Master Plan Module III Facilitator`s Guide

Overview of the
EL Master Plan
Module 3:
Standard English Learners
and Program Monitoring,
Evaluation and Accountability
All Levels
EL Master Plan
Time Frame:
1 hr.
Module Summary
The “Big Ideas”
The EL Master Plan was revised due to a voluntary agreement
between LAUSD and the Department of Education’s Office for
Civil Rights.
The purpose and the structure of the Master Plan as well as the
roles and responsibilities that everyone will have in the
By the end of this training module, participants should be able to:
 To become familiar with Chapter 4 of the new Master Plan its
purpose and its structure
 To recognize their role in the implementation of the Master
Presenter’s Activities
to Support this
During this training, the presenter will engage participants in
 Group Discussion
 Cooperative Activities
 Think-Pair-Share
 Reflection
Tools and Materials
 PowerPoint slides
 Access Strategies
 Chart paper
 Master Plan
Facilitator’s Guide EL Master Plan Module 3
(1 minute)
Presentation Points
Supporting Materials
 Introduce yourself and review
objectives for the session.
 Display and read the title Slide.
 Display Slide #2 and go over
the objectives set out for the
 Explain that Module 3
addresses Standard English
Learners and Program
Monitoring, Evaluation and
Who are Standard
English Learners?
Display Slide #3.
Explain that we will learn about
the identification and
instructional strategies for
Standard English Learners.
Display Slide #4.
Read the definition of Standard
English Learners.
Share that SELs all speak rulegoverned languages that are
characteristically different from
Standard English in structure
and form.
(2 minutes)
Facilitator’s Guide EL Master Plan Module 3
Purpose of identification
of SELs
Presentation Points
Supporting Materials
 Display and read Slide #5.
(2 minutes)
 Display Slide #6.
 Explain that two types of
screening are required to
identify students who would
most directly benefit from
intervention: linguistic screening
and academic screening.
 Explain that after linguistic
screening is conducted,
teachers identify academic
areas of performance that are
below proficient for each
Probable SEL. Probable SELs
are then recommended for
Mainstream English Language
Development intervention and
 Display and read Slide #7.
 There are five AEMP
Accelerated Academies that will
become demo schools.
AEMP Accelerated Academies - Demo Schools
There are 5 demo schools that are in the early implementation
stage of Chapter 4 which includes using linguistic screeners to
identify probable SELs.
North ESC – Nevada Elementary
South ESC – Manchester Elementary
East ESC – Lizarraga Elementary
West ESC – 74th Street Elementary
ISIC – YES Academy
**Image of Screener is for
presenters reference only**
Facilitator’s Guide EL Master Plan Module 3
Table Talk
(8 minutes)
Presentation Points
 Display Slide #8 and ask
participants to read this
scenario individually.
 Ask participants to discuss the
two questions that follow and
be prepared to share out.
 Possible answers:
Supporting Materials
While reviewing the academic performance of a student, the
Student Success Team notices a pattern of low performance
in ELA. Upon reviewing the student writing samples, the
coach/coordinator highlights the following grammatical
pattern used in the student’s writing:
Mexican American Language:
“I didn’t have no birthday party or nothing.”
Standard English:
“I didn’t have a birthday party, or anything at all.”
The coach/coordinator mentions it as the use of multiple
negation in writing.
• What questions may arise in this conversation?
• What possible Tier 1 instructional strategies might
benefit the student?
They might ask if the student is
receiving MELD instruction or if
the student has had a linguistic
screening. They may also ask
about the student’s CST
Possible Tier 1 instructional
strategies that would benefit the
student are using the Access
Culturally and
Responsive Education –
(10 minutes)
 Display and read Slide #9 and
state that these are the 6
Access Strategies utilized to
provide access to core content
for SELs.
 Read each Access Strategy.
 Say “Notice that there are two
additional strategies
recommended for SELs. They
are Making Cultural
Connections and Contrastive
 Display and read Slide #10.
 Explain that the definition of
Culturally Responsive
Pedagogy comes from the
research of Dr. Geneva Gay.
 Highlight that the added
clarification was written into the
new Master Plan.
Facilitator’s Guide EL Master Plan Module 3
Presentation Points
Supporting Materials
 Display and read Slide #11
 Explain that MELD is an
instructional accommodation
that utilizes SDAIE to make
content more comprehensible
and accessible for SELs.
 Display Slide #12
(3 minutes)
 Engage participants in a ThinkPair-Share to answer questions
and to share next steps.
