.D. Application 2015-2016 APPLICATION CHECKLIST □ Application and Acknowledgment & Authorization Forms Complete the attached application form as well as the Acknowledgment & Authorization. Please scan and save as a pdf. □ College Transcript(s) Official and sealed transcripts from all institutions you have attended must be submitted. If you are a CSULB student, submit a copy of your unofficial CSULB transcript. No other transcripts need to be submitted if the CSULB transcript shows all transferred credits (courses, units, and grades) from other post-secondary institutions. □ General Record Exam (GRE) General Test Scores Please arrange to have a copy of your GRE General Test Scores sent to the Department you are applying to. No particular GRE score is required for admission into the M.S. to Ph.D. RISE program, but serves as a general indicator of your interest in pursuing a Ph.D. If unable to take the GRE prior to the application deadline, please arrange to take the exam at the earliest available date. Please see https://www.ets.org/gre/revised_general/register/centers_dates/ to sign up for the GRE. □ Personal Statement The RISE M.S. to Ph.D. program is an intensive two-year program that provides financial support which allows participants to complete a research project while preparing for admission into Ph.D. programs. Introduce yourself in 600 words or less. We are particularly interested in learning why you are motivated to obtain a Ph.D. in the biomedical sciences. Describe your discipline and commitment towards completing the RISE M.S. to Ph.D. program. Describe research experiences you have had -- what research questions you pursued, what you did and what your results meant. Explain any discrepancy between your grades in academic coursework (and/or GRE scores) and your talents and potential. Save as a pdf file. □ Confidential Data Form (CDF) The information provided in the CDF is for reporting purpose only and will NOT be used in the evaluation of your application. Please make sure to submit it separately from your application. □ Letters of Recommendation to be sent by the letter writers to RISE.MS2PhD@csulb.edu Fill out the Form on the next page, sign, scan, and save as pdf that will be added to your pdf application file. If you have participated in research, one letter should be from your research mentor. These letters should address your ability to succeed (intellectual ability, determination, maturity, etc.) in an intensive M.S. to Ph.D. program that leads to entrance into a Ph.D. program. Please list on Letter of Recommendation page. CSULB RISE M.S. to Ph.D. Application 2015-2016 Letters of Recommendation Arrange to have three Letters of Recommendation written on your behalf by science, engineering or math faculty members. Please have referees send letters to RISE.MS2PhD@csulb.edu. Identify your letter writers in the table below. Referee Name Institution Email Address ACKNOWLEDGEMENT & AUTHORIZATION Please sign, scan, save as a pdf and combine with your application file. I acknowledge that the information provided by me in this application is correct to the best of my knowledge. I agree that if I begin to receive funding from another grant or fellowship source outside of RISE, I will immediately notify the contact person for the NIH Research Training Program Application. Failure to comply may result in dismissal from the program. In order to complete the evaluation process, it may be necessary to obtain information from MyCSULB so that we may verify your CSULB academic records and student profile. Please check one: □ I authorize the program to review my CSULB academic records for information needed to complete the evaluation of my application by the selection committee. □ I do not authorize the program to review my CSULB academic records for information needed to complete the evaluation of my application by the selection committee Note: If you are invited to join one of the programs, you must abide by that program’s specific requirements. Applicant’s Signature: _____________________________________ Date: _________________ All application materials must be submitted in one package (combined pdf for the Application Form, Personal Statement, Letter of Recommendation Waiver, and Acknowledgement and Authorization Form) by 5:00pm on 15 April 2015 to RISE.MS2PhD@csulb.edu CSULB RISE M.S. to Ph.D. Application 2015-2016 RISE M.S. TO PH.D. APPLICATION Personal Information: Last Name: First Name: Street Address: City, State, Zip: Cell phone: Email: Date of Birth: ___ / _____ / _______ Undergraduate Degree: School graduated from: Major: Cumulative GPA: Major GPA: General GRE Score: My educational objectives? □ Master’s Degree (Field ____________ ) □ Doctoral/Ph.D. Degree (Field ____________ ) □ Professional Degree (Field ____________ e.g., M.D., Pharm.D.) □ Other ______________ □ Unsure I am a: □ U.S. Citizen □ Permanent Resident □ U.S. National □ Other: ___________________________ Are you currently eligible to receive financial aid? □ Yes □ No If you check ‘yes’, include a copy of your FAFSA score or financial aid award letter whether or not you have unmet need. Do you and your family qualify under the 2015 poverty level as defined by Health and Human Services (HHS)? Please check the HHS listing before answering this question. http://aspe.hhs.gov/poverty/15poverty.cfm □ Yes □ No Indicate your parent’s highest level of education: □ No College □ AA or some college or vocational /trade school □ BA/BS □ MA/MS □ PhD □ Professional School (MD, DDS, Pharm. Etc.) Have you served in the U.S. armed forces? □ Yes □ No How did you hear about the program you are applying to? □ Fliers/Posters □ Course Instructor/Faculty □ Academic Advisor □ Website □ Current student trainees □ Other ___________________ CSULB RISE M.S. to Ph.D. Application 2015-2016 Confidential Personal Data The following information is used for demographic purposes for NIH and will not be used for program participant selection. (Please turn in this form as a hard copy to: M.S. to Ph.D. RISE program, c/o Dr. Judy Brusslan, Department of Biological Sciences, CSULB, 1250 Bellflower Blvd., Long Beach, CA 90840-9502. Student Name: _______________________________________________ 1. Gender: □ Male □ Female □ Decline to State 2. Do you have a diagnosed disability or impairment? □ Yes □ No If yes, please indicate the disability nature: □ Hearing □ Visual □ Mobility □ Other: _______________________________ 3. Currently employed? □ Yes □ No a. If yes, please provide additional information about your employment. Hours per week: __________ hours per week Employer: ____ 2. Ethnic/racial background information (please indicate all that apply): African American/Black Your Family’s Country(ies) of Origin: ________________________________________ European American/Caucasian/White Your Family’s Country(ies) of Origin: ________________________________________ Native American/Eskimo Your Family’s Country(ies) of Origin: ________________________________________ Hispanic/Latino(a) Your Family’s Country(ies) of Origin: ________________________________________ Native U.S. Pacific Islander Your Family’s Country(ies) of Origin: ________________________________________ Asian American Your Family’s Country(ies) of Origin: ________________________________________ Other ________________________ Declined to state