1920s US History Study Guide: Key Terms & Concepts

The 1920s - Chapters 20-21 Study Guide
What are the myths and realities of the 1920s?
Key Terms:
Sacco and Vanzetti
Red Scare
Palmer Raids
Quota System
Warren C. Harding
Washington Naval Conf.
Kellogg-Briand Pact
Fordney-McCumber Tariff
Dawes Plan
Ohio Gang
Teapot Dome Scandal
Albert B. Fall
Calvin Coolidge
18th Amendment
Volstead Act
21st Amendment
Clarence Darrow
William Jennings Bryan
Scopes Trial
Charles Lindberg
George Gershwin
Georgia O’Keeffe
F. Scott Fitzgerald
Harlem Renaissance
James Weldon Johnson
Marcus Garvey
Black Nationalism
Langston Hughes
Louis Armstrong
Duke Ellington
Bessie Smith
Key Concepts:
 What caused the development of nativism in the 1920s? How did it affect govt. actions
and policies?
 What caused the development of isolationism in the 1920s? How did it affect govt.
actions and policies?
 Why did many Americans fear radicalism in the 1920s? How did those fears affect the
United States?
 How was the 1920s a period of unrest?
 What were the main political trends of the 1920s?
 What were the characteristics of Harding’s presidency? Coolidge’s?
 What economic trends affected the US in the 1920s?
 How did rural and urban life in the 1920s differ in the 1920s?
 What were the causes and effects of Prohibition?
 Why was the 18th Amendment repealed in 1933?
 What led to the growth of fundamentalism in the 1920s?
 How did Prohibition and the Scopes trial reflect tensions between traditional and
modern values?
 How did the lifestyles of women change in the 1920s? How did they stay the same?
 How did education change in the 1920s?
 What led to the development of mass culture in the 1920s?
 What led to a flowering of the arts and entertainment in the 1920s?
 How did the Harlem Renaissance affect American society?