Word - 262KB - Department of the Environment

Australian Government

ICT Sustainability Plan 2010-2015

Mandatory Environmental Standards


Environmental Standard 6 (ES6)

ICT Suppliers and Environmental Management



PART 1: GUIDELINES .................................................................................................................. 2

INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................ 2

THE STANDARD ........................................................................................................................ 2

S UPPLIER OPTIONS – ALIGNMENT OR CERTIFICATION ................................................................................. 2

PURPOSE OF THIS STANDARD ................................................................................................... 3

WHEN DOES THIS STANDARD APPLY ......................................................................................... 3

DEFINITIONS AND INTERPRETING THIS STANDARD .................................................................... 3

ISO 14001:2004 AND E NVIRONMENTAL M ANAGEMENT S YSTEMS ............................................................ 3

S COPE OF ES6 IN ICT PROCUREMENT ..................................................................................................... 3

ISO 14001 EMS CERTIFICATION ........................................................................................................... 4

APPLYING THE STANDARD IN ICT PROCUREMENT ..................................................................... 4

T ENDER PHASE .................................................................................................................................... 4

T ENDER EVALUATION PHASE .................................................................................................................. 4

C ONTRACT PHASE – NEGOTIATION , IMPLEMENTATION AND REVIEW ............................................................. 5

C HECKLIST FOR EVALUATING EMS PROCUREMENT REQUIREMENT ............................................................... 5

COORDINATED PROCUREMENT ................................................................................................ 6

RECOMMENDED READING AND RESOURCES ............................................................................. 7

PART 2: ISO 14001 CHECKLIST FOR AGENCIES ............................................................................. 9

PURPOSE OF THE EMS CHECKLIST ............................................................................................. 9

USING THE EMS CHECKLIST ....................................................................................................... 9

G LOSSARY OF KEY EMS TERMS ............................................................................................................ 10

ISO 14001 EMS CHECKLIST ...................................................................................................... 11

ICT Sustainability Plan – ES6 Guidelines, Part 1 1 6/2011



1: G



The Australian Government ICT Sustainability Plan 2010-2015 (ICT Sustainability Plan) introduces a number of strategies and actions aimed at assisting agencies to better manage the environmental performance and impacts of the information and communications technology (ICT) they procure and use.

Section 2 of the ICT Sustainability Plan focuses on improving sustainable ICT procurement within Australian Government agencies, given the government is a major consumer of ICT products and services. It introduces six mandatory environmental standards into ICT procurement processes to establish minimum levels of environmental performance for relevant ICT acquisitions. These standards also signal to suppliers and manufacturers the

Australian G overnment’s intentions for improved ICT sustainability practices.

This is also supported by the Department of Finance and Deregulation’s guidance on the principles and practices of incorporating sustainability when purchasing for the Australian


1 The sustainability guidance is under the Procurement Policy Framework , which establishes the Government’s expectation for all departments and agencies when performing duties in relation to procurement.

2 It also governs how agencies procure property or services and reinforces the fundamental procurement principle of value for money.

The standard

The following guidelines have been developed to help agencies, and suppliers, to understand and apply Environmental Standard 6 - ES6 (Box 1) within the context of ICT procurement in Australian Government operations.

Box 1: ICT Sustainability Plan – ES6 Extract

Adoption by suppliers of an environmental management system (EMS) aligned to the ISO 14001 standard.

Note: this requirement does not require certification to the ISO 14001 standard.

Supplier options – alignment or certification

Agencies are required to ensure that ICT suppliers meet one of the following options at the completion of contract negotiations. The supplier: a. has an EMS certified to ISO 14001, or b. has an EMS aligned to ISO 14001, or c. agrees to align business processes to the ISO 14001 standard within six months of contract signing if they do not have an aligned/certified EMS and are successful in securing a contract.

Suppliers must maintain EMS certification or alignment to ISO 14001 for the duration of the contract.

