Wayne Nagadome Web Activity III - Islamic Architecture HUMA-1100-041 •Ali Qapu (The Royal Palace) Ali Qapu the royal palace Persian architecture is a grand palace in Isfahan, Iran. It is forty-eight meters high and there are six floors. This palace once houses the royal family. The cream colored walls and the beautiful carving in the walls highlight the beauty of this palace. Looking at the photograph of this great palace make me wonder what it would be like to see it for real. In most of the review people talk a lot about the great music chambers and the hollow columns and the carving in the wall create a beautiful acoustic sound all throw the building. This building has served as an administrative building for visiting guest and royal families. The art that I have witness from the photograph is breath taking. A building that was built in the 17 century is in remarkably good shape. The art and the carving were done over 400 hundred years ago. National Organization for Conservation of Historic Monuments of Iran restores the building in 1977 adding on three more story where added behind the talar. Over the last sixty years more rooms was add to the royal palace and beautiful glass colored windows. The royal palace is located in the west facade of the Shah Maydan where the royals could watch all of their spectator and wellwisher. The columns are decorated with mirror and the floor with painting of nature. This seems like one of the great wonder of the world it is a site that must be see. The Ali Qapu royal palace has survives the wars of time it just as beautiful as it was in the 17th century and even more beautiful now. I think that I would enjoy it more if I could see it for real not just from photograph, and feel the history behind this great building. Si-o-seh Pol Bridge of 33 arches Wayne Nagadome Web Activity III - Islamic Architecture HUMA-1100-041 According to (look Bridges) The Si-o-Se Pol Bridge, translated from Farsi language as the bridge of 33 arches, is one of the most famous bridges in the world, It is beauty and has remarkable architecture. Located in the city of Isfahan, in Iran, the Si-o-Se Pol Bridge is probably one of the great images of the Safavid bridge design, and one of the most famous sites in Iran. The bridge was built of stone and brick, the man that was designer commissioned to create the bridge in 1602 was Shah Abbas. Though the bridge was forty arches at first, the number gradually decreased to 33. The base plank which is standing at the start of the bridge is made larger to support a tea house on the bridge. For something that was building back in the 17th century and the design it most have taken a lot of man power. The bridge was once known as the (Allahverdi Khan Bridge) the bridges over the river include some of the nicest architecture in Isfahan. The bridge’s structure is built from the yellow brick and limestone masonry that is typical of Esfahan architecture. I have seen a lot of bridge’s in my life time but the beauty of this bridge over whelms me the lighting that reflect the river, beautiful golden arches’ make you wonder what was going throw the architecture mind when he design this 17th century bridge. Just looking at photo of this bridge does me no justice, it makes me want to get on a plane and go see it for myself. The history alone gives you a feeling of wonder and adventure. The Si-o-Se Bridge is one of the great wonder of the world. I can honestly say that the Persian people were some of the greatest architect of in world. Wayne Nagadome Web Activity III - Islamic Architecture HUMA-1100-041 Chehel Sotoon Palace of Forty Pillars The Chehel Sotoon Palace of Forty Pillars is located in Isfahan, Iran in a park the building is supported by twenty wooden columns, the name the forty wooden columns came from the reflection from the water in the fountain . The building which is now a museum contains beautiful painting and ceramic statues. The Chehel Sotun has been badly damaged when the Afghans occupied the town and try to destroy the paintings with a thick coat of whitewash. The palace had beautiful Perish painting and ceramics it was a pleasure pavilion used for the king's entertainments and receptions. Build in the 17th century the pool has four lion at the corner of the pool. The beautiful art in and around the building show how talented the Perish were. Iran's Chehel Sotoun pavilion is one of the great wonders of the Safavid era, which reflects the rich Iranian art. The pavilion is situated in a five acre garden with the same name. I can only say so much just look at the photo of the pavilion. I think that it will be a great place to see.