KIOCL LIMITED (Formerly Kudremukh Iron Ore Company Limited) (A Government of India Enterprise) AN ISO 9001: ISO 14001: OHSAS 18001: COMPANY BLAST FURNACE UNIT PANAMBUR, MANGALORE – 575 010 Telephone: 0824-2403457, 2403424. Fax: 0824-2409366 website – E-mail : SHORT TENDER NOTICE No: BFU/CON/I&H/01/07 Date: 30/01/2012 Sealed tenders are invited from the experienced Contractors who have carried out similar type of work for the below mentioned work at BFU, KIOCL Limited Panambur, Mangalore575010 Dakshina Kannada District, Karnataka State. Tenders will be received up to 3:00 PM on the date indicated below and opened in the presence of the tenderers who wish to be present on the same day in the office of the undersigned. The contractors have to submit Technical Bid in one sealed cover and Price Bid in another sealed cover. Tender papers can be had from the office of the undersigned on all working days during the office hours till 3.00 PM on 01.03.2012 on payment of `. 100.00 per set (inclusive of Sales Tax) in the form of Demand Draft drawn in favour of BFU, KIOCL Limited. Panambur, Mangalore. The tender documents downloaded from our above Website should be accompanied by a Demand Draft for `.100.00 (including Sales Tax) towards documents fee drawn in favour of BFU, KIOCL Limited. Panambur, Mangalore while submitting the tender. Note: SSI Units registered with NSIC under single point Registration Scheme giving documentary evidences will be exempted from EMD for participating in the tender. Name of the work Annual contract for Control Treatment. Rodent EMD (`.) 500.00 Duration of contract One year Last date for submission of tenders 02.03.2012 (`* Nil for registered contractors with the company) SdDeputy General Manager (Contracts) Page 1 of 10 KIOCL LIMITED (A Government of India Enterprise) AN ISO 9001:, ISO 14001:, OHSAS 18001: COMPANY BLAST FURNACE UNIT PANAMBUR, MANGALORE - 10. No: BFU/CON/I&H/01/07 Date: 30/01/2012 To, Dear Sir, Sub: Annual contract for Rodent Control Treatment. 1. Please find enclosed herewith the tender documents for (i) Technical Bid- comprising of Invitation to bid, proforma for technical evaluation of bidders, Instructions to bidders, Terms & Conditions and Price bid –Schedule of quantities (Unpriced format) (ii) Price Bid -comprising of Schedule of quantities. 2. The Price Bids of technically qualified bidders shall be opened and others shall be rejected. Decision of BFU, KIOCL Limited on Technical evaluation shall be final and no correspondence shall be entertained in this regard. TECHNICAL BID INDEX Sl. No. 1. Particulars Page No. Invitation to bid, proforma for technical evaluation of bidders, Instruction to bidders, terms & conditions and Price bid - Schedule of quantities (un priced format) 3-9 PRICE BID INDEX Sl. No. 1. Particulars Page No. Price bid - Schedule of quantities. 10 Thanking you, Yours faithfully, For KIOCL LIMITED Blast Furnace Unit SdDeputy General Manager (Contracts) Encl: As Above. Page 2 of 10 KIOCL LIMITED (A Government of India Enterprise) BLAST FURNACE UNIT PANAMBUR, MANGALORE - 10. No: BFU/CON/I&H/01/07 INVITATION TO BID Date: 30/01/2012 Sub: Annual contract for Rodent Control Treatment. Bid document for the above work are enclosed herewith. 1. Bidders shall abide by all the details of “Instruction to Bidders” enclosed with the tender documents. The sealed bids shall be submitted in the manner as mentioned below: a. First envelope shall contain the technical and commercial portions of the offer and shall be super scribed as “UNPRICED”- “Annual contract for Rodent Control Treatment.” Containing one full set of all tender documents including all the annexure duly filled-in and signed with official seal on all pages but without any mention of rates and prices-Technical Bid. b. Second sealed envelope super scribed “EMD”- “Annual contract for Rodent Control Treatment.” Shall contain Demand Draft/Bank Guarantee towards Earnest Money Deposit. c. Third sealed envelope super scribed as “PRICED”- “Annual contract for Rodent Control Treatment.” Containing schedule of units, quantities and prices of the tender document with all the rates, prices etc. duly signed with official seal on all pages-“Price Bid”. d. Tenderer shall strictly submit the offer in the way as mentioned above. Sealed bids with the above markings and marked “Confidential” shall be addressed to DGM (Contracts), BF Unit, KIOCL Limited, Panambur, Mangalore-10, should be dropped in the tender box which is kept in the first floor of the Administration Building, BF Unit, KIOCL Limited, Mangalore up to 3.00 PM on 02.03.2012 2. Tenders sealed and super-scribed as above may be sent by courier / registered post addressed the above mentioned officer. Tender received after the time and date specified above, shall be rejected. 