An EMS is certified to ISO 14001 when the system has been formally audited and verified by an independent third-party certification body.

An EMS is aligned to ISO 14001 when the elements of the standard have been implemented and documented and the organisation self-declares that the system meets the requirements of the standard.


Incorporating Sustainability www.finance.gov.au/procurement/procurement-policy-and-guidance/buying/policyframework/incorporating-sustainability/principles.html


Procurement Policy Framework www.finance.gov.au/procurement/procurement-policy-and-guidance/buying/index.html

ICT Sustainability Plan – ES6 Guidelines, Part 1 2 6/2011

Purpose of this standard

The purpose of ES6 is to ensure that suppliers of ICT products and services to Australian

Government agencies are committed to addressing the possible environmental impacts of their operations.

Responsible suppliers are already addressing environmental management issues through an

EMS. In some cases smaller suppliers have implemented ISO 14001 EMS at the request of larger companies so as to remain in the supply chain.

To support these efforts, to further encourage industry adoption of EMS and to minimise and/or mitigate the impact of ICT on the environment, the Australian Government is introducing this mandatory environmental standard into ICT procurement processes.

When does this standard apply

Agencies are to apply this environmental standard in procurement processes and documentation from July 2010.

Definitions and interpreting this standard

ISO 14001:2004 and Environmental Management Systems

The standard ISO 14001:2004 Environmental

Management Systems - Requirement with

Guidance for Use sets out a framework for environmental management systems to assist organisations to better manage the impact if their activities on the environment.


The framework is based on a

‘Plan-Do-Check-Act’ cycle and specifies the most important requirements to identify, control and monitor the environmental aspects of an organisation.

An ‘environmental management system’ or EMS is the part of an organisation’s management system used to develop and implement its environmental policy and manage its environmental aspects (ISO 14001, 3.8).

The International Organization for

Standards (ISO) is an international non-governmental organisation composed of a network of national standards bodies from 160 countries, including Australia.

ISO members agree on content and approve international standards before they are published.

ISO standards are published documents that set out specifications and procedures to ensure products, services, technologies, processes and systems are safe, reliable and perform in a consistent manner. ISO 14001 is the first in the ISO

14000 family of environmental management standards.

As such, an EMS is focused on identifying and continuously improving an organisation’s environmental position and performance.

Part 2 of these Guidelines includes a checklist of the key elements of an environmental management system (EMS) for the purpose of complying with ES6. The EMS Checklist will assist agencies to assess whether the EMS of prospective suppliers is aligned to ISO 14001.

Part 2 also includes a glossary of key EMS terms.

Scope of ES6 in ICT procurement

ES6 is relevant to ICT procurements covered by current Australian Government Information

Management Office (AGIMO) arrangements such as the Australian Government

Telecommunications Arrangements (AGTA), SourceIT and Government Information

Technology and Communications (GITC4) model contracts including 4 :


ISO 14001:2004 Environmental Management Systems - Requirement with Guidance for Use www.iso.org/iso/iso_catalogue/catalogue_ics/catalogue_detail_ics.htm?csnumber=31807 .


ICT Procurement www.finance.gov.au/procurement/ict-procurement/index.html


ICT Sustainability Plan – ES6 Guidelines, Part 1 3 6/2011

 Hardware Acquisition and Support

 License and Support of Commercial off-the-shelf Software, and

 License of Commercial off-the-shelf Software (without support).

This standard does not apply to ICT contractors engaged through a recruitment firm or on short term consultancies. These contractors and consultants are subject to requirements of an agency’s EMS. Consequently, an agency’s EMS must include all types of contractors in its scope and a requirement for contractors to comply with the agency’s EMS should be incorporated into engagement documentation. The agency must provide relevant information about its EMS to contractors.

ISO 14001 EMS certification

Many organisations choose to proceed beyond alignment with the ISO 14001 standard to achieve certification of their EMS. A gap analysis followed by an independent (third party) certification audit is required to obtain certification. Organisations, particularly small and medium enterprises, are advised to research the process carefully in order to make an informed business decision about the benefits and costs of EMS certification.

