*Verbs are identified as irregular or by number of conjugation in parentheses. Nouns and adjectives are similarly identified by number of declension. Some compound verbs have been identified to help you learn how to recognize them. Your efforts to identify compounds in all
Latin words will be richly rewarded.
13 adveniō, advenīre, advēni, adventum
(4) compound of
‘veniō, venīre, vēnī, ventum’
13 aedificium, aedificiī or aedificī , n.
[2 nd declension noun]
13 aeger, aegra, aegrum (1 st and 2 nd decl. adj.) arrive (at), reach building sick, ill
13 alter, altera, alterum (1 st and 2 nd decl. adj.) declines irregularly
13 cantō, cantāre, cantāvī, cantātum
13 cēterī, cēterae, cētera
(1 st and 2 nd decl. adj.)
13 coniūrātiō, coniūrātiōnis, f. [3 rd declension noun]
13 custōs, custōdis, m. [3 rd declension noun]
13 dēcidō, dēcidere, dēcidī, ---
[no fourth principal part] (3)
13 dīcō, dīcere, dīxī, dictum
13 excitō, excitāre, excitāvī, excitātum
13 fessus, fessa, fessum (1 st and 2 nd decl. adj.)
13 horreum, horreī, n.
[2 nd declension noun]
13 interficiō, interficere, interfēcī, interfectum
(3) compound of
‘faciō, facere, fēcī, factus’
13 ita vērō
13 nōlō, nōlle, nōluī, ---
[no fourth principal part] (irregular) compound of ‘nōn + volō’
13 novus, nova, novum (1 st and 2 nd decl. adj.)
13 nūllus, nūlla, nūllum
(adj.) declines irregularly
13 numerō, numerāre, numerāvī, numerātum
13 ordō, ordinis, m. [3 rd declension noun]
13 possum, posse, potuī, ---
[no fourth principal part] (irregular) compound of ‘potis + sum’
13 retineō, retinēre, retinuī, retentum
(2) compound of ‘teneō, tenēre, tenuī, tentum
13 ruō, ruere, ruī, ---
[no fourth principal part] (3)
13 sē
(reflexive pronoun)
13 sum, esse, fuī, futūrus
13 trahō, trahere, traxī, tractum
13 volō, velle, voluī, ---
[no fourth principal part] (irregular)
13 vulnerō, vulnerāre, vulnerāvī, vulnerātum
14 aliquis, aliquid (pronoun) declines irregularly
14 apud (with accusative) preposition the other, another sing, chant the others, the rest plot, conspiracy guard fall down say, tell arouse, wake up tired barn, granary kill yes not want, be unwilling new not any, no count row, line be able, can keep, hold back, restrain rush himself, herself, themselves be drag, draw want wound someone, something among, at the house of
14 attonitus, attonita, attonitum
(1 st and 2 nd decl. adj.)
14 aula, aulae, f. [1 st declension noun]
14 cōtīdiē
14 decōrus, decōra, decōrum
(1 st and 2 nd decl. adj.)
14 dēleō, dēlēre, dēlēvī, dēlētum
14 deus, deī, m.
[2 nd declension noun]
14 difficilis, difficile
(3 rd decl. adj.)
14 dīligenter
14 domina, dominae, f. [1 st
declension noun]
14 dōnum, dōnī, n. [2 nd declension noun]
14 familiāris, familiāris, m. [3 rd
declension noun]
14 fidēlis, fidēle
(3 rd decl. adj.)
14 ipse, ipsa, ipsum
(intensive pronoun) declines irregularly astonished palace every day right, proper destroy god difficult carefully lady (of the house), mistress gift, present relative faithful, loyal himself, herself, -self
14 iste, ista, istud (demonstrative pronoun) declines irregularly
14 lavō, lavāre, lavī, lautum
14 marītus, marītī, m. [2 nd declension noun] that, those wash husband
14 necesse
(3 rd decl. adj.) neuter only
– indeclinable [cf. satis, nihil] necessary
14 nōbilis, nōbile
(3 rd decl. adj.)
