ULE UPDATE LIST FEBRUARY 2015 ADDITIONS AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS Aip conference proceedings Applied physics letters Biomicrofluidics Chaos Chinese journal of chemical physics Journal of applied physics Journal of chemical physics Journal of laser applications Journal of mathematical physics Journal of physical and chemical reference data Journal of renewable and sustainable energy Low temperature physics Physics of fluids Physics of plasmas Physics today Review of scientific instruments ANNUAL REVIEWS Annual review of linguistics Annual review of organizational psychology and organizational behavior Annual review of statistics and its application Annual review of virology BRILL HSS Asian diasporic visual cultures and the Americas Asiascape Al- Bayān Cahiers de linguistique, Asie orientale Central Asian affairs China archives Cognitive semantics Contemporary pragmatism Daphnis Indo-European linguistics Journal of Abbasid studies Journal of Chinese humanities Journal of migration history Journal of Muslims in Europe. Netherlands yearbook for history of art Review of religion and Chinese society Studia islamica CAMBRIDGE UP HSS British Catholic history Business ethics quarterly Canadian journal of law and jurisprudence Enterprise & society Journal of benefit-cost analysis Management and organization review Recusant history Review of Middle East studies (Middle East Studies Association of North America) CAMBRIDGE UP STM Canadian journal of neurological sciences Journal of demographic economics CLINICALKEY Biomarkers and genomic medicine Canadian journal of diabetes Canadian Medical Association journal Cytotherapy Gynecology and minimally invasive therapy Hematology/oncology and stem cell therapy Hepatobiliary & pancreatic diseases international International journal of cardiology. Heart & vessels International journal of cardiology. Metabolic & endocrine Immunobiology International journal of medical microbiology International journal of mycobacteriology Journal of bone oncology Journal of medical hypotheses & ideas Journal of the American Society of Cytopathology Kidney research and clinical practice Leukemia research reports Respiratory medicine case reports Reviews in vascular medicine Urology practice EBSCO ACADEMIC SEARCH COMPLETE AIDS research and treatment Archives of mechanics EBSCO BUSINESS SOURCE COMPLETE Business case journal International journal of business and public administration International journal of management and innovation Journal of case studies Journal of critical incidents EBSCO COMMUNICATION & MASS MEDIA Ohio communication journal EBSCO EDUCATION SOURCE AASA journal of scholarship & practice Intellectual and developmental disabilities EBSCO POLITICAL SCIENCE COMPLETE Current trends in Islamist ideology EBSCO SOCINDEX WITH FULLTEXT Social work forum (New York: 1999) GALE ACADEMIC ONEFILE African journal of medical and health sciences African journal of trauma AIDS research and treatment Ain-Shams journal of anaesthesiology Annals of bioanthropology Arthritis Asian journal of business research Autism research and treatment Avian research Biomaterials research CHRISMED journal of health and research Climate change responses Clinical hypertension Dentistry and medical research Egyptian journal of bronchology Egyptian retina journal Eye and vision Fungal biology and biotechnology Genetics research international Indian journal of pain Indian journal of vascular and endovascular surgery International journal of clinical and experimental physiology International journal of medicine and public health Journal of cardiovascular echography Journal of clinical movement disorders Journal of compassionate health care Journal of Indian Association of Public Health Dentistry Journal of medical investigation and practice Journal of medicine in the tropics Journal of ophthalmic and vision research Journal of orthopaedics and allied sciences Journal of scientometric research Journal of the Arab Society for Medical Research Journal of traditional and complementary medicine Media and communication Neuroimmunology and neuroinflammation Nigerian journal of experimental and clinical biosciences Pennsylvania legacies Plastic and aesthetic research Revista brasileira de nutrição esportiva DE GRUYTER STM (WIS) International journal of biostatistics Journal of inverse and ill-posed problems Journal of mathematical cryptology Journal of non-equilibrium thermodynamics Journal of numerical mathematics Journal of optical communications Journal of pediatric endocrinology & metabolism Journal of polymer engineering Journal of quantitative