Important Job Application Information
Thank you for your interest in NHS Tayside vacancies
Please see below Job Description/Specification and General Conditions of Service
Your Application Form must be completed in full. Please note copies of Curriculum Vitae,
Qualifications and Course Certificates will not be accepted at this stage.
Please return your completed Application Form to (quoting the
vacancy reference number in the subject box) or to the postal address given on the General
Conditions of Service.
All completed applications are held in Human Resources until the closing date. After the closing
date a panel will meet to prepare an interview shortlist. Once this decision has been made, all
shortlisted applicants will be emailed to invite them to attend for interview. It is important that you
check your emails regularly, including your spam/junk box.
This process takes approximately 6 weeks. Therefore, if you have not been contacted regarding
interview within 6 weeks of the closing date, your application has been unsuccessful and you will
receive no further correspondence from Human Resources.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:Find out more about living and working in Tayside at:
Job Title
Number of job
Lead CRIF MRI Radiographer &
Research Manager at Ninewells
Band 8a
The appointment is based in the Clinical
Research Imaging Facilities (CRIF),
University of Dundee & Ninewells Hospital.
To be the Senior MRI Radiographer and Coordinator of Imaging Research in the Clinical
Research Imaging Facilities (CRIF – comprising the imaging suite of the Clinical research
Centre and Wilson House). To oversee all CRIF radiographic activity (both clinical and
research), to co-ordinate imaging research projects and to liaise with other departments,
staff groups and patients for contributing to a comprehensive and effective clinical imaging
services across NHS-Tayside, as defined and agreed with NHS-Tayside and CRIF
To provide a high quality, efficient and effective Clinical Imaging service and be responsible
for the day to day organisation of the CRIF service, deployment of staff, safety
management, quality management of equipment and images, administrative duties and
management of training programmes for Radiographers and other staff groups within
To manage a mixed research and clinical imaging service caseload and to provide
specialist advice. To co-ordinate, advise and participate in research and clinical trials
involving imaging across all Tayside MRI sites.
To liaise with the NHS-Tayside Lead and Deputy Lead MRI Radiographers and PET/CT
imaging technicians to promote a high quality clinical imaging service and research facility.
NHS Tayside provides area wide health services to a population of 400,000 as well as the
population of North East Fife. In May 2014 University of Dundee and NHS Tayside
established the Academic Health Science Partnership in Tayside to bring together the
delivery of healthcare services, education, quality improvement and research with the
purpose of improving the health of patients. Clinical research is undertaken by academic
staff within the College, as well as staff of NHS Tayside. Many studies are performed in
collaboration, utilising samples or data from NHS Tayside patients treated in hospitals,
community services and in primary care. An increasing number of non-medical staff
participates in research, particularly in research related to the delivery of health services,
and Lifestyle.
Tayside Medical Science Centre: The Tayside Medical Science Centre (TASC) formed
in 2010 is a joint development of NHS Tayside and the University of Dundee to maximise
their research potential and integrates, within a single operational framework, all aspects
of research activity (including functions previously delivered by R&D; the Tayside Clinical
Trials Unit and the Clinical Research Centre). TASC is the research component of the
recently formed Academic Health Science Partnership in Tayside. TASC will develop
research strategy for the two partners, and will ensure effective delivery of that strategy.
TASC will have responsibility for managing the central funds derived from the Chief
Scientist Office of the Scottish Government Health Directorate. The Dean of the School of
Medicine directs TASC; the R&D Director of TASC provides leadership to the component
functions of TASC described above via the integrated R&D Office. Each component
function has an academic Lead. This post supports the R&D Director and Head of the
Clinical Research Imaging Facility (academic lead) and provides focused and directed
operational management.
Clinical Research Imaging Facility (Clinical Research Centre): Imaging research
activity is based in the Clinical Research Imaging Facility (CRIF), a set of purpose-built
research imaging suites within the Clinical Research Centre building at Ninewells Hospital
in Dundee. CRIF houses a Siemens Trio 3.0T MRI and a Siemens Biograph PET-CT.
