DRAFT LOGFRAME FOR RWANDA MULTI DONOR CIVIL SOCIETY SUPPORT PROGRAMME PROJECT NAME Rwanda Multi Donor Civil Society Support Programme IMPACT Impact Indicator 1 Baseline (2012) Governance in Rwanda is more accountable, inclusive and evidence based. World Governance Indicator on Voice and Accountability 14.22 Milestone 2015 Milestone 2016 Milestone 2017 Milestone 2018 Milestone Dec 2019 Milestone 2020 Target 2021 15 16 17 18 19 20 Planned Achieved Source: World Governance Indicators (repeated annually) Impact Indicator 2 Baseline 2014 Milestone 2015 Milestone 2016 Milestone 2017 Milestone 2018 Milestone 2019 Milestone 2020 Target 2021 Improved collaboration and working relations between civil society and Government. 0 0 Improved understandi ng and clarity of directives, and application of the law. Improved clarity around directives, regulations and mandates, with some relaxation of laws governing CSOs. CSOs searching for funds, spending increasing amounts of time on administratio n, becoming less innovative and creative, and becoming more inward looking. CSOs see some decrease in bureaucracy, and are encouraged to be more innovative and creative Enhanced institutional transparency and accountability for CSOs, with improved internal governance and stronger constituency base. More positive attitudes and relationships between CSOs and government, with more cooperation, dialogue, consultation and discussion and less confrontatio n. Planned Achieved Source: Rwanda Governance Board Reports, and Programme reports backed by full case study evidence and Outcome Mapping. 1 Impact Indicator 3 % of Human Rights Universal Periodic Review recommendations implemented (reviewed at mid-term of UPR process i.e.2013, 2017) Planned Baseline (2013) Milestone 2015 Milestone 2016 Milestone 2017 Milestone 2018 Milestone 2019 Milestone 2020 Target 2021 61 of 127 (30%) recommendatio ns from 2011 UPR fully implemented 0 At least 45% of recommend ations fully implemente d at time of next UPR. At least 50% of recommend ations fully implemente d at time of next UPR. At least 55% of recommendat ions fully implemented at time of next UPR.. At least 60% of recommendati ons fully implemented at time of next UPR. At least 65% of recommendat ions fully implemented at time of next UPR. At least 70% of recommendat ions fully implemented at time of next UPR. Source: http://www.upr-info.org/followup/assessments/session23/rwanda/MIA-Rwanda.pdf 2 OUTCOME Outcome Indicator 1 Baseline Milestone 2015 Civil society becomes increasingly effective at influencing government on key policy issues, and supporting social cohesion and reconciliation, good governance and human rights. Number of demonstrated changes in public policy and implementation where there is evidence that engagement by programme partners contributed to the change. 0 cases 0 Milestone 2016 Milestone 2017 Milestone 2018 Milestone 2019 Target 2020 Assumptions 1. Government does not view CSOs or the fund as a threat to its interests. 2). Government is interested in engaging constructively with CSOs. 3) Government provides CSOs with sufficient political space to advocate on issues of concern. 4) CSO partners are sufficiently emboldened to advocate on issues assumed to be politically sensitive. 5) CSO partners supported by the fund do not engage in activities that government views as harmful to national and social unity. Plan ned Achi eved Source: Programme reports backed by full case study evidence and Outcome Mapping. Outcome Indicator 2 Baseline Milestone DEC 2015 Milestone 2016 Milestone 2017 Civil society impact on influencing public policy; holding state and private corporations accountable; empowering citizens and meeting societal To be set at inception phase. 0 Limited response from Government on concerns raised by CSO on public policy. Increased Government engagement in policy dialogues with CSOs and citizens Milestone 2018 Milestone 2019 Target 2020 3 needs. Pla nne d Ach iev ed Source: Annual report, Regular Reports, M&E records and Outcome Mapping Outcome Indicator 3 Number of CSOs supported to improve their capacity for advocacy and respond to priorities identified by citizens. Pla nne d Baseline Milestone Dec 2015 To be set at inception phase. Capacity Building Assessment s for CSO Identified during Inception Phase. Milestone 2016 Milestone 2017 Milestone 2018 Milestone 2019 Target 2020 Ach iev ed Source: Source: Capacity building Assessments and Inception Phase Report. Inputs(£) DFID(£) Gov’t(£) Other(£) Total DFID Share (%) Input(HR) DFID (FTEs) 4 OUTPUT 1 Output Indicator 1.1 Baseline Milestone Dec 2015 Milestone 2016 Rwandan CSOs gain capacity to contribute more effectively to strengthening public accountability, social cohesion, rights and good governance. Service provider identified to deliver programme . To be set at inception phase. Service provider commences work in Rwanda. Inception Phase delivered, and benefitting CSOs identified, Due diligence and other assessments delivered. Administrative & financial, M&E and governance systems for CSOs partners established. Milestone 2017 Milestone 2018 Milestone 2019 Target 2020 Assumptions 6) Capacity building of CSOs will lead to sustainable transformations in the way that CSOs work. 7) CSOs improved capacity to deliver results and be credible gap-fillers leads to increased government interest in genuine dialogue. 