As indicated earlier, ISO 14001 certification of an organisation’s EMS is not a mandatory requirement for ICT suppliers under the Australian Government ICT Sustainability Plan

2010-2015 .

Applying the standard in ICT procurement

Agencies are required to incorporate ES6 into their ICT procurement processes when they approach the market for ICT products or services. The options outlined above must be considered during the different phases of the procurement process when engaging an ICT supplier.

The following provides further information on the aspects to be considered during the various phases of the ICT procurement process.

Tender phase

Agencies must incorporate ES6 into tender request documentation. The way in which the requirements are included will depend on the type and method of ICT procurement being undertaken.

Agencies can advise prospective ICT suppliers of the ES6 requirements through information included in tender request documents such as:

 conditions for participation.

 statement of requirements/works.

 draft contract.

 a draft supplier declaration – in which the supplier agrees to align business processes to ISO 14001 within six months of contract signing.

Tender evaluation phase

Agencies must ensure that evaluation criteria in the tender evaluation plan consider the following scenarios:

Scenario 1 a) Prospective ICT suppliers that indicate they have current certification under ISO

14001:2004, or one of the following alternative schemes, will automatically comply with this ES6:

Eco-Management and Auditing Scheme (EMAS) 5


EU Eco-Management and Auditing Scheme (EMAS) http://ec.europa.eu/environment/emas/index_en.htm

ICT Sustainability Plan – ES6 Guidelines, Part 1 4 6/2011

Enviro-MarkNZ (Diamond status) 6 b) The supplier must provide current evidence of certification.

Scenario 2 a) Prospective ICT suppliers that indicate they are aligned to ISO 14001 must demonstrate this and the agency will need to assess them for compliance. b) The “ISO 14001 EMS Checklist” that forms part of these Guidelines (see Part 2 below) will assist agencies with their assessment. c) In some cases a prospective supplier may have had an EMS gap analysis by an external consultant against the ISO 14001 standard and choose not to proceed with a certification audit. If a recent gap analysis has been conducted it may provide assistance to both the prospective supplier and agency as part of their assessment. d) Agencies may need to seek clarification from suppliers through follow-up questions where the evidence provided is insufficient.

Scenario 3 a) Prospective ICT suppliers that indicate they do not have an EMS aligned to

ISO 14001 will need to agree to align their business processes to the standard within six months of contract signing if they are successful in their bid. b) Agencies will need to make an initial evaluation as to whether the prospective supplier has the commitment and capability to meet this requirement within the six months. c) The agency may consider requiring the ICT supplier to sign a declaration indicating commitment to align business processes to ISO 14001 within six months.

Contract phase

– negotiation, implementation and review

The contract must indicate that where the supplier is certified or aligned to ISO 14001, the

EMS alignment or certification must be maintained to the ISO 14001 standard over the full contract period.

The contract must indicate that if the supplier is not EMS certified or aligned to ISO 14001 the supplier must: i. develop and implement an EMS aligned or certified to ISO 14001 within six months of contract signing ii. provide evidence of EMS development progress and implementation during agency/supplier contract meetings, and iii. maintain alignment/certification over the contract period.

Agencies include a clause in contracts requiring the supplier to advise the agency if a change in the supplier’s EMS status is going to occur or occurs during the contract period.

Failure to continue to have business systems aligned to ISO 14001 be included in the contract as a reason for termination.

Checklist for evaluating EMS procurement requirement

An EMS Checklist is provided in Part 2 below to assist agencies to assess whether a prospective ICT supplier ’s EMS incorporates the key elements required to be aligned to the

ISO 14001 standard for the purpose of meeting Environmental Standard 6. The EMS

Checklist is set out as a series of questions for the agency to consider against information/documentation provided by the prospective ICT suppliers. The checklist can also act as guidance to ICT suppliers as to the operational requirements necessary to align to the

ISO 14001 standard and comply with Environmental Standard 6.


