situational tasks-ситуационная задачы

Case studies:
Task №1.
In connection with the expansion of construction in the city of Bukhara and placing
engineering plant in the Zarafshan River is scheduled discharge of industrial
effluents containing copper, zinc and cyanide. Zarafshan River according to
laboratory analyzes urban CSSES specific contaminants does not contain a
paragraph near water (settlements Dustabod) 12 km below the effluent discharge is
used for drinking purposes.
The design flow of the river "A» Q = 60,0 m3 / sec. Mixing ratio in the calculation
to determine the design and alignment is a = 0.4. Flow of wastewater q = 0,2
kub.m.sek. The concentration of impurities in the effluent cyanide - 55.0 mg / l of
copper - 18.0 mg / l zinc 120.0 mg / l.
Determine the conditions under which the manufacturing plant and wastewater can
be discharged into the river Zarafshan according SanPin 0056 - '96.
Solution of the problem №1
The concentration of pollutants in the wastewater which can be reset in a reservoir
in accordance with the requirements of "Rules of protection of surface waters from
sewage pollution" (SanPin 0056 - 96) is given by:
For a = --------- (the PDC - By the river) to the MPC +
1. Possible summation of action for discharge to the pond several substances must
first determine each concentration of these substances in the water can be
considered valid.
To do this, we write from San PiN 0015 - 96 Appendix List of MPC in the pond for
the intended, reset substances and limiting parameters for which they have been
names pollution
approved MPC
limiting rate
MPC with
- 0,1
Because All three substances of different character actions (have different limiting
value), the summation of action does not have, and because the concentration of
each of them in the water will be safe at approved (full)
2. Determine the allowable reset contamination concentration in wastewater:
0.4 x 60
a) to Art. Cyanogen. ---------------- X = (0.1 - 0) + 12 = 0.1 mg / l
0.4 x 60
b) to Art. copper. ---------------- X = (1.0 - 0) = 121 + 1.0 mg / l
0.4 x 60
c) to Art. Cyanogen. ---------------- X = (1.0 - 0) = 121 + 1.0 mg / l
The calculations show that allowed the discharge into the reservoir concentration of
copper and zinc in the effluent more than scheduled reset.
Therefore, it is necessary effluent from cyanide 78% (55 mg / l - 12 mg / l) = 43 mg
/ l, which is 55 mg / L = 78%
Conclusion. According to the calculations discharge of effluent from mashinostroi telnogo plant in the Zarafshan River is only possible if the conditions of their
treatment of cyanide to the residual concentration of not more than 12.0 mg / l ie
Problem №2
In Angra projected construction of non-ferrous metallurgy.
Determine the conditions under which the waste water can be discharged into the
river Kattasay if, according to the organization received from projecting the number
of sewage 0.04 kub.m.sek.
Concentrations of contaminants therein cyanide = 50 mg / l, thiocyanates = 120 mg /
l = Lead 24.0 mg / l Zn = 300 mg / l.
The nearest water point is 16 km below the effluent discharge yavlyaetsyaposelki
"Hur", whose population enjoys vodoprodnoy water from the river "Kattasay."
The design flow of the river "Kattasay" = 12 kub.m.sek. and the mixing ratio runoff
from river water in the calculated alignment = 0.8. River "Kattasay" according to the
sanitary surveillance of specific contaminants does not.
Decision task №2
The calculation of the concentration of pollutants in the wastewater, which can be
reset in the pond without violating the requirements of SanPiN 0056-96 conducted
by the formula:
For a = --------- (the PDC - By the river) to the MPC +
However, before substitute values into the formula, "the PDC" should be carried
out, what the concentration of each of the 4 substances discharged in the pond will
be really valid, ie, harmless. After all, in the pond will be a complex matter (4substances), and approved by the MPC for each set of isolated action.
Write down the approved (full) MPC for each substance in the water and limiting
their performance.
names pollution
approved MPC
limiting rate
MPC with
- 0,1/3 = 0,03
- 0,2/3 = 0,06
- 0,03/3 = 0,01
Thus, in the calculation formula on the basis of SanPin substitute one third of the
maximum permissible concentration of toxic substances approved:
By st.tsian. = 0.8 x 12.0 / 0.04 x (0.03 - 0) + 0.03 = 7.27
By Art. thiocyanates = 0,8h12 / 0.04 (0.06 - 0) + 0.06 = 14.46
FTC. Lead = 0,8h12 / 0.04 (0.01 - 0) + 0.01 = 2.41
To calculate the concentration of zinc in the effluent, which can be reset in a
reservoir, supplying a complete MAC approved because substances that affect the
sanitary conditions of the reservoir is only one:
By st.tsink = 0,8h12 / 0.04 (1.0 - 0) + 1.0 = 241.0
Conclusion: According to the results of the calculations designed plant effluents can
be discharged into the river "Kattasay" only if they are clean from cyanide at least =
85.5% from 88.0% thiocyanate = 90% of lead and zinc by 20% ie until the residual
concentration in the effluent not exceeding 7 Cyanide mg / l, thiocyanates = 12.0 mg
/ L lead = 10 mg / l zinc and 240 mg / l
Problem №3
The city "Kuva" on existing chemical plant is scheduled to host the new production
in the effluent that will contain phenol and formaldehyde.