analysis in sports Journal of the mechanical behavior of materials Mammalia Mathematica Slovaca Nonlinear engineering Oceanological and hydrobiological studies Photonics & lasers in medicine Pteridines Radiochimica acta Random operators and stochastic equations Restoration of buildings and monuments Reviews in analytical chemistry Reviews in chemical engineering Reviews in inorganic chemistry Reviews in the neurosciences Reviews on environmental health Russian journal of numerical analysis and mathematical modelling Science and engineering of composite materials Statistical applications in genetics and molecular biology Statistical communications in infectious diseases Zeitschrift für Kristallographie. Crystalline materials Zeitschrift für physikalische Chemie (Frankfurt am Main: 1954). Neue Folge HEIN American Indian journal Analele Universităţii Bucureşti. Drept Annual bulletin (Comparative Law Bureau of the American Bar Association) Appalachian natural resources law journal Belmont law review Bill of Rights journal Business & bankruptcy law journal Cogito Court review Curierul judiciar Duke law journal online Entha Harvard law & policy review online International journal of the legal profession Ius humani Journal of Indian law and society Journal of international wildlife law and policy Journal of law, property and society Legal reference services quarterly Municipal court review (Denver, Colo.) Ocean development and international law Philippine law and society review Revista chilena de derecho HEIN FILRD (COLMAN; HUJI; TAU) Proceedings of the International Institute of Space Law Proceedings on the Law of Outer Space IEEE COMPUTER SOCIETY IEEE cloud computing IEEE computer architecture letters IEEE transactions on affective computing IEEE transactions on emerging topics in computing JSTOR ARCHIVE A&S VI Journal of education for library and information science JSTOR ARCHIVE A&S IX African conflict & peacebuilding review JSTOR HEBREW JOURNALS Moznaim Qesher (Tel Aviv : 1987) LEXIS-NEXIS Hungarian official news digest Pakistan journal of social sciences MUSE Undecidable unconscious MUSE PREMIUM (TAU) Confluencia Southern quarterly William and Mary quarterly OXFORD UP Aesthetic surgery journal American entomologist Annals of the Entomological Society of America Digital scholarship in the humanities Economic policy Environmental entomology FEMS microbiology ecology FEMS microbiology letters FEMS microbiology reviews FEMS Yeast research International journal of neuropsychopharmacology Journal of applied poultry research Journal of economic entomology Journal of mammalogy Monist Nutrition reviews Pathogens and disease Social problems (Berkeley, Calif.) PROQUEST CENTRAL AsiaPacific issues China perspectives European journal of language policy International journal of management and innovation Journal of institutional and theoretical economics Journal of new approaches in educational research Journal of strategic management education Memoria y civilizacion Research & practice in assessment RILCE Society and economy Women’s policy journal of Harvard, John F. Kennedy School of Government SAGE PREMIER Journal of empirical research on human research ethics SCIENCEDIRECT Annales d'endocrinologie Current opinion in behavioral sciences Drug metabolism and pharmacokinetics Extreme mechanics letters Food webs Journal of anesthesia history Journal of building engineering Journal of business venturing insights Journal of logical and algebraic methods in programming Journal of neuroradiology Molecular plant Neurologia i neurochirurgia polska Pharmacological reports (Institute of Pharmacology, Polish Academy of Sciences Sleep health SPRINGER Acta analytica Head and neck pathology SPRINGER ARCHIVE Zeitschrift für Anatomie und Entwicklungsgeschichte TAYLOR & FRANCIS FRESH (IDC) Adipocyte TAYLOR & FRANCIS SSH Administrative theory & praxis Advances in mental health Africa journal of management Anthropology & archeology of Eurasia Archaeological journal Chinese economy Contemporary Chinese thought Contemporary nurse Creative industries journal Critique (Minneapolis) Curriculum inquiry Ekonomska istraživanja Global affairs (Abingdon, Oxfordshire, UK) Griffith law review Health sociology review Innovation (Maleny) International journal of advertising International journal of mental health International journal of multiple research approaches International journal of performance arts and digital media International journal of training research Interpreter and translator trainer Javnost Journal of college and character Journal of college reading and learning Journal of dance education