Enviro-Mark NZ www.enviro-mark.co.nz

ICT Sustainability Plan – ES6 Guidelines, Part 1 5 6/2011

Coordinated Procurement

Coordinated procurement contracting is a government initiative to establish whole-ofgovernment arrangements for goods and services in common use to maximise market benefits and deliver efficiencies and savings. These arrangements are established by the

Department of Finance and Deregulation and FMA agencies are required to make purchases through these arrangements.

Agencies should regularly refer to the Whole-of-Government Procurement Contracts,

Arrangements and Initiatives section of the Department of Finance and Deregulation website

(www.finance.gov.au/procurement/wog-procurement/index.html) to review all current coordinated procurement arrangements relevant to ICT.

Agencies should be aware of the following coordinated procurement arrangements:

Desktop Hardware Panel

The Desktop Hardware and Associated Services Panel was established in October 2010.

The arrangement covers Desktop PCs, Workstation, Thin Clients, Notebooks/Laptops, and Monitors. Optional associated service to support the hardware, hardware implementation, management and disposal can also be procured through the panel.

Use of the panel is mandatory for FMA Act agencies.

Enquiries to ictprocurement@finance.gov.au

Major Office Machines Panels

The Major Office Machines Whole of Government Equipment and Support Panel was established on 19 April 2011. The arrangements cover three categories of ICT equipment and support including maintenance and consumables (excluding paper):

Category 1 - network printers category 2 - multi-function Devices, and

Category 3 - scanners.

Use of the panel is mandatory for FMA Act agencies.

Enquiries to momcontract@finance.gov.au

or (02) 6215 2264.

Stationery and Office Supplies

On 29 November 2010, the Government agreed to establish a whole-of-government coordinated procurement arrangement for Stationery and Office Supplies for FMA Act agencies. The approach to the market will be advertised on AusTender, the Australian

Government's central procurement information system.

Enquiries to sosimplementation@finance.gov.au

or (02) 6215 2816.

Telecommunications Commodities, Carriage and Associated Services Panel

The Telecommunications Commodities, Carriage and Associated Services Panel was established In January 2011. The arrangement covers those wireless products and services, purchased from telecommunications carriers and suppliers including: mobile voice and data services including SIM cards (Carriage) mobile handsets, Smartphone handsets and mobile broadband modems (Devices) and accessories, and

 services associated with the above (Associated Services).

Use of the panel is mandatory for FMA Act agencies.

Enquiries to ictprocurement@finance.gov.au


Further references relating to procurement by agencies can be found below under

‘recommended reading and resources’.

ICT Sustainability Plan – ES6 Guidelines, Part 1 6 6/2011

Recommended reading and resources

Sustainable ICT and Procurement

Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities, Australian

Government ICT Sustainability Plan 2010-2015 www.environment.gov.au/sustainability/government/ictplan/index.html


Department of Finance and Deregulation, Green ICT Procurement Toolkit, June 2010 - includes commentary and advice in relation to the use of the RFT and contractual clauses, www.finance.gov.au/e-government/strategy-and-governance/sustainable-ict/green-ICT-procurementtoolkit.html


Department of Finance and Deregulation, “ICT Procurement” www.finance.gov.au/procurement/ict-procurement/index.html

– includes information on ICT procurement by agencies including the Government Information Technology and

Communications contracting framework (GITC4) and SourceIT model contracts.

Department of Finance and Deregulation, “Procurement Policy and Guidance” – links to key

Government procurement guidelines, www.finance.gov.au/procurement/procurement-policy-and-guidance/index.html


Department of Finance and Deregulation , “Whole-of-Government Procurement” – includes information on mandatory coordinated procurement arrangements related to ICT and associated consumables, www.finance.gov.au/procurement/wog-procurement/index.html


Department of Finance and Deregulation, Feb. 2009, Selling to the Australian Government:

A Guide for Business, www.finance.gov.au/procurement/index.html


Environmental Management Systems

A small selection of websites with useful information on the ISO 14001:2004 standard and on implementing/assessing an organisation’s EMS is provided below. Agencies and suppliers may find it helpful to search online for other relevant information.

Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities, EMS for

Office Based Organisations, www.environment.gov.au/sustainability/government/ems/index.html


International Organization for Standardization (ISO), www.iso.org


ISO 14001:2004 Environmental Management Systems - Requirement with Guidance for

Use, www.iso.org/iso/iso_catalogue/catalogue_ics/catalogue_detail_ics.htm?csnumber=31807 .

ISO 14000 Essentials - information about the family of environmental management standards to which ISO 14001 belongs, www.iso.org/iso/iso_14000_essentials .

ISO 14001 Environmental Management Systems – An easy-to-use checklist for small business – Are you ready?

– a new tool for small and medium enterprises which includes a handbook and CD, www.iso.org/iso/iso_catalogue/management_and_leadership_standards/environmental_managemen t/iso_14001_2000_and_smes.htm


Eco-Management and Auditing Scheme (EMAS), ec.europa.eu/environment/emas/index_en.htm


Enviro-MarkNZ (Diamond status) www.enviro-mark.co.nz


Environmental Management Systems Association, 2010, What is an EMS, http://ems.asn.au/about/ems/ .

Environmental Management Systems Association, 2010, Terms and Definitions , http://ems.asn.au/about/ems/glossary.htm


Graham A Brown and Associates, Checklist for Environmental Policy Conformance to ISO

14001:2004 (2005) and Environmental Management System AS/NZS ISO 14001:2004 Gap

Analysis (2009), www.grahamabrown.com.au/page.asp?pID=65 .

NCSI, 2006, NCSI ISO 14001:2004 Self Assessment Checklist, www.ncsi.com.au/downloads/ISO14001SelfAssChecklist(E0008).pdf


ICT Sustainability Plan – ES6 Guidelines, Part 1 7 6/2011

Guidance Materials for the ICT Sustainability Plan

The following suite of guidance materials has been prepared to assist Australian Government agencies and the ICT industry to understand the requirement of the Australian Government’s

ICT Sustainability Plan. They can be found on the Australian Government ICT Sustainability website www.environment.gov.au/sustainability/government/ictplan/index.html

. Agencies can also access them on the ISAGA GovDex site www.govdex.gov.au/ (email sustainableict@environment.gov.au

to request access to GovDex).


Guideline 1 Environmental Standard 1: ICT equipment environmental standards

Guideline 2 Environmental Standard 2: ICT equipment and ENERGY STAR ®

Guideline 3 Environmental Standard 3: Product take-back, reuse and resource recovery

Guideline 4 Environmental Standard 4: Recycled content office copy paper

Guideline 5 Environmental Standard 5: Used packaging requirements

Guideline 6 Environmental Standard 6: ICT Suppliers and Environmental Management

Fact Sheets

Fact Sheet 1

Fact Sheet 2

Fact Sheet 3

Fact Sheet 4

Fact Sheet 5


Responsible suppliers

Evaluation measures and weightings for procurement

ICT Sustainability Scorecard

Strengthening agency management systems

Fact Sheet 6(a) EPEAT Silver or equivalent eco-labels

Fact Sheet 6(b) EPEAT Criteria

Fact Sheet 7 ICT Sustainability Initiatives

Fact Sheet 8

Fact Sheet 9

Incorporating sustainability principles and practices into procurement

Agency Actions

© Commonwealth of Australia 2011

This work is copyright. You may download, display, print and reproduce this material in unaltered form only (retaining this notice) for your personal, non-commercial use or use within your organisation.