14 num? (adv.)
14 quam
(adv.) noble introduces a question
( expects a "no" answer) how
14 quamquam (conj.)
14 -que
(enclitic) =
14 rēx, rēgis, m. [3 rd declension noun]
14 ubi
15 alius, alia, aliud (adj.) declines irregularly
15 aqua, aquae, f. [1 st
declension noun]
15 claudō, claudere, clausī, clausum
15 commodus, commoda, commodum
(1 st and 2 nd decl. adj.)
15 dēbeō, dēbēre, dēbuī, dēbitum
15 effigiēs, effigiēī, f.
[5 th
declension noun]
15 equus, equī, m. [2 nd declension noun]
15 etiam (adv.)
15 fractus, fracta, fractum (1 st and 2 nd decl. adj.)
15 impediō, impedīre, impedīvī, impedītum
15 lectus, lectī, m. [2 nd declension noun]
15 lentē
15 mare, maris, n. [3 rd declension noun]
15 miser, misera, miserum (1 st and 2 nd decl. adj.)
15 nauta, nautae, m. [1 st declension noun MASCULINE!]
15 plaustrum, plaustrī, n. [2 nd
declension noun]
15 praesum, praeesse, praefuī, ---
(irregular) (+ dative)
[no fourth principal part] compound of
‘prae + sum’
15 quī, quae, quod
(relative pronoun) declines irregularly although and king when horse
(not as a question) other, another water shut, block convenient owe, ought image, statue even, also broken hinder, delay bed, couch slowly sea miserable, wretched sailor wagon, cart be in charge of who, whom, which
; where?
15 redeō, redīre, rediī, reditum compound of ‘eō, īre, iī (īvī), itum
15 sacerdōs, sacerdōtis, m. [3 rd
declension noun]
15 saxum, saxī, n. [2 nd declension noun]
15 teneō, tenēre, tenuī, tentum
15 unda, undae, f.
[1 st declension noun]
15 vincō, vincere, vīcī, victum
16 aedificō, aedificāre, aedificāvī, aedificātum
16 auxilium, auxiliī or auxilī, n. [2 nd
declension noun]
16 cōnsentiō, cōnsentīre, cōnsēnsī, cōnsēnsum compound of
16 cōnsilium, cōnsiliī or cōnsilī, n. [2 nd declension noun]
16 deinde
16 dēlectō, dēlectāre, dēlectāvī, dēlectātum
16 dērīdeō, dērīdēre, dērīsī, dērīsum
(2) compound of
‘rīdeō’ return, go back priest rock hold, keep wave conquer, defeat, win build help agree plan, idea, advice then delight, please mock, make fun of
16 dīmittō, dīmittere, dīmīsī, dīmissum compound of
‘mittō’ effugiō, effugere, effūgī, effugitum compound of
16 faber, fabrī, m. [2 nd
declension noun]
16 flōs, flōris, m. [3 rd declension noun]
16 imperātor, imperātōris, m. [3 rd
declension noun]
16 inter (with accusative) preposition send away, dismiss escape craftsman, workman flower commander, emperor (after 27 B.C.) among, between
16 ita (adv.)
16 melior, melius (adj.: comparative degree) [3 rd decl. adj.]
16 nāvigō, nāvigāre, nāvigāvī, nāvigātum
16 compound of nōnne?
‘nāvis’ = ship
(adv.) in this way, so better sail introduces a question
(expects a "yes" answer) ready, prepared 16 parātus, parāta, parātum
(1 st and 2 nd decl. adj.)
16 pereō, perīre, periī, peritum compound of
16 simulac or
‘eō, īre, iī (īvī), itum
16 pōnō, pōnere, posuī, positum
16 postrīdiē
16 pūniō, pūnīre, pūnīvī, pūnītum
(4) die, perish put, place
(on) the next day punish as soon as
16 summus, summa, summum (1 st and 2 nd decl. adj.) highest, greatest, top
16 supersum, superesse, superfuī, superfutūrus
(irregular) survive, be left compound of
16 tollō, tollere, sustulī, sublātum
(3) [cf.