3. The Bid will be opened at 3.30 PM on 02.03.2012 in front of the bidders who wish to be present. Price Bid will be opened subsequent to technical assessment. 4. Tenderers shall abide by all the details as per enclosed documents. 5. The time of completion of all works under this contract shall be One year from date of start of work. 6. The successful Tenderer shall be required to execute an agreement within the time specified in the letter of intent. The Company reserves the right to reject the tender without assigning any reason. 7. The Tender shall be accompanied by an Earnest Money Deposit *(EMD) of `. 500.00 (`. Five hundred only) to be deposited only in the form of a Demand Draft from a Scheduled Bank drawn in favour of BFU, KIOCL Limited , , Panambur, Mangalore. The EMD shall be returned to unsuccessful Bidders within 28 days after deciding the successful Bidder and in case of successful Bidder, the same shall be returned after submission and acceptance of the Security Deposit for this work referred to in Article No. 37 of “General Conditions of Contract”. (`.*Nil for Registered contractors with the company ( 8. SSI Units registered with NSIC under single point Registration Scheme giving documentary evidences will be exempted from EMD for participating in the tender. 9. Apart from EMD a fee of `.100/- in the form of DD drawn in favour of BF Unit, KIOCL Limited, Panambur, and Mangalore-10 towards tender document fee should be enclosed. Thanking you, Yours faithfully, For KIOCL LIMITED Blast Furnace Unit DGM (Contracts) Page 3 of 10 PROFORMA FOR TECHNICAL EVALUATION OF BIDDERS The agencies who are sending their letter of expression must furnish following details along with documentary evidence of their claims. However. Any surrogated submission in any will disqualify them from. 1. Name of the Tenderer 2. Address 3. 4. (a) Postal Address : (b) Communication Address : Contact person & Telephone No. : i) Office : ii) Residence : iii) Mobile No. : Whether sole proprietorship / Partnership / Company 5. : : (In case of partnership/company firms, copy of the partnership deed/ company details shall be furnished indicating clearly the authorized signatory of the firm) Experience of having successfully completed similar work during last seven years ending 31 st March 2011. i) Three (3) similar completed works costing not less than the amount `. 0.10 Lakh (`. Ten thousand Only) OR ii) Two (2) similar completed works costing not less than the amount ` 0.12 Lakh (`. Twelve thousand only) OR iii) Note: i) One (1) similar completed work costing not less than the amount `. 0.20 Lakh (`. Twenty thousand Only) Similar work means Pest control carried out in Process Plants/Industries/Public sector/Government under takings. ii) Work order copies and work completion certificate should be furnished. 6. Provident Fund Account No, if available : 7. ESI Account No., if available : 8. PAN No (Mandatory) : 9. Service tax Registration No, if available : 10. All payment shall be made on electronic mode. Contractor shall furnish the required bank details to affect the electronic mode of payment. a) Name of the Bank : b) Branch Address : c) Type of Account (Current/Savings) : d) Account No. : e) MICR Number (9 digit No.) : f) Branch code : g) IFSC/RTGS No. : Page 4 of 10 KIOCL LIMITED (A Government of India Enterprise) BLAST FURNACE UNIT PANAMBUR, MANGALORE - 10. No: BFU/CON/I&H/01/07 Date: 30/01/2012 Sub: Sub: Annual contract for Rodent Control Treatment. INSTRUCTION TO BIDDERS 1. The Tender shall be accompanied by an Earnest Money Deposit *(EMD) of `. 500.00 (`. Five hundred only) to be deposited only in the form of a Demand Draft from a Scheduled Bank drawn in favour of BFU, KIOCL Limited , , Panambur, Mangalore. The EMD shall be returned to unsuccessful Bidders within 28 days after deciding the successful Bidder and in case of successful Bidder, the same shall be returned after submission and acceptance of the Security Deposit for this work referred to in Article No. 37 of “General Conditions of Contract”. (`.*Nil for Registered contractors with the company (. 2. SSI Units registered with NSIC under single point Registration Scheme giving documentary evidences will be exempted from EMD for participating in the tender. 3. Tender will be received up to 3:00 P.M. on 02.03.2012. 4. Tenderers have to acquaint themselves with the conditions prevailing at site, before submitting the tender (incase of site works). 5. (a) Tenderers shall furnish their quotation only in the “Price Bid- Schedule of quantities” enclosed to the tender documents, prices should be written both in words and figures. (b) The tender document duly stamped and signed on each page must be submitted along with the offer documents as a token of acceptance of all the terms and conditions. (c) No page of the tender document shall be removed or altered and the whole set of tender document given must be submitted after being filled in and signed by the Tenderer himself or his authorized signatory. 6. Owner reserves the right to reject any tender or all tenders without assigning any reason. 7. Owner reserves the right to award part of the work or as a whole, as may be considered necessary. 8. Tenders received late are liable for rejection. 9. Tenders submitted without EMD shall not be considered. 10. Conditional tenders will be summarily rejected. 11. No post – tender negotiations with bidders will be held except in certain exceptional situations. 12. To assist in the examination evaluation and comparison of tenders received, the owner may, at his discretion, ask any Bidder for clarification without changing NIT conditions. The request for clarification and the response. Shall be in writing or by fax/e-mail. Page 5 of 10 TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. The work shall generally be governed by KIOCL Limited General Conditions of Contract, which is available for reference in the office of the DGM (Contracts), KIOCL Limited BF Unit on all working days. 2. The quantities given in the schedule of items are approximate and may vary. Some of the items may not be executed; no claims by the Contractor on account of variations, omissions & modifications will be entertained. 3. No escalation is admissible on any account whatsoever. 4. Mode of measurement for the work shall be as per IS-1200 latest edition. Unless otherwise specified for items not covered in IS-1200, CPWD standard shall be adopted. 5. Quoted rates against schedule items shall include labor charges, consumable materials and hire charges, applicable Taxes, Royalties transport, maintenance incidents enabling work etc., except service tax based on the conditions mentioned herein. Unless otherwise specified in the tender schedule the rates for all items will be deemed to include all leads, lifts & descents in the work. 6. The work executed shall be maintained in good condition for a period of Nil Month from the date of completion including repair required if any at Contractor’s cost. If the Contractor fails to fulfill his obligation during the maintenance period, the same shall be got done by the owner at contractor's risk and cost. 7. Security Deposit a) Within 15 days of the award of the Contract, Contractor shall deposit with KIOCL Limited BFU an initial Security Deposit of 3% (three percent) of the Contract Value and the same shall be in cash or in any of the following forms. i) Demand drafts drawn in favour of KIOCL BFU from any Nationalised / Scheduled Bank. ii) Bank Guarantee in prescribed Proforma, executed by a Nationalised Bank / Scheduled Bank. If the bank guarantee is from a non-Indian Bank, the same shall be got stamped at Bangalore, Karnataka State, India, by the Foreign Banker’s Associates / Subsidiaries or agents in India, in accordance with the laws applicable in State of Karnataka, India . b) c) d) e) If contractor fails to provide the security within the period specified, such failure will constitute a breach of