1 2 3 4 5 6 Synthesis proposal for PAInt, UNR Christopher Moore 30 September 2013 7 arrive in areas where they may find sufficient resources to survive and reproduce. Like all traits, 8 dispersal is an evolutionary outcome of selection against ancestral lineages with dispersal-related 9 and other fitness-affecting traits that insufficiently acquire resources to survive and reproduce, Proposal: Dispersal-mass relationships Dispersal is a process whereby organisms escape density-dependent factors in space or time to 10 given their respective environments. Dispersal can accordingly be interpreted as the trait 11 mediating the spatial scale at which organisms interact with their environment, both biotic and 12 abiotic. 13 If ecologists are interested in the spatial and temporal patterns of the distribution and 14 abundance of organisms, including causes and consequences1, then a robust understanding of 15 patterns of mediating the spatial scale at which organisms interact with their environment (i.e., 16 dispersal) is imperative. Gathering empirical data on dispersal in the laboratory and field is often 17 difficult due to the large spatial scales that need to be sampled, so dispersal biology has 18 historically largely been theoretical because of the paucity of empirical data. Nonetheless, recent 19 years in methodological advances and awareness of dispersal and movement ecology2 have 20 yielded greater attention to dispersal3. In the 25 years since dispersal biology began logistic 21 growth in the number of studies, there have been various, but few, syntheses on the topic. 22 Concurrent with studies in dispersal, ecologists have also experienced the emergence of a 23 subfield that is a resurgence of early ecology's roots of a top-down, holistic approach (e.g., 24 Clemensian ecology, the Arrhenius law, Preston's species-abundance distributions), 25 marcoecology. Some of the large-scale patterns incorporated into the macroecological paradigm 26 include: Kleiber allometry (mass-metabolic rate relationship: bmr = mass3/4), mass-generation 27 time relationship: generation time = constant mass0.27, Fenchel's allometry (mass-growth rate 28 relationship: rmax = constant mass-0.26), Damuth's allometry (mass-density relationship: density 29 = constant mass-0.76), and Calder's allometry (mass-population cycle period relationships: 30 constant mass0.26). Curiously, there is no literature to my knowledge that has attempted to 31 synthesize the relationship between dispersal and other ecologically meaningful traits across 32 deeply diverged taxa. 33 Herein, I propose a synthesis of the trove of dispersal studies. Primarily, I think that there are 34 enough studies that have studied dispersal distance to relate it to body mass, therefore allowing 35 quantitative synthesis of the spatial scale at which organisms interact with their environment. 36 Secondarily, I think there are other informative comparisons with enough data that could be 37 made to dispersal distance, that at least need to be controlled for, including, for example: range 38 size, social system, latitude, and trophic position. Because this is a field in which I actively 39 research, I can say with a good deal of confidence that there is enough data, and extractable data 40 from dispersal studies. 41 This would be exploratory synthesis testing the prediction that there is a relationship between 42 dispersal distance and organismal mass if the hypothesis that dispersal mediates the degree to 43 which organisms interact with their environment is true. 44 1 From Scheiner and Willig, 2008, Theor. Ecol. 1:21–28; see table 1 for other definitions. 2 A 2006 Science Special Issue: http://www.sciencemag.org/content/313/5788.toc#SpecialIssue, a 2008 Special Feature in PNAS: http://www.pnas.org/cgi/collection/movt_ecology, and a new journal of this year Movement Ecology: http://www.movementecologyjournal.com/. 3 A Web Of Science search for the word "dispersal," ranked by frequency: