Frequently Asked Questions for the Departure Process For the Departing Employee 1. I am planning on voluntarily leaving UW-Parkside. What do I have to do? If you are planning to leave UW-Parkside, first you must notify your supervisor of your intentions. It is strongly encouraged that you contact the HR Department at (262) 595-2204 to discuss the departure process with the benefits specialist, as well as, schedule an appointment for an exit interview with the HR director. The University requires that all departing employees submit a letter of resignation and the Departure Notice Form indicating key information to ensure a smooth transition from the University. A resignation letter should include the following: First and last name Last date worked Current Title Current Department Reason for voluntary departure (select one): o Resigning o Retiring o Transfer to another UW-Campus or State Agency (This departure process does not apply to LTE’s and Students). 2. What is the departure process for LTE’s and Students? If you are an LTE, prior to completion of your current limited term appointment or your resignation, please contact the Human Resources Office for exit counseling. At that time you will be provided with counseling on any insurance coverage you may have and counseled regarding future LTE and permanent employment possibilities. Prior to your departure your supervisor is required to submit the LTE-Payroll Authorization form showing your last day in pay status. Late submission of this form can result in underpayments or overpayment If you are a Student, prior to completion of your appointment or your resignation, please contact your supervisor and ensure a Student Authorization form is completed and sent to the HR Department prior to your last day in pay status. Late submission of this form can result in underpayments or overpayments. 3. Do I need to schedule an exit interview? It is strongly recommended that you schedule an exit interview with the HR Department so you can provide feedback on your experiences at UW-Parkside. In addition, this meeting will provide you an opportunity to gain information about your benefits enrollment and remaining absence balances upon departure. 4. How do I schedule a meeting with HR? Please contact the HR Department at (262) 595-2204 to schedule a meeting to discuss your benefits and leave options prior to your termination decision. 5. How do I find out if I have any accrued vacation and sabbatical/ALRA remaining? Please contact the HR Department at (262) 595-2204 to schedule a meeting with the benefits specialist to discuss your leave options prior to your departure. Your departure notice form must be marked with the correct selection if you choose to use leave balances to extend your last day in pay status after your last day worked. 6. How do I find out what will happen to my benefits when my employment ends? Please contact the HR Department at (262) 595-2204 to schedule a meeting with the benefits specialist to discuss your benefit options upon departure. 7. What happens if I don’t meet with HR prior to my departure date? If you are unable to meet with the benefits specialist prior to your departure date, you will miss out on relevant information to make the best decisions in connection with your departure. Employees who select the departure option to “extend last day in pay status with leave balances” are strongly advised to meet with a benefits specialist to calculate leave balances and to determine your actual last day in pay status to avoid possible under or overpayments that can occur if balances are not accurately calculated. 8. What if I’m transferring to another state institution? Please indicate if you are transferring to another state institution in your resignation letter and on the Departure Form as this information is needed to ensure leave balances and benefit enrollments are transferred properly. Please set up an appointment to meet with the benefits specialist prior to your departure date. 9. How do I notify HR of an address change after I leave? If you have an address change within six months of your last day worked, please update your portal to ensure your W-2 form is sent to the correct location. If you no longer have access to the portal, please contact the HR office, (262) 595-2204, to make changes to your current address. 10. What will happen to my email access, Portal access, once I leave? If you are retiring you can request to retain your e-mail through Campus Technologies Services. All other departing employees will have access to email and the portal page up to 6 months after departure date. You will have access to the portal to change your address, review past earnings statements, and view your W-2 online. If you no longer have access to the portal, please contact the HR office at (262) 595-2204 to make changes to your current address, request copies of old earnings statements, or to re-print your W-2 forms. 11. What if I want to return to work at Parkside in the future? Please navigate to the Human Resources website to view current job vacancies. We welcome your return to the UW-Parkside campus! If you are a retired annuitant please contact the HR Department to ensure any required waiting period has been completed and all required paperwork, to include a Retired Annuitant Form is completed prior to your first day of work. 12. Prior to my last day on at Parkside is there anything else that I need to do? Please ensure to return all property that belongs to the university, i.e. keys, laptops to the appropriate departments. There is not an official checklist for departures, however, the various stake holders are notified once the HR Department receives your departure form notification. For example, the Police Department will be notified for key control and CTS for computer equipment. Once the various stake holders are notified they will reach out to you if there are any items that need to be returned prior to your last day of work. For the Departing Employee’s Supervisor 1. What information do I need to communicate with HR for an employee whose employment is ending? If the employee is voluntarily leaving, please request that the employee submit a letter of resignation. If the employee is involuntarily leaving, please submit a letter of termination on their behalf. Resignation and termination letters must include the following details: First and last name Last date worked Current Title Current Department Reason for departure (select one): o Voluntary Resignation Retirement Transfer to another UW-Campus or State Agency o Involuntary Non-renewal Layoff Dismissal Other (please indicate) Please communicate to the HR office if the employee is a current time/absence supervisor or approver, along with the name of the new supervisor/approver replacement. 2. How should I get the employee’s letter of resignation to the HR office? Please submit the resignation letter to HR Department in Tallent Hall by campus mail or email (, paying special attention to the employee’s last day worked. Delayed termination letters can create issues with an employee’s benefits or leave payouts. Note to Supervisors If applicable, please reassign any Timesheet Approver responsibilities and any Budget Authority responsibilities. If you need help filling a position permanently or temporarily, please contact the HR office.