CRIF is supported with a staff complement of over 10FTE with an operating budget of
over £1.1 million per annum and is supported by TASC, NHS Tayside- Radiology, Medical
Physics and Nuclear Medicine. Within CRIF, NHS Tayside and the University of Dundee
have brought together the clinical research imaging capability across Tayside. This
improves the coordination of existing resources and enhances communication between
researchers using advanced imaging techniques both in research and clinical practice
across the region.
Clinical Research Imaging Facility (Institute of Medical Science and Technology –
Wilson House: The imaging research facilities in the Institute for Medical Science and
Technology (IMSaT) at Wilson House (sited in Medipark adjacent to Ninewells Hospital)
comprise a 1.5T MRI unit (GE HDx), a fluoroscopy suite and ultrasound facility and a
cadaveric facility. This combines a pre-clinical and a clinical facility operating under the
TASC operational envelope running to NHS standard operating procedures as well as
research GCP and ISO standards. More recently approval has been given for normal
volunteer scanning as a prelude to full clinical scanning of both NHS and research
patients and volunteers. There are strong links with preclinical medical device
development in this multidisciplinary research facility.
Clinical Activity:12000 examinations in Tayside
Routine clinical provisions: 08:00 – 20:00. As far as permitted by the CRIF workload,
some evening sessional work may be expected.
Academic Health
Sciences Partnership
R& D Director
Clinical Director Clinical
Research Imaging Facility UoD
AHSP Research Manager
Director IMSaT
NHS Tayside Lead
MRI Radiographer and
Band 8a
Lead CRIF Radiography
Deputy to Tayside MRI Lead
MRI Radiographer
Deputy to CRIF Lead
Radiographer Band 7
Tayside MRI radiographers
Including CRIF rotating Radiographers
Band 5 / 6
Radiographic Assistants
To manage the provision of the MRI radiographic services in the Clinical Research Imaging
Facilities (CRIF)
Technical & Governance (65%)
The post holder will be required to manage and take part in the technical imaging activities
of CRIF. Specific tasks are summarised for example:
To manage and ensure the adherence to the Local Rules in CRIF Imaging
To provide advice to the CRIF/Tayside Imaging Leads in the purchase of MRI contrast
agents, equipment and major purchases.
To develop the staff group by initiating courses and providing opportunities for role
development to encourage skill mix and increase service flexibility.
To be actively involved in recruitment and retention of staff.
To take part in equipment selection and evaluate new equipment.
To manage the provision and planning of applications training periods.
To ensure all servicing is carried out to standards set by UoD and NHS-Tayside MRI and to
report faults and liaise with engineers.
To ensure equipment quality assurance is carried out and liaise with the designated
medical physicist for evaluation of results.
To manage research projects and all training issues related to these projects.
To develop staff through CPD and provide opportunities for staff to meet training needs
To take an active role in teaching medical students and other professionals who in the
course of their training will visit the CRIF.
To manage appraisals of CRIF staff and ensure that each member of staff has a current
To vet specific imaging requests following training by consultant radiologists as required.
To take an active role in mentoring of medical physics MSc students and radiographic staff
who are working towards postgraduate qualifications.
To take an active role in MRI teaching and training for medical students and other
professionals who require such.
To contribute to the creation of training programmes for all staff grades and disciplines in
imaging in Tayside.
To provide expert advice nationally when approached.
To contribute to lecturing locally.
Project Management (10%)
The post holder will ensure that all proposals where CRIF has committed to support are
technically feasible within current or future CRIF resources.
Ensure overview of all imaging projects balancing, capacity, funding and staffing resources.
Work with all imaging stakeholders supporting key research projects and other strategic
initiatives as requested by Director of CRIF in collaboration with TASC e.g., arranging
contracts for new equipment and strategic partnerships with industry to developing working
instructions for crisis management, contributing to strategic proposals.
Act as initial point of contact for CRIF services and collaborate with TASC for business
development activities.
Finance (5%)
The post holder will work with TASC managers to maintain the costing system for all CRIF
imaging activities ensuring compliance with local and national guidelines.
Budget autonomy for operational consumables up to £7000 per annum.
Supporting Director of CRIF during regulatory visits and inspections
Leadership (10%)
Together with Director of CRIF and TASC Imaging Manager to lead regular operational
meetings for all CRIF based staff.
Provide leadership and initiative to imaging staff to ensure strategic objectives are met and
staff can develop as necessary.
Communication and reporting (10%)
The post holder will develop and maintain a database of projects throughout the pipeline
from inception to completion.
The post holder will ensure potential projects are communicated as widely as necessary
and maintain accurate records for reporting on imaging activity to R&D Director and Head
of CRIF.
To participate in the management and radiographic administration of the broader NHSTayside MRI service and in particular to organise CRIF’s service, including the prioritisation
and maintenance of appointment schedules and allocation of human resources according
to agreed clinical and research priorities.
To assist with arranging staffing for the efficient and effective running of CRIF MRI sites on
a day-to-day basis.
To be responsible for the protocols and have a recognised protocol and practice record at
each MRI site.
To manage all documentation for research studies to meet Research Governance
To take responsibility for the quality of the imaging and examinations being performed
within agreed protocols, and to ensure that staff continue to improve their skillset and
experience for adapting examinations to suit individual circumstances.
To manage the training of affiliated staff in any role extension skill by arranging attendance
at relevant courses to facilitate the service throughput and by creating or contributing to
courses to suit clinical research needs.
To arrange emergency appointments and ensure that staff are aware of their role in
booking urgent cases.
To participate / lead in any appropriate management / communications meetings.
To ensure that CRIS information is accurate.
To liaise with service engineers reporting faults and maintaining the faults log book.
To monitor and maintain stock levels for consumables and contrast media, advising the
radiography manager of any problems.
To liaise with nursing staff in the investigation of any contrast media reactions.
To manage a system of logging faults and develop and maintain a protocol for dealing with
faults and down time.
To liaise with the radiography managers on all sites.
To vet MRI requests where appropriate to enhance patient flow through NHS-Tayside
Perform a full range of examinations using specialised equipment including automatic
injection pumps.
Perform examinations without clinical radiologist supervision, interpret the complex images
produced and assess the need for further sequences to assist diagnosis.
The post holder must have a high level of interpretation skills and be able to exercise
judgment regarding complex image data.
Demonstrate autonomous practice by performing a full range of complex clinical and
research MRI examinations which require interpretation and a high level of interpretation
skills to allow autonomous decision making.
Administer IV contrast, Hyoscine, Glucagon and oral contrast agents.
Refer patients for orbit radiographs, x-ray and report images.
Manage the movement of all patient types following NHS-Tayside moving and handling
Manage the lifting and movement of coils for MR examinations, following NHS-Tayside
moving and handling guidelines.
Manage the infectious patient adhering to NHS-Tayside guidelines.
Image to a standard recognised by NHS Tayside MRI.
Ensure that appropriate images, previous images and paperwork are available for reporting
and given to the relevant radiologist.
Monitor local safety rules following agreement with the Tayside MRI Safety Committee for
all sites, and assist with managing the training and authorisation of staff in all safety
initiatives throughout NHS-Tayside MRI and CRIF MRI.
Attend the annual safety committee meetings.
Ensure that MRI radiographers are conversant with Patient Pathways so that staff supply a
safe administration of medicines.
Maintain a safe working environment for patients, visitors and staff and ensure that local
safety rules are followed.
Ensure patient safety checklists have been adequately completed and that patients are not
at risk in the magnetic field.
Manage the training of nursing staff in safety and patient care within MRI to facilitate the
flexibility of service agreement.
Adhere to NHS-Tayside guidelines on infection control.
Manage the staff adherence to all Trust policy rules and guidelines as in:
Department Policy Documents
Ionising Radiation Regulations (Local Rules)
IR(ME)R 2000 entitlement for non-medical referrers
Health and Safety Guidelines
Infection Control
MRI Local Safety Rules
RESEARCH AND AUDIT ACTIVITY (in addition to clinical, as previously listed)
To attend the research review meetings.