Give opinion on the possibility of construction of the production with the
discharge of effluent into the river "Kuvasay" if:
- The amount of waste generated q-0.8m / s
- The concentration of pollution they Sstfenola - 40 mg / l;
- Sstformaldegida - 60 mg / l;
- The minimum design flow of the river "Kuvasay» - Q - 70m3 / s
Problem №4
Assess the effectiveness of wastewater treatment aeration station according to
given protocol (№ 105), water discharge is carried out in the Amu Darya River.
within the city limits.
Minutes №105
Studies wastewater purification steps.
Place of sampling - wastewater treatment plants.
Take Time proby- 29.09.2006
Index inaliza Wastewater
Do. After pleased. After After chlorine
Ostoy Cove aeration
1.Temperatura C 20.5 21 19.6 20
2.Prozrachnost, cm 14.0 9.0 13.0 19.0
3.Vivesch.veschestaya mg.l 2,150.0 160.0 92.0 16.0
4.rN. 7.0 7.6 7.7 7.7
5.BPK full OL mg 115.0 109.0 12.0 10.0
6.Hloridy 33.0 45.0 40.0 40.0
7.Ostat. chlorine mg.l. - - - 1.5
Task №1.
In connection with the expansion of construction in the city of Bukhara and placing
engineering plant in the Zarafshan River is scheduled discharge of industrial
effluents containing copper, zinc and cyanide. Zarafshan River according to
laboratory analyzes urban CSSES specific contaminants does not contain a
paragraph near water (settlements Dustabod) 12 km below the effluent discharge is
used for drinking purposes.
The design flow of the river "A» Q = 60,0 m3 / sec. Mixing ratio in the calculation
to determine the design and alignment is a = 0.4. Flow of wastewater q = 0,2
kub.m.sek. The concentration of impurities in the effluent cyanide - 55.0 mg / l of
copper - 18.0 mg / l zinc 120.0 mg / l.
Determine the conditions under which the manufacturing plant and wastewater can
be discharged into the river Zarafshan according SanPin 0056 - '96.
Solution of the problem №5
The concentration of pollutants in the wastewater which can be reset in a reservoir
in accordance with the requirements of "Rules of protection of surface waters from
sewage pollution" (SanPin 0056 - 96) is given by:
For a = --------- (the PDC - By the river) to the MPC +
1. Possible summation of action for discharge to the pond several substances must
first determine each concentration of these substances in the water can be
considered valid.
To do this, we write from San PiN 0015 - 96 Appendix List of MPC in the pond for
the intended, reset substances and limiting parameters for which they have been
names pollution
approved MPC
limiting rate
MPC with
- 0,1
Because All three substances of different character actions (have different limiting
value), the summation of action does not have, and because the concentration of
each of them in the water will be safe at approved (full)
2. Determine the allowable reset contamination concentration in wastewater:
0.4 x 60
a) to Art. Cyanogen. ---------------- X = (0.1 - 0) + 12 = 0.1 mg / l
0.4 x 60
b) to Art. copper. ---------------- X = (1.0 - 0) = 121 + 1.0 mg / l
0.4 x 60
c) to Art. Cyanogen. ---------------- X = (1.0 - 0) = 121 + 1.0 mg / l
The calculations show that allowed the discharge into the reservoir concentration of
copper and zinc in the effluent more than scheduled reset.
Therefore, it is necessary effluent from cyanide 78% (55 mg / l - 12 mg / l) = 43 mg
/ l, which is 55 mg / L = 78%
Conclusion. According to the calculations discharge of effluent from mashinostroi telnogo plant in the Zarafshan River is only possible if the conditions of their
treatment of cyanide to the residual concentration of not more than 12.0 mg / l ie
The problem of №6
In Angra projected construction of non-ferrous metallurgy.
Determine the conditions under which the waste water can be discharged into the
river Kattasay if, according to the organization received from projecting the number
of sewage 0.04 kub.m.sek.
Concentrations of contaminants therein cyanide = 50 mg / l, thiocyanates = 120 mg /
l = Lead 24.0 mg / l Zn = 300 mg / l.
