Reliability Assessment Work Group DRAFT Meeting Minutes September 9, 2014 8:00 a.m.– 5:00 p.m. MDT Salt Lake City, Utah 1. Welcome Milorad Papic, RAWG Chair, called the meeting to order at 8:05 a.m. on September 9, 2014. Attendees were asked to introduce themselves by name and affiliation, both in person and over the phone/webinar. A list of attendees is attached as Exhibit A. Maggie Peacock reviewed the WECC Antitrust Policy. 2. Approve Agenda Milorad Papic introduced the proposed meeting agenda. By consensus, the RAWG approved the agenda. 3. Probabilistic Workshop: History and Background – Milorad Papic Milorad Papic started the RAWG Probabilistic workshop with a high level review od the History of Loss of Load Probability (LOLP), GTRPM Methodology, Industry Reliability Metrics, and practical examples of probabilistic in the industry. The presentation is posted to the WECC Website. 4. Probabilistic Workshop: Western Interconnection Presentations on probabilistic studies done in the Western Interconnection were provided by Southern California Edison, Northwest Power Pool, and BC Hydro. These presentations are posted to the WECC Website. 5. Probabilistic Workshop: NERC Presentations on probabilistic studies done in North America were provided. a. A Direct High Speed Calculation Procedure For Determining LOLE, LOLH, and EUE For Fossil, Wind, and Solar Generation With A Suggested Procedure For Also Including Transmission Constraints – Gene Preston b. IEEE LOLE Best Practices Working Group – Brandon Heath, MISO WESTERN ELECTRICITY COORDINATING COUNCIL 155 North 400 West, Suite 200 Salt Lake City, Utah 84103-1114 RAWG Meeting Minutes September 9, 2014 2 These presentations are posted to the WECC Website. 6. Probabilistic Workshop: WECC/RAWG’s role – Matthew Elkins Matthew Elkins provided a presentation on the next steps WECC is taking in regard to probabilistic studies and the role RAWG will have in that future. The presentation is posted to the WECC Website. 7. Reports: Review of the following WECC and NERC activities were provided to the RAWG membership a. NERC Long Term Reliability Assessment (LTRA) – No update b. WECC Power Supply Assessment (PSA) – Maggie Peacock c. WECC State of the Interconnection (SOTI) – Ben Aldous d. NERC Probabilistic Assessment – Matt Elkins (10 minutes) 8. Group discussion on 2015 action items and activities The group had a brief round table discussion on 2015 activities. 9. Review of New Action Items 1. Summary of the probabilistic workshop that occurred as part of the September 2014 RAWG meeting. a. Assigned To: Milorad Papic b. Due Date: January 2015 2. Milorad Papic and Matthew Elkins to have an offline discussion on the possibilities of running Matthew’s probabilistic study method using Idaho Power data a. Assigned to: Milorad Papic, Matthew Elkins b. Due Date: January 2015 3. Reliability Assessment department to research what Standard requirement impact the assessments, reports and studies done by the department. a. Assigned to: WECC Reliability Assessment Staff b. Due Date: January 2015 4. Matthew Elkins to follow up with Baj at APS on his question concerning the practical application Matthew’s probabilistic study method. a. Assigned to: Matthew Elkins, Baj Agrawal W E S T E R N E L E C T R I C I T Y C O O R D I N A T I N G C O U N C I L RAWG Meeting Minutes September 9, 2014 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 3 b. Due Date: January 2015 Provide follow up with the data/reasoning behind CA/MX lower than summer winter margin. a. Assigned to: WECC Reliability Assessment Staff b. Due Date: January 2015 Presentation and round table discussion about the PSA building block methodology. a. Assigned to: WECC Reliability Assessment Staff b. Due Date: January 2015 Round table discussion on past SOTI and RAWG's feedback to WECC staff on suggestions and improvements for future reports. a. Assigned to: RAWG b. Due Date: January 2015 Presentation and round table discussion on the 2015 deadlines and RAWG meetings to satisfy RAWG's goals and actions items. a. Assigned to: Milorad Papic, Maggie Peacock b. Due Date: January 2015 Elect vice chair a. Assigned to: RAWG b. Due Date: January 2015 10.Upcoming Meetings January 13, 2015 .......................................................................................Salt Lake City, Utah 11. Adjourn Milorad Papic adjourned the meeting without objection. W E S T E R N E L E C T R I C I T Y C O O R D I N A T I N G C O U N C I L RAWG Meeting Minutes September 9, 2014 4 Exhibit A: Attendance List Milorad Papic ............................................................................................................................ Idaho Power Vishal Patel ...............................................................................................................................................SCE Gene Preston ................................................................................................................................. Presenter Nan Dai ........................................................................................................................................... BC Hydro Brandon Heath ......................................................................................................................................MISO Rob Diffely ............................................................................................................................................... BPA W E S T E R N E L E C T R I C I T Y C O O R D I N A T I N G C O U N C I L