To contribute to and implement changes in clinical practice which improve patient care
through effective use of audit, research and peer review.
To arrange with the Radiology Research and Training Office the MRI seminars and
research and audit projects throughout NHS-Tayside MRI and CRIF MRI.
To participate in the Tayside MRI research group and assist in the presentation of papers
and posters at meetings as required.
To assist Medical Registrar grades in their research and audit projects and in training in the
use of the MRI consoles and evaluation packages.
To participate in research and support other radiographers and physicists.
To manage the quality assurance programme for equipment related to the CRIF MRI.
To manage the smooth throughput of patients and ensure scanning lists run to time where
possible by monitoring appointment schedules.
To provide teaching support for staff in all disciplines.
To take part in organising courses to assist role development.
To manage groups of visiting staff in demonstration of equipment and training as agreed
within the collaboration document outlining NHS-Tayside and Company policy.
To promote education and training of the staff groups within NHS-Tayside.
To manage and participate in in-service training and other training courses to ensure that
working knowledge is kept up-to-date and duties are performed within the requirements of
current legislation, policies and procedures.
To support radiographers undertaking further study.
To assist with managing the training of student radiographers.
To participate in mandatory training and actively pursue and provide CPD, keeping an up-
to-date personal record of this activity.
To maintain knowledge of advances in imaging and assist in the promotion of the continued
improvement of the service delivery.
To develop knowledge and understanding in an evidence-based framework and transfer
this knowledge to situations in practice.
To train staff to undertake responsibility for areas such as research and development,
quality assurance, protocol development, teaching and training of all grades of staff.
To ensure that patient records and confidentiality are maintained in accordance with NHS
Tayside policies and statutory regulations including the data protection act.
To ensure that departmental records are maintained for all patients and that all statistical
information, equipment information, service information, protocol books and staff training
information relating to MRI are documented appropriately.
To manage the development of patient information in written form.
To maintain the following records and manuals:
Standard Operating Policies, NHS Tayside, UoD and CRIF protocols and systems of
Helium reading records.
Patient documentation.
RIS post processing and other input.
Equipment service records.
Incident manual.
Quality assurance records.
Pharmacy orders
Faults log book.
Research documentation.
Data collection for audit and research purposes.
Director CRIF
Principle Investigators, Consultant Radiologists and Registrars
Tayside Lead MRI radiographer and PET Ct Technician
TASC Imaging Manager
Members of departmental multi-disciplinary teams
Researchers/ Research Nurses and Coordinators
Ward and clinic staff
Ancillary staff
Assist in appraisals where required
Provide lectures and education where required
Patients / Carers
Ancillary hospital staff
Equipment Companies
Establish links with education providers
To listen to patient’s requirements and provide information of procedures, to encourage
compliance with the imaging procedure.
To contribute to regular staff meetings to ensure effective communication.
To maintain good communication channels with all members of the multidisciplinary team
within the department and other departments in the hospital on all sites.
To liaise with staff from other departments and wards to facilitate good practice and best
patient care.
To establish clear lines of communication and ensure co-operative planning and decisionmaking.
To convey to patients and relatives information involving scanning, precautions and side
effects of examinations, offering counseling and reassurance when required.
To deal with complaints and communicate unpleasant news.
To provide monthly reports/statistics to CRC on current studies /NHS lists carried out.
To maintain accurate study data including consumable stock control for financial
To communicate and meet with commercial study monitors for procedural and audit
To liaise with Clinical and Management teams at CRC and CRIF to discuss operational
To liaise with Radiology, CRC and CRIF clerical staff to ensure correct preparation and
appointing of patients to allow a smooth pathway of patients through the MRI department.
Inform and demonstrate equipment and scanning techniques to visiting clinicians and
radiographers in line with the NHS Tayside MRI and company collaboration agreements
set up by NHS Tayside.
To liaise with referring clinicians re appointment times, referral criteria, patient suitability
and safety results.
To liaise with nursing and medical staff in the management of patient care before, during
and after examination when necessary.
To liaise with relevant engineering staff regarding maintenance and fault recognition.