The nearest water point is 16 km below the effluent discharge yavlyaetsyaposelki
"Hur", whose population enjoys vodoprodnoy water from the river "Kattasay."
The design flow of the river "Kattasay" = 12 kub.m.sek. and the mixing ratio runoff
from river water in the calculated alignment = 0.8. River "Kattasay" according to the
sanitary surveillance of specific contaminants does not.
Decision task №7
The calculation of the concentration of pollutants in the wastewater, which can be
reset in the pond without violating the requirements of SanPiN 0056-96 conducted
by the formula:
For a = --------- (the PDC - By the river) to the MPC +
However, before substitute values into the formula, "the PDC" should be carried
out, what the concentration of each of the 4 substances discharged in the pond will
be really valid, ie, harmless. After all, in the pond will be a complex matter (4substances), and approved by the MPC for each set of isolated action.
Write down the approved (full) MPC for each substance in the water and limiting
their performance.
names pollution
approved MPC
limiting rate
MPC with
- 0,1/3 = 0,03
- 0,2/3 = 0,06
- 0,03/3 = 0,01
Thus, in the calculation formula on the basis of SanPin substitute one third of the
maximum permissible concentration of toxic substances approved:
By st.tsian. = 0.8 x 12.0 / 0.04 x (0.03 - 0) + 0.03 = 7.27
By Art. thiocyanates = 0,8h12 / 0.04 (0.06 - 0) + 0.06 = 14.46
FTC. Lead = 0,8h12 / 0.04 (0.01 - 0) + 0.01 = 2.41
To calculate the concentration of zinc in the effluent, which can be reset in a
reservoir, supplying a complete MAC approved because substances that affect the
sanitary conditions of the reservoir is only one:
By st.tsink = 0,8h12 / 0.04 (1.0 - 0) + 1.0 = 241.0
Conclusion: According to the results of the calculations designed plant effluents can
be discharged into the river "Kattasay" only if they are clean from cyanide at least =
85.5% from 88.0% thiocyanate = 90% of lead and zinc by 20% ie until the residual
concentration in the effluent not exceeding 7 Cyanide mg / l, thiocyanates = 12.0 mg
/ L lead = 10 mg / l zinc and 240 mg / l
Solution of the problem №8
The concentration of pollutants in the wastewater which can be reset in a reservoir
in accordance with the requirements of "Rules of protection of surface waters from
sewage pollution" (SanPin 0056 - 96) is given by:
For a = --------- (the PDC - By the river) to the MPC +
1. Possible summation of action for discharge to the pond several substances must
first determine each concentration of these substances in the water can be
considered valid.
To do this, we write from San PiN 0015 - 96 Appendix List of MPC in the pond for
the intended, reset substances and limiting parameters for which they have been
names pollution
approved MPC
limiting rate
MPC with
- 0,1
Because All three substances of different character actions (have different limiting
value), the summation of action does not have, and because the concentration of
each of them in the water will be safe at approved (full)
2. Determine the allowable reset contamination concentration in wastewater:
0.4 x 60
a) to Art. Cyanogen. ---------------- X = (0.1 - 0) + 12 = 0.1 mg / l
0.4 x 60
b) to Art. copper. ---------------- X = (1.0 - 0) = 121 + 1.0 mg / l
0.4 x 60
c) to Art. Cyanogen. ---------------- X = (1.0 - 0) = 121 + 1.0 mg / l
The calculations show that allowed the discharge into the reservoir concentration of
copper and zinc in the effluent more than scheduled reset.
Therefore, it is necessary effluent from cyanide 78% (55 mg / l - 12 mg / l) = 43 mg
/ l, which is 55 mg / L = 78%
Conclusion. According to the calculations discharge of effluent from mashinostroi telnogo plant in Sirdar river is possible only if the conditions of their treatment of
cyanide to the residual concentration of not more than 12.0 mg / l ie 76%.
Task №9
In the city Akhangaran projected construction of non-ferrous metallurgy.
Determine the conditions under which the waste water can be discharged into the
river Ahangaransay if, according to the organization received from projecting the
number of sewage 0.04 kub.m.sek.
Concentrations of contaminants therein cyanide = 50 mg / l, thiocyanates = 120 mg /
l = Lead 24.0 mg / l Zn = 300 mg / l.
The nearest water point is 16 km below the effluent discharge yavlyaetsyaposelki
"Hur", whose population enjoys vodoprodnoy water from the river "Ahangaransay."
The design flow of the river "Ahangaransay" = 12 kub.m.sek. and the mixing ratio
runoff from river water in the calculated alignment = 0.8. River "Ahangaransay"
according to the sanitary surveillance of specific contaminants does not.