the contract and the owner shall be entitled to award the work elsewhere at contractors risk and cost. As and by way of additional security, from every progressive bill of Contractor, Security Deposit at the rate of 7% of the Gross Value of such bill as determined before payment shall be retained by KIOCL Limited BFU or Contractor can submit additional Security Deposit by Bank guarantee. The Security Deposit shall be refunded after successful completion of work or maintenance period as applicable. The EMD shall be returned after submission and acceptance of the initial Security f) Deposit. In case of failure to commence the work, If EMD submitted is forfeited. Page 6 of 10 8. Any damage to the Company's property caused by the Contractor during the execution/maintenance of work, shall be charged to the Contractor and the amount of damage shall be left to the sole discretion of the Engineer. 9. Statutory deduction towards all applicable taxes shall be made as per rules. 10. Royalties if any for materials applicable shall have to be paid by the Contractor and included in the cost of tender. 11. All Safety appliances like Helmet, shoes etc. have to be provided by the Contractor to all his workers and Supervisors at no extra cost of KIOCL Limited, BF Unit. None of the workmen without safety appliances shall be allowed to work. 12. Safety requirements : a) Contractor and his work force shall follow strictly, all the safety rules given in General b) c) d) e) Safety rules, especially for contractor and contractor’s labors, a copy of which is kept at our office for reference and instructions given by Engineer-in-charge/ Safety Dept. from time to time in the course of job. None of contractor’s men shall move out side the specified limit of working place. All the persons deployed on the job shall use safety helmets and goggles, shoes, safety belts and hand gloves as applicable. Any person found without the safety gadgets shall be removed from the work site. Contractor shall use only standard and tested lifting tools/ tackles on the job and shall produce relevant test certificate on demand by owner’s Engineer-in-charge/ Safety Dept. Supervisor and employees deployed on job has to undergo training by KIOCL Limited BF Unit Safety unit along with contractor, if he has not undergone such training previously. This training should be undergone before issue of gate pass. 13. The contractor shall abide by the provisions in the Water consent; Air consent and Hazardous management consent applicable to our company. 14. The Contractor shall abide with all the provisions contained in Factories Act 1948 and Rules/ Regulation/ By laws/ orders made there under. 15. The Contractor should obtain Insurance Policy to cover the risk of the labours under Workmen Compensation Act and should be produced before starting the work. This is mandatory for those contractors who do not have ESI number of their own. 16. Contractor should furnish the PF & ESI code numbers obtained from respective authorities and also produce the same to the Personnel Department before commencement of the work. However, in case a contractor who does not have PF & ESI code number, should apply for PF & ESI code numbers from the respective authorities based on the LOI/Work Order issued to them and produce the same to Personnel Department. 17. The Contractor has to make his own arrangement for accommodation, transportation, canteen facility on a bulk basis to the Contractor at Non Subsidized Rates will be provided if requested by the Contractor. Page 7 of 10 18. Time of completion and Liquidated Damages. The entire work under this Contract shall be completed within One year from date of start of work. If the Contractor fails to complete the work within the stipulated completion time, the contractor shall pay to owner liquidated damages for such default, for every day which shall elapse between the date prescribed thereof and the actual date completion of the scope of work, the amounts determined on the basis of the percentage of the apportioned value of such components as specified herein. Delay of first 20 days …………………………………… 0.1 % per day Delay beyond first 20 days ………………………………...0.15 % per day Subject to Maximum of 5% of the total Contract Value 19. The contractor shall take photo entry pass from CISF for his laborers, if the work order period is more than seven days, without fail. These photo passes should be taken by the contractor well in advance before taking up the job. If the work order period is less than seven days, then CISF will issue temporary pass. No laborers will be allowed to enter plant premises without these entry passes. 