1 1. Thesis Dimension Excellent (A) Very Good (B) Satisfactory (C) Formulate a thesis statement. Well-developed thesis directly addressing topic. Thesis is interesting and substantive. Thesis is appropriate to assignment in terms of subject matter and length. Thesis is reasonably presented and defended. Thesis is mostly interesting and substantive. Thesis may have minor problem in terms of appropriateness, and subject matter. May have multiple thesis statements. Thesis is not clearly presented or consistently defended. Thesis may lack substance. Thesis is not interesting enough to completely sustain paper; may not be suitable for assignment. May have multiple thesis statements. Unsatisfactory (D) Thesis is vague and not defended. Failing (F) Thesis may be off topic or too insubstantial for assignment. No discernible thesis or thesis is too unclear or poorly developed. 2. Use of evidence Dimension Footnote/endnote citations. Excellent Footnotes or endnotes are complete and follow proper format. Bibliography citations. Bibliography is complete and follows proper format. Use of citation within text. All evidence correctly cited in text. Very Good Footnotes or endnotes are generally complete and mostly follow proper format. Bibliography is mostly complete and generally follows proper format. Citations are mostly correct. Satisfactory (C) Some problems with footnotes/endnotes Unsatisfactory (D) More substantial problems with footnotes/endnotes. Incomplete or incorrect formatting. Some problems with completeness or format of some citations. Bibliography is incomplete and/or uses incorrect format. Some problems with citations Major problems with citations. Could be problems with plagiarism. Failing (F) Little or no attempt is made to complete footnotes or endnotes in correct format. Little or no attempt is made to complete bibliography in correct format. Little or no use of citations. Might be plagiarism in text. 3. Critical Reading and Thinking Dimension Demonstrates critical reading and thinking skills Excellent Excellent understanding of text(s) under discussion. 4. Justification and Argument [Type here] Very Good Very good understanding of texts Satisfactory (C) Unsatisfactory (D) Some More major misrepresentations misrepresentations of texts. Mostly competent understating of texts under discussion. Failing (F) Fails to address texts/authors/views under discussion 2 Dimension Student can construct arguments and justify thesis. Excellent Student adduces relevant and cogent argumentation in defense of position. Shows some originality, insight and creativity. Very Good Author adduces relevant and cogent argumentation in defense of position. Shows some originality and insight. Satisfactory (C) Author adduces some relevant and cogent argumentation in defense of position. Shows little originality and insight. . Unsatisfactory (D) Author adduces little relevant and cogent argumentation in defense of position. Shows little or no originality and insight. Failing (F) Author adduces little or no argumentation. Very Good Satisfactory (C) Unsatisfact. (D) Failing (F) Very good explanations that are mostly accurate and fair. Views of others are usually correctly quoted, Paraphrased& cited. Explanation displays noteworthy inaccuracies or unfairness. Some lapses in how views of others are quoted, paraphrased, and cited. Explanation displays many significant inaccuracies or unfairness. Many lapses in how views of others are quoted, paraphrased, and cited. Little or no explanation given, or if given, contains serious misrepresentations and/or many lapses in how views of others are quoted, paraphrased, and cited. Satisfactory (C) Unsatisfactory (D) The paper lacks sufficient originality and creativity. Paper does not put ideas/ materials/ argument together in a new way. 5. Explanation and Exposition Dimension Excellent Student can provide explanations and exposition of readings/authors/v iews under discussion. 6. Explanation is accurate and fair. Most important views of others are represented. Views of others are correctly quoted, paraphrased, and well-integrated Student shows excellent understanding of content under discussion and uses sufficient scholarship. Creativity and Originality Dimension Very Good (B) Student develops The paper Paper original insights discusses many discusses and demonstrates issues, passages, some issues, creativity in material not passages, written work. discussed in class concepts not and readings. discussed in Presents material class/rdgs. in a unique way Some material and includes used in a several original unique way, examples. Puts includes some together original exs materials in a Very good new way. originality. 7. Organization and Logic [Type here] Excellent (A) The paper does not display sufficient originality and creativity. The paper uses very few original examples and does not usually put together ideas/materials in a new way. Failing (F) The paper repeats material from readings in a predictable and pedestrian manner. The paper does not include original examples and does not demonstrate originality or creativity. 3 Dimension Excellent Very Good Satisfactory (C) Student can develop an organized and logical paper The paper has a clear and coherent organization; Paper is intelligently ordered and easy to follow. The paper’s organization relates most ideas together; mostly polished and revised. The paper’s organization does not relate most ideas together; paper has only been superficially revised. Unsatisfact. (D) The paper’s organization is uneven or ineffective; only traces of revision. Failing (F) The paper has little or no discernible organization; paper has no revision or polish. 8. Writing Process/Mechanics Dimension Excellent Very Good Satisfactory (C) Student demonstrates understanding of writing mechanics. Nearly flawless grammar, spelling, and word choice; Sentences read smoothly and are clear. Excessive wordiness is avoided where appropriate. Very good grammar, spelling, word choice. Sentences are generally clear with very good transitions. Some problems with grammar, spelling, word choice. Problems with sentence clarity, transitions. Some wordiness in paper, but generally very good. Unsatisfactory (D) Serious problems with mechanics, writing process, and grammar. Failing (F) Very serious problems with writing mechanics, writing process and grammar. Wordiness and some inattention to word choice. 9. Expression Dimension Excellent Expression Control of language and superior facility with the conventions of standard written English. Very Good Satisfactory (C) Unsatisfactory (D) Major errors in standard written English impeding understanding. Failing (F) Generally Intermittent Poor control of effective control control of language; of language, and language; minor frequent errors in competence with errors in standard standard written the conventions written English. English of standard impeding written English. understanding. Note: In interpreting the grading rubrics that follow, “+” or “–” added to a letter grade represent a score falling on the high or low end of the letter grade respectively. The highest grade you may earn is an A. [Type here]