Resolution - Jefferson Parish Government

On joint motion of all Councilmembers present, the following resolution was
A resolution authorizing the Council Chairman or in his absence the Vice
Chairman to execute a three year Cooperative Endeavor Agreement
between the Parish of Jefferson and West Jefferson Medical Center to
provide emergency shelter to Jefferson Parish essential employees.
WHEREAS, Art. VII, Sec. 14(C) of the Louisiana Constitution of 1974 provides
that for a public purpose, the State and its political subdivisions or political
corporations may engage in cooperative endeavors with each other or with any other
private association, corporation or individuals;
WHEREAS, Art. VII, Sec. 14(B) of the Louisiana Constitution of 1974 provides
that public funds may be used for programs of social welfare for the aid and support
of the citizens of Jefferson Parish;
WHEREAS, Jefferson Parish desires, as authorized in Sec. 1.01(5) and
1.01(6) in the Jefferson Parish Charter to cooperate with West Jefferson Medical
Center in the implementation of the Project as hereinafter provided;
WHEREAS, practical considerations necessitate that governmental agencies
work together in order to effectuate an effective and efficient emergency shelters;
WHEREAS, the public purpose of the Project is described as: to organize and
implement emergency preparation and safety initiatives in order to ensure continuity
of government and the rapid recovery of Jefferson Parish, through addressing
essential employee shelter needs in the event of disaster and/or a Major (Category
3) Hurricane is predicted to strike Jefferson Parish;
WHEREAS, Jefferson Parish has a reasonable expectation of receiving the
benefit of shelter for up to 50 Jefferson Parish essential employees at West Jefferson
Medical Center facilities which is at least equivalent to the consideration described in
this Agreement;
WHEREAS, failure to shelter said employees can result in a delayed recovery
or injury or death to these employees; and
WHEREAS, the residents of Jefferson Parish will benefit from the efforts of
these two agencies working to ensure emergency shelter for Jefferson Parish
essential employees in the event of an impending Category 3 Hurricane.
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Jefferson Parish Council of
Jefferson Parish, State of Louisiana:
SECTION 1. That the three year Cooperative Endeavor Agreement between the
Parish of Jefferson and West Jefferson Medical Center to provide emergency shelter to
Jefferson Parish essential employees is hereby ratified.
SECTION 2. That there are no direct costs associated with this Agreement.
SECTION 3. That the Council Chairman or in his absence the Vice Chairman be
and is hereby authorized to sign and execute a Cooperative Endeavor Agreement
between the Parish of Jefferson and West Jefferson Medical Center to provide
emergency shelter to Jefferson Parish essential employees is hereby ratified.
The resolution having been submitted to a vote, the vote thereon was as follows:
The resolution was declared to be adopted on this the 10th day of December ,