Probation Officer - Probation Institute

Example Job Description – Probation Officer
Level C
Probation Officer
Main duties
To assess an offenders risk of harm using the OASys risk
assessment screening tool and to complete a full risk of harm
assessment on all appropriate cases
To assess an offenders risk of harm using other specialised risk
assessment tools as appropriate
To assess risk of re-offending and need using the appropriate
assessment tools, e.g., OASys and specialised assessment
tools as appropriate
To prepare reports for presentation to Court as and when
required in accordance with National Standards
To devise sentence plans that address the offenders risk and
needs and to identify solutions to overcome non compliance
To ensure that appropriate arrangements are in place to deliver
the plan and oversee the implementation of the plan by
ensuring that all offender management team members and the
offender are aware of their duties and responsibilities.
To develop custodial and community sentence plans to manage
the risk of harm and re-offending of offenders resettling in the
community following custodial sentences
To coordinate the offender management team, working
collaboratively with other members, ensuring effective
communication to enable smooth implementation and delivery
of plans
To supervise individuals serving sentences in the community or
to nominate a designated offender supervisor
To continuously monitor, review, assess and track the plan to
ensure that it remains “fit for purpose” making any amendments
as necessary and refer any significant change in risk to the
team manager
To enforce court orders and statutory licences in line with
national standards and NOMs standards
To engage with the offender and demonstrate commitment to
promoting change through the achievement of the sentence
plan goals
To develop and sustain working relationships with staff in other
To complete an overall evaluation of the sentence plan using
the appropriate tools and methods
Evaluate risk of abuse, failure to protect and harm to self and
To contribute to preventing abusive and aggressive behaviour
To deal with incidents of abusive and aggressive behaviour
To contribute to reviewing incidents of abusive and aggressive
To enable individuals to develop strategies for changing their
offending behaviour
To enable individuals to sustain their behaviour change
To ensure that the sentence complies with National Standards
by engaging with the offender, motivating them to co-operate
and comply
To demonstrate pro-social modelling skills by consistently
reinforcing pro-social behaviour and attitudes, challenging antisocial behaviour and attitudes
Implement, ( pre and post course work), monitor and evaluate
accredited programmes designed to reduce the likelihood of reoffending by offenders who pose a significant risk of harm
To appropriately sequence interventions
To prepare offenders for interventions
To work with offenders to ensure that they understand the links
between all the relevant interventions; help the offender make
the links between new learning and their day-to-day
environment; seek to ensure the offender practices new skills
and behaviours and habitualises new behaviours in their own
To work in accordance with effective practice principles,
national standards, policies and procedures and the National
Offender Management Model (NOMM
To identify factors contributing to difficulties
To assist individuals experiencing difficulties
To support individuals with difficult or potentially difficult
To support individuals who are substance misusers
To enable individuals to find out about and use services