8) Access to donor funds does not undermine incentives for CSOs to develop their membership base and does not distort their agenda away from the demands of CSOs’ own constituencies. 9) Facilitated partnerships model of capacity builds proves attractive and useful to CSOs partners. Plann ed 10) Facilitated partnership model of capacity building proves attractive and useful to CSO partners Achie ved Source: Inception report, programme design report, and CSO DD Assessments. Output Indicator 1.2 Baseline Milestone August 2015 On sight mobilisatio 0 Service provider set up Milestone 2016 Milestone 2017 Milestone 2018 Milestone 2019 Target 2020 5 n operations in country. Plann ed Achie ved Source: Inception report, programme design report, and CSO DD Assessments. Output Indicator 1.3 Baseline Milestone Dec 2015 Service provider defines approach and Identifies partners. 0 Contacts established and benefiting partners identified. Milestone 2016 Milestone 2017 Milestone 2018 Milestone 2019 Target 2020 Assumptions Planned Achieve d Source: Capacity building Assessment reports of CSO partners and Quarterly and Annual Programme Reports Output Indicator 1.4 Organisatio nal capacity of CSO partners (financial Planned Baseline Milestone Dec 2015 0 Needs Identified and outline delivered. Milestone 2016 Milestone 2017 Milestone 2018 Milestone 2019 Target 2020 Achieve 6 managemen t, strategic planning, operational planning). IMPACT WEIGHTING (%) 30% Output Indicator 1.5 Strength of CSO partners’ internal governance (accountabil ity to membershi p, functional board structures). INPUTS (£) DFID (£)Approx. 30% of total funding INPUTS (HR) DFID (FTEs) d Source: Capacity building Assessment reports of CSO partners and programme and Quarterly and Annual Programme Reports. Planned Baseline Milestone Dec 2015 0 Discussions initiated to Identify needs and outline delivered. Milestone 2016 Milestone 2017 Milestone 2018 Milestone 2019 Achieve d Source: Outline of needs report. Govt (£) Other (£) Target 2020 RISK RATING Medium Facilitated partnerships, coaching, mentoring, staff secondments, training on research and advocacy, support for organisational development and strategy formulation for CSOs and networks Total (£) DFID SHARE (%) 7 OUTPUT 2 Rwandan CSOs implement initiatives to strengthen public accountability, social cohesion, rights and good governance. Output Indicator 2.1 Number of grants to CSOs working at local level and national levels. Baseline Milestone Dec 2015 CSO Grant Fund Operational arrangements (including Due Diligence) documented in inception report and approved by Steering Committee. Milestone Dec 2016 Milestone 2017 Milestone 2018 Milestone 2019 Target 2020 11) CSOs are willing and able to adapt to the new and dynamic legislative environment, and to the different funding incentives and standards offered by the fund and other CSOs programmes. 12) The fund provides sufficient financial resources to support CSO programmes on a meaningful scale. 13) CSOs have sufficient absorption capacity to use donor funds. Planned Achieved Source: Discussions and Assessment with CSO partners. Output Indicator Baseline 2.2 % of CSO partners meeting goals set out in their strategic and operational plans. Assumptions Milestone Dec 2015 Milestone 2016 Milestone 2017 0 10% of CSO partners achieving 20% of their operational targets. 15% of CSO partners achieving 20% of their operational targets. Milestone 2018 Milestone 2019 Target 2020 14) CSO partners use grant funds according to a clear programme of activities. 15) Fiduciary risks monitored and managed. 16) Donor funding from different sources (e.g. One UN fund) is well coordinated. 17) Access to donor funds does not undermine incentives for CSOs to develop their membership base and does not distort their agenda away from the demands of CSOs’ own constituencies. Planned Achieved Source: Internal reviews conducted by service provider. Crosschecked by external annual reviews. IMPACT WEIGHTING (%) Output Indicator 2.3 Baseline Milestone 2015 Milestone 2016 Milestone 2017 Milestone 2018 Milestone 2019 Target 2020 8 30% INPUTS (£) % of grant operations funded by the programme evaluated as satisfactory or better at completion of each grant. Planned DFID (£) Approx. 