‘ferō, ferre, tulī, lātus]
16 vertō, vertere, vertī, versus
17 ā, ab
(with ablative) preposition
17 agmen, agminis, n. [3 rd declension noun] raise, lift up turn from, away from, by column (of people), procession
17 animus, animī, m. [2 nd
declension noun]
17 āra, ārae, f. [1 st declension noun] spirit, soul, mind
17 appropinquō, appropinquāre, appropinquāvī,-----
(+ dative)
approach, come near to no fourth principal part (1) altar
17 bene
(adv.) well
17 benignus, benigna, benignum (1 st and 2 nd decl. adj.)
17 diū
(adv.) kind for a long time
17 exanimātus, exanimāta, exanimātum
(1 st and 2 nd decl. adj.) unconscious
17 facilis, facile
(3 rd decl. adj.) easy
17 graviter (adv.)
17 haereō, haerēre, haesī, haustum
17 hūc
17 impetus, impetūs, m. [4 tht
declension noun]
17 īnsula, īnsulae, f. [1 st declension noun]
17 invītus, invīta, invītum
(1 st and 2 nd decl. adj.)
17 itaque (adv.)
17 lītus, lītoris, n. [3 rd
declension noun]
17 maximus, maxima, maximum (1 st and 2 nd decl. adj.)
17 multitūdō, multitūdinis, f. [3 rd
declension noun] seriously, heavily stick, cling to this place, here attack island, apartment building unwilling and so, therefore shore very big, very large, very great crowd never 17 numquam (adv.)
17 paucī, paucae, pauca
(1 st and 2 nd decl. adj.)
17 perveniō, pervenīre, pervēnī, perventum
(4) compound of ‘veniō’ (cf. ‘adveniō’) few, a few reach, arrive (at) once, one day 17 quondam (adv.)
17 recipiō, recipere, recēpī, receptum
(3) compound of
17 resistō, resistere, restitī, - no fourth principal part
(+ dative) (3) recover, take back resist
17 sine (with ablative) preposition
17 soleō, solēre, solitus sum
(semi-deponent) (2)
18 audeō, audēre, ausus sum
(semi-deponent) (2)
18 caput, capitis, n. [3 rd declension noun]
18 ---, ---
, coepī, coeptum
(defective verb)
18 cognōscō, cognōscere, cognōvī, cognitum
(3) compound of ‘nōscō’ without be accustomed to dare head begin find out, get to know
18 cōnsistō, cōnsistere, cōnstitī, cōnstitum
(3) stand one's ground, stand firm, stop
18 dea, deae, f. [1 ST declension noun] goddess
18 dēmōnstrō, dēmōnstrāre, dēmōnstrāvī, dēmōnstrātum
(1) point out, show
18 discēdō, discēdere, discessī, discessum
(3) compound of ‘cēdō’ depart, leave
18 fortasse (adv.)
18 frangō, frangere, frēgī, fractum
18 ibi (adv.)
18 libenter (adv.) perhaps break there gladly, freely
18 manus, manūs, f. [4 tht
declension noun]
18 mīles, mīlitis, m. [3 rd declension noun]
18 nam
18 nēmō, nēminis, m. [3 rd declension noun]
18 nox, noctis, f. [3 rd
declension noun]
18 obstō, obstāre, obstitī, obstātum
(+ dative) (1) compound of
18 pars, partis, f. [3 rd declension noun]
18 petō, petere, petīvī, petītum
18 posteā
18 postrēmō
18 praesidium, praesidiī or praesidī, n. [2 nd declension noun]
18 prō
(with ablative) preposition
18 quo?
18 recūsō, recūsāre, recūsāvī, recūsātum
18 sacer, sacra, sacrum
(1 st and 2 nd decl. adj.)
18 saeviō, saevīre, saeviī, saevītum
19 amō, amāre, amāvī, amātum
19 caedō, caedere, cecīdī, caesum
19 cārus, cāra, cārum
(1 st and 2 nd decl. adj.)