Journal of economic issues Journal of family studies Journal of personal selling & sales management Journal of Spanish language teaching Journal of student affairs research and practice Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology Justice system journal Law and literature Learning (Abingdon, England) Marketing education review NASPA journal about women in higher education Rock music studies Rural society Small enterprise research Special operations journal Studies in Chinese religions Theatre and performance design Translator Transnational social review Tourism recreation research Women's reproductive health Word TAYLOR & FRANCIS ST Autophagy Cancer biology & therapy Cell cycle Cyber-physical systems Engineering applications of computational fluid mechanics Fly Health systems and reform Human vaccines & immunotherapeutics International journal of advanced logistics International journal of systems science. Operations & logistics Intrinsically disordered proteins Journal of control and decision Journal of International Council of Electrical Engineering Journal of management analytics Leukos Molecular & cellular oncology Neurogenesis Organogenesis Physical geography Plant signaling & behavior Prion RNA biology Systems biomedicine Temperature Tissue barriers Transactions (Royal Society of South Australia) Translation Veterinary nursing journal WILEY-BLACKWELL Clinical pharmacology and therapeutics Counselling and psychotherapy research journal Journal of pharmacy practice and research Limnology and oceanography Limnology and oceanography bulletin Limnology and oceanography, methods Pathogens and disease Women in higher education FREE E-JOURNALS ארץ הכינרת הנעשה והנשמע לוגיסטיקה ) מרכז מידע ומחקר. עיריה.נתונים סטטיסטיים (חולון סטטוס ספרות ילדים ונוער עלון מורשת חיל הקשר והתקשוב רב גוונים שנתון לחקר המקרא והמזרח הקדום תרביץ AASA journal of scholarship & practice Abstracts of papers (Annual Meeting. American Musicological Society) African journal of medical and health sciences African journal of trauma AIDS research and treatment Ain-Shams journal of anaesthesiology American, British and Canadian studies journal Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska. Sectio L: Artes Anglican evangelical journal for theology and mission Annals of bioanthropology Anthropology matters Anvil Ars aeterna Arthritis Asian nursing research Asian pacific journal of reproduction Asian Pacific journal of tropical medicine Austral Avian research Baltic journal of economics Biomaterials research Brill open biology Brill open humanities Brill open law Brill open social sciences Brno studies in English Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan Cairo review of global affairs Cerebellum & ataxias Chicago House bulletin Chilean journal of statistics China perspectives Chinese journal of global governance Chinese southern diaspora studies Chroniques de la Bibliothèque nationale de France CHRISMED journal of health and research Climate change responses Clinical hypertension Clinical ovarian & other gynecologic cancer [2012-13] Coevolution Cogito Computing in musicology Conservation letters Confrontation and cooperation Dentistry and medical research Duke law journal online E-theologos Early modern Japan Egyptian journal of bronchology Egyptian retina journal Em pauta Eye and vision Gastrointestinal intervention Global mental health Hispania Judaica bulletin Historiae ICAME journal Indian journal of dentistry Indian journal of pain Indian journal of vascular and endovascular surgery International biomechanics International journal of clinical and experimental physiology International journal of infectious diseases [archive] International journal of medicine and public health Javnost Jerusalem studies in Hebrew literature Journal of acute disease Journal of cardiovascular echography Journal of clinical movement disorders Journal of compassionate health care Journal of Indian Association of Public Health Dentistry Journal of Indian law and society Journal of neolithic archaeology Journal of medical investigation and practice Journal of medicine in the tropics Journal of neuroanaesthesiology and critical care Journal of ophthalmic and vision research Journal of orthopaedics and allied sciences Journal of Rotterdam Islamic and social sciences Journal of scientometric research Journal of surgery Journal of the Arab Society for Medical Research Journal of traditional and complementary medicine Journal of veterinary internal medicine Lingua Posnaniensis Kerem (Washington, D.C.) Kidney research and clinical practice In die skriflig HTS teologiese studies Limnology and