CHC Coalition Leadership Team Meeting Work smarter not harder, by connecting the dots Agenda DATE I. Leadership Roles & Expectations a. Welcome any new members/guests b. Role/Responsibilities includes providing guidance for Data Collection & Analysis, Grants, Planning and Recruitment, and Decision Making c. Review/Plan the next CHCC meeting i. What feedback is there from last’s month meeting? ii. Who will speak at next month’s meeting? iii. What business decisions need to be made? iv. Will any special presentations take place? v. How will Subcommittees be run? Agenda? vi. What/where will the quarterly training take place? d. Press Releases/Public Statements i. What Coalition-wide news needs to be sent to CHD Communication Office for this month’s post on: 1. Facebook 2. Twitter 3. City Email List 4. CHC/Partner Blog 5. CHC Webpage 6. CHC Newsletter ii. What needs to be discussed or written by the Leadership Team for the Priority Community Newsletters, Community Council Meetings, or upcoming events and distributed through CHC Member communication channels? II. Update Work on Strategic Plan a. Update Logic Model—2015-2019—with Looking Ahead successes b. Community-wide Updates on Priority Communities (Assets/Needs/Successes/Challenges) i. Evanston ii. Spring Grove Village & Winton Hills iii. Southwest Millcreek Corridor c. Updates on Quarterly Reports from ODH III. Evaluate Four Sub-Committee Work Plans a. Each Sub-Committee will report on: i. CHC CHANGE Site/Strategy updates ii. Non-CHC funded strategy updates Vision – The CHC Coalition prevents disease by inspiring individuals and organizations to collectively engage Cincinnatians in an environment that makes healthy living accessible, popular, and fun. Mission – The CHC Coalition will inspire and energize all Cincinnatian’s health and well-being through creative, fun, and innovative collaboration to create a collective impact. This will be accomplished by addressing healthy eating, active living, tobacco free living, and other relevant health issues to prevent disease. Overall goal – To improve population health while addressing health equity in populations experiencing health disparities. iii. Request for Communication 1. Newsletter 2. Webpage 3. Social Media 4. Community News outlets 5. Request from Leadership Team—introductions, presentations, grant review, etc. b. Nomination of new CHC Coalition Members i. Membership Recruitment 1. Nominations for faith-based organizations and worksites in priority communities, along with other sectors a. Subcommittee Chairs will share names recorded at the CHC Coalition meeting earlier in the month i. What value would this member add to the Coalition? ii. What value would the Coalition add to this member? b. Leadership Team will approve nomination before Recruitment Process begins with Subcommittee chair or Co-chair c. Subcommittee chair will update on Recruitment process at the next leadership team meeting i. Has the MOU been signed? ii. Has the CHANGE Tool Interview been completed? iii. Has the new member attended a CHC Coalition meeting? IV. The CHANGE Tool a. Site/Sector Updates—What change is happening at each site? How much more change needs to happen in order to address all the needs identified? b. Data Acquisition—What is each subcommittee doing to respond to the specific needs identified in the CHANGE Tool Assessment? How is communication with the site taking place? c. Summary Worksheets—How is each site being given their Summary Worksheet? What is the process for each Subcommittee to communicate with the site, if/as needed? d. Revised CHC Coalition Work Plan—When and how does the feedback from specific sites get communicated to the appropriate Subcommittees and Leadership Team? V. Grant Opportunities a. Feedback from unfunded and funded opportunities i. Discuss improvement for next funding cycle b. Partners for future opportunities Vision – The CHC Coalition prevents disease by inspiring individuals and organizations to collectively engage Cincinnatians in an environment that makes healthy living accessible, popular, and fun. Mission – The CHC Coalition will inspire and energize all Cincinnatian’s health and well-being through creative, fun, and innovative collaboration to create a collective impact. This will be accomplished by addressing healthy eating, active living, tobacco free living, and other relevant health issues to prevent disease. Overall goal – To improve population health while addressing health equity in populations experiencing health disparities. i. Discuss potential collaborations with CHC members ii. Discuss potential funding sources with CHC members c. Communication about receipt of awards/press releases i. What news needs to be sent to CHD Communication Office for Facebook, Twitter, the Webpage or for the CHC Newsletter? ii. Is the communication consistent with the funders’ guidelines? VI. CHC Coalition Events/Priority Community Expo a. 3rd Quarter Press Conference i. ACSM handout Vision – The CHC Coalition prevents disease by inspiring individuals and organizations to collectively engage Cincinnatians in an environment that makes healthy living accessible, popular, and fun. Mission – The CHC Coalition will inspire and energize all Cincinnatian’s health and well-being through creative, fun, and innovative collaboration to create a collective impact. This will be accomplished by addressing healthy eating, active living, tobacco free living, and other relevant health issues to prevent disease. Overall goal – To improve population health while addressing health equity in populations experiencing health disparities.