19 castīgō, castīgāre, castīgāvī, castīgātum
19 cōgitō, cōgitāre, cōgitāvī, cōgitātum
19 comparō, comparāre, comparāvī, comparātum
(1) compound of
19 cōnficiō, cōnficere, cōnfēcī, cōnfectum
(3) compound of
19 cūrō, cūrāre, cūrāvī, cūrātum
19 dulcis, dulce
(3 rd decl. adj.)
19 fīlia, fīliae, f. [1 ST declension noun]
19 fluō, fluere, flūxī, flūxum
19 forte (adv.)
19 grātiās agō
19 hasta, hastae, f. [1 st declension noun]
19 illūc
19 iter, itineris, n. [3 rd declension noun]
19 locus, locī, m. [2 nd
declension noun]
19 māne
19 neglegēns ( gen. sing.
neglegentis ) 3 rd decl. adj.
19 nōvī perfect tense with present meaning, from ‘nōscō’ = to get to know
19 perīculum, perīculī, n. [2 nd declension noun]
19 plūrimus, plūrima, plūrimum
(1 st and 2 nd decl. adj.)
19 poscō, poscere, poposcī, ---
[no fourth principal part] (3)
19 sonitus, sonitūs, m. [4 th
declension noun] hand; band (of men) soldier for no one, nobody night obstruct, block the way part, direction seek, ask for, head for afterwards finally protection in front of, in return for where?, where to? refuse sacred, holy be in a rage, rage love, like kill, cut dear scold, nag think, consider obtain finish take care of, supervise sweet daughter flow by chance thank, give thanks spear there, to that place journey, trip place in the morning careless
I know danger very much, very many demand, ask for sound
19 tot
(indeclinable adj.) [cf. necesse, satis, nihil]
19 umerus, umerī, m. [2 nd declension noun]
19 vexō, vexāre, vexāvī, vexātum
19 vīvō, vīvere, vīxī, victum
19 vix
19 vōx, vōcis, f. [3 rd declension noun]
20 adeō, adīre, adiī, aditum
(irregular) compound of
+ eō, īre, iī (īvī), itum’
20 arcessō, arcessere, arcessīvī, arcessītum
20 ars, artis, f. [3 rd declension noun]
20 auris, auris, f. [3 rd
declension noun]
20 collocō, collocāre, collocāvī, collocātum
20 crūdēlis, crūdēle
(3 rd decl. adj.)
20 dēnique
20 dēspērō, dēspērāre, dēspērāvī, dēspērātum
(1) compound of ‘spērō’
20 doctus, docta, doctum
(1 st and 2 nd decl. adj.)
20 domus, domūs, f. [4 tht declension noun]
20 īnferō, īnferre, intulī, illātum
(irregular) compound of ‘ferō’ so many shoulder annoy live hardly, scarcely voice approach, go up to summon, send for art, skill ear place, put cruel at last, finally despair, give up hope learned, clever home, house bring in, bring on
20 irrumpō, irrumpere, irrūpī, irruptum compound of ‘rumpō’
(3) burst in
20 lātus, lāta, lātum
(1 st and 2 nd decl. adj.)
20 līberō, līberāre, līberāvī, līberātum
20 lūna, lūnae, f. [1
declension noun] wide free, set free moon
20 mors, mortis, f. [3 rd declension noun]
20 oculus, oculī, m. [2 nd
declension noun] death eye
20 persuādeō, persuādēre, persuāsī, persuāsum
(+ dative) (2) persuade
20 pessimus, pessima, pessimum (1 st and 2 nd decl. adj.)
20 precēs, precum, f.
[3 rd declension noun]
20 relinquō, relinquere, relīquī, relictum
20 remedium, re mediī or remedī, n. [2 nd declension noun]
20 sermō, sermōnis, m. [3 rd declension noun]
20 temptō, temptāre, temptāvī, temptātum
20 sīcut
20 tam (adv.)
20 vulnus, vulneris, n. [3 rd declension noun] very bad, worst prayers leave, leave behind cure conversation try, attempt just as so wound