20. The works mentioned at the schedule of work are temporary in nature. 21. Bids shall be valid for a period of THREE MONTH from the due date of submission of the bid. 22. TAXES & DUTIES: This clause shall be applicable not withstanding any other clause related to taxes and duties mentioned elsewhere in this tender document. a. The rate quoted shall be inclusive of all taxes applicable for this work except Service tax. b. The applicable service tax will be reimbursed on production of proof of remittance of Service Tax as per Rule 6(1) of Service Tax Rules for those contractors who do not have Service Tax Registration Number. c. For contractors who are having Service Tax Registration No. , the Service Tax will be paid extra based on claim of the contractor. However, the contractor shall produce a copy of half yearly return of Service tax filed at the office of the Superintendent of Central Excise. The final bill / SD will be released after production of the copy of half yearly return. 23. The contractor shall disburse the wages to the labour on or before 7 th of the following month and furnish copy of wage register, muster roll along with the bill. PF & ESI challans shall be submitted to personnel department on or before 25th of the following month”. 24. Contractor shall ensure payment of minimum wages not only as existing at the time of award but also as may be notified from Personnel department KIOCL Limited from time to time. 25. Every one may take a note that a “Fraud Prevention Policy” is being followed at KIOCL Limited, which provides a system for prevention/ detection/ reporting of any fraud. It also forbids everyone from involvement in any fraudulent activity and that where any fraudulent activity suspected by anyone, the matter must be reported to the ‘Nodal Officer’ (Chief Vigilance Officer) as soon as he/she comes to know of any fraud or suspected fraud. 26. Evaluation of Tender: Tenders will be evaluated based on the rates quoted by the bidder in schedule of quantities. Total amount quoted will be considered for finalizing the lowest bidder and only lowest bidder will be considered for award of work. Page 8 of 10 PRICE BID SCHEDULE OF QUANTITIES Item No. 1 Description of work Qty. Unit Rate ( `.) Per Rodent control treatment work in different places in BFU, KIOCL Limited is mentioned below: 1. Blast Furnace Control Room 2. Pump House Control Room 3. Stock House Control Room 4. CPP Control Room 5. Blower House Control Room 6. PCM Control Room 7. LCSS 1,2,3,4,5,6 & 7 8. MSDS 9. Computer Room 10. Process Control Room 11. I&H Lab at Welfare Building 12. Weigh Bridges A & B 13. Admin. Building 14. Central Stores 15. Training and Safety Dept 16. Accounts Record Room in Admin Building 17. Project Office Room The job has to be carried out at least once in a week as per the instructions of Engineer-in-charge. 1.00 Job TOTAL (Inclusive of all taxes, PF, ESI , Except Service tax) (``. In Words: LS only) Amount ( `.) Page 9 of 10 Sow136-sch PRICE BID SCHEDULE OF QUANTITIES Item No. 1 Description of work Qty. Unit Rate ( `.) Per Rodent control treatment work in different places in BFU, KIOCL Limited is mentioned below: 1. Blast Furnace Control Room 2. Pump House Control Room 3. Stock House Control Room 4. CPP Control Room 5. Blower House Control Room 6. PCM Control Room 7. LCSS 1,2,3,4,5,6 & 7 8. MSDS 9. Computer Room 10. Process Control Room 11. I&H Lab at Welfare Building 12. Weigh Bridges A & B 13. Admin. Building 14. Central Stores 15. Training and Safety Dept 16. Accounts Record Room in Admin Building 17. Project Office Room The job has to be carried out at least once in a week as per the instructions of Engineer-in-charge. 1.00 Job TOTAL (Inclusive of all taxes, PF, ESI , Except Service tax) (``. In Words: LS only) Amount ( `.) Authorized name with signature and seal Page 10 of 10 Sow136-sch