Unit 3 Negative numbers and calculations

Unit 3: Negative Numbers & Calculations
Level 1 & Level 2
Level 3 (≈ Grade G/F)
Use the vocabulary involved and
demonstrate an understanding of adding and
subtracting in practical situations using
numbers up to 10.
Use mental recall of addition and subtraction
facts to 20 in solving problems involving
larger numbers.
Use mental recall of addition and subtraction
facts to 10.
Add and subtract numbers with 2 digits
Compare two sets of objects to find a
numerical difference.
Add and subtract numbers with 3 digits using
written methods.
Use a range of efficient mental and written
methods for adding, subtracting, multiplying
and dividing.
Use mental recall of addition facts up to 10
to add and subtract whole numbers including
multiples of 10.
Use mental recall of 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10
multiplication tables and derive the
associated division facts.
Recall multiplication facts up to 10 x 10 and
derive quickly the corresponding division facts.
Understand the operation of multiplication
as repeated addition or as describing a
rectangular array, and of division as repeated
subtraction or sharing.
Solve whole number problems involving
multiplication and division including those
that give rise to remainders.
Solve problems with or without a calculator,
checking the reasonableness of results by
reference to the context of the problem or to
the size of the numbers.
Know by heart facts the 2 and 10
multiplication tables.
Recognise negative numbers in contexts such
as temperature.
Use mental strategies to solve simple
problems in a range of contexts using
counting, addition, subtraction, doubling and
Recognise 1p, 2p, 5p, 10p, 20p, and 50p
coins and choose coins to make amounts up
to 50p.
Level 4 (Grade E)
Level 5 (≈ Grade D)
Understand and use an appropriate non
calculator method for solving problems that
involve multiplying and dividing any 3 digit
by any 2 digit number.
Order a given set of positive and negative
numbers both in and out of context.
Add and subtract negative numbers in
Unit 3: Negative Numbers & Calculations
Level 5 (≈ Grade D)
Understand and use an appropriate non
calculator method for solving problems that
involve multiplying and dividing any 3 digit
by any 2 digit number.
Level 6 (≈ Grade C)
Identify the necessary information to solve a
problem and solve substantial problems by
breaking them into simpler tasks. Use a
range of efficient calculating techniques,
methods and resources, including ICT; give
solutions to an appropriate degree of
accuracy in the context of the problem.
Enter numbers into a calculator and interpret
the display in context. (Negative numbers,
money, time, fractions, decimals, %, metric
& use a calculator efficiently and
appropriately to perform complex
calculations with numbers of any size,
knowing not to round during intermediate
steps of a calculation.
(Use the constant,  and sign change keys,
function keys for powers, roots and fractions,
brackets and the memory)
Level 7 (≈ Grade B)
Solve numerical problems involving
multiplications and division with numbers of
any size, using a calculator efficiently and
Level 8 and E.P. (≈ Grade A/A*)
Develop alternative approaches to solving
problems and generate fuller solutions to
mathematical problems.
Use a calculator to solve problems involving
calculating with powers, roots and numbers
expressed in standard form. Check for
correct orders of magnitude and correctly
interpret the calculator display.
Order a given set of positive and negative
numbers both in and out of context.
Add and subtract negative numbers in
Add, subtract, multiply and divide positive
and negative numbers.
Understand and use rational and irrational