To liaise with relevant researchers, nurses, coordinators and companies involved in clinical
trials and research.
To liaise with anaesthetic staff as required
To liaise with paediatric staff in the management of children through scanning ensuring
that practice is in line with the children's charter.
To communicate with the staff groups to ensure teamwork and partnership across NHS
To communicate with Medical Physics team to ensure adequate support for research and
clinical studies.
To establish lines of communication with equipment companies to facilitate service of
equipment, procurement of new equipment applications training, staff training and research
To have the ability to assess a patient’s condition prior to examination and adjust protocol
and examination appropriately.
To attend and contribute to Research Meetings with others.
To contribute to educational talks and lecture to own staff.
Radiographic diploma or degree.
Should hold relevant Postgraduate clinical qualification, PG Cert, Diploma or MSc in MRI,
should be working towards or be able to demonstrate equivalent level of skill.
Should hold Postgraduate qualifications in management. PG Certificate or Diploma,
should be working towards or be able to demonstrate equivalent level of skill.
A minimum of 5 years experience in a Senior position is preferred.
Demonstrate organisational and supervisory skills.
Provide evidence of a preferred minimum of 3 years of managing a specific area of an
MRI suite.
Cross-sectional imaging knowledge.
Pathology recognition and the ability to distinguish normal from abnormal anatomy.
Knowledge of MR physics and safety issues.
Understanding of health and safety guidelines, MR local rules and IRMER regulations.
Have knowledge of manual handling techniques.
Understand NHS Tayside Ethics regulations and Research Governance policies
Provide evidence of GCP training and research experience.
Have knowledge of research implementation and practice in line with NHS-Tayside
research policies.
Be able to use the CRIS system, transfer and retrieve from PACS and transfer images
throughout all MRI sites.
Knowledge of Word, Excel and PowerPoint software programmes.
Must be registered with the Health and Care Professions Council.
Must have evidence of ongoing educational and personal development.
Must have a certificate in IV cannulation.
Must have a certificate in referral and reporting of orbit x-rays prior to MRI.
Must be medically screened for safety in MRI.
Be able to demonstrate autonomous practice and enable other staff to be trained similarly.
Be able to demonstrate using analytical skills in assessment of patient, an ability to tailor
examination to the individual patient where appropriate.
As the main Lead MRI Radiographer and Research Manager, Tayside, you will work
within professional guidelines and be accountable for your own actions.
Carry out clinical work using a variety of specialised equipment and software packages as
Be able to use the MR equipment across CRIF which include:
 Siemens Trio 3T system (CRIF)
 GE Hdx
Be able to use the satellite consoles and workstations in all MRI sites for image post
processing and manipulation and provide a training service for clinicians and other staff
groups in their use.
Understand the use of anaesthetic equipment across all MRI sites.
Be able to use patient hoists, slide easies and other moving and handling equipment.
Be able to use patient trolleys and wheelchairs.
Be able to assist and manage the cardiac arrest procedure in MRI and ensure safety of
patients and staff is not compromised.
Understand the working of the label printers associated with the CRIS system and be
proficient in their use.
Understand the system for printing images if required.
Be able to transfer data to CD, PACS, other department systems and across NHS-Tayside
Understand the CRIS system and be able to input patient data, gather statistics and post
process examinations.
Be able to use Word, Excel and PowerPoint and have keyboard skills.
Be able to transfer images to other sites as required.
Be able to transfer and retrieve images from PACS.
Be able to use the scheduling facility to ensure correct patient registration and transfer to
Be able to access the internet and NHS Tayside email facilities.
Be able to access and vet MRI electronic referrals and to refer patients for orbit x-ray using
the electronic ICE system.
All records created in the course of the business of NHS Tayside are corporate records
and are public records under the terms of the Public Records (Scotland) Act 1937. This
includes email messages and other electronic records. It is your responsibility to ensure
that you keep appropriate records of your work in NHS Tayside and manage those
records in keeping with the NHS Tayside Records Management Policy and with any
guidance produced by NHS Tayside specific to your employment.
Occasional exposure to highly unpleasant working conditions during clinical duties.
