Name_____________________ Block_________ Assigned Date 3/18/2014 Biome/Ecosystem Project Due: Wednesday, April 9 Purpose: To construct a visual display depicting one of Earth’s biomes (large ecosystems). Procedure: Build a scene (choose from the list on back) showing a specific biome – the biome will be assigned in class. You can draw, buy replicas (plastic toys), model with clay. NO LIVE SPECIMENS!!! You must include AT LEAST one producer, one herbivore (first level consumer), one carnivore (second level consumer), and one decomposer in your ecosystem. You need to label them – what is the animal/plant name and what its’ role is (niche), examples: oak tree/producer; antelope/herbivore; tiger/carnivore. If you include other plants or animals, they need to be labeled as well. On the back of your “Ecosystem Research” sheet you must include a food chain or web (if you have more than one food chain) of the plants and animals you chose to put in your project. Attached is the grading rubric which outlines exact expectations. This project will be three grades – one is the research information, the other is the visual display of the biome/ecosystem and the oral presentation. We will spend one day in the computer lab doing research for the project. The rest of the project is to be completed at home. You may look for additional information in encyclopedias, other reference books (there are several to check out in MOIS library or Mansfield Public Library), or an internet search. YOU HAVE THREE WEEKS TO COMPLETE THIS PROJECT! Don't wait until the last minute! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cut and Return to Ms. Turner by Friday, 3/21 Student’s Name___________________________________ I understand the directions and expectations for this project, and will support my son/daughter in completing it. ______________________________ Parent Signature/Date Choose one of the following to construct your biome: 1. Animoto 2. Prezi 3. Glogster 4. PowerPoint 5. Diorama (small shoe box) 6. Photo Album 7. Menu 8. Brochure 9. Your choice- MUST be approved by the teacher first! ***Use your creativity! You just need to make sure that it includes everything that is on the rubric! Remember, every project must also include something visual of the food chain or web. Name_________________________________Period___________ Biome/Ecosystem Grading Rubric Name of ecosystem clearly displayed (10 points) ______ Producer in the display (name and niche) (15 points) ______ Herbivore (name and niche) (15 points) ______ Carnivore (name and niche) (15 points) ______ Decomposer (name and niche) (15 points) ______ Food Chain or Web on back of “Biome” Sheet (5 points) ______ Neatness (display intact, easy to read, etc) (10 points) ______ Spelling (5 points) ______ Your name clearly displayed on ecosystem (10 points) ______ TOTAL POINTS _______ THIS PAGE MUST BE TURNED IN WITH YOUR PROJECT ALONG WITH YOUR RESEARCH SHEET. Name________________________________________Period________Date______________ Biome/Ecosystem Research A biome is a specific environment that's home to living things suited for that place and climate. An ecosystem is all the living things, from plants and animals to microscopic organisms, that share an environment. My ecosystem is__________________________. 1. In what location(s) is your ecosystem found? ______________________________________________________________________________ 2. What is the climate (average weather) in this ecosystem? Include all seasons. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 3. What does your ecosystem look like (wet, dry, lots or little plants and animals)? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 4. List 3 producers (specific) that can be found in your ecosystem. 1.___________________________________ 2.___________________________________ 3.___________________________________ 5. Give the niche for one of the producers you listed above. ________________________________________________________________________________ 6. List 5 consumers (specific) in your ecosystem and tell if they are an herbivore or carnivore. 1.________________________________________________________________________ 2.________________________________________________________________________ 3.________________________________________________________________________ 4.________________________________________________________________________ 5.________________________________________________________________________ 7. Give an example of 2 decomposers. 1.________________________________________________________________________ 2.________________________________________________________________________ 8. Give an example of a predator and prey you can find in your ecosystem. Predator - _______________________________________________________________ Prey - ____________________________________________________________________ 9. Draw two possible food chains in your ecosystem. 1. 2. 10. List 3 other interesting facts that have not been included in the previous questions. 1.__________________________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________________________ 11. List two websites you used. 1.__________________________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________________________ Biomes and ecosystem Web sites