Apart from any use as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, all other rights are reserved. Requests and enquiries concerning reproduction and rights should be addressed to Department of Sustainability,

Environment, Water, Populations and Communities, Public Affairs, GPO Box 787 Canberra ACT 2601 or email public.affairs@environment.gov.au


The views and opinions expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the Australian Government or the Minister for Sustainability, Environment, Water,

Population and Communities.

ICT Sustainability Plan – ES6 Guidelines, Part 1 8 6/2011

Australian Government

ICT Sustainability Plan 2010-2015

Mandatory Environmental Standards - GUIDELINES

Environmental Standard 6 (ES6):

ICT Suppliers and Environmental Management



2: ISO 14001 C


Purpose of the EMS Checklist

The EMS Checklist has been developed to:

1. Assist agencies during the tender evaluating process to determine whether a supplier, without a certified EMS, has a system which is at least aligned to ISO 14001 for the purpose of complying with Environmental Standard 6 (ES6).

2. Provide guidance to ICT suppliers as to the operational requirements and key elements necessary to align an EMS to the ISO 14001 standard and comply with ES6.

Using the EMS Checklist

The EMS Checklist incorporates key elements of the ISO 14001 standard to provide agencies with a framework for assessing the EMS of prospective ICT suppliers.

In making an assessment agencies should carefully consider not only whether the organisation has a documented environmental management policy, procedures and processes but also if there is evidence that its EMS has been put into action and is regularly reviewed and improved.

That is, there should be evidence that the organisation’s EMS is built around a

Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle that facilitates continuous improvement (see Figure 1 below).

Recommended preparation for agencies

 Purchase and read the

ISO 14001 standard, including Annex A

 Check out websites about

EMS implementation

 Be familiar with the key elements of an EMS

The checklist is set out as a series of questions focused on the key elements of an EMS.

Agencies can consider information/evidence provided by prospective ICT suppliers against each of these questions. Many agencies now have staff responsible for environmental management within their own agency and these officers may be a helpful resource in relation to understanding environmental management systems and the ISO 14001 standards.

The final row of the checklist provides a space for a final “assessment outcome” to be recorded along with any general assessment comments.

Agency disclaimer

It is important that agencies ensure that prospective ICT suppliers understand that in undertaking this assessment the agency is in no way endorsing, auditing or certifying a supplier’s EMS.

ICT Sustainability Plan - ES6 Guidelines, Part 2 9 6/2011

Continuous improvement

Figure 1: The PDCA cycle of an EMS Source: www.enviromanager.net

Glossary of key EMS terms

Agencies should become familiar with key environmental management systems terms, such as those listed below, and also the elements of the ISO 14001 standard.

Other definitions and information can be found in the text of the standard ISO 14001:2004

Environmental Management Systems - Requirement with Guidance for Use.

 ‘Environment’ – the surrounding in which an organisation operates, including air, water, land, natural resources, flora, fauna, humans, and their interrelation (ISO 14001, 3.5)

 ‘Environmental aspect’ - an element of an organisations activities, products or services that interacts with the environment (ISO 14001, 3.6)

 ‘Environmental impact’ - any change in the environment, whether adverse or beneficial, wholly or partially result ing from an organisation’s environmental aspects (ISO 14001, 3.7)

 ‘Environmental management system’ or EMS - the part of an organisation’s management system used to develop and implement its environmental policy and manage its environmental aspects (ISO 14001, 3.8)

 ‘Environmental objective’ – overall environmental goal, consistent with the environmental policy, that an organisation sets itself to achieve (ISO 14001, 3.9)

 ‘Environmental targets’ – detailed performance requirements, applicable to the organisation, that arises from the objectives and that needs to be set and met in order to achieve those objectives (ISO 14001, 3.12).

 ‘EMS scope’ – the boundaries of an organization to which its environmental management system applies. The boundaries may be the whole organization or specific operating units or locations. (Appendix A, A.1)


This guideline has been developed by the Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water,

Population and Communities to assist agencies to determine supplier compliance to

Environmental Standard 6 of the Australian Government ICT Sustainability Plan 2010-2015 .