oceanography e-lectures Limnology and oceanography, fluids and environments Linguaculture Linguistik online Ha-Maor Media and communication METU journal of the Faculty of architecture Miscelánea (Zaragoza, Spain) Multicultural Shakespeare Muse India Musicology today Neuroimmunology and neuroinflammation New West Indian guide Nigerian journal of experimental and clinical biosciences Open archaeology Open linguistics Open mathematics Open theology Osong public health and research perspectives Palgrave communications Peake studies Perichoresis Plastic and aesthetic research Prague journal of English studies Quishi: organ of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China Rare diseases Recueil des arrets et decisions Revista Brasileira de futsal e futebol Revista CROM RIHA journal Science and technology of archaeological research South African journal of information management Studia Anglica Posnaniensia Teme Text matters Topics in linguistics Totem Thoracic cancer DIRECT SUBSCRIPTIONS )BGU( אנליזה ארגונית )OPENU( מסחרי )OPENU( אתיקה-משפט רפואי וביו Advances in theoretical and mathematical physics (HUJI) American historical review (BGU) Applied physics reviews (TEC) Art press (BGU) Astrophysical journal letters (BGU) Austral (HUJI; IDC; TAU) Australian social work (BAR) Cambridge journal of mathematics (HUJI) Chinese journal of chemical physics (BGU; HUJI) Community dental health (HUJI) Conservation and managment of archaeological sites (JVC) Drama therapy review (HUJI) Electronics world (Sutton, London, England) (BGU) Empedocles (TAU) Ethnoarchaeology (JVC) European journal of archaeology (JVC) European respiratory journal (TAU) Fletcher security review (HUJI; IDC; TAU) Foundations and trends in computer graphics and vision (TEC) Foundations and trends in optimization (TEC) Foundations and trends in robotics (TEC) Foundations and trends in stochastic systems (TEC) Foundations and trends in systems and control (TEC) Heritage & society (JVC) Homology, homotopy, and applications (HUJI) Human rights quarterly (BGU) International journal of intelligent unmanned systems (TEC) Jewish studies quarterly (BGU) Journal of community archaeology & heritage (JVC) Journal of fractal geometry (HUJI) Journal of legal studies (Chicago) (BGU) Journal of nano education (WIS) Journal of poetry therapy (DYL) Journal of strategic management education (TAU) Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research (TAU) Journal on migration and human security (HUJI; IDC; TAU) JoVE. Behavior (TEC) JoVE. Bioengineering (TEC) JoVE. Immunology and infection (TEC) Landscapes (JVC) Langages (BGU) Language, culture, and curriculum (DYL) Lecture notes in statistics (BGU) Levant (London) (JVC) Mathematical proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy (HUJI) Mathematics teacher (DYL) Mathematics teaching in the middle school (DYL) Medieval archaeology (JVC) Microbiology (BGU) Nashim (TAU) Palestine exploration quarterly (JVC) Physical review applied (WIS) Polish review (New York : 1956) (BGU) )OPENU( קרית המשפט Rives méditerranéennes (HUJI; TAU) Romantisme (BGU) Studia mathematica (BAR) Surface science spectra (BGU) Turkish review (Istanbul) (HUJI; IDC; TAU) Urban water journal (TEC) DELETIONS CAMBRIDGE UP International journal of neuropsychopharmacology CLINICALKEY Ultrasound clinics EBSCO ACADEMIC SEARCH COMPLETE Nebraska Symposium on Motivation Social work forum (New York: 1999) INFORMA HEALTHCARE Cytotherapy JSTOR BS Limnology and oceanography JSTOR LS Limnology and oceanography OXFORD UP Enterprise & society Molecular plant PROQUEST CENTRAL Time (New York: 1923) Sports illustrated for kids PROQUEST DIRECT (ABI) Time (New York: 1923) Sports illustrated for kids PROQUEST DIRECT (RES) Time (New York: 1923) PROQUEST NURSING JOURNALS Time (New York: 1923) SAGE PREMIER Aesthetic surgery journal SAGE ARCHIVE Aesthetic surgery journal SCIENCEDIRECT FREEDOM COLL. Apollo medicine Arthroscopy techniques Asian nursing research Asian pacific journal of reproduction Asian Pacific journal of tropical biomedicine Asian Pacific journal of tropical medicine Biomedical and environmental sciences Chinese journal of traumatology. English edition Chinese medical sciences journal Clinical ovarian & other gynecologic cancer Formosan journal of musculoskeletal disorders Free radicals and antioxidants Gastrointestinal intervention Global economics and management review Hepatobiliary & pancreatic diseases international Indian journal of dentistry Indian journal of rheumatology Integrative medicine research International journal of infectious diseases International journal of mycobacteriology