Learner Objectives
 Display Slide #13 Say “Now
we’ll discuss Chapter 6
Monitoring, Evaluation and
Accountability and read the
(2 minutes)
Monitoring, Evaluation
and Accountability
(5 minutes)
 Display Slide #14 and go over
the objectives set out for the
 Display Slide #15 and read
each bullet.
Facilitator’s Guide EL Master Plan Module 3
Presentation Points
Supporting Materials
 Display Slide #16 and go over
the evaluation and
accountability goals. Inform
participants that the first 3 goals
will be measured annually and
the District will regularly
evaluate progress on goals 4-8
using a prioritization system.
Table Talk
 Display Slide #17
(15 minutes)
 Ask participants to identify 1
goal where their work directly
impacts the outcome.
Evaluation and Accountability Goals
Identify 1 goal for which your work directly
impacts the outcome.
 Display Slide #18
 Ask participants to silently read
the text on pages 114-118 and
mark the “AHA” moments.
Read, Reflect and Share:
Program Goals, Evaluation Questions and
Members of the triad will read the text on pages 114-118 silently
and note the "AHA" moments, which could be words, phrases,
or sentences that have meaning to you.
Use these symbols to mark the "AHA" moments:
Ideas that are new for you or said in a new
way that you had not previously considered
Ideas that do not align with your experiences
or that you would like to explore further
Ideas that you agree with or that you think
are significant to the group
 Display Slide #19 Ask
participants to each share an
“AHA” moment with their triad.
Then return participants to a
whole group discussion and
have them reflect and share out
answers to the questions.
Read, Reflect and Share:
Program Goals, Evaluation Questions and
 While the triad listens, each person shares an
"AHA" moment that relates to the text for 1
uninterrupted minute, until everyone has shared at
least one moment.
Whole group discussion
 How will the measurement of these goals
1) guide staff towards performance, and
2) result in student achievement?
 What is your role in this work?
Adapted from UCLA SMP & NSRF Critical Friends Group Protocols
Implementation and
strengthening programs
(1 minute)
 Display and read Slide #20.
 Data is meant to be used in
different ways and for different
purposes depending on the
level of use.
 For example at the site level the
data would be used during
grade level or department
Facilitator’s Guide EL Master Plan Module 3
Presentation Points
Supporting Materials
meetings while at the Service
Center level the data would be
used to monitor individual
(10 minutes)
 Display Slide #21 Say “LAUSD
is committed to supporting ELs.
We all have the responsibility to
ensure that the needs of ELs
are met from the classroom
teacher to the superintendent.
To see a full description of how
each of these stakeholders are
accountable for ELs see pgs.
130-138 of the Master Plan.
 Display Slide #22 and go over
the accountability measures.
 Read the STATS Model in
 Display Slide #23 and point out
the Proficiency areas for
English Learners.
 Have participants Think-PairShare what aspects of their
work contributes to the outcome
of these measures?
LAUSD Performance Meter
Performance Meter Metrics for English Learners
⃰ AMAO 1 refers to the percent of ELs making the equivalent of one year growth/one ELD level as
indicated by performance on the California English Language Development Test (CELDT).
⃰ To decrease the number of LTELs we need to improve instruction and increase reclassification.
What aspects of your work contribute most
to the outcomes of these measures?
 Display Slide #24 to give
participants an overview of the
accountability measures
performance classifications and
Facilitator’s Guide EL Master Plan Module 3
Presentation Points
Supporting Materials
 Display Slide #25 and read the
accountability measures.
 Display Slide #26 and inform
participants of staff members
who are accountable for the
implementation of instruction.
Accountability Measures
Accountability for Implementation of
Instruction (pages 130-138)
 Includes Teachers, through Local
Educational Service Center and Central
Office personnel
 Bulleted list of duties required of each
individual in the implementation of the
Master Plan
 Display Slide #27 and have
participants read pages 130138 of the Master Plan and find
their role and responsibility in
the implementation of the
Master Plan. Then have them
discuss the duties of other
individuals with someone from
their group.
Reciprocal Roles of Accountability and Support
 Read pages 130-138 and find your role and
responsibilities in the implementation of the
Master Plan.
 Based on the listed duties of other individuals,
 Identify one or more people who will support you in
carrying out your responsibilities.
 Identify the person who will hold you accountable
for your role in the implementation of the Master
 Share your findings with someone who has a
role similar to yours.
Three Balloons
 Display Slide #28 and read the
3 bullets.
• Imagine that you have three balloons, and on
each one there is space to write one word or
phrase that captures an important idea from
today’s work.
• Record your ideas.
• Report to group.
(1 minute)
 Display Slide #29 and read
“When you know better you do better.”
― Maya Angelou
Facilitator’s Guide EL Master Plan Module 3
Facilitator’s Guide EL Master Plan Module 3