History 1301, American History to 1877

Course Number: Biology 1407 1409
Course Title: General Biology II
Course Description: For science majors. Continuation of Biology 1406. The biology of the protistans,
fungi, plants and animals with emphasis on the body systems. Also includes development, diversity,
animal behavior and ecology. Dissection included. Laboratory correlates with lecture topics. Lab
Course Credit Hours: 4
Lecture Hours: 3
Lab Hours: 3
Prerequisite: Biology 1406
Student Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this course the students should be able to do the
1. Explain the mechanism for evolutionary change proposed by Charles Darwin and its relationship to
the “Modern Synthesis”.
2. Define Ernst Mayr’s biological species concept and distinguish it from the other major species
concepts including the following: the morphological species concept, the ecological species concept, the
paleontological species concept, and the phylogenetic species concept.
3. Define and distinguish the allopatric and sympatric modes of speciation.
4. Describe the process of using cladistics to reconstruct phylogenetic relationships and develop
phylogenetic diagrams.
5. Describe the terrestrial adaptations that contributed to the success of seed plants.
6. Define the major characteristics that distinguish the animal kingdom from the other eukaryotic
7. Define and identify the major animal tissues and explain how their structure relates to their functions.
8. Describe the processes and structural components of the following animal systems: digestive,
circulatory, and respiratory.
Withdrawal Policy: See the current Collin Registration Guide for last day to withdraw.
Collin College Academic Policies: See the current Collin Student Handbook.
Americans with Disabilities Act Statement: Collin College will adhere to all applicable federal, state
and local laws, regulations and guidelines with respect to providing reasonable accommodations as
required to afford equal educational opportunity. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the ACCESS
office, SCC-G200 or 972.881.5898 (V/TTD: 972.881.5950) to arrange for appropriate accommodations.
See the current Collin Student Handbook for additional information.
Instructor’s Name: Elizabeth Felker
Office Number: Founders Hall F229
Office Hours: By appointment only Monday –Friday 8:00 a.m. – 5:00p.m
Phone Number: 972-377-1581
Email: efelker@collin.edu
Course Resources: Biology Laboratory Manual, Mader
Loose-leaf notebook to keep lab reports and handouts
Latex gloves; if desired a labcoat or apron; a dissecting kit if you want your own tools.
Goggles are required during lab. These can be purchased from the bookstore.
Attendance Policy: Laboratory attendance is mandatory. If a student misses one of the practical exams, they must
make-up the exam only after approval of the lab instructor (arrangements for the make-up can be done ONLY by the
instructor). Instructors cannot count one practical exam grade twice. Contact your instructor immediately if you fail
to take one of the practical exams. Students who stop attending class and do not officially withdraw from the course
will be assigned a grade of “F”.
Come on time. The lab doors are locked for security reasons and they will only be opened for the first 5 minutes of
class. Class will start on time. If you are late you will miss whatever activity that takes place at the beginning of class
(review before quiz, quiz, bonus activities or introduction to lab activity). If you are late you can join the class only
when the activity we started is over. Come prepared to class. You have the course syllabus – use it to review the
exercise we are going to discuss.
Students who will miss lab due to an illness, emergency, or previously scheduled engagement must email me ASAP.
If you miss lab, and do not email me, I will not allow you to attend one my later lab sessions. If you miss lab due to
illness a note from your doctor must be presented. In order to attend lab closed toe shoes must be worn at all times,
included practical exams.
Lateral transfers will not be granted after the 4th week of class or after the first exam, whichever comes first.
Exceptions to this are for documented changes in work schedule or family emergencies. If a student does transfer to
another section, all previous grades will accompany the student. However, the new instructor can require the student
to retake any exam or quiz. For questions concerning this policy, contact the Biology Department Chair.
Method of Evaluation:
Overall course grade: Lecture 70%, lab 30%
Lab: 3 practical exams - 20% each
Quizzes - 20% of lab grade
Lab reports - 20% of lab grade
Practical Examinations: There will be two practical examinations given throughout the course of the semester. These
exams will be given in the laboratory. Practical I will cover all material from the first half of the semester, and
Practical II will cover all material from the second half of the semester.
Quizzes: Quizzes can be cumulative, and can cover any material covered in a previous lab. Quizzes are given at the
beginning of class. If the student is late to class, they MAY NOT take the quiz late.
Lab Reports:
These reports will be a summary of the experiment(s)
performed with the hypothesis/es, the steps performed during the experiment, a figure/figures demonstrating
the results along with a description of those results, and finally a conclusion of two to three sentences that
interpret and analyze what the results mean.
One lengthy and in depth lab report will be assigned middle of the semester. Topic with be either plant or
insect related and this lab report with count twice. Lab reports should be submitted typed according to
instructions that will be given and discussed in class. Lab reports should be submitted on the due date during
class. Once class starts I will not accept any work of any kind unless you have a note from your doctor.
Course calendar as follows on page 4:
Evolution, Evolutionary Mechanisms
Lab 12-13, Handouts
Cyanobacteria, Protists
Lab 14, pp 182-193
Lab 33, pp 491-492
***Labor Day Holiday 9/3***
***Fall Census Date (drop with no grade) 9/10***
Seedless Plants
Seed Plants
Lab 16
Labs 17, 21
Plant Structure
Lab 18, 33 pp 485, 486,
Lab 15, 33 p. 487
*** Last Day to Withdraw 10/19***
Intro to Invertebrates
Lab 22
Lab 33, pp 493-498
Invertebrate Coelomates
Lab 23, pp 313-332
Invertebrate Coelomates, Animal Organization, Chordates
Lab 23, pp 333-335
Lab 25
Lab 24, pp 337-348
Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy
Lab 24, pp 349-355
Lab 26, p 396
Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy
Lab 26, p 385
Lab 27, pp 397-401
***Thanksgiving Holiday 11/21 – 11/25***
Lab 27