30% of total funding 0 0 Achieved Source RISK RATING Medium-High Govt (£) Other (£) Grant facilities: Total (£) DFID SHARE (%) Strategic opportunities fund with 3 graduated funding tiers Starter level (<£10,000) mid-level (£10-30,000) large grants (£30-200,000) Selective use of competitive call for proposals Innovation grants for higher risk or experimental initiatives INPUTS (HR) DFID (FTEs) 9 OUTPUT 3 Government capacity and mechanisms to engage with civil society strengthened. Output Indicator 3.1 Extent to which approach has been defined and agreed. Baseline Milestone Dec 2015 Approach to, and focus of Governme nt capacity building documented in inception report, agreed with RGB and approved by Steering Committee Milestone 2016 Milestone 2017 Milestone 2018 Milestone 2019 Target 2021 Assumptions 18). Meaningful and constructive engagement between civil society and government takes place, rather than empty consultation. 19) Government does not tighten restrictions on CSO operations and registration. Planned 20) Continued willingness of government at all administrative levels to engage constructively with CSOs. Achieved Source: Inception and implementation Reports. Output Indicator 3.2 Measure of CSO satisfaction with their level of access to government and possibility to engage substantively on issues of public accountability, social cohesion, rights and good governance Output Indicator 3.3 Measure of CSO satisfaction with Baseline Planned 0 Milestone Dec 2015 Questionnaire defined and agreed. Milestone 2016 Milestone 2017 Milestone 2018 Milestone 2019 Target 2020 Achieved Source: Annual questionnaire survey to be conducted by service provider. Quality controlled by external annual reviews Baseline Planned 0 Milestone Dec 2015 Questionnaire defined and Milestone 2017 Milestone 2018 Milestone 2019 Milestone 2020 Target 2021 10 JADF meetings and perceptions as to whether JADF meetings are responsive to priorities expressed by CSOs. Output Indicator 3.4 % of CSO partners expressing the view that their activities have been constrained by government regulation and controls (e.g. registration requirements) Output Indicator 3.5 Measure of satisfaction of government officials of the quality and usefulness of their engagement with CSOs on issues of public accountability, social cohesion, rights and good governance. agreed. Achieved Source: Annual questionnaire sent to JADF participants in target districts Baseline Planned 0 Milestone Dec 2015 Questionnaire defined and agreed. Milestone 2016 Milestone 2017 Milestone 2018 Milestone 2019 Target 2020 Achieved Source: Annual questionnaire survey to be conducted by Service Provider. Quality controlled by external annual reviews. Baseline Planned 0 Milestone Dec 2015 Questionnaire defined and agreed. Milestone 2016 Milestone 2017 Milestone 2018 Milestone 2019 Assumptions 21) Current and future directives from government maintain the same level of operating space for civil society organisations and other relevant actors (e.g. private sector). Target 2020 Achieved Source: Annual questionnaire survey to be conducted by Service Provider. Quality controlled by external annual reviews. 11 IMPACT WEIGHTING (%) 25% RISK RATING Medium High INPUTS (£) Approx. 15% of total funding INPUTS (HR) DFID (FTEs) Govt (£) Other (£) Technical assistance for local and national government and CSOs in support of dialogue structures (e.g. National Dialogues, JADF processes) Total (£) DFID SHARE (%) 12 OUTPUT 4 CSOs share and use learning on effective engagement in strengthening public accountability, social cohesion, rights and good governance. Output Indicator 4.1 Extent to which approach has been defined and agreed. Baseline 0 Milestone Dec 2015 Approach to lesson learning documente d in inception report and approved by Steering Committee. Milestone 2016 Milestone 2017 Milestone 2018 Milestone 2019 Target 2020 Assumptions 22) CSOs build trust within networks and recognise the value of experience sharing. 23) CSOs are able to use lessons learned from engagement with the fund to strengthen organisational structures and internal governance. Planned Achieved Source: Inception and management reports. Output Indicator 4.2 Documented instances where a CSO partner has adopted lessons from the experience of other CSO partners. Baseline 0 Milestone 2015 0 Milestone 2016 Milestone 2017 Milestone 2018 Milestone 2019 Target 2020 Milestone 2019 Target 2020 Planned Achieved Source: Internal reviews conducted by service provider. Crosschecked by external annual reviews. Output Indicator 4.3 Satisfaction of CSO partners with the value added of participating in networks facilitated by the Baseline Planned 0 Milestone 2015 0 Milestone 2016 Milestone 2017 Milestone 2018 Achieved Source: Annual questionnaire survey to be conducted by Service Provider. Quality controlled by external annual reviews. 13 programme. IMPACT WEIGHTING (%) 15% Output Indicator 4.4 Strength of CSO partners networks with other CSOs and Government Actors. INPUTS (£) DFID (£) INPUTS (HR) DFID (FTEs) Baseline Planned 0 Milestone 2015 0 Milestone 2016 Milestone 2017 Milestone 2018 Milestone 2019 Target 2020 Achieved Source: Facilitated self-assessment by CSO partners supported by the programme. Peer review by other CSOs. Approx. 10% of total funding Govt (£) Other (£) Technical and financial support for network building and sharing of lessons and experience. RISK RATING Low Total (£) DFID SHARE (%) 14 15