Italy, 1200-1400 (Italian Gothic---TRECENTO art---1300`s)

Chapter 19
Italy, 1200-1400
(Italian Gothic---TRECENTO art---1300’s)
picks up some qualities of Northern Gothic, but keeps classical Italian emphasis---in
architecture: broader nave, only two interior bands (nave arcade and clerestory),
flattened façade, less pointed arches and windows; more balanced and rational
guilds are important networks where art becomes a regulated industry
patrons included preaching orders such as Dominicans, and Franciscans
Trecentro artists and important works
Florentine School:
Large-scale panels (unlike Byz icons) which stand on own, not as part of an altar necessarily)
*Cimabue, Madonna Enthroned, 1280-90; tempera on panel. Byzantine influence;
elongated figures, gold background, Mary points to Christ as way to Salvation (she is the throne
of wisdom); ; maniera greca (like the Byzantines/Greeks)
***Giotto, Lamentation, Arena Chapel series, Padua, Italy, 1305, fresco. Shallow stage,
diagonal cliff leading to Christ’s head; emotions of angels and Mary with resignation of others;
light falls from rights and helps to isolate bodies
*Giotto, Madonna Enthroned, 1310, tempera on wood panel; more weighty than Cimabue;
slight perspective in throne; humanized face and natural turning. NATURALISTIC APPROACH
is precursor to Renaissance.
Siennese School:
More decorative and elegant.
Thinner figures, elegant and courtly, rich colors =*(International Style) .
Sense of staging with open windows or doors.
**Duccio, Maesta, 1308, tempera on panel…for altar of Sienese Cathedral. Rich and complex
with decorative patterning on throne. Mary= Queen of Heaven
**Martini, Annunciation, 1333. International School—elongated bodies, gold, ornate, lilies
for purity; courtly gestures. Elaborate Gothic frame with pinnacles
**Lorenzetti, Good Government in the City and Country, 1338, Public Palace, Siena,
in public center for law; uses both latin and Italian; prosperous town scene, food comes into
city; country is peaceful and bountiful---idealized life of Siena city-state
*Lorenzetti, Birth of a Virgin, 1342, tempera
Triptych builds interior space with common focus; open windows show spatial depth of
outside. St. Anne gives birth to Mary.
Pisano, Nicola (Father) mid 1200s --- Pisa artist crossing classical w/ Gothic.
The Pisa Pulpit (in Baptistry), 1259. Annunciation and Nativity. Crowded
composition yet calm; heavy drapery; facial expression yet static bodies.
Pisano, Giovanni (son), early 1300s
The Pisa Pulpit (in Cathedral), 1302. More spacious, less crowded. Deep cuts create
shadow; French Gothic embellishment and nervousness
Orvietto Cathedral, 1310----false, flat, broad, highly decorated façade masking narrow nave.
Elements of French Gothic with Classical Italain.
Florence Cathedral—1296. Clam, rational. Earthbound Italian vs Heaven-bound French
Milan Cathedral, 1386
Confused mix of late Gothic pinnacles and elaboarate tracery with flat façade and wide nave.
International Gothic Style
Maniera greca
Tempera on panel
Florence rises to prominence because of its wool industry. Relies on England for raw
Plague is devastating----Black Death (1348) kills more than ½ of all Florence