Contact: Susan Mendenhall Director of Resource Development Arts United of Greater Fort Wayne, Inc. 300 E. Main Street Fort Wayne, IN 46802 (260) 424-0646 NEIGHBORHOOD GRANT INITIATIVE Grant Guidelines Grant Cycle 2014 (Projects occurring between July 1, 2013 and June 30, 2014) CONTENTS Program Overview ....................................................................................................................................................2 Request Guidelines ...............................................................................................................................................2 Grant Timeline .......................................................................................................................................................3 Proper Crediting of Arts United ............................................................................................................................3 Concept Paper Instructions ......................................................................................................................................4 Full Application Instructions .....................................................................................................................................5 Final Report Instructions ..........................................................................................................................................6 Support Materials .....................................................................................................................................................7 Cover Page Template ............................................................................................................................................7 Project Demographics Template ..........................................................................................................................8 Project Budget Template ......................................................................................................................................9 Public Art Questionnaire.................................................................................................................................... 10 ARTS UNITED NEIGHBORHOOD GRANT INITIATIVE GUIDELINES PAGE 2 PROGRAM OVERVIEW The Neighborhood Grant Initiative supports the diverse and unique arts and cultural activities happening within northeast Indiana’s neighborhoods and corridors. We believe that increased access to the arts is essential to building strong and vibrant communities. The Neighborhood Grant Initiative is made possible in part through a partnership with JPMorgan Chase Foundation. Request Guidelines Qualified Applicants Applicants must be located in a northeast Indiana county: Adams, Allen, DeKalb, Huntington, Kosciusko, LaGrange, Miami, Noble, Steuben, Wabash, Wells and Whitley. Applicants must have an IRS 501(c)3 tax exempt status or fiscal sponsor with that status. Both arts and non-arts organizations can apply. Religious organizations with a 501(c)3 tax exempt status may apply for projects of a secular nature only. Eligible Requests Grant funds must be used to support a project or project phase that occurs between July 1, 2013 and June 30, 2014. Grant requests may be up to $2,000. Grant requests must be matched by other funding sources. Up to 50% of the match can be inkind support. Grant funds cannot be used for salaries of current staff. Grant funds cannot support projects retroactively. Panel review and award process: A volunteer committee will review all grant applications and recommend select projects for grant awards. The Arts United Board of Directors will vote to approve the panel’s recommendations during its June meeting. Priority will be given to the following: Projects that provide free or increased access to arts and culture for targeted audience(s); New projects from past applicants and first-time applicants; and Projects that incorporate an entrepreneurial or innovative approach. The following applications will not be considered: Projects that received an FY2013 Neighborhood Grant; Requests for general operating support; or Handwritten concept papers or applications. ARTS UNITED NEIGHBORHOOD GRANT INITIATIVE GUIDELINES PAGE 3 Grant Timeline Step 1. Concept Paper due Date March 1, 2013 2. Full Application due April 1, 2013 3. Grant review panel meets May 2013 4. Arts United Board of Directors reviews the grant recommendations of the review panel June 2013 5. Arts United announces grant awards and sends grant agreements to successful applicants July 2013 6. Signed grant agreement due September 30, 2013 7. Arts United disburses first grant payment (75% of grant award) Thirty days before project begins 8. Final report due Six weeks after project completion 9. Arts United disburses final payment (25% of grant award) Upon receipt of the final report Proper Crediting of Arts United All recipients of Neighborhood Grants must credit Arts United by including the Arts United logo on promotional materials and with the following written or spoken phrase: “This program is made possible in part by funding from Arts United.” ARTS UNITED NEIGHBORHOOD GRANT INITIATIVE GUIDELINES PAGE 4 CONCEPT PAPER INSTRUCTIONS Using no more than one page, please write a brief description of your proposed arts project. Concept papers may be submitted by US Postal Service, email or hand delivery. Please include the following information: Title of project Name and address of applicant organization Contact person’s name, phone number, and email address Estimated start and end dates of project Total project budget amount and grant amount requested Brief narrative: o Describe your project. o Who is your target audience, and how will your project benefit them? o Does the project incorporate free or increased access to the arts for the target audience(s), and how? o Explain how the project is new, innovative and/or entrepreneurial. ARTS UNITED NEIGHBORHOOD GRANT INITIATIVE GUIDELINES PAGE 5 FULL APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS Please submit seven typewritten copies of your application. Do not use staples or binding. A Concept Paper must be approved by Arts United staff before an organization can submit a full application. All grant recipients will be required to file a final grant report within six weeks following the completion of the project. Full Application Checklist Cover Page – Please use template on page 7. Project Narrative – Answer the following questions in order using no more than three pages and no less than size 11 font. 1. Briefly describe your organization’s mission, vision, and history. 2. Describe the proposed neighborhood art project in detail. How do you plan to use this grant to support your program? 3. Identify the artists and partners who are involved in the planning, implementation, and evaluation of your project. 