PRESS RELEASE 1/11/16 From David Brouse The Blue Springs School District Parents as Teachers Program, in conjunction with the Early Childhood PTA, are co-sponsoring “Ready, Set, Off to Kindergarten” on Tuesday, February 23rd, at 7:00 p.m. at Cordill-Mason Elementary School (4001 SW Christiansen Road, Blue Springs, MO). During this adult only event, information related to enrollment procedures, school readiness, and the kindergarten experience will be presented by district staff. Parents/Guardians will also have the opportunity to visit a kindergarten classroom to see what the educational setting is like. Registration is not necessary to attend. Kindergarten transition information and required enrollment forms for the 2016-2017 school year will be posted on the district website – – by February 1, 2016. READY, SET, OFF TO KINDERGARTEN Top Ten Questions Asked by Parents of Incoming Kindergartners 1. What is the age requirement for kindergarten? Children must be five years of age prior to August 1st, 2016, in order to attend kindergarten. Children must be fully immunized prior to starting school on Wednesday, August 17th, 2016. 2. When and what is required for enrollment? Enrollment is Thursday, February 25th, from noon to 7:00 p.m., and Friday, February 26th, from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Proof of residency, the child’s birth certificate and current immunization records, and a parent photo I.D. are required for enrollment. Two forms of documentation are required to verify residency (e.g., current utility bills denoting the occupant’s name and address; lease agreement with the same information,). If in the process of constructing a house, which will not be finished by enrollment time, a copy of the building contract should be provided. If applicable, a copy of the divorce decree and parenting plan, or pertinent adoption paperwork is also appreciated. Kindergarten transition information and required enrollment forms are made available via the district’s website – – by February 1 of the preceding school year. 3. Where do I enroll? All children must be enrolled at their resident school (i.e., designated district boundary attendance site) even if a transfer to an alternate location is desired. At the time of enrollment, the resident school principal should be consulted regarding any unique considerations, including what to do if childcare is provided in an area of the district outside the boundaries of the resident school. 4. When will my child be screened? Kindergarten screening appointments are scheduled through the resident school office. As a result of some schools screening incoming kindergartners on the same day as enrollment, please contact your resident school office to confirm how and when screening will be conducted. 5. What screening instrument is used for kindergarten? The instrument used for pre-kindergarten children is the Brigance-III Screen, which is a survey or inventory of skills, not an entrance or IQ test. The screening process provides information about how the child performs on school-related tasks and also ideas on what to do over the summer to strengthen or enhance readiness skills. Parents receive a copy of the results after the screening. 6. When and how often will information about the school and district be provided? Parents are kept current, up-to-date, and well-informed about student performance, as well as school and district activities. Information is provided via different messaging formats, including electronic, phone, and paper. Orientation events are hosted in August prior to the start of school. 7. What instructional programming is available this summer for my child? A pre-kindergarten summer school program will be offered during the month of June. Summer school application information will be provided at the time of enrollment. To participate in the pre-K summer school program, the incoming kindergartener must already be enrolled to start school on August 17th and be current with required immunizations. Transportation is not provided by the district for the pre-K summer school program. 8. What should I do if my child has health or learning needs? School office staff, including principals, counselors, and health aides, are available to answer questions related to health or learning needs. Please notify the office staff of any concerns at the time of enrollment and/or screening. The district offers Transitional Kindergarten (TK) programming to qualifying candidates. The TK program is by invitation only and requires prior screening or observation (e.g., during summer school) and parent permission to participate. Please contact the district’s Curriculum and Instruction Department at 874-3200 for additional details. 9. What opportunities will be provided to visit the resident school? An opportunity to visit the resident school will occur at the time of kindergarten enrollment and screening, during pre-K summer school if hosted at the site, and/or prior to school starting. 10. Does the district offer before- and/or after-school programming? Fee-based before and/or after school programming is offered at the elementary level through the district’s Prime Time program. Prime Time supports, expands, and enriches the school day through social, recreational, and life skills development opportunities and provides full-day service during parent/teacher conferences, weather closure days, and winter, springs, and summer breaks (i.e., Summer Journey Program). To participate in the Prime Time Summer Journey, the incoming kindergartener must already be enrolled to start school on August 17th, be current with immunizations, and be capable of personally managing toileting needs. Please contact your resident school’s Prime Time site lead for additional information about the program. Other questions: Do buses deliver to daycares? – Yes, ask at enrollment to be sure they deliver to yours. What immunizations are needed? Refer to packet Are all kindergartners transported? Yes, as long as attending their resident school. Do kindergartners get rest time? – Yes, with a reduction in the amount of time as appropriate. What is the class size? – A goal of no more than 25 students per classroom has been established. READY, SET, OFF TO KINDERGARTEN February 23, 2016, @ 7:00 p.m. @ Cordill-Mason Elementary Pledge of Allegiance – Representative Cordill-Mason Kindergartners Welcome and Introductions – David Brouse PAT Educators – Jennifer Robinson, Penny Williams, & Kristi Bates CME Administrators – Greg Johnson & Kerri Edwards CME Kindergarten Team Members – ? Transportation Department – Steve Brown Health Services Department – Cherie Chambers Department of Public Safety – Sergeant Jeff Jewell Prime Time – ? Early Childhood PTA – Amanda Yount Elementary Principal Welcome – Greg Johnson Kindergarten Questions & Considerations – David Brouse Top Ten Things to Know About the “New” Kindergarten – ? Closing & Invitation to Visit Classrooms – David Brouse We are looking forward to your child attending the Blue Springs School District. We know this is a very special and exciting time for your family and, for that reason, our professional staff is prepared to make the start of school a positive and successful experience. Children are “born to learn,” and we appreciate the opportunity to work with you in expanding educational horizons for years to come. This concludes our program. Department and/or program representatives are available to answer any questions you might have. Thank you for coming and have a great evening!