Japanese dental science review Journal of acute disease Journal of biomedical research Journal of bone oncology Journal of cardiovascular disease research Journal of clinical and experimental hepatology Journal of clinical gerontology and geriatrics Journal of Crohn's and colitis Journal of food and drug analysis Journal of Nanjing Medical University Journal of orthopaedic translation Journal of surgery Journal of the Anatomical Society of India Journal of traditional Chinese medicine Journal of transportation systems engineering and information technology Journal of young pharmacists Kidney research and clinical practice Osong public health and research perspectives Pharmaceutical methods Pharmacognosy journal Public health forum Rice science Safety and health at work Seminars in cutaneous medicine and surgery Urological science SCIENCEDIRECT COLLEGE ED. HEALTH & LIFE SCIENCES Chinese medical sciences journal Public health forum SCIENCEDIRECT COLLEGE ED. SOCIAL & BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES Journal of transportation systems engineering and information technology Public health forum SPRINGER Chemical papers TAYLOR & FRANCIS (ST, SSH) Journal of neutron research Journal of sustainable finance & investment WILEY-BLACKWELL Conservation letters Economic policy Journal of veterinary internal medicine WILEY-BLACKWELL ARCHIVE Journal of veterinary internal medicine FREE E-JOURNALS Academic open Internet journal Eurasian press monitor International Symposium on Biomechanics in Sports: Conference proceedings archive ISRN artificial intelligence Journal for the study of Sephardic and Mizrahi Jewry Journal of medical informatics & technologies Journal of usability studies Molecular plant [archive] Psychosomatic medicine [archive] Studies in popular culture Time (New York: 1923) DIRECT SUBSCRIPTIONS Acta informatica (HAI) Acta sociologica (Oslo) (HAI) Algebra universalis (HAI) Ancient Near Eastern studies (HUJI) Annali di matematica pura ed applicate (HAI) Annals of regional science (HAI) Applied mathematics and optimization (HAI) Archiv der Mathematik (HAI) Archive for rational mechanics and analysis (HAI) Bulletin de la Societe de linguistique de Paris (HAI) Cairo review of global affairs (HAI) Canadian Medical Association journal (TAU) CCC: College composition and communication (HAI) Chromosoma (HAI) College English (HAI) Communications in algebra (WIS) Communications in partial differential equations (WIS) Die casting engineer (TEC) Educational leadership (HAI) Ephemerides theologicae Lovanienses (HUJI) Ergonomics abstracts (BGU) European property law journal (COLMAN) Genetic, social, and general psychology monographs (HAI) ביוספירה טבע וארץ סגולה Global jurist advances (COLMAN) Global jurist frontiers (COLMAN) IEEE transactions on image processing (HAI) Information grammaticale (HAI) Industrial law journal (London) (COLMAN) Intellectual and developmental disabilities (HAI) International commentary on evidence (COLMAN) International data privacy law (COLMAN) International journal of constitutional law (COLMAN) International journal of law and information technology (COLMAN) International journal of law, policy, and the family (COLMAN) International labour review (HAI) Issues in legal scholarship (COLMAN) Israel journal of plant sciences (BGU) Journal of American history (Bloomington, Ind.) (HAI) Journal of biomolecular structure and dynamics (WIS) Journal of cosmology and astroparticle physics (OPENU) Journal of curriculum studies (WIS) Journal of educational technology systems (TEC) Journal of geometry (HAI) Journal of heart valve disease (TEC) Journal of intellectual and developmental disability (HAI) Journal of international economic law (Oxford: 1998) (COLMAN) Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (HAI) Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology (HAI) Journal of tort law (COLMAN) Law & ethics of human rights (COLMAN) Legal studies (London) (COLMAN) Medical law review (COLMAN) Modern law review (COLMAN) Nature communications (BGU) OTJR : occupation, participation and health (HAI) Oxford journal of legal studies (COLMAN) Perception (Ottawa) (HAI) Proceedings of the IEEE (HAI) Psychosomatic medicine (HAI) Public administration (Vilnius) (BGU) Rendiconti del Circolo matematico di Palermo (HAI) Review of law & economics (COLMAN) Revue philosophique de Louvain (HAI) Statistics & risk modeling (HAI) Statute law review (COLMAN) Studies in ethics, law, and technology (COLMAN) Theological studies (HAI) Transnational dispute management (COLMAN) Transnational legal theory (COLMAN) Urban geography (HAI) USA today (HAI)