4. Explain how the project will benefit the community. Who is your target audience and how will they participate? 5. This grant initiative aims to support new, entrepreneurial and innovative projects that provide free or increased access to arts and cultural activities. Explain how your project meets these objectives. 6. How will you evaluate the project? 7. Have you presented this type of project in the past? If so, what were your successes and challenges? If not, what do you see as the major benefits and challenges of your project? Support Materials o Estimated project demographics – Please use template on page 8. o Project budget – Please use template on page 9. o Current annual operating budget o IRS 501(c)(3) determination letter - If you are working with a fiscal sponsor, include the sponsor organization’s IRS 501(c)(3) determination letter. o Temporary Public Art Questionnaire –Only required for public art installations. See page 10. ARTS UNITED NEIGHBORHOOD GRANT INITIATIVE GUIDELINES PAGE 6 FINAL REPORT INSTRUCTIONS Please submit one typed copy of your final report within six weeks following the completion of the project. Final reports must include documentation of the project and evidence of proper crediting of Arts United. You may submit copies of photos, your program or promotional materials. Final reports may be submitted by US Postal Service, email or hand delivery. Final Report Checklist Cover Page – Please use template on page 7. Final Report Narrative – Answer the following questions in order using no more than one page and no less than size 11 font. 1. Describe your project and tell us about your successes and challenges. 2. Describe the level of participation from your targeted audience(s). 3. Describe how you evaluated the project’s success. Do you plan to repeat the project in the future based on your evaluation? 4. Briefly summarize how the grant funds were used. Please explain any changes from the description given in the original grant application. Support Materials o Final project demographics – Please use template on page 8. o Final project budget – Please use template on page 9. o Evidence of proper crediting of Arts United ARTS UNITED NEIGHBORHOOD GRANT INITIATIVE GUIDELINES PAGE 7 SUPPORT MATERIALS Cover Page Template ORGANIZATION INFORMATION Organization’s Legal Name Street Address City, State Zip Website Federal Identification Number Contact Name Contact Phone Contact E-Mail Address Fiscal Sponsor (if applicable) Fiscal Sponsor Contact Name Fiscal Sponsor Phone Fiscal Sponsor Email PROJECT OVERVIEW Title of Project Start Date End Date Total Project Budget Neighborhood Grant Request Total Number of Arts Activities Total Number of People Served AGREEMENT AND SIGNATURE The undersigned certifies that he/she is a principal officer of the organization and certifies that the information contained in this application is true and correct, and that the expenditures will be incurred solely for the purpose of the above grant and that the organization will comply with the Neighborhood Grant Agreement. Name of Authorizing Official Title of Authorizing Official Signature Date ARTS UNITED NEIGHBORHOOD GRANT INITIATIVE GUIDELINES PAGE 8 Project Demographics Template Please include the number of project participants in each category. Patrons Demographics American Indian/Alaskan Native Asian Black/African American Hispanic/Latino Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander White (non-Hispanic) Two or more races TOTAL Total children (under 18) Total adults (18 - 64) Total seniors (65 +) TOTAL Low- and moderate-income children Low- and moderate-income adults Low- and moderate-income seniors TOTAL Adams County residents Allen County residents DeKalb County residents Huntington County residents Kosciusko County residents LaGrange County residents Miami County residents Noble County residents Steuben County residents Wabash County residents Wells County residents Whitley County residents Other residents TOTAL Artists Board Volunteers Staff ARTS UNITED NEIGHBORHOOD GRANT INITIATIVE GUIDELINES PAGE 9 Project Budget Template Projected project expenses 1. Applicant cash & other funds $ Value of in-kind support $ Arts United grant request $ = Total $ 2. 3. TOTAL EXPENSES Total inTotal paid kind Total grant by applicant: support: requested: _________ +_________ + ________ Total project budget: = _______ Please explain your project expenses, in order of line item, breaking down the amounts into units. For example, “Line item 1 - We will purchase 10 easels at $8 each for a total of $80.” You may use an additional page if necessary. ARTS UNITED NEIGHBORHOOD GRANT INITIATIVE GUIDELINES PAGE 10 Public Art Questionnaire Temporary public art installations will be considered for Neighborhood Grants. If your program includes temporary public art, please submit the Public Art Questionnaire with your Full Application. Temporary Public Art is defined as: Art that is installed in a host building/venue, on public property, or exterior of a home or building where the public has access to view and enjoy it. Art is made of materials that can be sustained and maintained in the environment in which the public art is installed, for the length of time proposed in the application. Art is moveable in that it is easily relocated or dismantled once the host location can no longer provide space. Questions: 1. Is it esthetically appropriate to the neighborhood and larger community? 2. Is it temporary and moveable? How long will it be showing? Describe the materials and plan for construction and dismantlement. 3. Is the location approved? List the owners of the property/venue and describe how you obtained permissions. 4. Is the property/venue public or private? If public, have legal requirements related to installation permits been explored? Is there any likelihood that permits to install the piece might be denied? If property is privately owned, do you have written permissions from the property owner? What is the lifespan of the installation? How will you ensure safe and timely installation and dismantlement? 5. Does the installation or removal of the piece damage permanent elements of the setting? What restoration of the location might be necessary at the piece’s removal? 6. How will liability related to the installation be managed? Through existing policies on the property? Through supplemental insurance? Is there any potential for injury at all? 7. Who is responsible for upkeep and maintenance of the installation? Is the cost for maintenance reasonable and included in the grant application? If not, how will it be funded? 8. Does the piece, when physically accessible to the public, pose any potential physical harm or risk of injury to visitors/viewers/abusers? What level of risk is involved? Is the piece resistant to possible/reasonably expected vandalism or abuse potential? Please note that depending on your project, further documentation may be requested by Arts United.