It draws on the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) environmental standard:

ISO 14001:2004 Environmental Management Systems - Requirement with Guidance for Use and on other information available on the ISO website ( www.iso.org


ICT Sustainability Plan - ES6 Guidelines, Part 2 10 6/2011

ISO 14001 EMS Checklist


A. EMS SCOPE i. Is the scope of the organisation’s EMS clearly defined and documented, including environmental aspects and any exclusions?

B. ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY i. Does the organisation have an Environmental Policy? ii. Has the policy been endorsed by top management? iii. Is the policy publicly available? iv. Is the environmental policy:

relevant to the scope of the EMS?

appropriate to the nature and scale of the organisation? v. Does the policy include a commitment to:

continual improvement?

prevention of pollution?

compliance with relevant laws, regulations and other requirements relating to the organisation’s environmental aspects?

C. EVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS, IMPACTS and LEGAL OBLIGATIONS i. Does the organisation have procedures to identify the significant environmental aspects of its operations, document them and keep this information up to date? ii. Has the organisation established procedures to:

 identify laws, regulations and other requirements relevant to the organisation’s environmental aspects, document them and keep them current?

communicate these to relevant employees? iii. Does the organisation have procedures:

to identify potential emergency situations and accidents that can have environment impacts?

that cover emergency preparedness and response to these situations/accidents?

D. OBJECTIVES, TARGETS and PROGRAMS i. Has the organisation established environmental objectives and targets and documented them? ii. Has the organisation taken into account the significant environmental aspects as well as legal and other requirements when setting the objectives and targets? iii. Has the organisation established and implemented program(s), including designating responsibilities, time-frames and the means (eg. resources, procedures, work instructions), to achieve its objectives and targets?

E. A DOCUMENTED SYSTEM i. Does the organisation’s EMS documentation include:

the environmental policy, objectives, targets, and a description of the scope of the EMS?

a description of the main elements of the EMS and their interaction, and reference to related documents and records?

documents and records (eg. work instructions, maintenance manuals) for effective planning, operation and control of activities associated with its significant environmental aspects?

Comment / 

ICT Sustainability Plan - ES6 Guidelines, Part 2 11 6/2011

K EY E LEMENTS OF ISO 14001 ii. Has the organisation documented and implemented procedures for controlling EMS documents/records to ensure that they are current, accurate and easily accessible, including version control and maintenance of superseded and external documents?

Comment / 


allocated resources to establish, implement, maintain and improve the EMS?

defined, documented and communicated roles, responsibilities and authorities in relation to environmental management?

identified a management representative to report the EMS function and performance to top management?

G. AWARENESS, TRAINING and COMMUNICATION i. Has the organisation developed and implemented procedures and processes to:

communicate the environment policy to all employees?

inform all employees and contractors of the EMS and their role/contribution to the


identify general EMS awareness/training needs for all employees and managers, and ensure that employees involved in work that contributes to significant environmental aspects are trained?

communicate relevant requirements to suppliers, contractors and other external stakeholders regarding significant environmental aspects?

H. MONITORING, MEASUREMENT and REPORTING i. Has the organisation established and implemented procedures to review compliance with legal and other requirements? ii. Does the organisation have procedures/ processes that monitor, measure & report:

significant environmental aspects and impacts, operational controls and performance toward objectives & targets?

EMS non-conformances and corrective and preventative actions?

the planning and undertaking of internal audits, assessments, reviews or inspections, as well as selection of auditors and training?

I. MANAGEMENT REVIEW i. Does the organisation’s top management review the structure, performance and effectiveness of the EMS at regular intervals? ii. Do the management reviews:

identify and document opportunities for improvements and changes to the EMS?

consider the effectiveness of actions and recommendations resulting from prior management reviews?


ICT Sustainability Plan - ES6 Guidelines, Part 2 12 6/2011