Intermediate life support training is mandatory.
Frequent lifting duties during clinical duties requiring manual handling training.
Demonstrate a high level of dexterity in maneuvering patients with special needs e.g.
kyphosis into scanner
Position patients and coils safely to prevent burns to the patient.
Highly developed physical skills to manipulate data for optimum radiological reporting.
Position cardiac and respiratory gating equipment in a safe manner avoiding burns to the
Be able to set-up and fill the injector pump avoiding contamination and ensuring no air is
injected into patient.
Have the expertise to handle expensive equipment and ensure that all safety precautions
are observed.
Inserting endo-rectal coils safely following training
Stressful situations such as dealing with the claustrophobic patient and having the skills
required to ease this type of patient through the examination.
Stressful situations in managing staff groups and team working.
Frequent exposure to patients with cancer and terminally ill patients.
Frequent exposure to paediatric cases requiring anaesthetic.
Being able to manage an unpredictable workload and interact with fellow healthcare
Cope with mental and physical demands of working in an acute area providing imaging on
severely injured, terminally ill, abusive, paediatric and severely disabled patients.
Accurate positioning of patients and coils for all types of MR examinations providing
immobilisation when required.
Long periods of work at a console / VDU.
Frequent requirement for prolonged concentration and accuracy while operating MRI
scanning equipment.
Occasional exposure to highly distressing situations.
Occasionally dealing with terminally ill patients.
Occasionally dealing with very difficult and often aggressive patient / relatives.
Occasionally dealing with telephone calls from relatives / patients who are distressed
because of their condition or waiting for scan appointments and the effect this has on their
life and work commitments.
Occasionally dealing with the patient who has been told of a serious life threatening
diagnosis and assisting them through the scanning process and often offering counseling in
these circumstances
Occasionally dealing with patients and relatives in relation to unforeseen circumstances e.g.
equipment breakdown and staffing issues and acute service demands.
Managing staff, patient, equipment and visitor safety due to the inherent dangers of the MRI
Keeping abreast of new developments and protocol changes involved in evidence based
practice in MR scanning.
Ensuring patient co-operation by overcoming patient fears, claustrophobia and lack of
knowledge within a limited time frame. Using empathy and persuasion to achieve a positive
experience for the patient thus ensuring optimum imaging standards.
Ensuring scanning lists run to time because of varying patient demands.
The job description will need to be signed off using the attached sheet by each post holder
to whom the job description applies.
Post Title
Lead MRI Radiographer and Research Manager
Reference Number
The attached job description and essential additional information will be used as part of the
Agenda for Change assimilation exercise and therefore the job-matching panel may wish to
seek further clarification on any issues contained within the documents. Should this be
necessary please identify an appropriate Manager and Staff representative who can be
Responsible Manager
Contact No.
Staff Representative
Contact No.
CRIF Lead MRI Radiographer and Research Manager - Band 8a*
CRIF, Ninewells Hospital
37.5 per week
Extensive current clinical experience working in a
managerial role or Superintendent
Experience of teaching or training others to
demonstrable high standards
Working with other AHP Learning reps, Practice
educators or equivalent
(Training; Research;
Qualifications required leading to DCR (R) or BSc
Diagnostic Imaging.
HCPC registration
Can demonstrate that they work at Masters level (at
PG Diploma or Masters in
PG qualification in Management or equivalent
Demonstrate by working in:
Presentation / lecture skills.
Demonstrable management skills: staff rotation,
problem solving, emergency planning.
Has experience of planning for
waiting list initiatives.
Strategic emergency planning
Full understanding of NHS HAI and HEI and
relevance to practice
Can demonstrate knowledge of applying Safer
Patient outcomes
Has working knowledge of Mentally Healthy working
HR management skills; dealing with PAAWS
Conflict Resolution
Project management experience
Highly motivated person who can take control of
difficult situations in the absence of the Imaging
Ability to think laterally and provide alternative solutions
to problems.
Confident, self motivated, logical and organised.
Flexibility to provide out of hours and on call service if
Excellent interpersonal skills
Negotiating skills; demonstrating involvement of peer
HR management skills: dealing with
Change management
group within decision making process.
(e.g. travel across Tayside)
Ability to travel across all sites
The need to work flexibly to cover the clinical
demands of Tayside radiography service
General Conditions of Service
CRIF Lead MRI Radiographer and Research Manager – Band 8a*
CRIF – Clinical Research Centre and Wilson House
Based in Ninewells Hospital, Dundee
Conditions of Service
The terms and conditions of service for this post are those
determined by the NHS Staff Council.
The current salary scale for the post is £40,028 to £48,034 per
annum (pro rata for part-time staff). Placing on the scale on
appointment is normally at the minimum but may be higher
subject to verification of previous relevant service.
*Please note the salary and band for this post are indicative only
and are subject to Agenda for Change Job Evaluation.
Hours of Duty
Salary is paid monthly by Bank Credit Transfer.
The hours of the post are 37.5 per week including evenings and
Start and finish times will be determined by the needs of the
Membership of the NHS Superannuation Scheme is not
compulsory but is open to all staff between the ages of 16 and
70 (65 in some instances).
The contributions paid are a percentage of superannuable pay,
which is essentially basic pay excluding, for example, overtime
or travelling expenses.
Contribution rates with effect from 01.04.15 are as follows:
Annual Pensionable Pay
(Full-time equivalent)
Up to £15,828
£15,829 to £21,601
£21,602 to £27,089
£27,090 to £49,967
£49,968 to £71,337
£71,338 to £111,376
£111,377 and over
Annual Leave
Contributions are subject to tax relief and reduced National
Insurance contributions. NHS Tayside also makes a substantial
contribution towards scheme benefits – currently around 14% of
basic pay.
On appointment = 27 days (pro rata for part-time Staff) or 5.4
weeks per year.
After 5 years aggregated service = 29 days (pro rata for part-time
staff) or 5.8 weeks per year
After 10 years aggregated service = 33 days (pro rata for parttime staff) or 6.6 weeks per year
Public Holidays = 8 days (pro rata for part-time staff) or 1.6
weeks per year
All offers of appointment are subject to receipt of two satisfactory
Occupational Health
All offers of appointment to new entrants to the National Health
Service are subject to a medical examination. Medical
examinations are arranged and undertaken by the Occupational
Health and Safety Advisory Service (OHSAS).
Rehabilitation of
Offenders Act 1974
(Exclusions and
Exceptions) (Scotland)
Order 2003
All current or spent criminal convictions, cautions, warnings or
any case pending must be disclosed prior to commencing in
employment as detailed on the application form.
Disclosure Scotland
Immigration, Asylum and
Nationality Act 2006
Please note that having a conviction will not automatically debar
you from obtaining employment with NHS Tayside. Careful
consideration will be given to the relevance of the offence to the
particular post in question. However, if you are appointed, and it
is found that you did not reveal a previous conviction your
employment may be terminated.
The successful applicant will be required to become a member of
the Protecting Vulnerable Groups Scheme (PVG) in respect of
regulated work with protected adults and regulated work with
It is a criminal offence for an employer to employ anyone who does not
have permission to live or work in the UK.
Shortlisted applicants will be asked to produce specific original
documentation at interview e.g. Passport, or full birth certificate
together with an official document giving the applicants
permanent National Insurance Number and name issued by a
Government Agency or a previous employer, as well as
photocopies of these documents.
Professional Registration/ you should have current and continuing professional registration
Induction Standards &
with HCPC other and hold the appropriate qualification(s).
Code of Conduct
Smoking Policy
NHS Tayside operates a No Smoking Policy and smoking
is prohibited within NHS premises and grounds.
Completed forms should be returned to: quoting the job reference in the
subject line
to Human Resources Directorate, Management Offices, Perth
Royal Infirmary, Taymount Terrace, Perth PH1 1NX
By closing date of Friday 23 October 2015
Once this decision has been made, all shortlisted applicants
will be emailed to invite them to attend for interview. It is
important that you check your emails regularly, including your
spam/junk box.